Subjective: Patient Tom is a 35-year-old male who reports having a cold and a slight headache. Objective: Patient's vital signs are within normal limits. Patient has a runny nose and a slight headache. Assessment: Patient has a cold. Plan: Prescribe medications and advise patient to take baths in tepid water for a few days. Subjective: Patient Tom reports having a cold and a slight headache. Objective: Patient appears to have a cold and a slight headache. Assessment: Patient has a cold and a slight headache. Plan: Prescribe medications and advise patient to take baths in tepid water for a few days. Subjective: Patient Tom reports having a cold and a slight headache. Objective: Patient appears to be in good health, with no visible signs of distress. Assessment: Patient has a cold and a slight headache. Plan: Prescribe medications and advise patient to take baths in tepid water for a few days. Subjective: Patient John is a 35-year-old male who presents with a high fever of 103°C, chest pain, and a slight headache. He reports that he recently returned from a village where he was doing field work on potable water and was exposed to cold weather. Objective: Patient's temperature is 39.5°C. Patient has chest pain and a slight headache. Assessment: Patient has a high fever and chest pain. Plan: Prescribe medications for fever and chest pain. Advise patient to take baths in tepid water for the next few days. Schedule follow-up appointment in three weeks. Subjective: Patient Tom Smith is a 28 year old male who is presenting with fever, sore throat, cough, headache, and shivering since yesterday. He has not taken any medication for his symptoms. Objective: Patient's temperature is 101 degrees. Assessment: Patient is suffering from fever and other symptoms. Plan: Prescribe medications two times a day for 3 days and advise patient to get some rest.