import os os.chdir('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training') import torch import yaml import gradio as gr import subprocess import threading import random import time import shutil import librosa import soundfile as sf import numpy as np import requests import json import locale import shutil from datetime import datetime import glob import yt_dlp import validators from pytube import YouTube from google.colab import auth from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload import io import math import hashlib import re import gc import psutil import concurrent.futures from tqdm import tqdm from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials import tempfile from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.parse import quote import gdown os.makedirs('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/input', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/output', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/drive/MyDrive/output', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/drive/MyDrive/ensemble_folder', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/old_output', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/auto_ensemble_temp', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/wav_folder', exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/ensemble', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/auto_ensemble_temp', ignore_errors=True) def clear_old_output(): old_output_folder = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'old_output') try: if not os.path.exists(old_output_folder): return "❌ Old output folder does not exist" # Tüm dosya ve alt klasörleri sil shutil.rmtree(old_output_folder) os.makedirs(old_output_folder, exist_ok=True) return "✅ Old outputs successfully cleared!" except Exception as e: error_msg = f"🔥 Error: {str(e)}" print(error_msg) return error_msg print("All files in old_output have been deleted.") def shorten_filename(filename, max_length=30): """ Shortens a filename to a specified maximum length Args: filename (str): The filename to be shortened max_length (int): Maximum allowed length for the filename Returns: str: Shortened filename """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if len(base) <= max_length: return filename # Take first 15 and last 10 characters shortened = base[:15] + "..." + base[-10:] + ext return shortened def update_progress(progress=gr.Progress()): def track_progress(percent): progress (percent/100) return track_progress # Özel karakterleri temizlemek için def clean_filename(title): return re.sub(r'[^\w\-_\. ]', '', title).strip() def download_callback(url, download_type='direct', cookie_file=None): try: # 1. TEMİZLİK VE KLASÖR HAZIRLIĞI BASE_PATH = "/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training" INPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "input") COOKIE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "cookies.txt") # Input klasörünü temizle ve yeniden oluştur clear_temp_folder( "/tmp", exclude_items=["gradio", "config.json"] ) clear_directory(INPUT_DIR) os.makedirs(INPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) # 2. URL DOĞRULAMA if not validators.url(url): return None, "❌ Invalid URL", None, None, None, None # 3. COOKIE YÖNETİMİ if cookie_file is not None: try: with open(, "rb") as f: cookie_content = with open(COOKIE_PATH, "wb") as f: f.write(cookie_content) print("✅ Cookie file updated!") except Exception as e: print(f"⚠️ Cookie installation error: {str(e)}") wav_path = None download_success = False # 4. İNDİRME TÜRÜNE GÖRE İŞLEM if download_type == 'drive': # GOOGLE DRIVE İNDİRME try: file_id ='/d/([^/]+)', url).group(1) if '/d/' in url else url.split('id=')[-1] original_filename = "drive_download.wav" # Gdown ile indirme output_path = os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, original_filename) f'{file_id}', output_path, quiet=True, fuzzy=True ) if os.path.exists(output_path) and os.path.getsize(output_path) > 0: wav_path = output_path download_success = True print(f"✅ Downloaded from Google Drive: {wav_path}") else: raise Exception("File size zero or file not created") except Exception as e: error_msg = f"❌ Google Drive download error: {str(e)}" print(error_msg) return None, error_msg, None, None, None, None else: # YOUTUBE/DİREKT LİNK İNDİRME ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, '%(title)s.%(ext)s'), 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'wav', 'preferredquality': '0' }], 'cookiefile': COOKIE_PATH if os.path.exists(COOKIE_PATH) else None, 'nocheckcertificate': True, 'ignoreerrors': True, 'retries': 3 } try: with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=True) temp_path = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict) wav_path = os.path.splitext(temp_path)[0] + '.wav' if os.path.exists(wav_path): download_success = True print(f"✅ Downloaded successfully: {wav_path}") else: raise Exception("WAV conversion failed") except Exception as e: error_msg = f"❌ Download error: {str(e)}" print(error_msg) return None, error_msg, None, None, None, None # 5. SON KONTROLLER VE TEMİZLİK if download_success and wav_path: # Input klasöründeki gereksiz dosyaları temizle for f in os.listdir(INPUT_DIR): if f != os.path.basename(wav_path): os.remove(os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, f)) return ( gr.File(value=wav_path), "🎉 Downloaded successfully!", gr.File(value=wav_path), gr.File(value=wav_path), gr.Audio(value=wav_path), gr.Audio(value=wav_path) ) return None, "❌ Download failed", None, None, None, None except Exception as e: error_msg = f"🔥 Critical Error: {str(e)}" print(error_msg) return None, error_msg, None, None, None, None # Hook function to track download progress def download_progress_hook(d): if d['status'] == 'finished': print('Download complete, conversion in progress...') elif d['status'] == 'downloading': downloaded_bytes = d.get('downloaded_bytes', 0) total_bytes = d.get('total_bytes') or d.get('total_bytes_estimate', 0) if total_bytes > 0: percent = downloaded_bytes * 100. / total_bytes print(f'Downloading: {percent:.1f}%') # Define the global variable at the top INPUT_DIR = "/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/input" def download_file(url): # Encode the URL to handle spaces and special characters encoded_url = quote(url, safe=':/') path = 'ckpts' os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.basename(encoded_url) file_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): print(f"File '{filename}' already exists at '{path}'.") return try: response = torch.hub.download_url_to_file(encoded_url, file_path) print(f"File '{filename}' downloaded successfully") except Exception as e: print(f"Error downloading file '{filename}' from '{url}': {e}") def generate_random_port(): return random.randint(1000, 9000) clear_memory() # Markdown annotations markdown_intro = """ # Voice Parsing Tool This tool is used to parse audio files. """ class IndentDumper(yaml.Dumper): def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False): return super(IndentDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False) def tuple_constructor(loader, node): # Load the sequence of values from the YAML node values = loader.construct_sequence(node) # Return a tuple constructed from the sequence return tuple(values) # Register the constructor with PyYAML yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor(',2002:python/tuple', tuple_constructor) def conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap): with open(config_path, 'r') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) # handle cases where 'use_amp' is missing from config: if 'use_amp' not in data.keys(): data['training']['use_amp'] = True data['audio']['chunk_size'] = chunk_size data['inference']['num_overlap'] = overlap if data['inference']['batch_size'] == 1: data['inference']['batch_size'] = 2 print("Using custom overlap and chunk_size values:") print(f"overlap = {data['inference']['num_overlap']}") print(f"chunk_size = {data['audio']['chunk_size']}") print(f"batch_size = {data['inference']['batch_size']}") with open(config_path, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, Dumper=IndentDumper, allow_unicode=True) def save_uploaded_file(uploaded_file, is_input=False, target_dir=None): try: # Medya dosya uzantıları media_extensions = ['.mp3', '.wav', '.flac', '.aac', '.ogg', '.m4a', '.mp4'] # Hedef dizini belirle if target_dir is None: target_dir = INPUT_DIR if is_input else VİDEO_TEMP # Zaman damgası pattern'leri timestamp_patterns = [ r'_\d{8}_\d{6}_\d{6}$', # _20231215_123456_123456 r'_\d{14}$', # _20231215123456 r'_\d{10}$', # _1702658400 r'_\d+$' # Herhangi bir sayı ] # Dosya adını al if hasattr(uploaded_file, 'name'): original_filename = os.path.basename( else: original_filename = os.path.basename(str(uploaded_file)) # Dosya adını temizle (sadece input'lar için) if is_input: base_filename = original_filename # Zaman damgalarını sil for pattern in timestamp_patterns: base_filename = re.sub(pattern, '', base_filename) # Çoklu uzantıları sil for ext in media_extensions: base_filename = base_filename.replace(ext, '') # Dosya uzantısını belirle file_ext = next( (ext for ext in media_extensions if original_filename.lower().endswith(ext)), '.wav' ) clean_filename = f"{base_filename.strip('_- ')}{file_ext}" else: clean_filename = original_filename # Hedef dizini belirle (DÜZELTME BURADA) target_directory = INPUT_DIR if is_input else OUTPUT_DIR target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, clean_filename) # Dizini oluştur (yoksa) os.makedirs(target_directory, exist_ok=True) # Dizindeki TÜM önceki dosyaları sil for filename in os.listdir(target_directory): file_path = os.path.join(target_directory, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: print(f"{file_path} Not deleted: {e}") # Yeni dosyayı kaydet if hasattr(uploaded_file, 'read'): with open(target_path, "wb") as f: f.write( else: shutil.copy(uploaded_file, target_path) print(f"File saved successfully: {os.path.basename(target_path)}") return target_path except Exception as e: print(f"File save error: {e}") return None clear_memory() def save_uploaded_file(uploaded_file, is_input=False, target_dir=None): try: # Medya dosya uzantıları media_extensions = ['.mp3', '.wav', '.flac', '.aac', '.ogg', '.m4a', '.mp4'] # Hedef dizini belirle if target_dir is None: target_dir = INPUT_DIR if is_input else OUTPUT_DIR # Zaman damgası pattern'leri timestamp_patterns = [ r'_\d{8}_\d{6}_\d{6}$', # _20231215_123456_123456 r'_\d{14}$', # _20231215123456 r'_\d{10}$', # _1702658400 r'_\d+$' # Herhangi bir sayı ] # Dosya adını al if hasattr(uploaded_file, 'name'): original_filename = os.path.basename( else: original_filename = os.path.basename(str(uploaded_file)) # Dosya adını temizle (sadece input'lar için) if is_input: base_filename = original_filename # Zaman damgalarını sil for pattern in timestamp_patterns: base_filename = re.sub(pattern, '', base_filename) # Çoklu uzantıları sil for ext in media_extensions: base_filename = base_filename.replace(ext, '') # Dosya uzantısını belirle file_ext = next( (ext for ext in media_extensions if original_filename.lower().endswith(ext)), '.wav' ) clean_filename = f"{base_filename.strip('_- ')}{file_ext}" else: clean_filename = original_filename # Hedef dizini belirle target_directory = INPUT_DIR if is_input else OUTPUT_DIR target_path = os.path.join(target_directory, clean_filename) # Dizini oluştur (yoksa) os.makedirs(target_directory, exist_ok=True) # Eğer dosya zaten varsa, sil if os.path.exists(target_path): os.remove(target_path) # Yeni dosyayı kaydet if hasattr(uploaded_file, 'read'): with open(target_path, "wb") as f: f.write( else: shutil.copy(uploaded_file, target_path) print(f"File saved successfully: {os.path.basename(target_path)}") return target_path except Exception as e: print(f"File save error: {e}") return None def clear_temp_folder(folder_path, exclude_items=None): """ Safely clears contents of a directory while preserving specified items Args: folder_path (str): Path to directory to clean exclude_items (list): Items to preserve (e.g., ['gradio', 'important.log']) Returns: bool: True if successful, False if failed """ try: # Validate directory existence if not os.path.exists(folder_path): print(f"⚠️ Directory does not exist: {folder_path}") return False if not os.path.isdir(folder_path): print(f"⚠️ Path is not a directory: {folder_path}") return False # Initialize exclusion list exclude_items = exclude_items or [] preserved_items = [] # Process directory contents for item_name in os.listdir(folder_path): item_path = os.path.join(folder_path, item_name) # Skip excluded items if item_name in exclude_items: preserved_items.append(item_path) continue try: # Delete files and symlinks if os.path.isfile(item_path) or os.path.islink(item_path): os.unlink(item_path) print(f"🗑️ File removed: {item_path}") # Delete directories elif os.path.isdir(item_path): shutil.rmtree(item_path) print(f"🗂️ Directory removed: {item_path}") except PermissionError as pe: print(f"🔒 Permission denied: {item_path} ({str(pe)})") continue except Exception as e: print(f"⚠️ Error deleting {item_path}: {str(e)}") continue # Print summary print(f"\n✅ Cleaning completed: {folder_path}") print(f"Total preserved items: {len(preserved_items)}") if preserved_items: print("Preserved items:") for item in preserved_items: print(f" - {item}") return True except Exception as e: print(f"❌ Critical error: {str(e)}") return False def handle_file_upload(file_obj, file_path_input, is_auto_ensemble=False): try: BASE_PATH = "/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training" INPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "input") # Yeni: Önceki dosyaları kontrol et existing_files = os.listdir(INPUT_DIR) new_file = None # Dosya yolu girilmişse if file_path_input and os.path.exists(file_path_input): new_file = file_path_input # Dosya yüklenmişse elif file_obj: new_file = # Gradio'nun geçici dosya yolu # Yeni dosya yoksa mevcut dosyayı koru if not new_file and existing_files: kept_file = os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, existing_files[0]) return [ gr.File(value=kept_file), gr.Audio(value=kept_file) ] # Yeni dosya varsa temizle ve yükle if new_file: clear_directory(INPUT_DIR) # Sadece yeni dosya geldiğinde temizle saved_path = save_uploaded_file(new_file, is_input=True) return [ gr.File(value=saved_path), gr.Audio(value=saved_path) ] return [None, None] except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {str(e)}") return [None, None] def move_old_files(output_folder): old_output_folder = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'old_output') os.makedirs(old_output_folder, exist_ok=True) # Eski dosyaları taşı ve adlarının sonuna "old" ekle for filename in os.listdir(output_folder): file_path = os.path.join(output_folder, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): # Yeni dosya adını oluştur new_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}_old{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}" new_file_path = os.path.join(old_output_folder, new_filename) shutil.move(file_path, new_file_path) def move_wav_files2(INPUT_DIR): ENSEMBLE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'ensemble') os.makedirs(ENSEMBLE_DIR, exist_ok=True) # Eski dosyaları taşı ve adlarının sonuna "old" ekle for filename in os.listdir(INPUT_DIR): file_path = os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): # Yeni dosya adını oluştur new_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(filename)[0]}_ensemble{os.path.splitext(filename)[1]}" new_file_path = os.path.join(ENSEMBLE_DIR, new_filename) shutil.move(file_path, new_file_path) def extract_model_name(full_model_string): """ Function to clear model name """ if not full_model_string: return "" cleaned = str(full_model_string) # Remove the description if ' - ' in cleaned: cleaned = cleaned.split(' - ')[0] # Remove emoji prefixes emoji_prefixes = ['✅ ', '👥 ', '🗣️ ', '🏛️ ', '🔇 ', '🔉 ', '🎬 ', '🎼 ', '✅(?) '] for prefix in emoji_prefixes: if cleaned.startswith(prefix): cleaned = cleaned[len(prefix):] return cleaned.strip() COOKIE_PATH = '/content/' BASE_PATH = '/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training' INPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'input') AUTO_ENSEMBLE_TEMP = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'auto_ensemble_temp') OUTPUT_DIR = '/content/drive/MyDrive/output' OLD_OUTPUT_DIR = '/content/drive/MyDrive/old_output' AUTO_ENSEMBLE_OUTPUT = '/content/drive/MyDrive/ensemble_folder' INFERENCE_SCRIPT_PATH = '/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/' VİDEO_TEMP = '/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/video_temp' ENSEMBLE_DIR = '/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/ensemble' os.makedirs(VİDEO_TEMP, exist_ok=True) # Klasörü oluşturduğundan emin ol Backup = '/content/backup' def clear_directory(directory): """Deletes all files in the given directory.""" files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '*')) # Dizin içindeki tüm dosyaları al for f in files: try: os.remove(f) # remove files except Exception as e: print(f"{f} could not be deleted: {e}") def create_directory(directory): """Creates the given directory (if it exists, if not).""" if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) print(f"{directory} directory created.") else: print(f"{directory} directory already exists.") def convert_to_wav(file_path): """Converts the audio file to WAV format and moves it to the ensemble directory.""" BASE_DIR = "/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training" ENSEMBLE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "ensemble") # Define the ensemble directory os.makedirs(ENSEMBLE_DIR, exist_ok=True) # Create the ensemble directory if it doesn't exist original_filename = os.path.basename(file_path) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(original_filename) # If already a WAV file, return its path directly if ext.lower() == '.wav': return file_path # Return the original path if it's already a WAV file try: # Prepare for WAV conversion wav_output = os.path.join(ENSEMBLE_DIR, f"{filename}.wav") # Save to ensemble directory # Run FFmpeg command to convert to WAV command = [ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', file_path, '-acodec', 'pcm_s16le', '-ar', '44100', wav_output ], check=True, capture_output=True) return wav_output # Return the path of the converted WAV file except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: error_msg = f"FFmpeg Error ({e.returncode}): {e.stderr.decode()}" print(error_msg) return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error during conversion: {str(e)}") return None def send_audio_file(file_path): try: if not os.path.exists(file_path): print(f"File not found: {file_path}") return None, "File not found" with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: data = print(f"Sending file: {file_path}, Size: {len(data)} bytes") return data, "Success" except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending file: {e}") return None, str(e) def process_audio(input_audio_file, model, chunk_size, overlap, export_format, use_tta, demud_phaseremix_inst, extract_instrumental, clean_model, *args, **kwargs): # Determine the audio path if input_audio_file is not None: audio_path = else: # Check for existing files in INPUT_DIR create_directory(INPUT_DIR) # Ensure the directory exists existing_files = os.listdir(INPUT_DIR) if existing_files: # Use the first existing file audio_path = os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, existing_files[0]) else: print("No audio file provided and no existing file in input directory.") return [None] * 14 # Error case # Create necessary directories create_directory(OUTPUT_DIR) create_directory(OLD_OUTPUT_DIR) # Move old files to the OLD_OUTPUT_DIR move_old_files(OUTPUT_DIR) # Clean model name clean_model = extract_model_name(model) print(f"Processing audio from: {audio_path} using model: {clean_model}") # Model configuration (remaining code) model_type, config_path, start_check_point = "", "", "" if clean_model == 'VOCALS-InstVocHQ': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_mdx23c.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_vocals_mdx23c_sdr_10.17.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_mel_band_roformer_kj.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/MelBandRoformer.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bsrofoL.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/BS-Roformer_LargeV1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_big_beta4.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_big_beta4.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/big_beta5e.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/big_beta5e.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_inst_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst_v2.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_inst_v2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_instvoc_duality.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_instvoc_duality_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_instvoc_duality.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_instvox_duality_v2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_mel_band_roformer_karaoke.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_karaoke_aufr33_viperx_sdr_10.1956.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer _crowd.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_crowd_aufr33_viperx_sdr_8.7144.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'segm_models' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_segm_models.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_vocals_segm_models_sdr_9.77.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat)': model_type = 'bandit' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dnr_bandit_bsrnn_multi_mus64.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bandit_plus_dnr_sdr_11.47.chpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou)': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/aufr33-jarredou_DrumSep_model_mdx23c_ep_141_sdr_10.8059.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/aufr33-jarredou_DrumSep_model_mdx23c_ep_141_sdr_10.8059.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/scnet_checkpoint_musdb18.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou)': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dereverb_mdx23c.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mdx23c_sdr_6.9096.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoise_mel_band_roformer_aufr33_sdr_27.9959.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoise_mel_band_roformer_aufr33_aggr_sdr_27.9768.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_v1e (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_v1e.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bleed_suppressor_v1.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/bleed_suppressor_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_instrumental_becruily.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_vocals_becruily.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_instrumental_becruily.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_instrumental_becruily.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet_xl.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_scnet_ep_54_sdr_9.8051.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet_large_starrytong.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/SCNet-large_starrytong_fixed.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bs_roformer_384_8_2_485100.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_17_sdr_9.6568.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew_sdr_19.1729.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dereverb-echo_mel_band_roformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb-echo_mel_band_roformer_sdr_10.0169.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew_sdr_18.8050.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew_sdr_19.1729.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gabox (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxBv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxBv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_chorus_male_female_bs_roformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/bs_roformer_male_female_by_aufr33_sdr_7.2889.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxBSroformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxBSR.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformer (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformerFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformerFV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxFv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/intrumental_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_Fv4Noise.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_V5 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV5.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft2_bleedless.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV6.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoisedebleed.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INSTV5N (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV5N.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_Fv3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono_anvuew_sdr_20.4029.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INSTV6N (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV6N.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'KaraokeGabox': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_mel_band_roformer_karaoke.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/KaraokeGabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/FullnessVocalModel.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/Inst_GaboxV7.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) # Other model options will be added here... # (All the elif blocks you gave in the previous code will go here) else: print(f"Unsupported model: {clean_model}") return [None] * 14 # Hata durumu result = run_command_and_process_files(model_type, config_path, start_check_point, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, extract_instrumental, use_tta, demud_phaseremix_inst, clean_model) # İşlem tamamlandıktan sonra giriş dizinini temizle return result def clean_model_name(model): """ Clean and standardize model names for filename """ # Mapping of complex model names to simpler, filename-friendly versions model_name_mapping = { 'VOCALS-InstVocHQ': 'InstVocHQ', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN)': 'KimberleyJSN', 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS_BS_Roformer1297', 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296', 'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaLargeV1', 'VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta4', 'VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta5e', 'INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV1', 'INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV2', 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV1', 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV2', 'KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx)': 'KaraokeMelBandRoformer', 'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo)': 'VitLarge23', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyVocals', 'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFT', 'INST-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFTInst', 'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx)': 'OtherViperx1053', 'CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33)': 'CrowdRemovalRoformer', 'CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat)': 'CinematicBandItPlus', 'DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DrumSepMDX23C', '4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNet', 'DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DeReverbMDX23C', 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand1', 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand2', 'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst', '4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsSCNetXL', '4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNetLarge', '4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsBSRoformer', 'DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)': 'DeReverbMelBandAggr', 'DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)': 'DeReverbEchoMelBand', 'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa)': 'BleedSuppressorV1', 'inst_v1e (by unwa)': 'InstV1E', 'inst_gabox ( by Gabox)': 'InstGabox', 'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV1', 'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV2', 'inst_gaboxBFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBFV1', 'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV2', 'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV1', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformerLessAggressive', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformer', 'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)': 'MaleFemale-BS-RoFormer-(by aufr33)', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-(by Becruily)', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-KİM-FT-2(by Unwa)', 'voc_gaboxMelRoformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformer', 'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxBSroformer', 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1', 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1(by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1', 'inst_V5 (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5-(by Gabox)', 'inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)': 'Inst_Fv4Noise-(by Gabox)', 'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)': 'Intrumental_Gabox-(by Gabox)', 'inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)': 'INST_GaboxFv3-(by Gabox)', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model1', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model2', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model3', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)': 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer-Kim-FT-2-Blendless-(by unwa)', 'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)': 'inst_gaboxFV6-(by Gabox)', 'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)': 'denoisedebleed-(by Gabox)', 'INSTV5N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5N_(by Gabox)', 'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)': 'Voc_Fv3_(by Gabox)', 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)': 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge_(SYH99999)', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)': 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono_(by anvuew)', 'INSTV6N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV6N_(by Gabox)', 'KaraokeGabox': 'KaraokeGabox', 'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)': 'FullnessVocalModel', 'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)': 'Inst_GaboxV7_(by Gabox)', # Add more mappings as needed } # Use mapping if exists, otherwise clean the model name if model in model_name_mapping: return model_name_mapping[model] # General cleaning if not in mapping cleaned = re.sub(r'\s*\(.*?\)', '', model) # Remove parenthetical info cleaned = cleaned.replace('-', '_') cleaned = ''.join(char for char in cleaned if char.isalnum() or char == '_') return cleaned def shorten_filename(filename, max_length=30): """ Shortens a filename to a specified maximum length Args: filename (str): The filename to be shortened max_length (int): Maximum allowed length for the filename Returns: str: Shortened filename """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if len(base) <= max_length: return filename # Take first 15 and last 10 characters shortened = base[:15] + "..." + base[-10:] + ext return shortened def clean_filename(filename): """ Temizlenmiş dosya adını döndürür """ # Zaman damgası ve gereksiz etiketleri temizleme desenleri cleanup_patterns = [ r'_\d{8}_\d{6}_\d{6}$', # _20231215_123456_123456 r'_\d{14}$', # _20231215123456 r'_\d{10}$', # _1702658400 r'_\d+$' # Herhangi bir sayı ] # Dosya adını ve uzantısını ayır base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) # Zaman damgalarını temizle for pattern in cleanup_patterns: base = re.sub(pattern, '', base) # Dosya türü etiketlerini temizle file_types = ['vocals', 'instrumental', 'drum', 'bass', 'other', 'effects', 'speech', 'music', 'dry', 'male', 'female'] for type_keyword in file_types: base = base.replace(f'_{type_keyword}', '') # Dosya türünü tespit et detected_type = None for type_keyword in file_types: if type_keyword in base.lower(): detected_type = type_keyword break # Zaman damgaları ve gereksiz etiketlerden temizlenmiş base clean_base = base.strip('_- ') return clean_base, detected_type, ext def run_command_and_process_files(model_type, config_path, start_check_point, INPUT_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR, extract_instrumental, use_tta, demud_phaseremix_inst, clean_model): try: # Komut parçalarını oluştur cmd_parts = [ "python", "", "--model_type", model_type, "--config_path", config_path, "--start_check_point", start_check_point, "--input_folder", INPUT_DIR, "--store_dir", OUTPUT_DIR, # İşlenecek ses dosyasının yolu ] # Opsiyonel parametreleri ekle if extract_instrumental: cmd_parts.append("--extract_instrumental") if use_tta: cmd_parts.append("--use_tta") if demud_phaseremix_inst: cmd_parts.append("--demud_phaseremix_inst") # Komutu çalıştır process = subprocess.Popen( cmd_parts, cwd=BASE_PATH, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True ) # Çıktıları gerçek zamanlı olarak yazdır for line in process.stdout: print(line.strip()) for line in process.stderr: print(line.strip()) process.wait() # Model adını temizle filename_model = clean_model_name(clean_model) # Çıktı dosyalarını al output_files = os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIR) # Dosya yeniden adlandırma fonksiyonu def rename_files_with_model(folder, filename_model): for filename in sorted(os.listdir(folder)): file_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) # Medya dosyası değilse atla if not any(filename.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in ['.mp3', '.wav', '.flac', '.aac', '.ogg', '.m4a']): continue base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) # Temiz base adı clean_base = base.strip('_- ') # Yeni dosya adını oluştur new_filename = f"{clean_base}_{filename_model}{ext}" new_file_path = os.path.join(folder, new_filename) os.rename(file_path, new_file_path) # Dosyaları yeniden adlandır rename_files_with_model(OUTPUT_DIR, filename_model) # Güncellenmiş dosya listesini al output_files = os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIR) # Dosya bulma fonksiyonu def find_file(keyword): matching_files = [ os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f) for f in output_files if keyword in f.lower() ] return matching_files[0] if matching_files else None # Farklı dosya türlerini bul vocal_file = find_file('vocals') instrumental_file = find_file('instrumental') phaseremix_file = find_file('phaseremix') drum_file = find_file('drum') bass_file = find_file('bass') other_file = find_file('other') effects_file = find_file('effects') speech_file = find_file('speech') music_file = find_file('music') dry_file = find_file('dry') male_file = find_file('male') female_file = find_file('female') bleed_file = find_file('bleed') karaoke_file = find_file('karaoke') # Bulunan dosyaları döndür return ( vocal_file or None, instrumental_file or None, phaseremix_file or None, drum_file or None, bass_file or None, other_file or None, effects_file or None, speech_file or None, music_file or None, dry_file or None, male_file or None, female_file or None, bleed_file or None, karaoke_file or None ) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return (None,) * 14 def create_interface(): # Let's define the model options in advance model_choices = { "Vocal Separation": [ 'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)', 'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)', 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)', 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)', '✅ VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa) - Melspectrogram based high performance', 'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa) - Comprehensive model', 'VOCALS-InstVocHQ - General purpose model', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN) - Alternative model', 'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo) - Transformer-based model', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)', '✅ VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)', 'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)', 'voc_gaboxMelRoforner (by Gabox)', 'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)', 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1 (by Gabox)', 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2 (by Gabox)', 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)' ], "Instrumental Separation": [ 'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)', 'INSTV5N (by Gabox)', 'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)', '✅ INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa) - Most recent instrumental separation model', '✅ inst_v1e (by unwa)', '✅ INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa) - Old instrumental separation model', 'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)', 'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)', 'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)', 'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)', 'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)', 'inst_gabox (by Gabox)', '✅(?) inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)', 'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)', '✅(?) inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)', '✅(?) inst_V5 (by Gabox)', 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa) - Latest version instrumental separation', 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa) - Previous version', 'INST-Separator MDX23C (by aufr33) - Alternative instrumental separation', 'INSTV6N (by Gabox)' ], "Karaoke & Accompaniment": [ '✅ KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx) - Advanced karaoke separation', 'KaraokeGabox' ], "Noise & Effect Removal": [ 'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)', '🔇 DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33) - Basic noise reduction', '🔉 DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33) - Advanced noise reduction', 'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa) - dont use it if you dont know what youre doing', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)', '👥 CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33) - Crowd noise removal', '🏛️ DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou) - Reverb reduction', '🏛️ DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)', '🗣️ DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew', 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew' ], "Drum Separation": [ '✅ DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou) - Detailed drum separation' ], "Multi-Stem & Other Models": [ 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)', '🎬 4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong) - Multi-stem separation', '🎼 CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat) - Cinematic music analysis', 'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx) - Other special models', '4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)', '4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)', '4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)', 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)' ], } def update_models(category): models = model_choices.get(category, []) return gr.Dropdown( label="Select Model", choices=models, value=models[0] if models else None ) def ensemble_files(args): """ Ensemble audio files using the external script Args: args (list): Command-line arguments for ensemble script """ try: script_path = "/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/" full_command = ["python", script_path] + args result = full_command, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True ) print("Ensemble successful:") print(result.stdout) return result.stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Ensemble error: {e}") print(f"Error output: {e.stderr}") raise except Exception as e: print(f"Unexpected error during ensemble: {e}") raise def refresh_audio_files(directory): """ Refreshes and lists audio files in the specified directory and old_output directory. Args: directory (str): Path of the directory to be scanned. Returns: list: List of discovered audio files. """ try: audio_extensions = ['.wav', '.mp3', '.flac', '.ogg'] audio_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, f)) and os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in audio_extensions ] # Eski dosyaları da kontrol et old_output_directory = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'old_output') old_audio_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(old_output_directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(old_output_directory, f)) and os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in audio_extensions ] return sorted(audio_files + old_audio_files) except Exception as e: print(f"Audio file listing error: {e}") return [] # Global değişken tanımlamaları BASE_PATH = '/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training' AUTO_ENSEMBLE_TEMP = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'auto_ensemble_temp') model_output_dir = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, 'auto_ensemble_temp') def auto_ensemble_process(audio_input, selected_models, chunk_size, overlap, export_format2, use_tta, extract_instrumental, ensemble_type, progress=gr.Progress(), *args, **kwargs): try: # Ensure the ensemble directory exists move_wav_files2(INPUT_DIR) create_directory(ENSEMBLE_DIR) # Handle audio input if audio_input is not None: temp_path = # Gradio'nun geçici dosya yolu audio_path = os.path.join(ENSEMBLE_DIR, os.path.basename(temp_path)) else: existing_files = os.listdir(ENSEMBLE_DIR) if not existing_files: return None, "❌ No audio file found" audio_path = os.path.join(ENSEMBLE_DIR, existing_files[0]) # Model processing all_outputs = [] total_models = len(selected_models) for idx, model in enumerate(selected_models): progress((idx + 1) / total_models, f"Processing {model}...") clean_model = extract_model_name(model) print(f"Processing using model: {clean_model}") # Model output directory model_output_dir = os.path.join(AUTO_ENSEMBLE_TEMP, clean_model) os.makedirs(model_output_dir, exist_ok=True) model_type, config_path, start_check_point = "", "", "" if clean_model == 'VOCALS-InstVocHQ': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_mdx23c.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_vocals_mdx23c_sdr_10.17.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_mel_band_roformer_kj.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/MelBandRoformer.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_317_sdr_12.9755.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_368_sdr_12.9628.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bsrofoL.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/BS-Roformer_LargeV1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_big_beta4.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_big_beta4.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/big_beta5e.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/big_beta5e.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_inst_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst_v2.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_inst_v2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_instvoc_duality.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_instvoc_duality_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_instvoc_duality.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/melband_roformer_instvox_duality_v2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_mel_band_roformer_karaoke.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_karaoke_aufr33_viperx_sdr_10.1956.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_937_sdr_10.5309.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer _crowd.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_crowd_aufr33_viperx_sdr_8.7144.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'segm_models' config_path = 'ckpts/config_vocals_segm_models.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_vocals_segm_models_sdr_9.77.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat)': model_type = 'bandit' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dnr_bandit_bsrnn_multi_mus64.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bandit_plus_dnr_sdr_11.47.chpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou)': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/aufr33-jarredou_DrumSep_model_mdx23c_ep_141_sdr_10.8059.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/aufr33-jarredou_DrumSep_model_mdx23c_ep_141_sdr_10.8059.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/scnet_checkpoint_musdb18.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou)': model_type = 'mdx23c' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dereverb_mdx23c.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mdx23c_sdr_6.9096.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') elif clean_model == 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoise_mel_band_roformer_aufr33_sdr_27.9959.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoise_mel_band_roformer_aufr33_aggr_sdr_27.9768.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_v1e (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_melbandroformer_inst.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_v1e.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bleed_suppressor_v1.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/bleed_suppressor_v1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_instrumental_becruily.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_vocals_becruily.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_instrumental_becruily.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/mel_band_roformer_instrumental_becruily.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet_xl.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_scnet_ep_54_sdr_9.8051.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)': model_type = 'scnet' config_path = 'ckpts/config_musdb18_scnet_large_starrytong.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/SCNet-large_starrytong_fixed.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == '4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_bs_roformer_384_8_2_485100.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model_bs_roformer_ep_17_sdr_9.6568.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew_sdr_19.1729.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_dereverb-echo_mel_band_roformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb-echo_mel_band_roformer_sdr_10.0169.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew_sdr_18.8050.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew_sdr_19.1729.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gabox (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxBv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxBv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxBFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_chorus_male_female_bs_roformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/bs_roformer_male_female_by_aufr33_sdr_7.2889.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)': model_type = 'bs_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxBSroformer.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxBSR.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformer (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformerFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'voc_gaboxMelReformerFV2 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_gaboxFv2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/intrumental_gabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_Fv4Noise.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_V5 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV5.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model2.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/model3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_kimmel_unwa_ft.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/kimmel_unwa_ft2_bleedless.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/inst_gaboxFv1.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV6.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/model_mel_band_roformer_denoise.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/denoisedebleed.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INSTV5N (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV5N.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/voc_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/voc_Fv3.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono_anvuew_sdr_20.4029.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'INSTV6N (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/INSTV6N.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'KaraokeGabox': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config_mel_band_roformer_karaoke.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/KaraokeGabox.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/config.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/FullnessVocalModel.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) elif clean_model == 'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)': model_type = 'mel_band_roformer' config_path = 'ckpts/inst_gabox.yaml' start_check_point = 'ckpts/Inst_GaboxV7.ckpt' download_file('') download_file('') conf_edit(config_path, chunk_size, overlap) # Ana sekme komut yapısını kullan cmd = [ "python", "", "--model_type", model_type, "--config_path", config_path, "--start_check_point", start_check_point, "--input_folder", ENSEMBLE_DIR, "--store_dir", model_output_dir, ] if use_tta: cmd.append("--use_tta") if extract_instrumental: cmd.append("--extract_instrumental") print(f"Running command: {' '.join(cmd)}") # Hata yakalama ile çalıştırma try: result =, capture_output=True, text=True) print(result.stdout) if result.returncode != 0: print(f"Error: {result.stderr}") return None, f"Model {model} failed: {result.stderr}" except Exception as e: return None, f"Critical error with {model}: {str(e)}" # Çıktı dosyalarını topla model_outputs = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_output_dir, "*.wav")) all_outputs.extend(model_outputs) # 3. Çıktı dosyalarını kontrol et output_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_output_dir, "*.wav")) if not output_files: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{model} failed to produce output") model_outputs.extend(output_files) # 4. Dosya bekletme ve kontrol def wait_for_files(files, timeout=300): start = time.time() while time.time() - start < timeout: missing = [f for f in files if not os.path.exists(f)] if not missing: return True time.sleep(5) raise TimeoutError(f"Missing files: {missing[:3]}...") wait_for_files(model_outputs) # 5. Ensemble komutunu güvenli oluştur quoted_files = [f'"{f}"' for f in model_outputs] timestamp = str(int(time.time())) output_path = os.path.join(AUTO_ENSEMBLE_OUTPUT, f"ensemble_{timestamp}.wav") ensemble_cmd = [ "python", "", "--files", *quoted_files, "--type", ensemble_type, "--output", f'"{output_path}"' ] # 6. Komutu çalıştır result = " ".join(ensemble_cmd), shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True ) # 7. Son kontrol if not os.path.exists(output_path): raise RuntimeError("Ensemble dosyası oluşturulamadı") return output_path, "✅ Success!" except Exception as e: return None, f"❌ Error: {str(e)}" finally: # Temizlik shutil.rmtree('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/ensemble', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree('/content/Music-Source-Separation-Training/ensemble', ignore_errors=True) clear_directory(VİDEO_TEMP) clear_directory(ENSEMBLE_DIR) gc.collect() main_input_key = "shared_audio_input" # Global components input_audio_file = gr.File(visible=True) auto_input_audio_file = gr.File(visible=True) original_audio = gr.Audio(visible=True) css = """ /* Genel Tema */ body { background: url('/content/logo.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; background-color: #2d0b0b; /* Koyu kırmızı, dublaj stüdyosuna uygun */ min-height: 100vh; margin: 0; padding: 1rem; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; color: #C0C0C0; /* Metalik gümüş metin, profesyonel görünüm */ } body::after { content: ''; 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color: #C0C0C0 !important; /* Metalik gümüş metin */ } /* Animasyonlar */ @keyframes text-glow { 0% { text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(192, 192, 192, 0); } 50% { text-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(192, 192, 192, 1); } 100% { text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(192, 192, 192, 0); } } @keyframes button-shine { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg) translateX(-50%); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg) translateX(-50%); } } /* Responsive Ayarlar */ @media (max-width: 768px) { .compact-grid { max-height: 40vh; } .compact-upload.horizontal { max-width: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; } .compact-upload.horizontal .text-gray-500 { max-width: 100px !important; } .compact-upload.horizontal.x-narrow { height: 40px !important; padding: 0 8px !important; } .logo-container { width: 80px; /* Mobil cihazlarda daha küçük logo */ top: 1rem; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } .header-text { padding: 60px 20px 20px; /* Mobil için daha az boşluk */ font-size: 1.8rem; /* Mobil için biraz daha küçük başlık */ } } """ # Arayüz tasarımı with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(), css=css) as demo: with gr.Column(): # Logo (PNG olarak, dublaj temasına uygun) logo_html = """
or denoisedebleed
models in the "Denoise & Effect Removal"
category to clean the output