import json import os import re import tarfile import zipfile from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile, rmtree from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import fsspec import requests from tqdm import tqdm from TTS.config import load_config, read_json_with_comments from TTS.utils.generic_utils import get_user_data_dir LICENSE_URLS = { "cc by-nc-nd 4.0": "", "mpl": "", "mpl2": "", "mpl 2.0": "", "mit": "", "apache 2.0": "", "apache2": "", "cc-by-sa 4.0": "", "cpml": "", } class ModelManager(object): tqdm_progress = None """Manage TTS models defined in .models.json. It provides an interface to list and download models defines in '.model.json' Models are downloaded under '.TTS' folder in the user's home path. Args: models_file (str): path to .model.json file. Defaults to None. output_prefix (str): prefix to `tts` to download models. Defaults to None progress_bar (bool): print a progress bar when donwloading a file. Defaults to False. verbose (bool): print info. Defaults to True. """ def __init__(self, models_file=None, output_prefix=None, progress_bar=False, verbose=True): super().__init__() self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.verbose = verbose if output_prefix is None: self.output_prefix = get_user_data_dir("tts") else: self.output_prefix = os.path.join(output_prefix, "tts") self.models_dict = None if models_file is not None: self.read_models_file(models_file) else: # try the default location path = Path(__file__).parent / "../.models.json" self.read_models_file(path) def read_models_file(self, file_path): """Read .models.json as a dict Args: file_path (str): path to .models.json. """ self.models_dict = read_json_with_comments(file_path) def _list_models(self, model_type, model_count=0): if self.verbose: print("\n Name format: type/language/dataset/model") model_list = [] for lang in self.models_dict[model_type]: for dataset in self.models_dict[model_type][lang]: for model in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset]: model_full_name = f"{model_type}--{lang}--{dataset}--{model}" output_path = os.path.join(self.output_prefix, model_full_name) if self.verbose: if os.path.exists(output_path): print(f" {model_count}: {model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}/{model} [already downloaded]") else: print(f" {model_count}: {model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}/{model}") model_list.append(f"{model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}/{model}") model_count += 1 return model_list def _list_for_model_type(self, model_type): models_name_list = [] model_count = 1 models_name_list.extend(self._list_models(model_type, model_count)) return models_name_list def list_models(self): models_name_list = [] model_count = 1 for model_type in self.models_dict: model_list = self._list_models(model_type, model_count) models_name_list.extend(model_list) return models_name_list def model_info_by_idx(self, model_query): """Print the description of the model from .models.json file using model_idx Args: model_query (str): / """ model_name_list = [] model_type, model_query_idx = model_query.split("/") try: model_query_idx = int(model_query_idx) if model_query_idx <= 0: print("> model_query_idx should be a positive integer!") return except: print("> model_query_idx should be an integer!") return model_count = 0 if model_type in self.models_dict: for lang in self.models_dict[model_type]: for dataset in self.models_dict[model_type][lang]: for model in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset]: model_name_list.append(f"{model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}/{model}") model_count += 1 else: print(f"> model_type {model_type} does not exist in the list.") return if model_query_idx > model_count: print(f"model query idx exceeds the number of available models [{model_count}] ") else: model_type, lang, dataset, model = model_name_list[model_query_idx - 1].split("/") print(f"> model type : {model_type}") print(f"> language supported : {lang}") print(f"> dataset used : {dataset}") print(f"> model name : {model}") if "description" in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]: print(f"> description : {self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]['description']}") else: print("> description : coming soon") if "default_vocoder" in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]: print(f"> default_vocoder : {self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]['default_vocoder']}") def model_info_by_full_name(self, model_query_name): """Print the description of the model from .models.json file using model_full_name Args: model_query_name (str): Format is /// """ model_type, lang, dataset, model = model_query_name.split("/") if model_type in self.models_dict: if lang in self.models_dict[model_type]: if dataset in self.models_dict[model_type][lang]: if model in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset]: print(f"> model type : {model_type}") print(f"> language supported : {lang}") print(f"> dataset used : {dataset}") print(f"> model name : {model}") if "description" in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]: print( f"> description : {self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]['description']}" ) else: print("> description : coming soon") if "default_vocoder" in self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]: print( f"> default_vocoder : {self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model]['default_vocoder']}" ) else: print(f"> model {model} does not exist for {model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}.") else: print(f"> dataset {dataset} does not exist for {model_type}/{lang}.") else: print(f"> lang {lang} does not exist for {model_type}.") else: print(f"> model_type {model_type} does not exist in the list.") def list_tts_models(self): """Print all `TTS` models and return a list of model names Format is `language/dataset/model` """ return self._list_for_model_type("tts_models") def list_vocoder_models(self): """Print all the `vocoder` models and return a list of model names Format is `language/dataset/model` """ return self._list_for_model_type("vocoder_models") def list_vc_models(self): """Print all the voice conversion models and return a list of model names Format is `language/dataset/model` """ return self._list_for_model_type("voice_conversion_models") def list_langs(self): """Print all the available languages""" print(" Name format: type/language") for model_type in self.models_dict: for lang in self.models_dict[model_type]: print(f" >: {model_type}/{lang} ") def list_datasets(self): """Print all the datasets""" print(" Name format: type/language/dataset") for model_type in self.models_dict: for lang in self.models_dict[model_type]: for dataset in self.models_dict[model_type][lang]: print(f" >: {model_type}/{lang}/{dataset}") @staticmethod def print_model_license(model_item: Dict): """Print the license of a model Args: model_item (dict): model item in the models.json """ if "license" in model_item and model_item["license"].strip() != "": print(f" > Model's license - {model_item['license']}") if model_item["license"].lower() in LICENSE_URLS: # Fix: Use single quotes inside the f-string print(f" > Check {LICENSE_URLS[model_item['license'].lower()]} for more info.") else: print(" > Check for more info.") else: print(" > Model's license - No license information available") def _download_github_model(self, model_item: Dict, output_path: str): if isinstance(model_item["github_rls_url"], list): self._download_model_files(model_item["github_rls_url"], output_path, self.progress_bar) else: self._download_zip_file(model_item["github_rls_url"], output_path, self.progress_bar) def _download_hf_model(self, model_item: Dict, output_path: str): if isinstance(model_item["hf_url"], list): self._download_model_files(model_item["hf_url"], output_path, self.progress_bar) else: self._download_zip_file(model_item["hf_url"], output_path, self.progress_bar) def download_fairseq_model(self, model_name, output_path): URI_PREFIX = "" _, lang, _, _ = model_name.split("/") model_download_uri = os.path.join(URI_PREFIX, f"{lang}.tar.gz") self._download_tar_file(model_download_uri, output_path, self.progress_bar) @staticmethod def set_model_url(model_item: Dict): model_item["model_url"] = None if "github_rls_url" in model_item: model_item["model_url"] = model_item["github_rls_url"] elif "hf_url" in model_item: model_item["model_url"] = model_item["hf_url"] elif "fairseq" in model_item["model_name"]: model_item["model_url"] = "" elif "xtts" in model_item["model_name"]: model_item["model_url"] = "" return model_item def _set_model_item(self, model_name): # fetch model info from the dict if "fairseq" in model_name: model_type = "tts_models" lang = model_name.split("/")[1] model_item = { "model_type": "tts_models", "license": "CC BY-NC 4.0", "default_vocoder": None, "author": "fairseq", "description": "this model is released by Meta under Fairseq repo. Visit for more info.", } model_item["model_name"] = model_name elif "xtts" in model_name and len(model_name.split("/")) != 4: # loading xtts models with only model name (e.g. xtts_v2.0.2) # check model name has the version number with regex version_regex = r"v\d+\.\d+\.\d+" if, model_name): model_version = model_name.split("_")[-1] else: model_version = "main" model_type = "tts_models" lang = "multilingual" dataset = "multi-dataset" model = model_name model_item = { "default_vocoder": None, "license": "CPML", "contact": "", "tos_required": True, "hf_url": [ f"{model_version}/model.pth", f"{model_version}/config.json", f"{model_version}/vocab.json", f"{model_version}/hash.md5", f"{model_version}/speakers_xtts.pth", ], } else: # get model from models.json model_type, lang, dataset, model = model_name.split("/") model_item = self.models_dict[model_type][lang][dataset][model] model_item["model_type"] = model_type model_full_name = f"{model_type}--{lang}--{dataset}--{model}" md5hash = model_item["model_hash"] if "model_hash" in model_item else None model_item = self.set_model_url(model_item) return model_item, model_full_name, model, md5hash @staticmethod def ask_tos(model_full_path): """Automatically agree to the terms of service without user input.""" tos_path = os.path.join(model_full_path, "tos_agreed.txt") # Automatically agree to the terms with open(tos_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("I have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.") return True @staticmethod def tos_agreed(model_item, model_full_path): """Check if the user has agreed to the terms of service""" if "tos_required" in model_item and model_item["tos_required"]: tos_path = os.path.join(model_full_path, "tos_agreed.txt") if os.path.exists(tos_path) or os.environ.get("COQUI_TOS_AGREED") == "1": return True return False return True def create_dir_and_download_model(self, model_name, model_item, output_path): os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) # handle TOS if not self.tos_agreed(model_item, output_path): if not self.ask_tos(output_path): os.rmdir(output_path) raise Exception(" [!] You must agree to the terms of service to use this model.") print(f" > Downloading model to {output_path}") try: if "fairseq" in model_name: self.download_fairseq_model(model_name, output_path) elif "github_rls_url" in model_item: self._download_github_model(model_item, output_path) elif "hf_url" in model_item: self._download_hf_model(model_item, output_path) except requests.RequestException as e: print(f" > Failed to download the model file to {output_path}") rmtree(output_path) raise e self.print_model_license(model_item=model_item) def check_if_configs_are_equal(self, model_name, model_item, output_path): with[1], "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: config_local = json.load(f) remote_url = None for url in model_item["hf_url"]: if "config.json" in url: remote_url = url break with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: config_remote = json.load(f) if not config_local == config_remote: print(f" > {model_name} is already downloaded however it has been changed. Redownloading it...") self.create_dir_and_download_model(model_name, model_item, output_path) def download_model(self, model_name): """Download model files given the full model name. Model name is in the format 'type/language/dataset/model' e.g. 'tts_model/en/ljspeech/tacotron' Every model must have the following files: - *.pth : pytorch model checkpoint file. - config.json : model config file. - scale_stats.npy (if exist): scale values for preprocessing. Args: model_name (str): model name as explained above. """ model_item, model_full_name, model, md5sum = self._set_model_item(model_name) # set the model specific output path output_path = os.path.join(self.output_prefix, model_full_name) if os.path.exists(output_path): if md5sum is not None: md5sum_file = os.path.join(output_path, "hash.md5") if os.path.isfile(md5sum_file): with open(md5sum_file, mode="r") as f: if not == md5sum: print(f" > {model_name} has been updated, clearing model cache...") self.create_dir_and_download_model(model_name, model_item, output_path) else: print(f" > {model_name} is already downloaded.") else: print(f" > {model_name} has been updated, clearing model cache...") self.create_dir_and_download_model(model_name, model_item, output_path) # if the configs are different, redownload it # ToDo: we need a better way to handle it if "xtts" in model_name: try: self.check_if_configs_are_equal(model_name, model_item, output_path) except: pass else: print(f" > {model_name} is already downloaded.") else: self.create_dir_and_download_model(model_name, model_item, output_path) # find downloaded files output_model_path = output_path output_config_path = None if ( model not in ["tortoise-v2", "bark"] and "fairseq" not in model_name and "xtts" not in model_name ): # TODO:This is stupid but don't care for now. output_model_path, output_config_path = self._find_files(output_path) # update paths in the config.json self._update_paths(output_path, output_config_path) return output_model_path, output_config_path, model_item @staticmethod def _find_files(output_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Find the model and config files in the output path Args: output_path (str): path to the model files Returns: Tuple[str, str]: path to the model file and config file """ model_file = None config_file = None for file_name in os.listdir(output_path): if file_name in ["model_file.pth", "model_file.pth.tar", "model.pth"]: model_file = os.path.join(output_path, file_name) elif file_name == "config.json": config_file = os.path.join(output_path, file_name) if model_file is None: raise ValueError(" [!] Model file not found in the output path") if config_file is None: raise ValueError(" [!] Config file not found in the output path") return model_file, config_file @staticmethod def _find_speaker_encoder(output_path: str) -> str: """Find the speaker encoder file in the output path Args: output_path (str): path to the model files Returns: str: path to the speaker encoder file """ speaker_encoder_file = None for file_name in os.listdir(output_path): if file_name in ["model_se.pth", "model_se.pth.tar"]: speaker_encoder_file = os.path.join(output_path, file_name) return speaker_encoder_file def _update_paths(self, output_path: str, config_path: str) -> None: """Update paths for certain files in config.json after download. Args: output_path (str): local path the model is downloaded to. config_path (str): local config.json path. """ output_stats_path = os.path.join(output_path, "scale_stats.npy") output_d_vector_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, "speakers.json") output_d_vector_file_pth_path = os.path.join(output_path, "speakers.pth") output_speaker_ids_file_path = os.path.join(output_path, "speaker_ids.json") output_speaker_ids_file_pth_path = os.path.join(output_path, "speaker_ids.pth") speaker_encoder_config_path = os.path.join(output_path, "config_se.json") speaker_encoder_model_path = self._find_speaker_encoder(output_path) # update the scale_path.npy file path in the model config.json self._update_path("audio.stats_path", output_stats_path, config_path) # update the speakers.json file path in the model config.json to the current path self._update_path("d_vector_file", output_d_vector_file_path, config_path) self._update_path("d_vector_file", output_d_vector_file_pth_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.d_vector_file", output_d_vector_file_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.d_vector_file", output_d_vector_file_pth_path, config_path) # update the speaker_ids.json file path in the model config.json to the current path self._update_path("speakers_file", output_speaker_ids_file_path, config_path) self._update_path("speakers_file", output_speaker_ids_file_pth_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.speakers_file", output_speaker_ids_file_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.speakers_file", output_speaker_ids_file_pth_path, config_path) # update the speaker_encoder file path in the model config.json to the current path self._update_path("speaker_encoder_model_path", speaker_encoder_model_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.speaker_encoder_model_path", speaker_encoder_model_path, config_path) self._update_path("speaker_encoder_config_path", speaker_encoder_config_path, config_path) self._update_path("model_args.speaker_encoder_config_path", speaker_encoder_config_path, config_path) @staticmethod def _update_path(field_name, new_path, config_path): """Update the path in the model config.json for the current environment after download""" if new_path and os.path.exists(new_path): config = load_config(config_path) field_names = field_name.split(".") if len(field_names) > 1: # field name points to a sub-level field sub_conf = config for fd in field_names[:-1]: if fd in sub_conf: sub_conf = sub_conf[fd] else: return if isinstance(sub_conf[field_names[-1]], list): sub_conf[field_names[-1]] = [new_path] else: sub_conf[field_names[-1]] = new_path else: # field name points to a top-level field if not field_name in config: return if isinstance(config[field_name], list): config[field_name] = [new_path] else: config[field_name] = new_path config.save_json(config_path) @staticmethod def _download_zip_file(file_url, output_folder, progress_bar): """Download the github releases""" # download the file r = requests.get(file_url, stream=True) # extract the file try: total_size_in_bytes = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 # 1 Kibibyte if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit="iB", unit_scale=True) temp_zip_name = os.path.join(output_folder, file_url.split("/")[-1]) with open(temp_zip_name, "wb") as file: for data in r.iter_content(block_size): if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress.update(len(data)) file.write(data) with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip_name) as z: z.extractall(output_folder) os.remove(temp_zip_name) # delete zip after extract except zipfile.BadZipFile: print(f" > Error: Bad zip file - {file_url}") raise zipfile.BadZipFile # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from # move the files to the outer path for file_path in z.namelist(): src_path = os.path.join(output_folder, file_path) if os.path.isfile(src_path): dst_path = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.basename(file_path)) if src_path != dst_path: copyfile(src_path, dst_path) # remove redundant (hidden or not) folders for file_path in z.namelist(): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_folder, file_path)): rmtree(os.path.join(output_folder, file_path)) @staticmethod def _download_tar_file(file_url, output_folder, progress_bar): """Download the github releases""" # download the file r = requests.get(file_url, stream=True) # extract the file try: total_size_in_bytes = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 # 1 Kibibyte if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit="iB", unit_scale=True) temp_tar_name = os.path.join(output_folder, file_url.split("/")[-1]) with open(temp_tar_name, "wb") as file: for data in r.iter_content(block_size): if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress.update(len(data)) file.write(data) with as t: t.extractall(output_folder) tar_names = t.getnames() os.remove(temp_tar_name) # delete tar after extract except tarfile.ReadError: print(f" > Error: Bad tar file - {file_url}") raise tarfile.ReadError # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from # move the files to the outer path for file_path in os.listdir(os.path.join(output_folder, tar_names[0])): src_path = os.path.join(output_folder, tar_names[0], file_path) dst_path = os.path.join(output_folder, os.path.basename(file_path)) if src_path != dst_path: copyfile(src_path, dst_path) # remove the extracted folder rmtree(os.path.join(output_folder, tar_names[0])) @staticmethod def _download_model_files(file_urls, output_folder, progress_bar): """Download the github releases""" for file_url in file_urls: # download the file r = requests.get(file_url, stream=True) # extract the file bease_filename = file_url.split("/")[-1] temp_zip_name = os.path.join(output_folder, bease_filename) total_size_in_bytes = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 # 1 Kibibyte with open(temp_zip_name, "wb") as file: if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit="iB", unit_scale=True) for data in r.iter_content(block_size): if progress_bar: ModelManager.tqdm_progress.update(len(data)) file.write(data) @staticmethod def _check_dict_key(my_dict, key): if key in my_dict.keys() and my_dict[key] is not None: if not isinstance(key, str): return True if isinstance(key, str) and len(my_dict[key]) > 0: return True return False