import os |
import glob |
import subprocess |
import time |
import gc |
import shutil |
import sys |
from datetime import datetime |
import torch |
import yaml |
import gradio as gr |
import threading |
import random |
import librosa |
import soundfile as sf |
import numpy as np |
import requests |
import json |
import locale |
import re |
import psutil |
import concurrent.futures |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials |
import tempfile |
from urllib.parse import urlparse, quote |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") |
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
INFERENCE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "inference.py") |
OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "output") |
AUTO_ENSEMBLE_OUTPUT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "ensemble_output") |
def clean_model_name(model): |
""" |
Clean and standardize model names for filename |
""" |
model_name_mapping = { |
'VOCALS-InstVocHQ': 'InstVocHQ', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN)': 'KimberleyJSN', |
'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS_BS_Roformer1297', |
'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296', |
'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaLargeV1', |
'VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta4', |
'VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta5e', |
'INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV1', |
'INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV2', |
'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV1', |
'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV2', |
'KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx)': 'KaraokeMelBandRoformer', |
'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo)': 'VitLarge23', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyVocals', |
'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFT', |
'INST-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFTInst', |
'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx)': 'OtherViperx1053', |
'CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33)': 'CrowdRemovalRoformer', |
'CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat)': 'CinematicBandItPlus', |
'DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DrumSepMDX23C', |
'4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNet', |
'DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DeReverbMDX23C', |
'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand1', |
'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand2', |
'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst', |
'4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsSCNetXL', |
'4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNetLarge', |
'4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsBSRoformer', |
'DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)': 'DeReverbMelBandAggr', |
'DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)': 'DeReverbEchoMelBand', |
'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa)': 'BleedSuppressorV1', |
'inst_v1e (by unwa)': 'InstV1E', |
'inst_gabox (by Gabox)': 'InstGabox', |
'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV1', |
'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV2', |
'inst_gaboxBFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBFV1', |
'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV2', |
'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV1', |
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformerLessAggressive', |
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformer', |
'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)': 'MaleFemale-BS-RoFormer-(by aufr33)', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-(by Becruily)', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-KİM-FT-2(by Unwa)', |
'voc_gaboxMelRoformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformer', |
'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxBSroformer', |
'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1', |
'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2', |
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1(by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1', |
'inst_V5 (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5-(by Gabox)', |
'inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)': 'Inst_Fv4Noise-(by Gabox)', |
'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)': 'Intrumental_Gabox-(by Gabox)', |
'inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)': 'INST_GaboxFv3-(by Gabox)', |
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model1', |
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model2', |
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model3', |
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)': 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer-Kim-FT-2-Blendless-(by unwa)', |
'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)': 'inst_gaboxFV6-(by Gabox)', |
'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)': 'denoisedebleed-(by Gabox)', |
'INSTV5N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5N_(by Gabox)', |
'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)': 'Voc_Fv3_(by Gabox)', |
'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)': 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge_(SYH99999)', |
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)': 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono_(by anvuew)', |
'INSTV6N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV6N_(by Gabox)', |
'KaraokeGabox': 'KaraokeGabox', |
'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)': 'FullnessVocalModel', |
'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)': 'Inst_GaboxV7_(by Gabox)', |
} |
if model in model_name_mapping: |
return model_name_mapping[model] |
cleaned = re.sub(r'\s*\(.*?\)', '', model) |
cleaned = cleaned.replace('-', '_') |
cleaned = ''.join(char for char in cleaned if char.isalnum() or char == '_') |
return cleaned |
def shorten_filename(filename, max_length=30): |
""" |
Shortens a filename to a specified maximum length |
""" |
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) |
if len(base) <= max_length: |
return filename |
shortened = base[:15] + "..." + base[-10:] + ext |
return shortened |
def clean_filename(filename): |
""" |
Temizlenmiş dosya adını döndürür |
""" |
cleanup_patterns = [ |
r'_\d{8}_\d{6}_\d{6}$', |
r'_\d{14}$', |
r'_\d{10}$', |
r'_\d+$' |
] |
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) |
for pattern in cleanup_patterns: |
base = re.sub(pattern, '', base) |
file_types = ['vocals', 'instrumental', 'drum', 'bass', 'other', 'effects', 'speech', 'music', 'dry', 'male', 'female'] |
for type_keyword in file_types: |
base = base.replace(f'_{type_keyword}', '') |
detected_type = None |
for type_keyword in file_types: |
if type_keyword in base.lower(): |
detected_type = type_keyword |
break |
clean_base = base.strip('_- ') |
return clean_base, detected_type, ext |