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<title>MASearch</title> | |
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/* Верхний фрейм */ | |
header { | |
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justify-content: space-between; | |
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display: flex; | |
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font-size: 14px; | |
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.visitor-counter { | |
font-size: 14px; | |
font-weight: bold; | |
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); | |
padding: 5px 10px; | |
border-radius: 5px; | |
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.community-link { | |
font-size: 12px; | |
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iframe { | |
flex: 1; | |
width: 100%; | |
border: none; | |
} | |
/* Кнопки установки */ | |
#installButton, #iosInstallPrompt { | |
display: none; | |
position: fixed; | |
bottom: 20px; | |
left: 50%; | |
transform: translateX(-50%); | |
padding: 10px 15px; | |
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font-size: 14px; | |
} | |
#iosInstallPrompt { | |
background-color: #28a745; | |
} | |
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<body> | |
<header> | |
<div class="logo-container"> | |
<img src="/icon.png" alt="Logo"> | |
<div class="header-info"> | |
<span>MASearch</span> | |
<a href="" class="community-link" target="_blank">Сообщество</a> | |
</div> | |
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<div class="visitor-counter"> | |
Посетителей за месяц: <span id="visitorCount">0</span> | |
</div> | |
</header> | |
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen></iframe> | |
<button id="installButton">Установить это приложение</button> | |
<button id="iosInstallPrompt">Добавить на экран Домой</button> | |
<script> | |
let deferredPrompt; | |
const installButton = document.getElementById('installButton'); | |
const iosInstallPrompt = document.getElementById('iosInstallPrompt'); | |
const visitorCountElement = document.getElementById('visitorCount'); | |
/* Счетчик посетителей */ | |
function updateVisitorCount() { | |
fetch('') | |
.then(response => response.text()) | |
.then(data => { | |
const match = data.match(/"count":"(\d+)"/); | |
if (match) { | |
visitorCountElement.textContent = match[1]; | |
} | |
}) | |
.catch(error => console.log('Ошибка загрузки счетчика:', error)); | |
} | |
updateVisitorCount(); | |
setInterval(updateVisitorCount, 60000); // Обновление раз в минуту | |
/* Обнаружение iOS и отображение инструкции */ | |
function isIos() { | |
return /iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(navigator.userAgent); | |
} | |
function isInStandaloneMode() { | |
return window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches || window.navigator.standalone; | |
} | |
if (isIos() && !isInStandaloneMode()) { | | = 'block'; | |
iosInstallPrompt.addEventListener('click', () => { | |
alert("1. Нажмите кнопку 'Поделиться' (иконка внизу Safari).\n2. Выберите 'Добавить на экран Домой'.\n3. Подтвердите установку."); | |
}); | |
} | |
/* Обработчик события для установки PWA */ | |
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (event) => { | |
event.preventDefault(); | |
deferredPrompt = event; | | = 'block'; | |
installButton.addEventListener('click', async () => { | |
deferredPrompt.prompt(); | |
const { outcome } = await deferredPrompt.userChoice; | |
if (outcome === 'accepted') { | |
console.log('User accepted the install prompt'); | |
} else { | |
console.log('User dismissed the install prompt'); | |
} | | = 'none'; | |
}); | |
}); | |
/* Регистрация Service Worker */ | |
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { | |
window.addEventListener('load', () => { | |
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js') | |
.then((registration) => console.log('Service Worker зарегистрирован:', registration)) | |
.catch((error) => console.log('Ошибка Service Worker:', error)); | |
}); | |
} | |
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