################################################################ # # # Romanizer # # # ################################################################ package NLP::Romanizer; use NLP::Chinese; use NLP::UTF8; use NLP::utilities; use JSON; $utf8 = NLP::UTF8; $util = NLP::utilities; $chinesePM = NLP::Chinese; my $verbosePM = 0; %empty_ht = (); my $braille_capital_letter_indicator = "\xE2\xA0\xA0"; my $braille_number_indicator = "\xE2\xA0\xBC"; my $braille_decimal_point = "\xE2\xA0\xA8"; my $braille_comma = "\xE2\xA0\x82"; my $braille_solidus = "\xE2\xA0\x8C"; my $braille_numeric_space = "\xE2\xA0\x90"; my $braille_letter_indicator = "\xE2\xA0\xB0"; my $braille_period = "\xE2\xA0\xB2"; sub new { local($caller) = @_; my $object = {}; my $class = ref( $caller ) || $caller; bless($object, $class); return $object; } sub load_unicode_data { local($this, *ht, $filename) = @_; # ../../data/UnicodeData.txt $n = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { if (($unicode_value, $char_name, $general_category, $canon_comb_classes, $bidir_category, $char_decomp_mapping, $decimal_digit_value, $digit_value, $numeric_value, $mirrored, $unicode_1_0_name, $comment_field, $uc_mapping, $lc_mapping, $title_case_mapping) = split(";", $_)) { $utf8_code = $utf8->unicode_hex_string2string($unicode_value); $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$utf8_code} = $char_name; $ht{UTF_NAME_TO_UNICODE}->{$char_name} = $unicode_value; $ht{UTF_NAME_TO_CODE}->{$char_name} = $utf8_code; $ht{UTF_TO_CAT}->{$utf8_code} = $general_category; $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$utf8_code} = $numeric_value unless $numeric_value eq ""; $n++; } } close(IN); # print STDERR "Loaded $n entries from $filename\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename\n"; } } sub load_unicode_overwrite_romanization { local($this, *ht, $filename) = @_; # ../../data/UnicodeDataOverwrite.txt $n = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { next if /^#/; $unicode_value = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "u"); $romanization = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "r"); $numeric = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "num"); $picture = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "pic"); $syllable_info = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "syllable-info"); $tone_mark = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "tone-mark"); $char_name = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "name"); $entry_processed_p = 0; $utf8_code = $utf8->unicode_hex_string2string($unicode_value); if ($unicode_value) { $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_ROMANIZATION}->{$utf8_code} = $romanization if $romanization; $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$utf8_code} = $numeric if defined($numeric) && ($numeric ne ""); $ht{UTF_TO_PICTURE_DESCR}->{$utf8_code} = $picture if $picture; $ht{UTF_TO_SYLLABLE_INFO}->{$utf8_code} = $syllable_info if $syllable_info; $ht{UTF_TO_TONE_MARK}->{$utf8_code} = $tone_mark if $tone_mark; $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$utf8_code} = $char_name if $char_name; $entry_processed_p = 1 if $romanization || $numeric || $picture || $syllable_info || $tone_mark; } $n++ if $entry_processed_p; } close(IN); } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename\n"; } } sub load_script_data { local($this, *ht, $filename) = @_; # ../../data/Scripts.txt $n = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { next unless $script_name = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "script-name"); $abugida_default_vowel_s = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "abugida-default-vowel"); $alt_script_name_s = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "alt-script-name"); $language_s = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "language"); $direction = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "direction"); # right-to-left $font_family_s = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "font-family"); $ht{SCRIPT_P}->{$script_name} = 1; $ht{SCRIPT_NORM}->{(uc $script_name)} = $script_name; $ht{DIRECTION}->{$script_name} = $direction if $direction; foreach $language (split(/,\s*/, $language_s)) { $ht{SCRIPT_LANGUAGE}->{$script_name}->{$language} = 1; $ht{LANGUAGE_SCRIPT}->{$language}->{$script_name} = 1; } foreach $alt_script_name (split(/,\s*/, $alt_script_name_s)) { $ht{SCRIPT_NORM}->{$alt_script_name} = $script_name; $ht{SCRIPT_NORM}->{(uc $alt_script_name)} = $script_name; } foreach $abugida_default_vowel (split(/,\s*/, $abugida_default_vowel_s)) { $ht{SCRIPT_ABUDIGA_DEFAULT_VOWEL}->{$script_name}->{$abugida_default_vowel} = 1 if $abugida_default_vowel; } foreach $font_family (split(/,\s*/, $font_family_s)) { $ht{SCRIPT_FONT}->{$script_name}->{$font_family} = 1 if $font_family; } $n++; } close(IN); # print STDERR "Loaded $n entries from $filename\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename\n"; } } sub unicode_hangul_romanization { local($this, $s, $pass_through_p) = @_; $pass_through_p = 0 unless defined($pass_through_p); @leads = split(/\s+/, "g gg n d dd r m b bb s ss - j jj c k t p h"); # @vowels = split(/\s+/, "a ae ya yai e ei ye yei o oa oai oi yo u ue uei ui yu w wi i"); @vowels = split(/\s+/, "a ae ya yae eo e yeo ye o wa wai oe yo u weo we wi yu eu yi i"); @tails = split(/\s+/, "- g gg gs n nj nh d l lg lm lb ls lt lp lh m b bs s ss ng j c k t p h"); $result = ""; @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); foreach $char (@chars) { $unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char); if (($unicode >= 0xAC00) && ($unicode <= 0xD7A3)) { $code = $unicode - 0xAC00; $lead_index = int($code / (28*21)); $vowel_index = int($code/28) % 21; $tail_index = $code % 28; $rom = $leads[$lead_index] . $vowels[$vowel_index] . $tails[$tail_index]; $rom =~ s/-//g; $result .= $rom; } elsif ($pass_through_p) { $result .= $char; } } return $result; } sub listify_comma_sep_string { local($this, $s) = @_; @result_list = (); return @result_list unless $s =~ /\S/; $s = $util->trim2($s); my $elem; while (($elem, $rest) = ($s =~ /^("(?:\\"|[^"])*"|'(?:\\'|[^'])*'|[^"', ]+),\s*(.*)$/)) { push(@result_list, $util->dequote_string($elem)); $s = $rest; } push(@result_list, $util->dequote_string($s)) if $s =~ /\S/; return @result_list; } sub braille_string_p { local($this, $s) = @_; return ($s =~ /^(\xE2[\xA0-\xA3][\x80-\xBF])+$/); } sub register_word_boundary_info { local($this, *ht, $lang_code, $utf8_source_string, $utf8_target_string, $use_only_for_whole_word_p, $use_only_at_start_of_word_p, $use_only_at_end_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_start_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_end_of_word_p) = @_; if ($use_only_for_whole_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } if ($use_only_at_start_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } if ($use_only_at_end_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } if ($dont_use_at_start_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{DONT_USE_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{DONT_USE_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } if ($dont_use_at_end_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{DONT_USE_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{DONT_USE_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } } sub load_romanization_table { local($this, *ht, $filename) = @_; # ../../data/romanization-table.txt $n = 0; $line_number = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while (<IN>) { $line_number++; next if /^#/; if ($_ =~ /^::preserve\s/) { $from_unicode = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "from"); $to_unicode = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "to"); if ($from_unicode =~ /^(?:U\+|\\u)[0-9A-F]{4,}$/i) { $from_unicode =~ s/^(?:U\+|\\u)//; $from_code_point = hex($from_unicode); } else { $from_code_point = ""; } if ($to_unicode =~ /^(?:U\+|\\u)[0-9A-F]{4,}$/i) { $to_unicode =~ s/^(?:U\+|\\u)//; $to_code_point = hex($to_unicode); } else { $to_code_point = $from_code_point; } if ($from_code_point ne "") { # print STDERR "Preserve code-points $from_unicode--$to_unicode = $from_code_point--$to_code_point\n"; foreach $code_point (($from_code_point .. $to_code_point)) { $utf8_string = $utf8->unicode2string($code_point); $ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$utf8_string}->{$utf8_string} = 1; } $n++; } next; } $utf8_source_string = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "s"); $utf8_target_string = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "t"); $utf8_alt_target_string_s = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "t-alt"); $use_alt_in_pointed_p = ($_ =~ /::use-alt-in-pointed\b/); $use_only_for_whole_word_p = ($_ =~ /::use-only-for-whole-word\b/); $use_only_at_start_of_word_p = ($_ =~ /::use-only-at-start-of-word\b/); $use_only_at_end_of_word_p = ($_ =~ /::use-only-at-end-of-word\b/); $dont_use_at_start_of_word_p = ($_ =~ /::dont-use-at-start-of-word\b/); $dont_use_at_end_of_word_p = ($_ =~ /::dont-use-at-end-of-word\b/); $use_only_in_lower_case_enviroment_p = ($_ =~ /::use-only-in-lower-case-enviroment\b/); $word_external_punctuation_p = ($_ =~ /::word-external-punctuation\b/); $utf8_source_string =~ s/\s*$//; $utf8_target_string =~ s/\s*$//; $utf8_alt_target_string_s =~ s/\s*$//; $utf8_target_string =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; $utf8_target_string =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/; @utf8_alt_targets = $this->listify_comma_sep_string($utf8_alt_target_string_s); $numeric = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "num"); $numeric =~ s/\s*$//; $annotation = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "annotation"); $annotation =~ s/\s*$//; $lang_code = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "lcode"); $prob = $util->slot_value_in_double_colon_del_list($_, "p") || 1; unless (($utf8_target_string eq "") && ($numeric =~ /\d/)) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = $prob; } else { $ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = $prob; } if ($word_external_punctuation_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = $prob; } else { $ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = $prob; } } if ($this->braille_string_p($utf8_source_string)) { if (($utf8_target_string =~ /^[a-z]+$/) && (! ($utf8_source_string =~ /^$braille_capital_letter_indicator/))) { my $uc_utf8_source_string = "$braille_capital_letter_indicator$utf8_source_string"; my $uc_utf8_target_string = ucfirst $utf8_target_string; if ($lang_code) { $ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$uc_utf8_source_string}->{$uc_utf8_target_string} = $prob; } else { $ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$uc_utf8_source_string}->{$uc_utf8_target_string} = $prob; } $this->register_word_boundary_info(*ht, $lang_code, $uc_utf8_source_string, $uc_utf8_target_string, $use_only_for_whole_word_p, $use_only_at_start_of_word_p, $use_only_at_end_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_start_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_end_of_word_p); } if (($utf8_target_string =~ /^[0-9]$/) && ($utf8_source_string =~ /^$braille_number_indicator./)) { my $core_number_char = $utf8_source_string; $core_number_char =~ s/$braille_number_indicator//; $ht{BRAILLE_TO_DIGIT}->{$core_number_char} = $utf8_target_string; } } } if ($use_only_in_lower_case_enviroment_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ONLY_IN_LOWER_CASE_ENVIROMENT_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ONLY_IN_LOWER_CASE_ENVIROMENT}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_target_string} = 1; } } $this->register_word_boundary_info(*ht, $lang_code, $utf8_source_string, $utf8_target_string, $use_only_for_whole_word_p, $use_only_at_start_of_word_p, $use_only_at_end_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_start_of_word_p, $dont_use_at_end_of_word_p); foreach $utf8_alt_target (@utf8_alt_targets) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{UTF_CHAR_ALT_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = $prob; $ht{USE_ALT_IN_POINTED_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1 if $use_alt_in_pointed_p; } else { $ht{UTF_CHAR_ALT_MAPPING}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = $prob; $ht{USE_ALT_IN_POINTED}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1 if $use_alt_in_pointed_p; } if ($use_only_for_whole_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } } if ($use_only_at_start_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } } if ($use_only_at_end_of_word_p) { if ($lang_code) { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } else { $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$utf8_source_string}->{$utf8_alt_target} = 1; } } } if ($numeric =~ /\d/) { $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$utf8_source_string} = $numeric; } if ($annotation =~ /\S/) { $ht{UTF_ANNOTATION}->{$utf8_source_string} = $annotation; } $n++; } close(IN); # print STDERR "Loaded $n entries from $filename\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename\n"; } } sub char_name_to_script { local($this, $char_name, *ht) = @_; return $cached_result if $cached_result = $ht{CHAR_NAME_TO_SCRIPT}->{$char_name}; $orig_char_name = $char_name; $char_name =~ s/\s+(CONSONANT|LETTER|LIGATURE|SIGN|SYLLABLE|SYLLABICS|VOWEL)\b.*$//; my $script_name; while ($char_name) { last if $script_name = $ht{SCRIPT_NORM}->{(uc $char_name)}; $char_name =~ s/\s*\S+\s*$//; } $script_name = "" unless defined($script_name); $ht{CHAR_NAME_TO_SCRIPT}->{$char_name} = $script_name; return $script_name; } sub letter_plus_char_p { local($this, $char_name) = @_; return $cached_result if $cached_result = $ht{CHAR_NAME_LETTER_PLUS}->{$char_name}; my $letter_plus_p = ($char_name =~ /\b(?:LETTER|VOWEL SIGN|AU LENGTH MARK|CONSONANT SIGN|SIGN VIRAMA|SIGN PAMAAEH|SIGN COENG|SIGN AL-LAKUNA|SIGN ASAT|SIGN ANUSVARA|SIGN ANUSVARAYA|SIGN BINDI|TIPPI|SIGN NIKAHIT|SIGN CANDRABINDU|SIGN VISARGA|SIGN REAHMUK|SIGN NUKTA|SIGN DOT BELOW|HEBREW POINT)\b/) ? 1 : 0; $ht{CHAR_NAME_LETTER_PLUS}->{$char_name} = $letter_plus_p; return $letter_plus_p; } sub subjoined_char_p { local($this, $char_name) = @_; return $cached_result if $cached_result = $ht{CHAR_NAME_SUBJOINED}->{$char_name}; my $subjoined_p = (($char_name =~ /\b(?:SUBJOINED LETTER|VOWEL SIGN|AU LENGTH MARK|EMPHASIS MARK|CONSONANT SIGN|SIGN VIRAMA|SIGN PAMAAEH|SIGN COENG|SIGN ASAT|SIGN ANUSVARA|SIGN ANUSVARAYA|SIGN BINDI|TIPPI|SIGN NIKAHIT|SIGN CANDRABINDU|SIGN VISARGA|SIGN REAHMUK|SIGN DOT BELOW|HEBREW (POINT|PUNCTUATION GERESH)|ARABIC (?:DAMMA|DAMMATAN|FATHA|FATHATAN|HAMZA|KASRA|KASRATAN|MADDAH|SHADDA|SUKUN))\b/)) ? 1 : 0; $ht{CHAR_NAME_SUBJOINED}->{$char_name} = $subjoined_p; return $subjoined_p; } sub new_node_id { local($this, *chart_ht) = @_; my $n_nodes = $chart_ht{N_NODES}; $n_nodes++; $chart_ht{N_NODES} = $n_nodes; return $n_nodes; } sub add_node { local($this, $s, $start, $end, *chart_ht, $type, $comment) = @_; my $node_id = $this->new_node_id(*chart_ht); # print STDERR "add_node($node_id, $start-$end): $s [$comment]\n" if $comment =~ /number/; # print STDERR "add_node($node_id, $start-$end): $s [$comment]\n" if ($start >= 0) && ($start < 50); $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$node_id} = $start; $chart_ht{NODE_END}->{$node_id} = $end; $chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AT}->{$start}->{$node_id} = 1; $chart_ht{NODES_ENDING_AT}->{$end}->{$node_id} = 1; $chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}->{$node_id} = 1; $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$node_id} = $type; $chart_ht{NODE_COMMENT}->{$node_id} = $comment; $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$node_id} = $s; return $node_id; } sub get_node_for_span { local($this, $start, $end, *chart_ht) = @_; return "" unless defined($chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}); my @node_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}; return (@node_ids) ? $node_ids[0] : ""; } sub get_node_for_span_and_type { local($this, $start, $end, *chart_ht, $type) = @_; return "" unless defined($chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}); my @node_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}; foreach $node_id (@node_ids) { return $node_id if $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$node_id} eq $type; } return ""; } sub get_node_roman { local($this, $node_id, *chart_id, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); my $roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$node_id}; return (defined($roman)) ? $roman : $default; } sub set_node_id_slot_value { local($this, $node_id, $slot, $value, *chart_id) = @_; $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$node_id}->{$slot} = $value; } sub copy_slot_values { local($this, $old_node_id, $new_node_id, *chart_id, @slots) = @_; if (@slots) { foreach $slot (keys %{$chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$old_node_id}}) { if (($slots[0] eq "all") || $util->member($slot, @slots)) { my $value = $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$old_node_id}->{$slot}; $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$new_node_id}->{$slot} = $value if defined($value); } } } } sub get_node_id_slot_value { local($this, $node_id, $slot, *chart_id, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); my $value = $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$node_id}->{$slot}; return (defined($value)) ? $value : $default; } sub get_node_for_span_with_slot_value { local($this, $start, $end, $slot, *chart_id, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); return $default unless defined($chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}); my @node_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}; foreach $node_id (@node_ids) { my $value = $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$node_id}->{$slot}; return $value if defined($value); } return $default; } sub get_node_for_span_with_slot { local($this, $start, $end, $slot, *chart_id, $default) = @_; $default = "" unless defined($default); return $default unless defined($chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}); my @node_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}; foreach $node_id (@node_ids) { my $value = $chart_ht{NODE_SLOT}->{$node_id}->{$slot}; return $node_id if defined($value); } return $default; } sub register_new_complex_number_span_segment { local($this, $start, $mid, $end, *chart_id, $line_number) = @_; # e.g. 4 10 (= 40); 20 5 (= 25) # might become part of larger complex number span, e.g. 4 1000 3 100 20 1 # print STDERR "register_new_complex_number_span_segment $start-$mid-$end\n" if $line_number == 43; if (defined($old_start = $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_END_START}->{$mid})) { undef($chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_END_START}->{$mid}); $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_START_END}->{$old_start} = $end; $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_END_START}->{$end} = $old_start; } else { $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_START_END}->{$start} = $end; $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_END_START}->{$end} = $start; } } sub romanize_by_token_with_caching { local($this, $s, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *pinyin_ht, $initial_char_offset, $control, $line_number) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); my $return_chart_p = ($control =~ /return chart/i); my $return_offset_mappings_p = ($control =~ /return offset mappings/i); return $this->romanize($s, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *pinyin_ht, $initial_char_offset, $control, $line_number) if $return_chart_p || $return_offset_mappings_p; my $result = ""; my @separators = (); my @tokens = (); $s =~ s/\n$//; # Added May 2, 2019 as bug-fix (duplicate empty lines) while (($sep, $token, $rest) = ($s =~ /^(\s*)(\S+)(.*)$/)) { push(@separators, $sep); push(@tokens, $token); $s = $rest; } push(@separators, $s); while (@tokens) { my $sep = shift @separators; my $token = shift @tokens; $result .= $sep; if ($token =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/) { # all ASCII $result .= $token; } else { my $rom_token = $ht{CACHED_ROMANIZATION}->{$lang_code}->{$token}; unless (defined($rom_token)) { $rom_token = $this->romanize($token, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *pinyin_ht, $initial_char_offset, $control, $line_number); $ht{CACHED_ROMANIZATION}->{$lang_code}->{$token} = $rom_token if defined($rom_token); } $result .= $rom_token; } } my $sep = shift @separators; $result .= $sep if defined($sep); return $result; } sub romanize { local($this, $s, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *pinyin_ht, $initial_char_offset, $control, $line_number, $initial_rom_char_offset) = @_; my $orig_lang_code = $lang_code; # Check whether the text (to be romanized) starts with a language code directive. if (($line_lang_code) = ($s =~ /^::lcode\s+([a-z][a-z][a-z])\s/)) { $lang_code = $line_lang_code; } $initial_char_offset = 0 unless defined($initial_char_offset); $initial_rom_char_offset = 0 unless defined($initial_rom_char_offset); $control = "" unless defined($control); my $return_chart_p = ($control =~ /return chart/i); my $return_offset_mappings_p = ($control =~ /return offset mappings/i); $line_number = "" unless defined($line_number); my @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); my $n_characters = $#chars + 1; %chart_ht = (); $chart_ht{N_CHARS} = $n_characters; $chart_ht{N_NODES} = 0; my $char = ""; my $char_name = ""; my $prev_script = ""; my $current_script = ""; my $script_start = 0; my $script_end = 0; my $prev_letter_plus_script = ""; my $current_letter_plus_script = ""; my $letter_plus_script_start = 0; my $letter_plus_script_end = 0; my $log =""; my $n_right_to_left_chars = 0; my $n_left_to_right_chars = 0; my $hebrew_word_start = ""; # used to identify Hebrew words with points my $hebrew_word_contains_point = 0; my $current_word_start = ""; my $current_word_script = ""; my $braille_all_caps_p = 0; # prep foreach $i ((0 .. ($#chars + 1))) { if ($i <= $#chars) { $char = $chars[$i]; $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i} = $char; $char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$char} || ""; $chart_ht{CHAR_NAME}->{$i} = $char_name; $current_script = $this->char_name_to_script($char_name, *ht); $current_script_direction = $ht{DIRECTION}->{$current_script} || ''; if ($current_script_direction eq 'right-to-left') { $n_right_to_left_chars++; } elsif (($char =~ /^[a-z]$/i) || ! ($char =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]$/)) { $n_left_to_right_chars++; } $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{$i} = $current_script; $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_START}->{$i} = ""; # default value, to be updated later $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_END}->{$i} = ""; # default value, to be updated later $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_START}->{$i} = ""; # default value, to be updated later $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_END}->{$i} = ""; # default value, to be updated later $subjoined_char_p = $this->subjoined_char_p($char_name); $chart_ht{CHAR_SUBJOINED}->{$i} = $subjoined_char_p; $letter_plus_char_p = $this->letter_plus_char_p($char_name); $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{$i} = $letter_plus_char_p; $current_letter_plus_script = ($letter_plus_char_p) ? $current_script : ""; $numeric_value = $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$char}; $numeric_value = "" unless defined($numeric_value); $annotation = $ht{UTF_ANNOTATION}->{$char}; $annotation = "" unless defined($annotation); $chart_ht{CHAR_NUMERIC_VALUE}->{$i} = $numeric_value; $chart_ht{CHAR_ANNOTATION}->{$i} = $annotation; $syllable_info = $ht{UTF_TO_SYLLABLE_INFO}->{$char} || ""; $chart_ht{CHAR_SYLLABLE_INFO}->{$i} = $syllable_info; $tone_mark = $ht{UTF_TO_TONE_MARK}->{$char} || ""; $chart_ht{CHAR_TONE_MARK}->{$i} = $tone_mark; } else { $char = ""; $char_name = ""; $current_script = ""; $current_letter_plus_script = ""; } if ($char_name =~ /^HEBREW (LETTER|POINT|PUNCTUATION GERESH) /) { $hebrew_word_start = $i if $hebrew_word_start eq ""; $hebrew_word_contains_point = 1 if $char_name =~ /^HEBREW POINT /; } elsif ($hebrew_word_start ne "") { if ($hebrew_word_contains_point) { foreach $j (($hebrew_word_start .. ($i-1))) { $chart_ht{CHAR_PART_OF_POINTED_HEBREW_WORD}->{$j} = 1; } $chart_ht{CHAR_START_OF_WORD}->{$hebrew_word_start} = 1; $chart_ht{CHAR_END_OF_WORD}->{($i-1)} = 1; } $hebrew_word_start = ""; $hebrew_word_contains_point = 0; } my $part_of_word_p = $current_script && ($this->letter_plus_char_p($char_name) || $this->subjoined_char_p($char_name) || ($char_name =~ /\b(LETTER|SYLLABLE|SYLLABICS|LIGATURE)\b/)); # Braille punctuation my $end_offset = 0; if ($char_name =~ /^Braille\b/i) { if (($char =~ /^\s*$/) || ($char_name =~ /BLANK/)) { $part_of_word_p = 0; $braille_all_caps_p = 0; } elsif ($chart_ht{NOT_PART_OF_WORD_P}->{$i}) { $part_of_word_p = 0; $braille_all_caps_p = 0; } elsif ((keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$char}}) || (keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION}->{$char}})) { $part_of_word_p = 0; $braille_all_caps_p = 0; } elsif (($i+1 <= $#chars) && ($s1 = $char . $chars[$i+1]) && ((keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$s1}}) || (keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION}->{$s1}}))) { $part_of_word_p = 0; $braille_all_caps_p = 0; $chart_ht{NOT_PART_OF_WORD_P}->{($i+1)} = 1; } elsif (($i+2 <= $#chars) && ($s2 = $char . $chars[$i+1] . $chars[$i+2]) && ((keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$s2}}) || (keys %{$ht{WORD_EXTERNAL_PUNCTUATION}->{$s2}}))) { $part_of_word_p = 0; $braille_all_caps_p = 0; $chart_ht{NOT_PART_OF_WORD_P}->{($i+1)} = 1; $chart_ht{NOT_PART_OF_WORD_P}->{($i+2)} = 1; } elsif (($i+1 <= $#chars) && ($char eq $braille_capital_letter_indicator) && ($chars[$i+1] eq $braille_capital_letter_indicator)) { $braille_all_caps_p = 1; } else { $part_of_word_p = 1; } # last period in Braille text is also not part_of_word_p if (($char eq $braille_period) && (($i == $#chars) || (($i < $#chars) && (! $this->braille_string_p($chars[$i+1]))))) { $part_of_word_p = 0; } # period before other word-external punctuation is also not part_of_word_p if (($i > 0) && ($chars[$i-1] eq $braille_period) && (! $part_of_word_p) && ($current_word_start ne "")) { $end_offset = -1; } } else { $braille_all_caps_p = 0; } $chart_ht{BRAILLE_ALL_CAPS_P}->{$i} = $braille_all_caps_p; if (($current_word_start ne "") && ((! $part_of_word_p) || ($current_script ne $current_word_script))) { # END OF WORD $chart_ht{CHAR_START_OF_WORD}->{$current_word_start} = 1; $chart_ht{CHAR_END_OF_WORD}->{($i-1+$end_offset)} = 1; my $word = join("", @chars[$current_word_start .. ($i-1+$end_offset)]); $chart_ht{WORD_START_END}->{$current_word_start}->{$i} = $word; $chart_ht{WORD_END_START}->{$i+$end_offset}->{$current_word_start} = $word; # print STDERR "Word ($current_word_start-$i+$end_offset): $word ($current_word_script)\n"; $current_word_start = ""; $current_word_script = ""; } if ($part_of_word_p && ($current_word_start eq "")) { # START OF WORD $current_word_start = $i; $current_word_script = $current_script; } # print STDERR "$i char: $char ($current_script)\n"; unless ($current_script eq $prev_script) { if ($prev_script && ($i-1 >= $script_start)) { my $script_end = $i; $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_START_TO_END}->{$script_start} = $script_end; $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_END_TO_START}->{$script_end} = $script_start; foreach $i (($script_start .. $script_end)) { $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_START}->{$i} = $script_start; $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_END}->{$i} = $script_end; } # print STDERR "Script segment $script_start-$script_end: $prev_script\n"; } $script_start = $i; } unless ($current_letter_plus_script eq $prev_letter_plus_script) { if ($prev_letter_plus_script && ($i-1 >= $letter_plus_script_start)) { my $letter_plus_script_end = $i; $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_START_TO_END}->{$letter_plus_script_start} = $letter_plus_script_end; $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_END_TO_START}->{$letter_plus_script_end} = $letter_plus_script_start; foreach $i (($letter_plus_script_start .. $letter_plus_script_end)) { $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_START}->{$i} = $letter_plus_script_start; $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_END}->{$i} = $letter_plus_script_end; } # print STDERR "Script token segment $letter_plus_script_start-$letter_plus_script_end: $prev_letter_plus_script\n"; } $letter_plus_script_start = $i; } $prev_script = $current_script; $prev_letter_plus_script = $current_letter_plus_script; } $ht{STRING_IS_DOMINANTLY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT}->{$s} = 1 if $n_right_to_left_chars > $n_left_to_right_chars; # main my $i = 0; while ($i <= $#chars) { my $char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; my $current_script = $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{$i}; $chart_ht{CHART_CONTAINS_SCRIPT}->{$current_script} = 1; my $script_segment_start = $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_START}->{$i}; my $script_segment_end = $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_END}->{$i}; my $char_name = $chart_ht{CHAR_NAME}->{$i}; my $subjoined_char_p = $chart_ht{CHAR_SUBJOINED}->{$i}; my $letter_plus_char_p = $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{$i}; my $numeric_value = $chart_ht{CHAR_NUMERIC_VALUE}->{$i}; my $annotation = $chart_ht{CHAR_ANNOTATION}->{$i}; # print STDERR " $char_name annotation: $annotation\n" if $annotation; my $tone_mark = $chart_ht{CHAR_TONE_MARK}->{$i}; my $found_char_mapping_p = 0; my $prev_char_name = ($i >= 1) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_NAME}->{($i-1)} : ""; my $prev2_script = ($i >= 2) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{($i-2)} : ""; my $prev_script = ($i >= 1) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{($i-1)} : ""; my $next_script = ($i < $#chars) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{($i+1)} : ""; my $next_char = ($i < $#chars) ? $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{($i+1)} : ""; my $next_char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$next_char} || ""; my $prev2_letter_plus_char_p = ($i >= 2) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{($i-2)} : 0; my $prev_letter_plus_char_p = ($i >= 1) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{($i-1)} : 0; my $next_letter_plus_char_p = ($i < $#chars) ? $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{($i+1)} : 0; my $next_index = $i + 1; # Braille numeric mode if ($char eq $braille_number_indicator) { my $offset = 0; my $numeric_value = ""; my $digit; while ($i+$offset < $#chars) { $offset++; my $offset_char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i+$offset}; if (defined($digit = $ht{BRAILLE_TO_DIGIT}->{$offset_char})) { $numeric_value .= $digit; } elsif (($offset_char eq $braille_decimal_point) || ($ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$offset_char}->{"."})) { $numeric_value .= "."; } elsif ($offset_char eq $braille_comma) { $numeric_value .= ","; } elsif ($offset_char eq $braille_numeric_space) { $numeric_value .= " "; } elsif ($offset_char eq $braille_solidus) { $numeric_value .= "/"; } elsif ($offset_char eq $braille_number_indicator) { # stay in Braille numeric mode } elsif ($offset_char eq $braille_letter_indicator) { # consider as part of number, but without contributing to numeric_value last; } else { $offset--; last; } } if ($offset) { $next_index = $i + $offset + 1; $node_id = $this->add_node($numeric_value, $i, $next_index, *chart_ht, "", "braille number"); $found_char_mapping_p = 1; } } unless ($found_char_mapping_p) { foreach $string_length (reverse(1 .. 6)) { next if ($i + $string_length-1) > $#chars; my $start_of_word_p = $chart_ht{CHAR_START_OF_WORD}->{$i} || 0; my $end_of_word_p = $chart_ht{CHAR_END_OF_WORD}->{($i+$string_length-1)} || 0; my $multi_char_substring = join("", @chars[$i..($i+$string_length-1)]); my @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}}; @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$multi_char_substring}} unless @mappings; my @mappings_whole = (); my @mappings_start_or_end = (); my @mappings_other = (); foreach $mapping (@mappings) { next if $mapping =~ /\(__.*__\)/; if ($ht{USE_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping} || $ht{USE_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping}) { push(@mappings_whole, $mapping) if $start_of_word_p && $end_of_word_p; } elsif ($ht{USE_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping} || $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping}) { push(@mappings_start_or_end, $mapping) if $start_of_word_p; } elsif ($ht{USE_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping} || $ht{USE_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping}) { push(@mappings_start_or_end, $mapping) if $end_of_word_p; } else { push(@mappings_other, $mapping); } } @mappings = @mappings_whole; @mappings = @mappings_start_or_end unless @mappings; @mappings = @mappings_other unless @mappings; foreach $mapping (@mappings) { next if $mapping =~ /\(__.*__\)/; if ($ht{DONT_USE_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping} || $ht{DONT_USE_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping}) { next if $start_of_word_p; } if ($ht{DONT_USE_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping} || $ht{DONT_USE_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$mapping}) { next if $end_of_word_p; } my $mapping2 = ($chart_ht{BRAILLE_ALL_CAPS_P}->{$i}) ? (uc $mapping) : $mapping; $node_id = $this->add_node($mapping2, $i, $i+$string_length, *chart_ht, "", "multi-char-mapping"); $next_index = $i + $string_length; $found_char_mapping_p = 1; if ($annotation) { @annotation_elems = split(/,\s*/, $annotation); foreach $annotation_elem (@annotation_elems) { if (($a_slot, $a_value) = ($annotation_elem =~ /^(\S+?):(\S+)\s*$/)) { $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, $a_slot, $a_value, *chart_ht); } else { $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, $annotation_elem, 1, *chart_ht); } } } } my @alt_mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_ALT_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}}; @alt_mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_ALT_MAPPING}->{$multi_char_substring}} unless @alt_mappings; @alt_mappings = () if ($#alt_mappings == 0) && ($alt_mappings[0] eq "_NONE_"); foreach $alt_mapping (@alt_mappings) { if ($chart_ht{CHAR_PART_OF_POINTED_HEBREW_WORD}->{$i}) { next unless $ht{USE_ALT_IN_POINTED_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping} || $ht{USE_ALT_IN_POINTED}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping}; } if ($ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping} || $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_FOR_WHOLE_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping}) { next unless $start_of_word_p && $end_of_word_p; } if ($ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping} || $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_START_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping}) { next unless $start_of_word_p; } if ($ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping} || $ht{USE_ALT_ONLY_AT_END_OF_WORD}->{$multi_char_substring}->{$alt_mapping}) { next unless $end_of_word_p; } my $alt_mapping2 = ($chart_ht{BRAILLE_ALL_CAPS_P}->{$i}) ? (uc $alt_mapping) : $alt_mapping; $node_id = $this->add_node($alt_mapping2, $i, $i+$string_length, *chart_ht, "alt", "multi-char-mapping"); if ($annotation) { @annotation_elems = split(/,\s*/, $annotation); foreach $annotation_elem (@annotation_elems) { if (($a_slot, $a_value) = ($annotation_elem =~ /^(\S+?):(\S+)\s*$/)) { $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, $a_slot, $a_value, *chart_ht); } else { $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, $annotation_elem, 1, *chart_ht); } } } } } } unless ($found_char_mapping_p) { my $prev_node_id = $this->get_node_for_span($i-4, $i, *chart_ht) || $this->get_node_for_span($i-3, $i, *chart_ht) || $this->get_node_for_span($i-2, $i, *chart_ht) || $this->get_node_for_span($i-1, $i, *chart_ht); my $prev_char_roman = ($prev_node_id) ? $this->get_node_roman($prev_node_id, *chart_id) : ""; my $prev_node_start = ($prev_node_id) ? $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$prev_node_id} : ""; # Number if (($numeric_value =~ /\d/) && (! ($char_name =~ /SUPERSCRIPT/))) { my $prev_numeric_value = $this->get_node_for_span_with_slot_value($i-1, $i, "numeric-value", *chart_id); my $sep = ""; $sep = " " if ($char_name =~ /^vulgar fraction /i) && ($prev_numeric_value =~ /\d/); $node_id = $this->add_node("$sep$numeric_value", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "number"); $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, "numeric-value", $numeric_value, *chart_ht); if ((($prev_numeric_value =~ /\d/) && ($numeric_value =~ /\d\d/)) || (($prev_numeric_value =~ /\d\d/) && ($numeric_value =~ /\d/))) { # pull in any other parts of single digits my $j = 1; # pull in any single digits adjoining on left if ($prev_numeric_value =~ /^\d$/) { while (1) { if (($i-$j-1 >= 0) && defined($digit_value = $this->get_node_for_span_with_slot_value($i-$j-1, $i-$j, "numeric-value", *chart_id)) && ($digit_value =~ /^\d$/)) { $j++; } elsif (($i-$j-2 >= 0) && ($chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{($i-$j-1)} =~ /^[.,]$/) && defined($digit_value = $this->get_node_for_span_with_slot_value($i-$j-2, $i-$j-1, "numeric-value", *chart_id)) && ($digit_value =~ /^\d$/)) { $j += 2; } else { last; } } } # pull in any single digits adjoining on right my $k = 0; if ($numeric_value =~ /^\d$/) { while (1) { if (defined($next_numeric_value = $chart_ht{CHAR_NUMERIC_VALUE}->{($i+$k+1)}) && ($next_numeric_value =~ /^\d$/)) { $k++; } else { last; } } } $this->register_new_complex_number_span_segment($i-$j, $i, $i+$k+1, *chart_ht, $line_number); } if ($chinesePM->string_contains_utf8_cjk_unified_ideograph_p($char) && ($tonal_translit = $chinesePM->tonal_pinyin($char, *pinyin_ht, ""))) { $de_accented_translit = $util->de_accent_string($tonal_translit); if ($numeric_value =~ /^(10000|1000000000000|10000000000000000)$/) { $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$node_id} = "alt"; # keep, but demote $alt_node_id = $this->add_node($de_accented_translit, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "CJK"); } else { $alt_node_id = $this->add_node($de_accented_translit, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "alt", "CJK"); } } # ASCII } elsif ($char =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]$/) { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "ASCII"); # ASCII character, incl. control characters # Emoji, dingbats, pictographs } elsif ($char =~ /^(\xE2[\x98-\x9E]|\xF0\x9F[\x8C-\xA7])/) { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "pictograph"); # Hangul (Korean) } elsif (($char =~ /^[\xEA-\xED]/) && ($romanized_char = $this->unicode_hangul_romanization($char))) { $this->add_node($romanized_char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "Hangul"); # CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) } elsif ($chinesePM->string_contains_utf8_cjk_unified_ideograph_p($char) && ($tonal_translit = $chinesePM->tonal_pinyin($char, *pinyin_ht, ""))) { $de_accented_translit = $util->de_accent_string($tonal_translit); $this->add_node($de_accented_translit, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "CJK"); # Virama (cancel preceding vowel in Abudiga scripts) } elsif ($char_name =~ /\bSIGN (?:VIRAMA|AL-LAKUNA|ASAT|COENG|PAMAAEH)\b/) { # VIRAMA: cancel preceding default vowel (in Abudiga scripts) if (($prev_script eq $current_script) && (($prev_char_roman_consonant, $prev_char_roman_vowel) = ($prev_char_roman =~ /^(.*[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])([aeiou]+)$/i)) && ($ht{SCRIPT_ABUDIGA_DEFAULT_VOWEL}->{$current_script}->{(lc $prev_char_roman_vowel)})) { $this->add_node($prev_char_roman_consonant, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "virama"); } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-virama"); } # Nukta (special (typically foreign) variant) } elsif ($char_name =~ /\bSIGN (?:NUKTA)\b/) { # NUKTA (dot): indicates special (typically foreign) variant; normally covered by multi-mappings if ($prev_script eq $current_script) { my $node_id = $this->add_node($prev_char_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "nukta"); $this->copy_slot_values($prev_node_id, $node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, "nukta", 1, *chart_ht); } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-nukta"); } # Zero-width character, incl. zero width space/non-joiner/joiner, left-to-right/right-to-left mark } elsif ($char =~ /^\xE2\x80[\x8B-\x8F\xAA-\xAE]$/) { if ($prev_node_id) { my $node_id = $this->add_node($prev_char_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "zero-width-char"); $this->copy_slot_values($prev_node_id, $node_id, *chart_id, "all"); } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "zero-width-char"); } } elsif (($char =~ /^\xEF\xBB\xBF$/) && $prev_node_id) { # OK to leave byte-order-mark at beginning of line my $node_id = $this->add_node($prev_char_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "zero-width-char"); $this->copy_slot_values($prev_node_id, $node_id, *chart_id, "all"); # Tone mark } elsif ($tone_mark) { if ($prev_script eq $current_script) { my $node_id = $this->add_node($prev_char_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tone-mark"); $this->copy_slot_values($prev_node_id, $node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, "tone-mark", $tone_mark, *chart_ht); } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-tone-mark"); } # Diacritic } elsif (($char_name =~ /\b(ACCENT|TONE|COMBINING DIAERESIS|COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW|COMBINING MACRON|COMBINING VERTICAL LINE ABOVE|COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT|COMBINING TILDE|COMBINING CYRILLIC|MUUSIKATOAN|TRIISAP)\b/) && ($ht{UTF_TO_CAT}->{$char} =~ /^Mn/)) { if ($prev_script eq $current_script) { my $node_id = $this->add_node($prev_char_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "diacritic"); $this->copy_slot_values($prev_node_id, $node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $diacritic = lc $char_name; $diacritic =~ s/^.*(?:COMBINING CYRILLIC|COMBINING|SIGN)\s+//i; $diacritic =~ s/^.*(ACCENT|TONE)/$1/i; $diacritic =~ s/^\s*//; $this->set_node_id_slot_value($node_id, "diacritic", $diacritic, *chart_ht); # print STDERR "diacritic: $diacritic\n"; } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-diacritic"); } # Romanize to find out more } elsif ($char_name) { if (defined($romanized_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht))) { # print STDERR "ROM l.$line_number/$i: $romanized_char\n" if $line_number =~ /^[12]$/; print STDOUT "ROM l.$line_number/$i: $romanized_char\n" if $verbosePM; # Empty string mapping if ($romanized_char eq "\"\"") { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "empty-string-mapping"); # consider adding something for implausible romanizations of length 6+ # keep original character (instead of romanized_char lengthener, character-18b00 etc.) } elsif (($romanized_char =~ /^(character|lengthener|modifier)/)) { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "nevermind-keep-original"); # Syllabic suffix in Abudiga languages, e.g. -m, -ng } elsif (($romanized_char =~ /^\+(H|M|N|NG)$/i) && ($prev_script eq $current_script) && ($ht{SCRIPT_ABUDIGA_DEFAULT_VOWEL}->{$current_script}->{"a"})) { my $core_suffix = $romanized_char; $core_suffix =~ s/^\+//; if ($prev_char_roman =~ /[aeiou]$/i) { $this->add_node($core_suffix, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "syllable-end-consonant"); } else { $this->add_node(join("", $prev_char_roman, "a", $core_suffix), $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "syllable-end-consonant-with-added-a"); $this->add_node(join("", "a", $core_suffix), $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "backup", "syllable-end-consonant"); } # Japanese special cases } elsif ($char_name =~ /(?:HIRAGANA|KATAKANA) LETTER SMALL Y/) { if (($prev_script eq $current_script) && (($prev_char_roman_consonant) = ($prev_char_roman =~ /^(.*[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])i$/i))) { unless ($this->get_node_for_span_and_type($prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "")) { $this->add_node("$prev_char_roman_consonant$romanized_char", $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "japanese-contraction"); } } else { $this->add_node($romanized_char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-japanese-contraction-character"); } } elsif (($prev_script =~ /^(HIRAGANA|KATAKANA)$/i) && ($char_name eq "KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK") # Choonpu && (($prev_char_roman_vowel) = ($prev_char_roman =~ /([aeiou])$/i))) { $this->add_node("$prev_char_roman$prev_char_roman_vowel", $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "japanese-vowel-lengthening"); } elsif (($current_script =~ /^(Hiragana|Katakana)$/i) && ($char_name =~ /^(HIRAGANA|KATAKANA) LETTER SMALL TU$/i) # Sokuon/Sukun && ($next_script eq $current_script) && ($romanized_next_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position_incl_multi($i+1, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht)) && (($doubled_consonant) = ($romanized_next_char =~ /^(ch|[bcdfghjklmnpqrstwz])/i))) { # Note: $romanized_next_char could be part of a multi-character mapping # print STDERR "current_script: $current_script char_name: $char_name next_script: $next_script romanized_next_char: $romanized_next_char doubled_consonant: $doubled_consonant\n"; $doubled_consonant = "t" if $doubled_consonant eq "ch"; $this->add_node($doubled_consonant, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "japanese-consonant-doubling"); # Greek small letter mu to micro-sign (instead of to "m") as used in abbreviations for microgram/micrometer/microliter/microsecond/micromolar/microfarad etc. } elsif (($char_name eq "GREEK SMALL LETTER MU") && (! ($prev_script =~ /^GREEK$/)) && ($i < $#chars) && ($chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{($i+1)} =~ /^[cfgjlmstv]$/i)) { $this->add_node("\xC2\xB5", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "greek-mu-to-micro-sign"); # Gurmukhi addak (doubles following consonant) } elsif (($current_script eq "Gurmukhi") && ($char_name eq "GURMUKHI ADDAK")) { if (($next_script eq $current_script) && ($romanized_next_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position_incl_multi($i+1, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht)) && (($doubled_consonant) = ($romanized_next_char =~ /^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz])/i))) { $this->add_node($doubled_consonant, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "gurmukhi-consonant-doubling"); } else { $this->add_node("'", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "gurmukhi-unexpected-addak"); } # Subjoined character } elsif ($subjoined_char_p && ($prev_script eq $current_script) && (($prev_char_roman_consonant, $prev_char_roman_vowel) = ($prev_char_roman =~ /^(.*[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])([aeiou]+)$/i)) && ($ht{SCRIPT_ABUDIGA_DEFAULT_VOWEL}->{$current_script}->{(lc $prev_char_roman_vowel)})) { my $new_roman = "$prev_char_roman_consonant$romanized_char"; $this->add_node($new_roman, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "subjoined-character"); # print STDERR " Subjoin l.$line_number/$i: $new_roman\n" if $line_number =~ /^[12]$/; # Thai special case: written-pre-consonant-spoken-post-consonant } elsif (($char_name =~ /THAI CHARACTER/) && ($prev_script eq $current_script) && ($chart_ht{CHAR_SYLLABLE_INFO}->{($i-1)} =~ /written-pre-consonant-spoken-post-consonant/i) && ($prev_char_roman =~ /^[aeiou]+$/i) && ($romanized_char =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]/)) { $this->add_node("$romanized_char$prev_char_roman", $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-vowel-consonant-swap"); # Thai special case: THAI CHARACTER O ANG (U+0E2D "\xE0\xB8\xAD") } elsif ($char_name eq "THAI CHARACTER O ANG") { if ($prev_script ne $current_script) { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-initial-o-ang-drop"); } elsif ($next_script ne $current_script) { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-final-o-ang-drop"); } else { my $romanized_next_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i+1, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht); my $romanized_prev2_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i-2, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht); if (($prev_char_roman =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i) && ($romanized_next_char =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i)) { $this->add_node("o", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-middle-o-ang"); # keep between consonants } elsif (($prev2_script eq $current_script) && 0 && ($prev_char_name =~ /^THAI CHARACTER MAI [A-Z]+$/) # Thai tone && ($romanized_prev2_char =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i) && ($romanized_next_char =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i)) { $this->add_node("o", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-middle-o-ang"); # keep between consonant+tone-mark and consonant } else { $this->add_node("", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "thai-middle-o-ang-drop"); # drop next to vowel } } # Romanization with space } elsif ($romanized_char =~ /\s/) { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "space"); # Tibetan special cases } elsif ($current_script eq "Tibetan") { if ($subjoined_char_p && ($prev_script eq $current_script) && $prev_letter_plus_char_p && ($prev_char_roman =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]+$/i)) { $this->add_node("$prev_char_roman$romanized_char", $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "subjoined-tibetan-character"); } elsif ($romanized_char =~ /^-A$/i) { my $romanized_next_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i+1, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht); if (! $prev_letter_plus_char_p) { $this->add_node("'", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-frontal-dash-a"); } elsif (($prev_script eq $current_script) && ($next_script eq $current_script) && ($prev_char_roman =~ /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]$/) && ($romanized_next_char =~ /^[aeiou]/)) { $this->add_node("a'", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-medial-dash-a"); } elsif (($prev_script eq $current_script) && ($next_script eq $current_script) && ($prev_char_roman =~ /[aeiou]$/) && ($romanized_next_char =~ /[aeiou]/)) { $this->add_node("'", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-reduced-medial-dash-a"); } elsif (($prev_script eq $current_script) && (! ($prev_char_roman =~ /[aeiou]/)) && (! $next_letter_plus_char_p)) { $this->add_node("a", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-final-dash-a"); } else { $this->add_node("a", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-tibetan-dash-a"); } } elsif (($romanized_char =~ /^[AEIOU]/i) && ($prev_script eq $current_script) && ($prev_char_roman =~ /^A$/i) && (! $prev2_letter_plus_char_p)) { $this->add_node($romanized_char, $prev_node_start, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-dropped-word-initial-a"); } else { $this->add_node($romanized_char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "standard-unicode-based-romanization"); } # Khmer (for MUUSIKATOAN etc. see under "Diacritic" above) } elsif (($current_script eq "Khmer") && (($char_roman_consonant, $char_roman_vowel) = ($romanized_char =~ /^(.*[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz])([ao]+)-$/i))) { my $romanized_next_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i+1, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht); if (($next_script eq $current_script) && ($romanized_next_char =~ /^[aeiouy]/i)) { $this->add_node($char_roman_consonant, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "khmer-vowel-drop"); } else { $this->add_node("$char_roman_consonant$char_roman_vowel", $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "khmer-standard-unicode-based-romanization"); } # Abudiga add default vowel } elsif ((@abudiga_default_vowels = sort keys %{$ht{SCRIPT_ABUDIGA_DEFAULT_VOWEL}->{$current_script}}) && ($abudiga_default_vowel = $abudiga_default_vowels[0]) && ($romanized_char =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]+$/i)) { my $new_roman = join("", $romanized_char, $abudiga_default_vowel); $this->add_node($new_roman, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "standard-unicode-based-romanization-plus-abudiga-default-vowel"); # print STDERR " Abudiga add default vowel l.$line_number/$i: $new_roman\n" if $line_number =~ /^[12]$/; # Standard romanization } else { $node_id = $this->add_node($romanized_char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "standard-unicode-based-romanization"); } } else { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-original"); } } elsif (defined($romanized_char = $this->romanize_char_at_position($i, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht)) && ((length($romanized_char) <= 2) || ($ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_ROMANIZATION}->{$char}))) { # or from unicode_overwrite_romanization table $romanized_char =~ s/^""$//; $this->add_node($romanized_char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "romanized-without-character-name"); } else { $this->add_node($char, $i, $i+1, *chart_ht, "", "unexpected-original-without-character-name"); } } $i = $next_index; } $this->schwa_deletion(0, $n_characters, *chart_ht, $lang_code); $this->default_vowelize_tibetan(0, $n_characters, *chart_ht, $lang_code, $line_number) if $chart_ht{CHART_CONTAINS_SCRIPT}->{"Tibetan"}; $this->assemble_numbers_in_chart(*chart_ht, $line_number); if ($return_chart_p) { } elsif ($return_offset_mappings_p) { ($result, $offset_mappings, $new_char_offset, $new_rom_char_offset) = $this->best_romanized_string(0, $n_characters, *chart_ht, $control, $initial_char_offset, $initial_rom_char_offset); } else { $result = $this->best_romanized_string(0, $n_characters, *chart_ht) unless $return_chart_p; } if ($verbosePM) { my $logfile = "/nfs/isd/ulf/cgi-mt/amr-tmp/uroman-log.txt"; $util->append_to_file($logfile, $log) if $log && (-r $logfile); } return ($result, $offset_mappings) if $return_offset_mappings_p; return *chart_ht if $return_chart_p; return $result; } sub string_to_json_string { local($this, $s) = @_; utf8::decode($s); my $j = JSON->new->utf8->encode([$s]); $j =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/; return $j; } sub chart_to_json_romanization_elements { local($this, $chart_start, $chart_end, *chart_ht, $line_number) = @_; my $result = ""; my $start = $chart_start; my $end; while ($start < $chart_end) { $end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($start, $chart_end, *chart_ht); my @best_romanizations; if (($end && ($start < $end)) && (@best_romanizations = $this->best_romanizations($start, $end, *chart_ht))) { $orig_segment = $this->orig_string_at_span($start, $end, *chart_ht); $next_start = $end; } else { $orig_segment = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$start}; @best_romanizations = ($orig); $next_start = $start + 1; } $exclusive_end = $end - 1; # $guarded_orig = $util->string_guard($orig_segment); $guarded_orig = $this->string_to_json_string($orig_segment); $result .= " { \"line\": $line_number, \"start\": $start, \"end\": $exclusive_end, \"orig\": $guarded_orig, \"roms\": ["; foreach $i ((0 .. $#best_romanizations)) { my $rom = $best_romanizations[$i]; # my $guarded_rom = $util->string_guard($rom); my $guarded_rom = $this->string_to_json_string($rom); $result .= " { \"rom\": $guarded_rom"; # $result .= ", \"alt\": true" if $i >= 1; $result .= " }"; $result .= "," if $i < $#best_romanizations; } $result .= " ] },\n"; $start = $next_start; } return $result; } sub default_vowelize_tibetan { local($this, $chart_start, $chart_end, *chart_ht, $lang_code, $line_number) = @_; # my $verbose = ($line_number == 103); # print STDERR "\nStart default_vowelize_tibetan l.$line_number $chart_start-$chart_end\n" if $verbose; my $token_start = $chart_start; my $next_token_start = $chart_start; while (($token_start = $next_token_start) < $chart_end) { $next_token_start = $token_start + 1; next unless $chart_ht{CHAR_LETTER_PLUS}->{$token_start}; my $current_script = $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{$token_start}; next unless ($current_script eq "Tibetan"); my $token_end = $chart_ht{LETTER_TOKEN_SEGMENT_START_TO_END}->{$token_start}; next unless $token_end; next unless $token_end > $token_start; $next_token_start = $token_end; my $start = $token_start; my $end; my @node_ids = (); while ($start < $token_end) { $end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($start, $chart_end, *chart_ht); last unless $end && ($end > $start); my @alt_node_ids = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}; last unless @alt_node_ids; push(@node_ids, $alt_node_ids[0]); $start = $end; } my $contains_vowel_p = 0; my @romanizations = (); foreach $node_id (@node_ids) { my $roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$node_id}; $roman = "" unless defined($roman); push(@romanizations, $roman); $contains_vowel_p = 1 if $roman =~ /[aeiou]/i; } # print STDERR " old: $token_start-$token_end @romanizations\n" if $verbose; unless ($contains_vowel_p) { my $default_vowel_target_index; if ($#node_ids <= 1) { $default_vowel_target_index = 0; } elsif ($romanizations[$#romanizations] eq "s") { if ($romanizations[($#romanizations-1)] eq "y") { $default_vowel_target_index = $#romanizations-1; } else { $default_vowel_target_index = $#romanizations-2; } } else { $default_vowel_target_index = $#romanizations-1; } $romanizations[$default_vowel_target_index] .= "a"; my $old_node_id = $node_ids[$default_vowel_target_index]; my $old_start = $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_end = $chart_ht{NODE_END}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$old_node_id}; my $new_roman = $old_roman . "a"; my $new_node_id = $this->add_node($new_roman, $old_start, $old_end, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-default-vowel"); $this->copy_slot_values($old_node_id, $new_node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$old_node_id} = "backup"; # keep, but demote } if (($romanizations[0] eq "'") && ($#romanizations >= 1) && ($romanizations[1] =~ /^[o]$/)) { my $old_node_id = $node_ids[0]; my $old_start = $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_end = $chart_ht{NODE_END}->{$old_node_id}; my $new_node_id = $this->add_node("", $old_start, $old_end, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-delete-apostrophe"); $this->copy_slot_values($old_node_id, $new_node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$old_node_id} = "alt"; # keep, but demote } if (($#node_ids >= 1) && ($romanizations[$#romanizations] =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+y$/)) { my $old_node_id = $node_ids[$#romanizations]; my $old_start = $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_end = $chart_ht{NODE_END}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$old_node_id}; my $new_roman = $old_roman . "a"; my $new_node_id = $this->add_node($new_roman, $old_start, $old_end, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-syllable-final-vowel"); $this->copy_slot_values($old_node_id, $new_node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$old_node_id} = "alt"; # keep, but demote } foreach $old_node_id (@node_ids) { my $old_roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$old_node_id}; next unless $old_roman =~ /-a/; my $old_start = $chart_ht{NODE_START}->{$old_node_id}; my $old_end = $chart_ht{NODE_END}->{$old_node_id}; my $new_roman = $old_roman; $new_roman =~ s/-a/a/; my $new_node_id = $this->add_node($new_roman, $old_start, $old_end, *chart_ht, "", "tibetan-syllable-delete-dash"); $this->copy_slot_values($old_node_id, $new_node_id, *chart_id, "all"); $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$old_node_id} = "alt"; # keep, but demote } } } sub schwa_deletion { local($this, $chart_start, $chart_end, *chart_ht, $lang_code) = @_; # delete word-final simple "a" in Devanagari (e.g. nepaala -> nepaal) # see Wikipedia article "Schwa deletion in Indo-Aryan languages" if ($chart_ht{CHART_CONTAINS_SCRIPT}->{"Devanagari"}) { my $script_start = $chart_start; my $next_script_start = $chart_start; while (($script_start = $next_script_start) < $chart_end) { $next_script_start = $script_start + 1; my $current_script = $chart_ht{CHAR_SCRIPT}->{$script_start}; next unless ($current_script eq "Devanagari"); my $script_end = $chart_ht{SCRIPT_SEGMENT_START_TO_END}->{$script_start}; next unless $script_end; next unless $script_end - $script_start >= 2; $next_script_start = $script_end; my $end_node_id = $this->get_node_for_span($script_end-1, $script_end, *chart_ht); next unless $end_node_id; my $end_roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$end_node_id}; next unless ($end_consonant) = ($end_roman =~ /^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+)a$/i); my $prev_node_id = $this->get_node_for_span($script_end-4, $script_end-1, *chart_ht) || $this->get_node_for_span($script_end-3, $script_end-1, *chart_ht) || $this->get_node_for_span($script_end-2, $script_end-1, *chart_ht); next unless $prev_node_id; my $prev_roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$prev_node_id}; next unless $prev_roman =~ /[aeiou]/i; # TO DO: check further back for vowel (e.g. if $prev_roman eq "r" due to vowel cancelation) $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$end_node_id} = "alt"; # keep, but demote # print STDERR "* Schwa deletion " . ($script_end-1) . "-$script_end $end_roman->$end_consonant\n"; $this->add_node($end_consonant, $script_end-1, $script_end, *chart_ht, "", "devanagari-with-deleted-final-schwa"); } } } sub best_romanized_string { local($this, $chart_start, $chart_end, *chart_ht, $control, $orig_char_offset, $rom_char_offset) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); my $current_orig_char_offset = $orig_char_offset || 0; my $current_rom_char_offset = $rom_char_offset || 0; my $return_offset_mappings_p = ($control =~ /\breturn offset mappings\b/); my $result = ""; my $start = $chart_start; my $end; my @char_offsets = ("$current_orig_char_offset:$current_rom_char_offset"); while ($start < $chart_end) { $end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($start, $chart_end, *chart_ht); my $n_orig_chars_in_segment = 0; my $n_rom_chars_in_segment = 0; if ($end && ($start < $end)) { my @best_romanizations = $this->best_romanizations($start, $end, *chart_ht); my $best_romanization = (@best_romanizations) ? $best_romanizations[0] : undef; if (defined($best_romanization)) { $result .= $best_romanization; if ($return_offset_mappings_p) { $n_orig_chars_in_segment = $end-$start; $n_rom_chars_in_segment = $utf8->length_in_utf8_chars($best_romanization); } $start = $end; } else { my $best_romanization = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$start}; $result .= $best_romanization; $start++; if ($return_offset_mappings_p) { $n_orig_chars_in_segment = 1; $n_rom_chars_in_segment = $utf8->length_in_utf8_chars($best_romanization); } } } else { my $best_romanization = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$start}; $result .= $best_romanization; $start++; if ($return_offset_mappings_p) { $n_orig_chars_in_segment = 1; $n_rom_chars_in_segment = $utf8->length_in_utf8_chars($best_romanization); } } if ($return_offset_mappings_p) { my $new_orig_char_offset = $current_orig_char_offset + $n_orig_chars_in_segment; my $new_rom_char_offset = $current_rom_char_offset + $n_rom_chars_in_segment; my $offset_mapping = "$new_orig_char_offset:$new_rom_char_offset"; push(@char_offsets, $offset_mapping); $current_orig_char_offset = $new_orig_char_offset; $current_rom_char_offset = $new_rom_char_offset; } } return ($result, join(",", @char_offsets), $current_orig_char_offset, $current_rom_char_offset) if $return_offset_mappings_p; return $result; } sub orig_string_at_span { local($this, $start, $end, *chart_ht) = @_; my $result = ""; foreach $i (($start .. ($end-1))) { $result .= $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; } return $result; } sub find_end_of_rom_segment { local($this, $start, $chart_end, *chart_ht) = @_; my @ends = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}}; my $end_index = $#ends; while (($end_index >= 0) && ($ends[$end_index] > $chart_end)) { $end_index--; } if (($end_index >= 0) && defined($end = $ends[$end_index]) && ($start < $end)) { return $end; } else { return ""; } } sub best_romanizations { local($this, $start, $end, *chart_ht) = @_; @regular_romanizations = (); @alt_romanizations = (); @backup_romanizations = (); foreach $node_id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{NODES_STARTING_AND_ENDING_AT}->{$start}->{$end}}) { my $type = $chart_ht{NODE_TYPE}->{$node_id}; my $roman = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$node_id}; if (! defined($roman)) { # ignore } elsif (($type eq "backup") && ! defined($backup_romanization)) { push(@backup_romanizations, $roman) unless $util->member($roman, @backup_romanizations); } elsif (($type eq "alt") && ! defined($alt_romanization)) { push(@alt_romanizations, $roman) unless $util->member($roman, @alt_romanizations); } else { push(@regular_romanizations, $roman) unless $util->member($roman, @regular_romanizations); } } @regular_alt_romanizations = sort @regular_romanizations; foreach $alt_romanization (sort @alt_romanizations) { push(@regular_alt_romanizations, $alt_romanization) unless $util->member($alt_romanization, @regular_alt_romanizations); } return @regular_alt_romanizations if @regular_alt_romanizations; return sort @backup_romanizations; } sub join_alt_romanizations_for_viz { local($this, @list) = @_; my @viz_romanizations = (); foreach $alt_rom (@list) { if ($alt_rom eq "") { push(@viz_romanizations, "-"); } else { push(@viz_romanizations, $alt_rom); } } return join(", ", @viz_romanizations); } sub markup_orig_rom_strings { local($this, $chart_start, $chart_end, *ht, *chart_ht, *pinyin_ht, $last_group_id_index) = @_; my $marked_up_rom = ""; my $marked_up_orig = ""; my $start = $chart_start; my $end; while ($start < $chart_end) { my $segment_start = $start; my $segment_end = $start+1; my $end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($start, $chart_end, *chart_ht); my $rom_segment = ""; my $orig_segment = ""; my $rom_title = ""; my $orig_title = ""; my $contains_alt_romanizations = 0; if ($end) { $segment_end = $end; my @best_romanizations = $this->best_romanizations($start, $end, *chart_ht); my $best_romanization = (@best_romanizations) ? $best_romanizations[0] : undef; if (defined($best_romanization)) { $rom_segment .= $best_romanization; $orig_segment .= $this->orig_string_at_span($start, $end, *chart_ht); $segment_end = $end; if ($#best_romanizations >= 1) { $rom_title .= $util->guard_html("Alternative romanizations: " . $this->join_alt_romanizations_for_viz(@best_romanizations) . "\n"); $contains_alt_romanizations = 1; } } else { my $segment = $this->orig_string_at_span($start, $start+1, *chart_ht); $rom_segment .= $segment; $orig_segment .= $segment; $segment_end = $start+1; } $start = $segment_end; } else { $rom_segment .= $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$start}; $orig_segment .= $this->orig_string_at_span($start, $start+1, *chart_ht); $segment_end = $start+1; $start = $segment_end; } my $next_char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$segment_end}; my $next_char_is_combining_p = $this->char_is_combining_char($next_char, *ht); while ($next_char_is_combining_p && ($segment_end < $chart_end) && ($end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($segment_end, $chart_end, *chart_ht)) && ($end > $segment_end) && (@best_romanizations = $this->best_romanizations($segment_end, $end, *chart_ht)) && defined($best_romanization = $best_romanizations[0])) { $orig_segment .= $this->orig_string_at_span($segment_end, $end, *chart_ht); $rom_segment .= $best_romanization; if ($#best_romanizations >= 1) { $rom_title .= $util->guard_html("Alternative romanizations: " . $this->join_alt_romanizations_for_viz(@best_romanizations) . "\n"); $contains_alt_romanizations = 1; } $segment_end = $end; $start = $segment_end; $next_char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$segment_end}; $next_char_is_combining_p = $this->char_is_combining_char($next_char, *ht); } foreach $i (($segment_start .. ($segment_end-1))) { $orig_title .= "+‎ ‎" unless $orig_title eq ""; my $char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; my $numeric = $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$char}; $numeric = "" unless defined($numeric); my $pic_descr = $ht{UTF_TO_PICTURE_DESCR}->{$char}; $pic_descr = "" unless defined($pic_descr); if ($char =~ /^\xE4\xB7[\x80-\xBF]$/) { $orig_title .= "$char_name\n"; } elsif (($char =~ /^[\xE3-\xE9][\x80-\xBF]{2,2}$/) && $chinesePM->string_contains_utf8_cjk_unified_ideograph_p($char)) { my $unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char); $orig_title .= "CJK Unified Ideograph U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)) . "\n"; $orig_title .= "Chinese: $tonal_translit\n" if $tonal_translit = $chinesePM->tonal_pinyin($char, *pinyin_ht, ""); $orig_title .= "Number: $numeric\n" if $numeric =~ /\d/; } elsif ($char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$char}) { $orig_title .= "$char_name\n"; $orig_title .= "Number: $numeric\n" if $numeric =~ /\d/; $orig_title .= "Picture: $pic_descr\n" if $pic_descr =~ /\S/; } else { my $unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char); if (($unicode >= 0xAC00) && ($unicode <= 0xD7A3)) { $orig_title .= "Hangul syllable U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)) . "\n"; } else { $orig_title .= "Unicode character U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)) . "\n"; } } } (@non_ascii_roms) = ($rom_segment =~ /([\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]*)/g); foreach $char (@non_ascii_roms) { my $char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$char}; my $unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char); my $unicode_s = "U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)); if ($char_name) { $rom_title .= "$char_name\n"; } else { $rom_title .= "$unicode_s\n"; } } $last_group_id_index++; $rom_title =~ s/\s*$//; $rom_title =~ s/\n/
/g; $orig_title =~ s/\s*$//; $orig_title =~ s/\n/
‎/g; $orig_title = "‭" . $orig_title . "‬"; my $rom_title_clause = ($rom_title eq "") ? "" : " title=\"$rom_title\""; my $orig_title_clause = ($orig_title eq "") ? "" : " title=\"$orig_title\""; my $alt_rom_clause = ($contains_alt_romanizations) ? "border-bottom:1px dotted;" : ""; $marked_up_rom .= "<span id=\"span-$last_group_id_index-1\" onmouseover=\"highlight_elems('span-$last_group_id_index','1');\" onmouseout=\"highlight_elems('span-$last_group_id_index','0');\" style=\"color:#00BB00;$alt_rom_clause\"$rom_title_clause>" . $util->guard_html($rom_segment) . "<\/span>"; $marked_up_orig .= "<span id=\"span-$last_group_id_index-2\" onmouseover=\"highlight_elems('span-$last_group_id_index','1');\" onmouseout=\"highlight_elems('span-$last_group_id_index','0');\"$orig_title_clause>" . $util->guard_html($orig_segment) . "<\/span>"; if (($last_char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{($segment_end-1)}) && ($last_char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$last_char}) && ($last_char_name =~ /^(FULLWIDTH COLON|FULLWIDTH COMMA|FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS|IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA|IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP|RIGHT CORNER BRACKET|BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK|TIBETAN MARK .*)$/)) { $marked_up_orig .= "<wbr>"; $marked_up_rom .= "<wbr>"; } } return ($marked_up_rom, $marked_up_orig, $last_group_id_index); } sub romanizations_with_alternatives { local($this, *ht, *chart_ht, *pinyin_ht, $chart_start, $chart_end) = @_; $chart_start = 0 unless defined($chart_start); $chart_end = $chart_ht{N_CHARS} unless defined($chart_end); my $result = ""; my $start = $chart_start; my $end; # print STDOUT "romanizations_with_alternatives $chart_start-$chart_end\n"; while ($start < $chart_end) { my $segment_start = $start; my $segment_end = $start+1; my $end = $this->find_end_of_rom_segment($start, $chart_end, *chart_ht); my $rom_segment = ""; # print STDOUT " $start-$end\n"; if ($end) { $segment_end = $end; my @best_romanizations = $this->best_romanizations($start, $end, *chart_ht); # print STDOUT " $start-$end @best_romanizations\n"; if (@best_romanizations) { if ($#best_romanizations == 0) { $rom_segment .= $best_romanizations[0]; } else { $rom_segment .= "{" . join("|", @best_romanizations) . "}"; } $segment_end = $end; } else { my $segment = $this->orig_string_at_span($start, $start+1, *chart_ht); $rom_segment .= $segment; $segment_end = $start+1; } $start = $segment_end; } else { $rom_segment .= $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$start}; $segment_end = $start+1; $start = $segment_end; } # print STDOUT " $start-$end ** $rom_segment\n"; $result .= $rom_segment; } return $result; } sub quick_romanize { local($this, $s, $lang_code, *ht) = @_; my $result = ""; my @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); while (@chars) { my $found_match_in_table_p = 0; foreach $string_length (reverse(1..4)) { next if ($string_length-1) > $#chars; $multi_char_substring = join("", @chars[0..($string_length-1)]); my @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$multi_char_substring}}; @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$multi_char_substring}} unless @mappings; if (@mappings) { my $mapping = $mappings[0]; $result .= $mapping; foreach $_ ((1 .. $string_length)) { shift @chars; } $found_match_in_table_p = 1; last; } } unless ($found_match_in_table_p) { $result .= $chars[0]; shift @chars; } } return $result; } sub char_is_combining_char { local($this, $c, *ht) = @_; return 0 unless $c; my $category = $ht{UTF_TO_CAT}->{$c}; return 0 unless $category; return $category =~ /^M/; } sub mark_up_string_for_mouse_over { local($this, $s, *ht, $control, *pinyin_ht) = @_; $control = "" unless defined($control); $no_ascii_p = ($control =~ /NO-ASCII/); my $result = ""; @chars = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); while (@chars) { $char = shift @chars; $numeric = $ht{UTF_TO_NUMERIC}->{$char}; $numeric = "" unless defined($numeric); $pic_descr = $ht{UTF_TO_PICTURE_DESCR}->{$char}; $pic_descr = "" unless defined($pic_descr); $next_char = ($#chars >= 0) ? $chars[0] : ""; $next_char_is_combining_p = $this->char_is_combining_char($next_char, *ht); if ($no_ascii_p && ($char =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/) && ! $next_char_is_combining_p) { $result .= $util->guard_html($char); } elsif (($char =~ /^[\xE3-\xE9][\x80-\xBF]{2,2}$/) && $chinesePM->string_contains_utf8_cjk_unified_ideograph_p($char)) { $unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char); $title = "CJK Unified Ideograph U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)); $title .= "
Chinese: $tonal_translit" if $tonal_translit = $chinesePM->tonal_pinyin($char, *pinyin_ht, ""); $title .= "
Number: $numeric" if $numeric =~ /\d/; $result .= "<span title=\"$title\">" . $util->guard_html($char) . "<\/span>"; } elsif ($char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$char}) { $title = $char_name; $title .= "
Number: $numeric" if $numeric =~ /\d/; $title .= "
Picture: $pic_descr" if $pic_descr =~ /\S/; $char_plus = $char; while ($next_char_is_combining_p) { # combining marks (Mc:non-spacing, Mc:spacing combining, Me: enclosing) $next_char_name = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_NAME}->{$next_char}; $title .= "
+ $next_char_name"; $char = shift @chars; $char_plus .= $char; $next_char = ($#chars >= 0) ? $chars[0] : ""; $next_char_is_combining_p = $this->char_is_combining_char($next_char, *ht); } $result .= "<span title=\"$title\">" . $util->guard_html($char_plus) . "<\/span>"; $result .= "<wbr>" if $char_name =~ /^(FULLWIDTH COLON|FULLWIDTH COMMA|FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS|IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA|IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP|RIGHT CORNER BRACKET)$/; } elsif (($unicode = $utf8->utf8_to_unicode($char)) && ($unicode >= 0xAC00) && ($unicode <= 0xD7A3)) { $title = "Hangul syllable U+" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $unicode)); $result .= "<span title=\"$title\">" . $util->guard_html($char) . "<\/span>"; } else { $result .= $util->guard_html($char); } } return $result; } sub romanize_char_at_position_incl_multi { local($this, $i, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht) = @_; my $char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; return "" unless defined($char); my @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING_LANG_SPEC}->{$lang_code}->{$char}}; return $mappings[0] if @mappings; @mappings = keys %{$ht{UTF_CHAR_MAPPING}->{$char}}; return $mappings[0] if @mappings; return $this->romanize_char_at_position($i, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht); } sub romanize_char_at_position { local($this, $i, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, *chart_ht) = @_; my $char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; return "" unless defined($char); return $char if $char =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]$/; # ASCII my $romanization = $ht{UTF_TO_CHAR_ROMANIZATION}->{$char}; return $romanization if $romanization; my $char_name = $chart_ht{CHAR_NAME}->{$i}; $romanization = $this->romanize_charname($char_name, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, $char); $ht{SUSPICIOUS_ROMANIZATION}->{$char_name}->{$romanization} = ($ht{SUSPICIOUS_ROMANIZATION}->{$char_name}->{$romanization} || 0) + 1 unless (length($romanization) < 4) || ($romanization =~ /\s/) || ($romanization =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{2,3}[aeiou]-$/) # Khmer ngo-/nyo-/pho- OK || ($romanization =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{2,2}[aeiougw][aeiou]{1,2}$/) # Canadian, Ethiopic syllable OK || ($romanization =~ /^(allah|bbux|nyaa|nnya|quuv|rrep|shch|shur|syrx)$/i) # Arabic; Yi; Ethiopic syllable nyaa; Cyrillic letter shcha || (($char_name =~ /^(YI SYLLABLE|VAI SYLLABLE|ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE|CANADIAN SYLLABICS|CANADIAN SYLLABICS CARRIER)\s+(\S+)$/) && (length($romanization) <= 5)); # print STDERR "romanize_char_at_position $i $char_name :: $romanization\n" if $char_name =~ /middle/i; return $romanization; } sub romanize_charname { local($this, $char_name, $lang_code, $output_style, *ht, $char) = @_; my $cached_result = $ht{ROMANIZE_CHARNAME}->{$char_name}->{$lang_code}->{$output_style}; # print STDERR "(C) romanize_charname($char_name): $cached_result\n" if $cached_result && ($char_name =~ /middle/i); return $cached_result if defined($cashed_result); $orig_char_name = $char_name; $char_name =~ s/^.* LETTER\s+([A-Z]+)-\d+$/$1/; # HENTAIGANA LETTER A-3 $char_name =~ s/^.* LETTER\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* SYLLABLE\s+B\d\d\d\s+//; # Linear B syllables $char_name =~ s/^.* SYLLABLE\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* SYLLABICS\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* LIGATURE\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* VOWEL SIGN\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* CONSONANT SIGN\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* CONSONANT\s+//; $char_name =~ s/^.* VOWEL\s+//; $char_name =~ s/ WITH .*$//; $char_name =~ s/ WITHOUT .*$//; $char_name =~ s/\s+(ABOVE|AGUNG|BAR|BARREE|BELOW|CEDILLA|CEREK|DIGRAPH|DOACHASHMEE|FINAL FORM|GHUNNA|GOAL|INITIAL FORM|ISOLATED FORM|KAWI|LELET|LELET RASWADI|LONSUM|MAHAPRANA|MEDIAL FORM|MURDA|MURDA MAHAPRANA|REVERSED|ROTUNDA|SASAK|SUNG|TAM|TEDUNG|TYPE ONE|TYPE TWO|WOLOSO)\s*$//; $char_name =~ s/^([A-Z]+)\d+$/$1/; # Linear B syllables etc. foreach $_ ((1 .. 3)) { $char_name =~ s/^.*\b(?:ABKHASIAN|ACADEMY|AFRICAN|AIVILIK|AITON|AKHMIMIC|ALEUT|ALI GALI|ALPAPRAANA|ALTERNATE|ALTERNATIVE|AMBA|ARABIC|ARCHAIC|ASPIRATED|ATHAPASCAN|BASELINE|BLACKLETTER|BARRED|BASHKIR|BERBER|BHATTIPROLU|BIBLE-CREE|BIG|BINOCULAR|BLACKFOOT|BLENDED|BOTTOM|BROAD|BROKEN|CANDRA|CAPITAL|CARRIER|CHILLU|CLOSE|CLOSED|COPTIC|CROSSED|CRYPTOGRAMMIC|CURLED|CURLY|CYRILLIC|DANTAJA|DENTAL|DIALECT-P|DIAERESIZED|DOTLESS|DOUBLE|DOUBLE-STRUCK|EASTERN PWO KAREN|EGYPTOLOGICAL|FARSI|FINAL|FLATTENED|GLOTTAL|GREAT|GREEK|HALF|HIGH|INITIAL|INSULAR|INVERTED|IOTIFIED|JONA|KANTAJA|KASHMIRI|KHAKASSIAN|KHAMTI|KHANDA|KINNA|KIRGHIZ|KOMI|L-SHAPED|LATINATE|LITTLE|LONG|LONG-LEGGED|LOOPED|LOW|MAHAAPRAANA|MALAYALAM|MANCHU|MANDAILING|MATHEMATICAL|MEDIAL|MIDDLE-WELSH|MON|MONOCULAR|MOOSE-CREE|MULTIOCULAR|MUURDHAJA|N-CREE|NARROW|NASKAPI|NDOLE|NEUTRAL|NIKOLSBURG|NORTHERN|NUBIAN|NUNAVIK|NUNAVUT|OJIBWAY|OLD|OPEN|ORKHON|OVERLONG|PALI|PERSIAN|PHARYNGEAL|PRISHTHAMATRA|R-CREE|REDUPLICATION|REVERSED|ROMANIAN|ROUND|ROUNDED|RUDIMENTA|RUMAI PALAUNG|SANSKRIT|SANYAKA|SARA|SAYISI|SCRIPT|SEBATBEIT|SEMISOFT|SGAW KAREN|SHAN|SHARP|SHWE PALAUNG|SHORT|SIBE|SIDEWAYS|SIMALUNGUN|SMALL|SOGDIAN|SOFT|SOUTH-SLAVEY|SOUTHERN|SPIDERY|STIRRUP|STRAIGHT|STRETCHED|SUBSCRIPT|SWASH|TAI LAING|TAILED|TAILLESS|TAALUJA|TH-CREE|TALL|THREE-LEGGED|TURNED|TODO|TOP|TROKUTASTI|TUAREG|UKRAINIAN|UNBLENDED|VISIGOTHIC|VOCALIC|VOICED|VOICELESS|VOLAPUK|WAVY|WESTERN PWO KAREN|WEST-CREE|WESTERN|WIDE|WOODS-CREE|Y-CREE|YENISEI|YIDDISH)\s+//; } $char_name =~ s/\s+(ABOVE|AGUNG|BAR|BARREE|BELOW|CEDILLA|CEREK|DIGRAPH|DOACHASHMEE|FINAL FORM|GHUNNA|GOAL|INITIAL FORM|ISOLATED FORM|KAWI|LELET|LELET RASWADI|LONSUM|MAHAPRANA|MEDIAL FORM|MURDA|MURDA MAHAPRANA|REVERSED|ROTUNDA|SASAK|SUNG|TAM|TEDUNG|TYPE ONE|TYPE TWO|WOLOSO)\s*$//; if ($char_name =~ /THAI CHARACTER/) { $char_name =~ s/^THAI CHARACTER\s+//; if ($char =~ /^\xE0\xB8[\x81-\xAE]/) { # Thai consonants $char_name =~ s/^([^AEIOU]*).*/$1/i; } elsif ($char_name =~ /^SARA [AEIOU]/) { # Thai vowels $char_name =~ s/^SARA\s+//; } else { $char_name = $char; } } if ($orig_char_name =~ /(HIRAGANA LETTER|KATAKANA LETTER|SYLLABLE|LIGATURE)/) { $char_name = lc $char_name; } elsif ($char_name =~ /\b(ANUSVARA|ANUSVARAYA|NIKAHIT|SIGN BINDI|TIPPI)\b/) { $char_name = "+m"; } elsif ($char_name =~ /\bSCHWA\b/) { $char_name = "e"; } elsif ($char_name =~ /\bIOTA\b/) { $char_name = "i"; } elsif ($char_name =~ /\s/) { } elsif ($orig_char_name =~ /KHMER LETTER/) { $char_name .= "-"; } elsif ($orig_char_name =~ /CHEROKEE LETTER/) { # use whole letter as is } elsif ($orig_char_name =~ /KHMER INDEPENDENT VOWEL/) { $char_name =~ s/q//; } elsif ($orig_char_name =~ /LETTER/) { $char_name =~ s/^[AEIOU]+([^AEIOU]+)$/$1/i; $char_name =~ s/^([^-AEIOUY]+)[AEIOU].*/$1/i; $char_name =~ s/^(Y)[AEIOU].*/$1/i if $orig_char_name =~ /\b(?:BENGALI|DEVANAGARI|GURMUKHI|GUJARATI|KANNADA|MALAYALAM|MODI|MYANMAR|ORIYA|TAMIL|TELUGU|TIBETAN)\b.*\bLETTER YA\b/; $char_name =~ s/^(Y[AEIOU]+)[^AEIOU].*$/$1/i; $char_name =~ s/^([AEIOU]+)[^AEIOU]+[AEIOU].*/$1/i; } my $result = ($orig_char_name =~ /\bCAPITAL\b/) ? (uc $char_name) : (lc $char_name); # print STDERR "(R) romanize_charname($orig_char_name): $result\n" if $orig_char_name =~ /middle/i; $ht{ROMANIZE_CHARNAME}->{$char_name}->{$lang_code}->{$output_style} = $result; return $result; } sub assemble_numbers_in_chart { local($this, *chart_ht, $line_number) = @_; foreach $start (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_START_END}}) { my $end = $chart_ht{COMPLEX_NUMERIC_START_END}->{$start}; my @numbers = (); foreach $i (($start .. ($end-1))) { my $orig_char = $chart_ht{ORIG_CHAR}->{$i}; my $node_id = $this->get_node_for_span_with_slot($i, $i+1, "numeric-value", *chart_id); if (defined($node_id)) { my $number = $chart_ht{NODE_ROMAN}->{$node_id}; if (defined($number)) { push(@numbers, $number); } elsif ($orig_char =~ /^[.,]$/) { # decimal point, comma separator push(@numbers, $orig_char); } else { print STDERR "Found no romanization for node_id $node_id ($i-" . ($i+1) . ") in assemble_numbers_in_chart\n" if $verbosePM; } } else { print STDERR "Found no node_id for span $i-" . ($i+1) . " in assemble_numbers_in_chart\n" if $verbosePM; } } my $complex_number = $this->assemble_number(join("\xC2\xB7", @numbers), $line_number); # print STDERR "assemble_numbers_in_chart l.$line_number $start-$end $complex_number (@numbers)\n"; $this->add_node($complex_number, $start, $end, *chart_ht, "", "complex-number"); } } sub assemble_number { local($this, $s, $line_number) = @_; # e.g. 10 9 100 7 10 8 = 1978 my $middot = "\xC2\xB7"; my @tokens = split(/$middot/, $s); # middle dot U+00B7 my $i = 0; my @orig_tokens = @tokens; # assemble single digit numbers, e.g. 1 7 5 -> 175 while ($i < $#tokens) { if ($tokens[$i] =~ /^\d$/) { my $j = $i+1; while (($j <= $#tokens) && ($tokens[$j] =~ /^[0-9.,]$/)) { $j++; } $j--; if ($j>$i) { my $new_token = join("", @tokens[$i .. $j]); $new_token =~ s/,//g; splice(@tokens, $i, $j-$i+1, $new_token); } } $i++; } foreach $power ((10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 1000000000000)) { for (my $i=0; $i <= $#tokens; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i] == $power) { if (($i > 0) && ($tokens[($i-1)] < $power)) { splice(@tokens, $i-1, 2, ($tokens[($i-1)] * $tokens[$i])); $i--; if (($i < $#tokens) && ($tokens[($i+1)] < $power)) { splice(@tokens, $i, 2, ($tokens[$i] + $tokens[($i+1)])); $i--; } } } # 400 30 (e.g. Egyptian) my $gen_pattern = $power; $gen_pattern =~ s/^1/\[1-9\]/; if (($tokens[$i] =~ /^$gen_pattern$/) && ($i < $#tokens) && ($tokens[($i+1)] < $power)) { splice(@tokens, $i, 2, ($tokens[$i] + $tokens[($i+1)])); $i--; } } last if $#tokens == 0; } my $result = join($middot, @tokens); if ($verbosePM) { my $logfile = "/nfs/isd/ulf/cgi-mt/amr-tmp/uroman-number-log.txt"; $util->append_to_file($logfile, "$s -> $result\n") if -r $logfile; # print STDERR " assemble number l.$line_number @orig_tokens -> $result\n" if $line_number == 43; } return $result; } 1;