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Github API client for the GPT-Index library.
This module contains the Github API client for the GPT-Index library.
It is used by the Github readers to retrieve the data from Github.
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin
class GitTreeResponseModel(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the response from the Github API's getTree endpoint.
- sha (str): SHA1 checksum ID of the tree.
- url (str): URL for the tree.
- tree (List[GitTreeObject]): List of objects in the tree.
- truncated (bool): Whether the tree is truncated.
>>> tree = client.get_tree("owner", "repo", "branch")
>>> tree.sha
class GitTreeObject(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the objects in the tree.
- path (str): Path to the object.
- mode (str): Mode of the object.
- type (str): Type of the object.
- sha (str): SHA1 checksum ID of the object.
- url (str): URL for the object.
- size (Optional[int]): Size of the object (only for blobs).
path: str
mode: str
type: str
sha: str
url: str
size: Optional[int] = None
sha: str
url: str
tree: List[GitTreeObject]
truncated: bool
class GitBlobResponseModel(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the response from the Github API's getBlob endpoint.
- content (str): Content of the blob.
- encoding (str): Encoding of the blob.
- url (str): URL for the blob.
- sha (str): SHA1 checksum ID of the blob.
- size (int): Size of the blob.
- node_id (str): Node ID of the blob.
content: str
encoding: str
url: str
sha: str
size: int
node_id: str
class GitCommitResponseModel(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the response from the Github API's getCommit endpoint.
- tree (Tree): Tree object for the commit.
class Commit(DataClassJsonMixin):
"""Dataclass for the commit object in the commit. (commit.commit)."""
class Tree(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the tree object in the commit.
- sha (str): SHA for the commit
sha: str
tree: Tree
commit: Commit
class GitBranchResponseModel(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the response from the Github API's getBranch endpoint.
- commit (Commit): Commit object for the branch.
class Commit(DataClassJsonMixin):
"""Dataclass for the commit object in the branch. (commit.commit)."""
class Commit(DataClassJsonMixin):
"""Dataclass for the commit object in the commit. (commit.commit.tree)."""
class Tree(DataClassJsonMixin):
Dataclass for the tree object in the commit.
Usage: commit.commit.tree.sha
sha: str
tree: Tree
commit: Commit
commit: Commit
class GithubClient:
An asynchronous client for interacting with the Github API.
This client is used for making API requests to Github.
It provides methods for accessing the Github API endpoints.
The client requires a Github token for authentication,
which can be passed as an argument or set as an environment variable.
If no Github token is provided, the client will raise a ValueError.
>>> client = GithubClient("my_github_token")
>>> branch_info = client.get_branch("owner", "repo", "branch")
DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "https://api.github.com"
DEFAULT_API_VERSION = "2022-11-28"
def __init__(
github_token: Optional[str] = None,
base_url: str = DEFAULT_BASE_URL,
api_version: str = DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> None:
Initialize the GithubClient.
- github_token (str): Github token for authentication.
If not provided, the client will try to get it from
the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.
- base_url (str): Base URL for the Github API
(defaults to "https://api.github.com").
- api_version (str): Github API version (defaults to "2022-11-28").
ValueError: If no Github token is provided.
if github_token is None:
github_token = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
if github_token is None:
raise ValueError(
"Please provide a Github token. "
+ "You can do so by passing it as an argument to the GithubReader,"
+ "or by setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable."
self._base_url = base_url
self._api_version = api_version
self._verbose = verbose
self._endpoints = {
"getTree": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/trees/{tree_sha}",
"getBranch": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}",
"getBlob": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/blobs/{file_sha}",
"getCommit": "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{commit_sha}",
self._headers = {
"Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {github_token}",
"X-GitHub-Api-Version": f"{self._api_version}",
def get_all_endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Get all available endpoints."""
return {**self._endpoints}
async def request(
endpoint: str,
method: str,
headers: Dict[str, Any] = {},
**kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
Make an API request to the Github API.
This method is used for making API requests to the Github API.
It is used internally by the other methods in the client.
- `endpoint (str)`: Name of the endpoint to make the request to.
- `method (str)`: HTTP method to use for the request.
- `headers (dict)`: HTTP headers to include in the request.
- `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments to pass to the endpoint URL.
- `response (httpx.Response)`: Response from the API request.
- ImportError: If the `httpx` library is not installed.
- httpx.HTTPError: If the API request fails.
>>> response = client.request("getTree", "GET",
owner="owner", repo="repo",
import httpx
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"Please install httpx to use the GithubRepositoryReader. "
"You can do so by running `pip install httpx`."
_headers = {**self._headers, **headers}
_client: httpx.AsyncClient
async with httpx.AsyncClient(
headers=_headers, base_url=self._base_url
) as _client:
response = await _client.request(
method, url=self._endpoints[endpoint].format(**kwargs)
except httpx.HTTPError as excp:
print(f"HTTP Exception for {excp.request.url} - {excp}")
raise excp
return response
async def get_branch(
self, owner: str, repo: str, branch: str
) -> GitBranchResponseModel:
Get information about a branch. (Github API endpoint: getBranch).
- `owner (str)`: Owner of the repository.
- `repo (str)`: Name of the repository.
- `branch (str)`: Name of the branch.
- `branch_info (GitBranchResponseModel)`: Information about the branch.
>>> branch_info = client.get_branch("owner", "repo", "branch")
return GitBranchResponseModel.from_json(
await self.request(
"getBranch", "GET", owner=owner, repo=repo, branch=branch
async def get_tree(
self, owner: str, repo: str, tree_sha: str
) -> GitTreeResponseModel:
Get information about a tree. (Github API endpoint: getTree).
- `owner (str)`: Owner of the repository.
- `repo (str)`: Name of the repository.
- `tree_sha (str)`: SHA of the tree.
- `tree_info (GitTreeResponseModel)`: Information about the tree.
>>> tree_info = client.get_tree("owner", "repo", "tree_sha")
return GitTreeResponseModel.from_json(
await self.request(
"getTree", "GET", owner=owner, repo=repo, tree_sha=tree_sha
async def get_blob(
self, owner: str, repo: str, file_sha: str
) -> GitBlobResponseModel:
Get information about a blob. (Github API endpoint: getBlob).
- `owner (str)`: Owner of the repository.
- `repo (str)`: Name of the repository.
- `file_sha (str)`: SHA of the file.
- `blob_info (GitBlobResponseModel)`: Information about the blob.
>>> blob_info = client.get_blob("owner", "repo", "file_sha")
return GitBlobResponseModel.from_json(
await self.request(
"getBlob", "GET", owner=owner, repo=repo, file_sha=file_sha
async def get_commit(
self, owner: str, repo: str, commit_sha: str
) -> GitCommitResponseModel:
Get information about a commit. (Github API endpoint: getCommit).
- `owner (str)`: Owner of the repository.
- `repo (str)`: Name of the repository.
- `commit_sha (str)`: SHA of the commit.
- `commit_info (GitCommitResponseModel)`: Information about the commit.
>>> commit_info = client.get_commit("owner", "repo", "commit_sha")
return GitCommitResponseModel.from_json(
await self.request(
"getCommit", "GET", owner=owner, repo=repo, commit_sha=commit_sha
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
async def main() -> None:
"""Test the GithubClient."""
client = GithubClient()
response = await client.get_tree(
owner="ahmetkca", repo="CommitAI", tree_sha="with-body"
for obj in response.tree:
if obj.type == "blob":
blob_response = await client.get_blob(
owner="ahmetkca", repo="CommitAI", file_sha=obj.sha