# Copyright 2025 Akihito Miyazaki. team. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import gradio as gr from smolagents import CodeAgent, tool from linear_api_utils import execute_query from sleep_per_last_token_model import SleepPerLastTokenModelLiteLLM # if use .env need these lines HF_TOKEN is optional """ LINEAR_API_KEY="lin_api_***" GROQ_API_KEY = "gsk_***" HF_TOKEN = "hf_***" """ def get_env_value(key, is_value_error_on_null=True): """ Gets an environment variable's value, loading from .env if needed. Args: key (str): Environment variable name. is_value_error_on_null (bool): Raise ValueError if not found (default: True). Returns: str: Environment variable value. Raises: ValueError: If `key` is not found and `is_value_error_on_null` is True. """ value = os.getenv(key) if value is None: from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() value = os.getenv(key) if is_value_error_on_null and value is None: raise ValueError(f"Need {key} on secret or .env(If running on local)") return value # SETTINGS LINEAR_ISSUE_LABEL = "huggingface-public" # only show issue with this label,I added for demo you can remove this ## set secret key on Space setting or .env(local) # hf_token = get_env_value("HF_TOKEN") groq_api_key = get_env_value("GROQ_API_KEY") api_key = get_env_value("LINEAR_API_KEY") if api_key is None: raise ValueError("Need LINEAR_API_KEY on secret") if groq_api_key is None: raise ValueError("Need GROQ_API_KEY on secret") model_id = "groq/llama3-8b-8192" def add_comment(issue_id, model_name, comment): """ Add comment to an issue. Args: issue_id (str): Issue ID. model_name (str): Model name added as title. comment (str): Comment text. Returns: str: query result json. """ comment = comment.replace('"', '\\"').replace("\n", "\\n") # escape doublequote # header = f"\\n" header = f"[ ](start-ai-comment:{model_name})\\n" header += f"# {model_name.split('/')[1]}'s comment'\\n" comment = header + comment comment_create_text = """ mutation CommentCreate { commentCreate( input: { issueId : "%s" body:"%s" } ) { success comment { id body } } }""" % (issue_id, comment) result = execute_query("add comment", comment_create_text, api_key) issue_id = None def change_state_reviewing(): """ Change the state of an issue to "Reviewing". Returns: None """ get_state_query_text = """ query Sate{ workflowStates(filter:{team:{id:{eq:"%s"}}}){ nodes{ id name } } } """ % (team_id) result = execute_query("State", get_state_query_text, api_key) state_id = None for state in result["data"]["workflowStates"]["nodes"]: if state["name"] == "Reviewing": state_id = state["id"] break if state_id is None: return issue_update_text = """ mutation IssueUpdate { issueUpdate( id: "%s", input: { stateId: "%s", } ) { success issue { id title state { id name } } } } """ % (issue_id, state_id) result = execute_query("IssueUpdate", issue_update_text, api_key) @tool def get_todo_issue() -> str: """ Get the Todo issue. Returns: A string describing the current issue. """ global issue_id global issue_text priority_order = [1, 2, 3, 0, 4] for priority in priority_order: team_query_text = """ query Team { team(id: "%s") { id issues(first:1,filter:{ state:{ name:{ eq: "Todo" }, } priority:{eq:%d} }) { nodes { id title description createdAt } } } } """ % (team_id, priority) result = execute_query("Team", team_query_text, api_key, True) if len(result["data"]["team"]["issues"]["nodes"]) > 0: issue = result["data"]["team"]["issues"]["nodes"][0] issue_text = str(issue["title"]) issue_id = issue["id"] description = issue.get("description", None) if description is not None: issue_text += "\n" + description return issue_text return "Not Todo issue found" def generate_agent(): """ Generate an agent. Returns: An agent. """ model = SleepPerLastTokenModelLiteLLM( max_tokens=250, temperature=0.5, model_id=model_id, api_base="https://api.groq.com/openai/v1/", api_key=groq_api_key, ) agent = CodeAgent( model=model, tools=[get_todo_issue], ## add your tools here (don't remove final answer) max_steps=1, verbosity_level=1, grammar=None, planning_interval=None, name=None, description=None, ) return agent team_id = None def update_text(): """ Get the Todo issue and generate an agent. agent solve the issue and return text to Gradio outputs Returns: A string describing the current issue. A string describing the agent advice. """ def get_team_id(team_name): teams_text = """ query Teams { teams { nodes { id name } } } """ result = execute_query("Teams", teams_text, api_key) for team in result["data"]["teams"]["nodes"]: if team["name"] == team_name: return team["id"] return None team_name = "Agent" global team_id global issue_text team_id = get_team_id(team_name) if team_id is None: return f"Team {team_name} is not found", "Team not found" issue_text = "No Issue Found" agent_text = "No Agent Advice" agent = generate_agent() agent_text = agent.run( """ First, get the Todo using the get_todo tool. Then, solve the Todo. Finally, return the result of solving the Todo. """ ) # If you duplicate space uncomment below # add_comment(issue_id, model_id, agent_text) # change_state_reviewing() return issue_text, agent_text with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML("""
Large language models, like 70B parameter models, can often readily utilize tools such as add_comment
or change_state
, potentially handling multiple issues concurrently.
However, smaller models may require repeated calls to a tool or even fail to utilize it entirely.
Therefore, this initial example focuses on the get_todo_issue()
Need Linear.app acount and api key
change script team name to your team name,add "Reviewing" State in your linear.app team setting
comment out add_comment(),change_state_reviewing()
""") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("## Issue") # issue = gr.Markdown(load_text("issue.md")) issue = gr.Markdown("issue") with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("## Agent advice(Don't trust them completely)") # output = gr.Markdown(load_text("output.md")) output = gr.Markdown("agent result") demo.load(update_text, inputs=None, outputs=[issue, output]) # for manual solve # bt = gr.Button("Next Todo") # bt.click(update_text, inputs=None, outputs=[issue, output]) if __name__ == "__main__": # without main call demo called twice demo.launch()