File size: 7,274 Bytes
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import os
import glob
import subprocess
import time
import gc
import shutil
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import torch
import yaml
import gradio as gr
import threading
import random
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
import requests
import json
import locale
import re
import psutil
import concurrent.futures
from tqdm import tqdm
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
import tempfile
from urllib.parse import urlparse, quote
import warnings
# BASE_DIR'i dinamik olarak güncel dizine ayarla
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #'nin bulunduğu dizin
INFERENCE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "") #'nin tam yolu
OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "output") # Çıkış dizini BASE_DIR/output olarak güncellendi
AUTO_ENSEMBLE_OUTPUT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "ensemble_output") # Ensemble çıkış dizini
def clean_model_name(model):
Clean and standardize model names for filename
model_name_mapping = {
'VOCALS-InstVocHQ': 'InstVocHQ',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by KimberleyJSN)': 'KimberleyJSN',
'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1297 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS_BS_Roformer1297',
'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296 (by viperx)': 'VOCALS-BS-Roformer_1296',
'VOCALS-BS-RoformerLargev1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaLargeV1',
'VOCALS-Mel-Roformer big beta 4 (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta4',
'VOCALS-Melband-Roformer BigBeta5e (by unwa)': 'UnwaBigBeta5e',
'INST-Mel-Roformer v1 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV1',
'INST-Mel-Roformer v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaInstV2',
'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV1',
'INST-VOC-Mel-Roformer a.k.a. duality v2 (by unwa)': 'UnwaDualityV2',
'KARAOKE-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33 & viperx)': 'KaraokeMelBandRoformer',
'VOCALS-VitLarge23 (by ZFTurbo)': 'VitLarge23',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyVocals',
'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFT',
'INST-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT (by Unwa)': 'KimFTInst',
'OTHER-BS-Roformer_1053 (by viperx)': 'OtherViperx1053',
'CROWD-REMOVAL-MelBand-Roformer (by aufr33)': 'CrowdRemovalRoformer',
'CINEMATIC-BandIt_Plus (by kwatcharasupat)': 'CinematicBandItPlus',
'DRUMSEP-MDX23C_DrumSep_6stem (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DrumSepMDX23C',
'4STEMS-SCNet_MUSDB18 (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNet',
'DE-REVERB-MDX23C (by aufr33 & jarredou)': 'DeReverbMDX23C',
'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-1 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand1',
'DENOISE-MelBand-Roformer-2 (by aufr33)': 'DenoiseMelBand2',
'INST-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'BecruilyInst',
'4STEMS-SCNet_XL_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsSCNetXL',
'4STEMS-SCNet_Large (by starrytong)': 'FourStemsSCNetLarge',
'4STEMS-BS-Roformer_MUSDB18 (by ZFTurbo)': 'FourStemsBSRoformer',
'DE-REVERB-MelBand-Roformer aggr./v2/19.1729 (by anvuew)': 'DeReverbMelBandAggr',
'DE-REVERB-Echo-MelBand-Roformer (by Sucial)': 'DeReverbEchoMelBand',
'bleed_suppressor_v1 (by unwa)': 'BleedSuppressorV1',
'inst_v1e (by unwa)': 'InstV1E',
'inst_gabox (by Gabox)': 'InstGabox',
'inst_gaboxBV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV1',
'inst_gaboxBV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBV2',
'inst_gaboxBFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxBFV1',
'inst_gaboxFV2 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV2',
'inst_gaboxFV1 (by Gabox)': 'InstGaboxFV1',
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_less_aggressive_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformerLessAggressive',
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_anvuew': 'DereverbMelBandRoformer',
'VOCALS-Male Female-BS-RoFormer Male Female Beta 7_2889 (by aufr33)': 'MaleFemale-BS-RoFormer-(by aufr33)',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer (by Becruily)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-(by Becruily)',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 (by Unwa)': 'Vocals-MelBand-Roformer-KİM-FT-2(by Unwa)',
'voc_gaboxMelRoformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformer',
'voc_gaboxBSroformer (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxBSroformer',
'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV1',
'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2 (by Gabox)': 'voc_gaboxMelRoformerFV2',
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1(by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1',
'inst_V5 (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5-(by Gabox)',
'inst_Fv4Noise (by Gabox)': 'Inst_Fv4Noise-(by Gabox)',
'Intrumental_Gabox (by Gabox)': 'Intrumental_Gabox-(by Gabox)',
'inst_GaboxFv3 (by Gabox)': 'INST_GaboxFv3-(by Gabox)',
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model1 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model1',
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model2 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model2',
'SYH99999/MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_Model3 (by Amane)': 'MelBandRoformerSYHFTB1_model3',
'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer Kim FT 2 Blendless (by unwa)': 'VOCALS-MelBand-Roformer-Kim-FT-2-Blendless-(by unwa)',
'inst_gaboxFV6 (by Gabox)': 'inst_gaboxFV6-(by Gabox)',
'denoisedebleed (by Gabox)': 'denoisedebleed-(by Gabox)',
'INSTV5N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV5N_(by Gabox)',
'Voc_Fv3 (by Gabox)': 'Voc_Fv3_(by Gabox)',
'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge (SYH99999)': 'MelBandRoformer4StemFTLarge_(SYH99999)',
'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono (by anvuew)': 'dereverb_mel_band_roformer_mono_(by anvuew)',
'INSTV6N (by Gabox)': 'INSTV6N_(by Gabox)',
'KaraokeGabox': 'KaraokeGabox',
'FullnessVocalModel (by Amane)': 'FullnessVocalModel',
'Inst_GaboxV7 (by Gabox)': 'Inst_GaboxV7_(by Gabox)',
if model in model_name_mapping:
return model_name_mapping[model]
cleaned = re.sub(r'\s*\(.*?\)', '', model) # Remove parenthetical info
cleaned = cleaned.replace('-', '_')
cleaned = ''.join(char for char in cleaned if char.isalnum() or char == '_')
return cleaned
def shorten_filename(filename, max_length=30):
Shortens a filename to a specified maximum length
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if len(base) <= max_length:
return filename
shortened = base[:15] + "..." + base[-10:] + ext
return shortened
def clean_filename(filename):
Temizlenmiş dosya adını döndürür
cleanup_patterns = [
r'_\d{8}_\d{6}_\d{6}$', # _20231215_123456_123456
r'_\d{14}$', # _20231215123456
r'_\d{10}$', # _1702658400
r'_\d+$' # Herhangi bir sayı
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
for pattern in cleanup_patterns:
base = re.sub(pattern, '', base)
file_types = ['vocals', 'instrumental', 'drum', 'bass', 'other', 'effects', 'speech', 'music', 'dry', 'male', 'female']
for type_keyword in file_types:
base = base.replace(f'_{type_keyword}', '')
detected_type = None
for type_keyword in file_types:
if type_keyword in base.lower():
detected_type = type_keyword
clean_base = base.strip('_- ')
return clean_base, detected_type, ext