Runtime error
Runtime error
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb. | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 2 | |
from __future__ import annotations | |
from .tabular.all import * | |
# %% auto 0 | |
__all__ = ['TabularCollab', 'CollabDataLoaders', 'EmbeddingDotBias', 'EmbeddingNN', 'collab_learner'] | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 7 | |
class TabularCollab(TabularPandas): | |
"Instance of `TabularPandas` suitable for collaborative filtering (with no continuous variable)" | |
with_cont=False | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 9 | |
class CollabDataLoaders(DataLoaders): | |
"Base `DataLoaders` for collaborative filtering." | |
def from_df(cls, ratings, valid_pct=0.2, user_name=None, item_name=None, rating_name=None, seed=None, path='.', **kwargs): | |
"Create a `DataLoaders` suitable for collaborative filtering from `ratings`." | |
user_name = ifnone(user_name, ratings.columns[0]) | |
item_name = ifnone(item_name, ratings.columns[1]) | |
rating_name = ifnone(rating_name, ratings.columns[2]) | |
cat_names = [user_name,item_name] | |
splits = RandomSplitter(valid_pct=valid_pct, seed=seed)(range_of(ratings)) | |
to = TabularCollab(ratings, [Categorify], cat_names, y_names=[rating_name], y_block=TransformBlock(), splits=splits) | |
return to.dataloaders(path=path, **kwargs) | |
def from_csv(cls, csv, **kwargs): | |
"Create a `DataLoaders` suitable for collaborative filtering from `csv`." | |
return cls.from_df(pd.read_csv(csv), **kwargs) | |
CollabDataLoaders.from_csv = delegates(to=CollabDataLoaders.from_df)(CollabDataLoaders.from_csv) | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 19 | |
class EmbeddingDotBias(Module): | |
"Base dot model for collaborative filtering." | |
def __init__(self, n_factors, n_users, n_items, y_range=None): | |
self.y_range = y_range | |
(self.u_weight, self.i_weight, self.u_bias, self.i_bias) = [Embedding(*o) for o in [ | |
(n_users, n_factors), (n_items, n_factors), (n_users,1), (n_items,1) | |
]] | |
def forward(self, x): | |
users,items = x[:,0],x[:,1] | |
dot = self.u_weight(users)* self.i_weight(items) | |
res = dot.sum(1) + self.u_bias(users).squeeze() + self.i_bias(items).squeeze() | |
if self.y_range is None: return res | |
return torch.sigmoid(res) * (self.y_range[1]-self.y_range[0]) + self.y_range[0] | |
def from_classes(cls, n_factors, classes, user=None, item=None, y_range=None): | |
"Build a model with `n_factors` by inferring `n_users` and `n_items` from `classes`" | |
if user is None: user = list(classes.keys())[0] | |
if item is None: item = list(classes.keys())[1] | |
res = cls(n_factors, len(classes[user]), len(classes[item]), y_range=y_range) | |
res.classes,res.user,res.item = classes,user,item | |
return res | |
def _get_idx(self, arr, is_item=True): | |
"Fetch item or user (based on `is_item`) for all in `arr`" | |
assert hasattr(self, 'classes'), "Build your model with `EmbeddingDotBias.from_classes` to use this functionality." | |
classes = self.classes[self.item] if is_item else self.classes[self.user] | |
c2i = {v:k for k,v in enumerate(classes)} | |
try: return tensor([c2i[o] for o in arr]) | |
except KeyError as e: | |
message = f"You're trying to access {'an item' if is_item else 'a user'} that isn't in the training data. If it was in your original data, it may have been split such that it's only in the validation set now." | |
raise modify_exception(e, message, replace=True) | |
def bias(self, arr, is_item=True): | |
"Bias for item or user (based on `is_item`) for all in `arr`" | |
idx = self._get_idx(arr, is_item) | |
layer = (self.i_bias if is_item else self.u_bias).eval().cpu() | |
return to_detach(layer(idx).squeeze(),gather=False) | |
def weight(self, arr, is_item=True): | |
"Weight for item or user (based on `is_item`) for all in `arr`" | |
idx = self._get_idx(arr, is_item) | |
layer = (self.i_weight if is_item else self.u_weight).eval().cpu() | |
return to_detach(layer(idx),gather=False) | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 34 | |
class EmbeddingNN(TabularModel): | |
"Subclass `TabularModel` to create a NN suitable for collaborative filtering." | |
def __init__(self, emb_szs, layers, **kwargs): | |
super().__init__(emb_szs=emb_szs, n_cont=0, out_sz=1, layers=layers, **kwargs) | |
# %% ../nbs/45_collab.ipynb 40 | |
def collab_learner(dls, n_factors=50, use_nn=False, emb_szs=None, layers=None, config=None, y_range=None, loss_func=None, **kwargs): | |
"Create a Learner for collaborative filtering on `dls`." | |
emb_szs = get_emb_sz(dls, ifnone(emb_szs, {})) | |
if loss_func is None: loss_func = MSELossFlat() | |
if config is None: config = tabular_config() | |
if y_range is not None: config['y_range'] = y_range | |
if layers is None: layers = [n_factors] | |
if use_nn: model = EmbeddingNN(emb_szs=emb_szs, layers=layers, **config) | |
else: model = EmbeddingDotBias.from_classes(n_factors, dls.classes, y_range=y_range) | |
return Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_func, **kwargs) | |