"""Epub parser. Contains parsers for epub files. """ from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict from gpt_index.readers.file.base_parser import BaseParser class EpubParser(BaseParser): """Epub Parser.""" def _init_parser(self) -> Dict: """Init parser.""" return {} def parse_file(self, file: Path, errors: str = "ignore") -> str: """Parse file.""" try: import ebooklib from ebooklib import epub except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`EbookLib` is required to read Epub files: `pip install EbookLib`" ) try: import html2text except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`html2text` is required to parse Epub files: `pip install html2text`" ) text_list = [] book = epub.read_epub(file, options={"ignore_ncx": True}) # Iterate through all chapters. for item in book.get_items(): # Chapters are typically located in epub documents items. if item.get_type() == ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT: text_list.append( html2text.html2text(item.get_content().decode("utf-8")) ) text = "\n".join(text_list) return text