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import os
import traceback
from enum import Enum
import gradio as gr
from gui.asset_components import AssetComponentsUtils
from gui.ui_abstract_component import AbstractComponentUI
from gui.ui_components_html import GradioComponentsHTML
from import EdgeTTSVoiceModule
from import ElevenLabsVoiceModule
from import CoquiVoiceModule
from shortGPT.config.api_db import ApiKeyManager
from shortGPT.config.languages import (EDGE_TTS_VOICENAME_MAPPING,
from shortGPT.engine.content_video_engine import ContentVideoEngine
from shortGPT.gpt import gpt_chat_video
class Chatstate(Enum):
class VideoAutomationUI(AbstractComponentUI):
def __init__(self, shortGptUI: gr.Blocks):
self.shortGptUI = shortGptUI
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_ORIENTATION
self.isVertical = None
self.voice_module = None
self.language = None
self.script = ""
self.video_html = ""
self.videoVisible = False
self.video_automation = None
self.chatbot = None
self.msg = None
self.restart_button = None
self.video_folder = None
self.errorHTML = None
self.outHTML = None
def is_key_missing(self):
openai_key = ApiKeyManager.get_api_key("OPENAI")
if not openai_key:
return "Your OpenAI key is missing. Please go to the config tab and enter the API key."
pexels_api_key = ApiKeyManager.get_api_key("PEXELS")
if not pexels_api_key:
return "Your Pexels API key is missing. Please go to the config tab and enter the API key."
def generate_script(self, message, language):
return gpt_chat_video.generateScript(message, language)
def correct_script(self, script, correction):
return gpt_chat_video.correctScript(script, correction)
def make_video(self, script, voice_module, isVertical, progress):
videoEngine = ContentVideoEngine(voiceModule=voice_module, script=script, isVerticalFormat=isVertical)
num_steps = videoEngine.get_total_steps()
progress_counter = 0
def logger(prog_str):
progress(progress_counter / (num_steps), f"Creating video - {progress_counter} - {prog_str}")
for step_num, step_info in videoEngine.makeContent():
progress(progress_counter / (num_steps), f"Creating video - {step_info}")
progress_counter += 1
video_path = videoEngine.get_video_output_path()
return video_path
def reset_components(self):
return gr.Chatbot.update(value=self.initialize_conversation()), gr.update(visible=True), gr.HTML.update(value="", visible=False), gr.HTML.update(value="", visible=False)
def chatbot_conversation(self):
def respond(message, chat_history, progress=gr.Progress()):
# global self.state, isVertical, voice_module, language, script, videoVisible, video_html
error_html = ""
errorVisible = False
inputVisible = True
folderVisible = False
if self.state == Chatstate.ASK_ORIENTATION:
errorMessage = self.is_key_missing()
if errorMessage:
bot_message = errorMessage
self.isVertical = "vertical" in message.lower() or "short" in message.lower()
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_VOICE_MODULE
bot_message = "Which voice module do you want to use? Please type 'ElevenLabs' for high quality, 'EdgeTTS' for free but medium quality voice or 'CoquiTTS' for free and good quality voice but requires a powerful GPU."
elif self.state == Chatstate.ASK_VOICE_MODULE:
if "elevenlabs" in message.lower():
eleven_labs_key = ApiKeyManager.get_api_key("ELEVEN LABS")
if not eleven_labs_key:
bot_message = "Your Eleven Labs API key is missing. Please go to the config tab and enter the API key."
self.voice_module = ElevenLabsVoiceModule
language_choices = [lang.value for lang in ELEVEN_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES]
elif "edgetts" in message.lower():
self.voice_module = EdgeTTSVoiceModule
language_choices = [lang.value for lang in Language]
elif "coquitts" in message.lower():
self.voice_module = CoquiVoiceModule
language_choices = [lang.value for lang in COQUI_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES]
bot_message = "Invalid voice module. Please type 'ElevenLabs' or 'EdgeTTS'."
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_LANGUAGE
bot_message = f"πWhat language will be used in the video?π Choose from one of these ({', '.join(language_choices)})"
elif self.state == Chatstate.ASK_LANGUAGE:
self.language = next((lang for lang in Language if lang.value.lower() in message.lower()), None)
self.language = self.language if self.language else Language.ENGLISH
if self.voice_module == ElevenLabsVoiceModule:
self.voice_module = ElevenLabsVoiceModule(ApiKeyManager.get_api_key('ELEVEN LABS'), "Antoni", checkElevenCredits=True)
elif self.voice_module == EdgeTTSVoiceModule:
self.voice_module = EdgeTTSVoiceModule(EDGE_TTS_VOICENAME_MAPPING[self.language]['male'])
elif self.voice_module == CoquiVoiceModule:
self.voice_module = CoquiVoiceModule("Ana Florence", LANGUAGE_ACRONYM_MAPPING[self.language])
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_DESCRIPTION
bot_message = "Amazing π₯ ! πCan you describe thoroughly the subject of your video?π I will next generate you a script based on that description"
elif self.state == Chatstate.ASK_DESCRIPTION:
self.script = self.generate_script(message, self.language.value)
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_SATISFACTION
bot_message = f"π Here is your generated script: \n\n--------------\n{self.script}\n\nγ»Are you satisfied with the script and ready to proceed with creating the video? Please respond with 'YES' or 'NO'. ππ"
elif self.state == Chatstate.ASK_SATISFACTION:
if "yes" in message.lower():
self.state = Chatstate.MAKE_VIDEO
inputVisible = False
yield gr.update(visible=False), gr.Chatbot.update(value=[[None, "Your video is being made now! π¬"]]), gr.HTML.update(value="", visible=False), gr.HTML.update(value=error_html, visible=errorVisible), gr.update(visible=folderVisible), gr.update(visible=False)
video_path = self.make_video(self.script, self.voice_module, self.isVertical, progress=progress)
file_name = video_path.split("/")[-1].split("\\")[-1]
current_url = self.shortGptUI.share_url+"/" if self.shortGptUI.share else self.shortGptUI.local_url
file_url_path = f"{current_url}file={video_path}"
self.video_html = f'''
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;">
<video width="{600}" height="{300}" style="max-height: 100%;" controls>
<source src="{file_url_path}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<a href="{file_url_path}" download="{file_name}" style="margin-top: 10px;">
<button style="font-size: 1em; padding: 10px; border: none; cursor: pointer; color: white; background: #007bff;">Download Video</button>
self.videoVisible = True
folderVisible = True
bot_message = "Your video is completed !π¬. Scroll down below to open its file location."
except Exception as e:
traceback_str = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__))
error_name = type(e).__name__.capitalize() + " : " + f"{e.args[0]}"
errorVisible = True
gradio_content_automation_ui_error_template = GradioComponentsHTML.get_html_error_template()
error_html = gradio_content_automation_ui_error_template.format(error_message=error_name, stack_trace=traceback_str)
bot_message = "We encountered an error while making this video β"
print("Error", traceback_str)
yield gr.update(visible=False), gr.Chatbot.update(value=[[None, "Your video is being made now! π¬"]]), gr.HTML.update(value="", visible=False),
gr.HTML.update(value=error_html, visible=errorVisible), gr.update(visible=folderVisible), gr.update(visible=True)
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_CORRECTION # change self.state to ASK_CORRECTION
bot_message = "Explain me what you want different in the script"
elif self.state == Chatstate.ASK_CORRECTION: # new self.state
self.script = self.correct_script(self.script, message) # call generateScript with correct=True
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_SATISFACTION
bot_message = f"π Here is your corrected script: \n\n--------------\n{self.script}\n\nγ»Are you satisfied with the script and ready to proceed with creating the video? Please respond with 'YES' or 'NO'. ππ"
chat_history.append((message, bot_message))
yield gr.update(value="", visible=inputVisible), gr.Chatbot.update(value=chat_history), gr.HTML.update(value=self.video_html, visible=self.videoVisible), gr.HTML.update(value=error_html, visible=errorVisible), gr.update(visible=folderVisible), gr.update(visible=True)
return respond
def initialize_conversation(self):
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_ORIENTATION
self.isVertical = None
self.language = None
self.script = ""
self.video_html = ""
self.videoVisible = False
return [[None, "π€ Welcome to ShortGPT! π I'm a python framework aiming to simplify and automate your video editing tasks.\nLet's get started! π₯π¬\n\n Do you want your video to be in landscape or vertical format? (landscape OR vertical)"]]
def reset_conversation(self):
self.state = Chatstate.ASK_ORIENTATION
self.isVertical = None
self.language = None
self.script = ""
self.video_html = ""
self.videoVisible = False
def create_ui(self):
with gr.Row(visible=False) as self.video_automation:
with gr.Column():
self.chatbot = gr.Chatbot(self.initialize_conversation, height=365)
self.msg = gr.Textbox()
self.restart_button = gr.Button("Restart")
self.video_folder = gr.Button("π", visible=False) _: AssetComponentsUtils.start_file(os.path.abspath("videos/")))
respond = self.chatbot_conversation()
self.errorHTML = gr.HTML(visible=False)
self.outHTML = gr.HTML(visible=False), [], [self.chatbot, self.msg, self.errorHTML, self.outHTML]), [])
self.msg.submit(respond, [self.msg, self.chatbot], [self.msg, self.chatbot, self.outHTML, self.errorHTML, self.video_folder, self.restart_button])
return self.video_automation