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# translations/
# A
'activities_message':"Activities messages",
'activities_placeholder':"Activities placeholder",
'analysis_placeholder':"Analysis placeholder",
'analyze_button' : "Analyze",
'analysis_types_chart' : "Analyze type chart",
'analysis_from': "Analysis carried out on",
# C
'chat_title': "Analysis Chat",
'export_button': "Export Current Analysis",
'export_success': "Analysis and chat exported successfully.",
'export_error': "There was a problem exporting the analysis and chat.",
'get_text': "Get text.",
'hello': "Hello",
# L
'logout': "End session.",
'loading_data': "Loading data",
'load_selected_file': 'Load selected file',
# N
'no_analysis': "No analysis available. Use the chat to perform an analysis.",
'nothing_to_export': "No analysis or chat to export.",
'results_title': "Analysis Results",
'select_language': "Language select",
'student_activities':"Student activities",
# T
'total_analyses': "Total analyses",
# W
'welcome': "Welcome to AIdeaText"
TABS = {
'morpho_tab': "Morphosyntactic Analysis",
'semantic_tab': "Semantic Analysis",
'discourse_tab': "Discourse Analysis",
'activities_tab': "My Activities",
'feedback_tab': "Feedback Form"
'analyze_button': "Analyze text",
'arc_diagram': "Syntactic analysis: Arc diagram",
'count': "Count",
'dependency': "Dependency",
'dep': "Dependency",
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the analysis. Please try again.",
'examples': "Examples",
'grammatical_category': "Grammatical category",
'lemma': "Lemma",
'legend': "Legend: Grammatical categories",
'objects': "Objects",
'pos_analysis': "Part of Speech Analysis",
'percentage': "Percentage",
'no_results': "No results available. Please perform an analysis first.",
'morpho_title': "AIdeaText - Morphological analysis ",
'morpho_initial_message': "This is a general purpose chatbot, but it has a specific function for visual text analysis: generating arc diagrams. To produce them, enter the following command /analisis_morfosintactico [followed by brackets inside which you must place the text you want to analyze]",
'morpho_input_label': "Enter a text to analyze (max 30 words):",
'morphosyntactic_analysis_completed': 'Morphosyntactic analysis completed. Please review the results in the following section.',
'morphological_analysis': "Morphological Analysis",
'morphology': "Morphology",
'morph': "Morphology",
'root': "Root",
'repeated_words': "Repeated words",
'sentence': "Sentence",
'success_message': "Analysis saved successfully.",
'sentence_structure': "Sentence Structure",
'subjects': "Subjects",
'verbs': "Verbs",
'title': "AIdeaText - Morphological and Syntactic Analysis",
'tag': "Tag",
'warning_message': "Please enter a text to analyze.",
'word': "Word",
'processing': 'Processing...',
'error_processing': 'Error processing',
'morphosyntactic_analysis_error': 'Error in morphosyntactic analysis',
'morphosyntactic_analysis_completed': 'Morphosyntactic analysis completed'
# A
'analysis_completed': "Analysis completed",
'analysis_section': "Semantic Analysis",
'analyze_document': 'Analyze document',
'analysis_saved_success': 'Analysis saved successfully',
'analysis_save_error': 'Error saving the analysis',
'analyze_button': "Analyze text",
'analyzing_doc': "Analyzing document",
# C
'chat_title': "Semantic Analysis Chat",
'chat_placeholder': "Ask a question or use a command (/summary, /entities, /sentiment, /topics, /concept_graph, /entity_graph, /topic_graph)",
'clear_chat': "Clear chat",
'conceptual_relations': "Conceptual Relations",
# D
'delete_file': "Delete file",
# E
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the semantic analysis. Please try again.",
# F
'file_uploader': "Or upload a text file",
'file_upload_success': "File uploaded and saved successfully",
'file_upload_error': 'Error uploading file',
'file_section': "Files",
'file_loaded_success': "File loaded successfully",
'file_load_error': "Error loading file",
'file_upload_error': "Error uploading and saving file",
'file_deleted_success': 'File deleted successfully',
'file_delete_error': 'Error deleting file',
# G
'graph_title': "Semantic Analysis Visualization",
# I
'identified_entities': "Identified Entities",
# K
'key_concepts': "Key Concepts",
# N
'no_analysis': "No analysis available. Please upload or select a file.",
'no_results': "No results available. Please perform an analysis first.",
'no_file': "Please upload a file to start the analysis.",
'no_file_selected': "Please select an archive to start the analysis.",
# S
'semantic_title': "Semantic Analysis",
'semantic_initial_message': "This is a general-purpose chatbot, but it has a specific function for visual text analysis: it generates a graph with the main entities of the text. To produce it, enter a text file in txt, pdf, doc, docx or odt format and press the 'analyze file' button. After generating the graph, you can interact with the chat based on the document.",
'send_button': "Send",
'select_saved_file': "Select saved file",
'success_message': "Semantic analysis saved successfully.",
# T
'text_input_label': "Enter a text to analyze (max. 5,000 words):",
'text_input_placeholder': "The purpose of this application is to improve your writing skills...",
'title': "AIdeaText - Semantic Analysis",
# U
'upload_file': "Upload file",
# W
'warning_message': "Please enter a text or upload a file to analyze."
'discourse_title': "AIdeaText - Discourse Analysis",
'file_uploader1': "Upload text file 1 (Pattern)",
'file_uploader2': "Upload text file 2 (Comparison)",
'discourse_initial_message': "This is a general purpose chatbot, but it has a specific function for visual text analysis: it generates two graphs with the main entities of each file to make a comparison between both texts. To produce it, enter one file first and then another in txt, pdf, doc, docx or odt format and press the 'analyze file' button. After the graph is generated, you can interact with the chat based on the document.",
'analyze_button': "Analyze texts",
'comparison': "Comparison of Semantic Relations",
'success_message': "Discourse analysis saved successfully.",
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the discourse analysis. Please try again.",
'warning_message': "Please upload both files to analyze.",
'no_results': "No results available. Please perform an analysis first.",
'key_concepts': "Key Concepts",
'graph_not_available': "The graph is not available.",
'concepts_not_available': "Key concepts are not available.",
'comparison_not_available': "The comparison is not available.",
'warning_message': "Please enter a text or upload a file to analyze.",
'morphosyntax_history': "Morphosyntax history",
'analysis_of': "Analysis of"
'analysis_types_chart_title': "Types of analyses performed",
'analysis_types_chart_x': "Analysis type",
'analysis_types_chart_y': "Count",
'analysis_from': "Analysis from",
'assistant': "Assistant",
'activities_summary': "Activities and Progress Summary",
'chat_history_expander': "Chat History",
'chat_from': "Chat from",
'combined_graph': "Combined Graph",
'conceptual_relations_graph': "Conceptual Relations Graph",
'conversation': "Conversation",
'discourse_analyses_expander': "Discourse Analyses History",
'discourse_analyses': "Discourse Analyses",
'discourse_history': "Discourse Analysis History",
'document': "Document",
'data_load_error': "Error loading student data",
'graph_display_error': "Could not display the graph",
'graph_doc1': "Graph document 1",
'graph_doc2': "Graph document 2",
'key_concepts': "Key concepts",
'loading_data': "Loading student data...",
'morphological_analysis': "Morphological Analysis",
'morphosyntax_analyses_expander': "Morphosyntactic Analyses History",
'morphosyntax_history': "Morphosyntactic Analysis History",
'no_arc_diagram': "No arc diagram found for this analysis.",
'no_chat_history': "No conversations with the ChatBot were found.",
'no_data_warning': "No analysis data found for this student.",
'progress_of': "Progress of",
'semantic_analyses': "Semantic Analyses",
'semantic_analyses_expander': "Semantic Analyses History",
'semantic_history': "Semantic Analysis History",
'show_debug_data': "Show debug data",
'student_debug_data': "Student data (for debugging):",
'summary_title': "Activities Summary",
'title': "Activities",
'timestamp': "Timestamp",
'total_analyses': "Total analyses performed:",
'try_analysis': "Try performing some text analyses first.",
'user': "User"
'email': "Email",
'feedback': "Feedback",
'feedback_title': "Feedback form",
'feedback_error': "There was a problem submitting the form. Please try again.",
'feedback_success': "Thank for your feedback",
'complete_all_fields': "Please, complete all fields",
'name': "Name",
'submit': "Submit"
'descriptive': [
'What are you describing?',
'What are its main characteristics?',
'How does it look, sound, smell, or feel?',
'What makes it unique or special?'
'narrative': [
'Who is the protagonist?',
'Where and when does the story take place?',
'What event starts the action?',
'What happens next?',
'How does the story end?'
'expository': [
'What is the main topic?',
'What important aspects do you want to explain?',
'Can you provide examples or data to support your explanation?',
'How does this topic relate to other concepts?'
'argumentative': [
'What is your main thesis or argument?',
'What are your supporting arguments?',
'What evidence do you have to back up your arguments?',
'What are the counterarguments and how do you refute them?',
'What is your conclusion?'
'instructive': [
'What task or process are you explaining?',
'What materials or tools are needed?',
'What are the steps to follow?',
'Are there any important precautions or tips to mention?'
'pitch': [
'What for?',
'For whom?',
# Configuration of the language model for English
NLP_MODEL = 'en_core_web_lg'
# Esta línea es crucial: