import nbformat from nbformat.v4 import new_notebook, new_markdown_cell, new_code_cell from nbconvert import HTMLExporter from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient from e2b_code_interpreter import Sandbox from transformers import AutoTokenizer from traitlets.config import Config config = Config() html_exporter = HTMLExporter(config=config, template_name="classic") with open("llama3_template.jinja", "r") as f: llama_template = MAX_TURNS = 4 def parse_exec_result_nb(execution): """Convert an E2B Execution object to Jupyter notebook cell output format""" outputs = [] if execution.logs.stdout: outputs.append({ 'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': ''.join(execution.logs.stdout) }) if execution.logs.stderr: outputs.append({ 'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stderr', 'text': ''.join(execution.logs.stderr) }) if execution.error: outputs.append({ 'output_type': 'error', 'ename':, 'evalue': execution.error.value, 'traceback': [line for line in execution.error.traceback.split('\n')] }) for result in execution.results: output = { 'output_type': 'execute_result' if result.is_main_result else 'display_data', 'metadata': {}, 'data': {} } if result.text: output['data']['text/plain'] = [result.text] # Array for text/plain if result.html: output['data']['text/html'] = result.html if result.png: output['data']['image/png'] = result.png if result.svg: output['data']['image/svg+xml'] = result.svg if result.jpeg: output['data']['image/jpeg'] = result.jpeg if result.pdf: output['data']['application/pdf'] = result.pdf if result.latex: output['data']['text/latex'] = result.latex if result.json: output['data']['application/json'] = result.json if result.javascript: output['data']['application/javascript'] = result.javascript if result.is_main_result and execution.execution_count is not None: output['execution_count'] = execution.execution_count if output['data']: outputs.append(output) return outputs system_template = """\ <details> <summary style="display: flex; align-items: center;"> <div class="alert alert-block alert-info" style="margin: 0; width: 100%;"> <b>System: <span class="arrow">▶</span></b> </div> </summary> <div class="alert alert-block alert-info"> {} </div> </details> <style> details > summary .arrow {{ display: inline-block; transition: transform 0.2s; }} details[open] > summary .arrow {{ transform: rotate(90deg); }} </style> """ user_template = """<div class="alert alert-block alert-success"> <b>User:</b> {} </div> """ header_message = """<p align="center"> <img src="" /> </p> <p style="text-align:center;">Let a LLM agent write and execute code inside a notebook!</p>""" bad_html_bad = """input[type="file"] { display: block; }""" def create_base_notebook(messages): base_notebook = { "metadata": { "kernel_info": {"name": "python3"}, "language_info": { "name": "python", "version": "3.12", }, }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "cells": [] } base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": header_message }) if len(messages)==0: base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": None, "metadata": {}, "source": "", "outputs": [] }) code_cell_counter = 0 for message in messages: if message["role"] == "system": text = system_template.format(message["content"].replace('\n', '<br>')) base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": text }) elif message["role"] == "user": text = user_template.format(message["content"].replace('\n', '<br>')) base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": text }) elif message["role"] == "assistant" and "tool_calls" in message: base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": None, "metadata": {}, "source": message["content"], "outputs": [] }) elif message["role"] == "ipython": code_cell_counter +=1 base_notebook["cells"][-1]["outputs"] = message["nbformat"] base_notebook["cells"][-1]["execution_count"] = code_cell_counter elif message["role"] == "assistant" and "tool_calls" not in message: base_notebook["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": message["content"] }) else: raise ValueError(message) return base_notebook, code_cell_counter def execute_code(sbx, code): execution = sbx.run_code(code, on_stdout=lambda data: print('stdout:', data)) output = "" if len(execution.logs.stdout) > 0: output += "\n".join(execution.logs.stdout) if len(execution.logs.stderr) > 0: output += "\n".join(execution.logs.stderr) if execution.error is not None: output += execution.error.traceback return output, execution def parse_exec_result_llm(execution): output = "" if len(execution.logs.stdout) > 0: output += "\n".join(execution.logs.stdout) if len(execution.logs.stderr) > 0: output += "\n".join(execution.logs.stderr) if execution.error is not None: output += execution.error.traceback return output def update_notebook_display(notebook_data): notebook = nbformat.from_dict(notebook_data) notebook_body, _ = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook) notebook_body = notebook_body.replace(bad_html_bad, "") return notebook_body def run_interactive_notebook(client, model, tokenizer, messages, sbx, max_new_tokens=512): notebook_data, code_cell_counter = create_base_notebook(messages) turns = 0 #code_cell_counter = 0 while turns <= MAX_TURNS: turns += 1 input_tokens = tokenizer.apply_chat_template( messages, chat_template=llama_template, builtin_tools=["code_interpreter"], add_generation_prompt=True ) model_input = tokenizer.decode(input_tokens) print(f"Model input:\n{model_input}\n{'='*80}") response_stream = client.text_generation( model=model, prompt=model_input, details=True, stream=True, do_sample=True, repetition_penalty=1.1, temperature=0.8, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, ) assistant_response = "" tokens = [] code_cell = False for i, chunk in enumerate(response_stream): if not chunk.token.special: content = chunk.token.text else: content = "" tokens.append(chunk.token.text) assistant_response += content if len(tokens)==1: create_cell=True code_cell = "<|python_tag|>" in tokens[0] if code_cell: code_cell_counter +=1 else: create_cell = False # Update notebook in real-time if create_cell: if "<|python_tag|>" in tokens[0]: notebook_data["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": None, "metadata": {}, "source": assistant_response, "outputs": [] }) else: notebook_data["cells"].append({ "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": assistant_response }) else: notebook_data["cells"][-1]["source"] = assistant_response if i%16 == 0: yield update_notebook_display(notebook_data), notebook_data, messages yield update_notebook_display(notebook_data), notebook_data, messages # Handle code execution if code_cell: notebook_data["cells"][-1]["execution_count"] = code_cell_counter exec_result, execution = execute_code(sbx, assistant_response) messages.append({ "role": "assistant", "content": assistant_response, "tool_calls": [{ "type": "function", "function": { "name": "code_interpreter", "arguments": {"code": assistant_response} } }] }) messages.append({"role": "ipython", "content": parse_exec_result_llm(execution), "nbformat": parse_exec_result_nb(execution)}) # Update the last code cell with execution results notebook_data["cells"][-1]["outputs"] = parse_exec_result_nb(execution) update_notebook_display(notebook_data) else: messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": assistant_response}) if tokens[-1] == "<|eot_id|>": break yield update_notebook_display(notebook_data), notebook_data, messages