import logging
import os
import docx
import PyPDF2
from docx.shared import RGBColor, Pt
from io import BytesIO, IOBase
import tempfile
import re
import datetime
import torch

import gradio as gr
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import huggingface_hub

# 1) Logging Configuration
    level=logging.INFO,  # or logging.DEBUG for more verbose logs
    format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(name)s - %(message)s"
logger = logging.getLogger("LLM-Legal-App")

# 2) Initialize Hugging Face Model
def initialize_model():
    """Initialize the phi-2 model and tokenizer from HuggingFace.""""Initializing phi-2 model and tokenizer...")
        # Access token might be needed for some models
        # token = huggingface_hub.get_token()
        model_name = "microsoft/phi-2"
        tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
        model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
        )"Successfully initialized phi-2 model and tokenizer.")
        return model, tokenizer
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("Error initializing Hugging Face model.")
        raise ValueError(f"Failed to initialize model: {e}")

# Initialize model and tokenizer
model, tokenizer = initialize_model()

# 3) LLM Utility Functions (Generation & Review)
def generate_with_model(prompt, max_length=1400, temperature=0.3):
    """Generate text using the Hugging Face model.""""Generating text with phi-2 model.")
        inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to(model.device)
        # Generate with parameters similar to the original OpenAI call
        generation_config = {
            "max_new_tokens": max_length,
            "temperature": temperature,
            "top_p": 0.9,
            "do_sample": temperature > 0,
            "pad_token_id": tokenizer.eos_token_id
        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs = model.generate(**inputs, **generation_config)
        response = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
        # Remove the prompt from the response
        if response.startswith(prompt):
            response = response[len(prompt):].strip()
           "Text generation complete.")
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("Error during text generation.")
        return f"Error generating text: {e}"

def generate_legal_document(doc_type, party_a, party_b, context, country):
    Uses DocumentCogito to generate a legal document. Returns the document text.
    """"Starting generation for doc_type={doc_type!r}.")
    # Fill placeholders if fields are missing
    party_a = party_a if party_a else "[Party A Not Provided]"
    party_b = party_b if party_b else "[Party B Not Provided]"
    context = context if context else "[Context Not Provided]"

    prompt = f"""
    You are a helpful legal assistant. Generate a {doc_type} for:
    1) {party_a}
    2) {party_b}

    Context/brief of the agreement:

    The document should include:
    - Purpose of the {doc_type}
    - Responsibilities and obligations of each party
    - Confidentiality terms
    - Payment terms (use [To Be Determined] if not specified)
    - Term (duration) and termination
    - Governing law: {country}
    - Jurisdiction: [Appropriate region in {country} if not provided]
    - Signature blocks

    Use formal language, but keep it relatively clear and readable.
    For any missing information, use placeholders like [To Be Determined].
    Include a disclaimer that this is a draft and not legally binding until reviewed and signed.
    logger.debug(f"Generated prompt:\n{prompt}")

    return generate_with_model(prompt, max_length=1400, temperature=0.3)

def review_legal_document(doc_text, doc_type, party_a, party_b):
    Reviews document: first with rule-based checks, then wording analysis.
    """"Starting document review (rule-based and wording).")

    # --- Rule-Based Review ---
    rule_based_prompt = f"""
You are a legal AI assistant reviewing a document. Provide a review,
structured into the following numbered sections. Be concise and factual. Do NOT
use Markdown. Use plain text labels for each section.

Document text:

Review Sections:

1) Parties and Authority:
    - Confirm the full legal names of all parties.
    - Make sure the people signing can legally commit their organizations.

2) Scope of Work / Obligations:
    - Check that the contract clearly describes what each side must do.
    - Look for deadlines, milestones, or deliverables.
    - Ensure everything is realistic and not overly vague.

3) Definitions and Key Terms:
    - See if there's a section that explains important terms.
    - Ensure those terms are used the same way throughout the contract.
    - Avoid or clarify any ambiguous language.

4) Payment Terms (If Applicable):
    - Check how much is owed, the currency, and when it's due.
    - Look for penalties, interest, or late fees.
    - Note how and when invoices are sent or paid.

5) Term and Termination:
    - Identify when the contract starts and ends.
    - Understand how it can be renewed.
    - See the conditions and notice required for ending the contract early.

6) Intellectual Property (IP) Rights:
    - Confirm who owns any work created under the agreement.
    - Note if licenses are granted for using the IP, and for how long.

7) Confidentiality and Privacy:
    - Check what is considered confidential information.
    - Look for exceptions (like already public info).
    - See how long the confidentiality rules apply.

8) Warranties and Representations:
    - Note any performance guarantees or quality promises.
    - Look for disclaimers (like "as is" clauses).

9) Indemnification:
    - See who will pay legal costs or damages if there's a lawsuit or claim.
    - Check any limits on what's covered.

10) Limitation of Liability:
    - Check if there's a maximum amount one side can claim in damages.
    - Look for excluded damages, like lost profits.

11) Dispute Resolution and Governing Law:
    - See if disputes go to arbitration, mediation, or court.
    - Note which state or country's laws will apply.

12) Force Majeure (Unforeseen Events):
    - Look for events like natural disasters or war that could suspend obligations.
    - See if there are notice requirements for these events.

13) Notices and Amendments:
    - Check how official notices must be sent (email, mail, etc.).
    - Find out how to properly change the contract (in writing, signatures, etc.).

14) Entire Agreement and Severability:
    - Confirm that this contract replaces all previous agreements.
    - Ensure that if one clause is invalid, the rest still stands.

15) Signatures and Dates:
    - Make sure the right people sign in their proper roles.
    - Verify the date of signature and when the contract goes into effect.

16) Ambiguities, Contradictions, and Hidden Clauses:
    - Watch for contradictory statements or clauses that conflict.
    - Beware of vague phrases like "best efforts" without clear guidelines.
    - Check for hidden or "buried" clauses in fine print or attachments.

17) Compliance and Regulatory Alignment:
    - Ensure the contract follows relevant laws and rules.
    - Check for industry-specific requirements.

18) Practical Considerations:
    - Make sure deadlines and other requirements are doable.
    - Confirm all negotiations are reflected in writing.
    - Avoid blank or undefined items (like fees or dates "to be decided").
    logger.debug(f"Generated rule-based review prompt:\n{rule_based_prompt}")

        rule_based_review = generate_with_model(rule_based_prompt, max_length=2000, temperature=0.3)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("Error during rule-based review.")
        return f"Error during rule-based review: {e}"

    # --- Wording Analysis ---
    wording_analysis_prompt = f"""
You are a legal AI assistant. Analyze the following legal document for its wording:

Document text:

Provide a comprehensive analysis of the document's wording, covering these aspects for the ENTIRE document text:

1. **Clarity and Precision:** Identify ambiguous or vague language, and suggest improvements.
2. **Readability:** Assess the overall readability and suggest improvements for clarity, including sentence structure and complexity.
3. **Formal Tone:** Check if the language maintains a formal and professional tone appropriate for a legal document, and suggest changes if needed.
4. **Consistency:** Ensure consistent use of terms and phrasing throughout the document. Point out any inconsistencies.
5. **Redundancy:** Identify any unnecessary repetition of words or phrases.
6. **Jargon and Technical Terms:** Identify jargon or technical terms that might be unclear to a non-expert, and suggest clearer alternatives where appropriate.
7. **Overall Recommendations:** Give overall recommendations for improving the document's wording.

Provide your analysis in plain text, without using Markdown. Label each section of your analysis clearly (e.g., "Clarity and Precision:", "Readability:", etc.).
    logger.debug(f"Generated wording analysis prompt:\n{wording_analysis_prompt}")

        wording_analysis = generate_with_model(wording_analysis_prompt, max_length=1000, temperature=0.3)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception("Error during wording analysis.")
        return f"Error during wording analysis: {e}"

    combined_review = f"Rule-Based Analysis:\n\n{rule_based_review}\n\nWording Analysis:\n\n{wording_analysis}"
    return combined_review

# 4) File Parsing (PDF, DOCX)

def parse_bytesio(file_data: BytesIO) -> str:
    """Parses a BytesIO object representing a PDF or DOCX.""""Parsing BytesIO object...")
        # Attempt to determine file type from content
            doc_obj = docx.Document(file_data)
            return "\n".join([para.text for para in doc_obj.paragraphs]).strip()
        except docx.opc.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError:
  "BytesIO is not DOCX, trying PDF.")
                pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file_data)
                return "\n".join([page.extract_text() for page in pdf_reader.pages if page.extract_text()]).strip()
            except Exception as e:
                logger.exception(f"Error parsing BytesIO as PDF: {e}")
                return f"Error parsing BytesIO as PDF: {e}"
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception(f"Error processing BytesIO: {e}")
            return f"Error processing file content: {e}"
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception(f"Error parsing BytesIO: {e}")
        return f"Error parsing BytesIO: {e}"

def parse_uploaded_file_path(file_data) -> str:
    """Takes file data, determines type, extracts text."""
    if not file_data:
        logger.warning("No file provided.")
        return ""
    if isinstance(file_data, str):
        file_path = file_data"Received filepath: {file_path}")
    elif isinstance(file_data, dict) and 'name' in file_data:
        file_path = file_data['name']"Received file object with name: {file_path}")
    elif isinstance(file_data, (BytesIO, IOBase)):
        return parse_bytesio(file_data)
        logger.error(f"Unexpected file_data type: {type(file_data)}")
        return "Error: Unexpected file data format.""Attempting to parse file at {file_path}")
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        if ext == ".pdf":
            with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
                pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(f)
                return "\n".join([page.extract_text() for page in pdf_reader.pages if page.extract_text()]).strip()
        elif ext == ".docx":
            doc_obj = docx.Document(file_path)
            return "\n".join([para.text for para in doc_obj.paragraphs]).strip()
            return "Unsupported file format."
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception(f"Error parsing file: {e}")
        return f"Error parsing file: {e}"

# 5) DOCX Creation and Saving

def clean_markdown(text):
    """Removes common Markdown formatting."""
    if not text: return ""
    text = re.sub(r'^#+\s+', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    text = re.sub(r'(\*\*|__)(.*?)(\*\*|__)', r'\2', text)
    text = re.sub(r'(\*|_)(.*?)(\*|_)', r'\2', text)
    text = re.sub(r'^[\-\+\*]\s+', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    text = re.sub(r'^\d+\.\s+', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    text = re.sub(r'^[-_*]{3,}$', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    text = re.sub(r'!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', '', text)
    text = re.sub(r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)', r'\1', text)
    return text.strip()

def create_and_save_docx(doc_text, review_text=None, doc_type="Unknown", party_a="Party A", party_b="Party B"):
    """Creates DOCX, adds review, saves to temp file, returns path."""
    logger.debug("Creating and saving DOCX.")
    document = docx.Document()

    now =
    timestamp = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
    file_name = f"HF_AI_Review_{doc_type}_{timestamp}.docx"

    title = f"DocumentCogito Analysis of {doc_type} between companies {party_a} and {party_b}"
    document.add_heading(title, level=1)

    if doc_text:
        document.add_heading("Generated Document", level=2)
        for para in clean_markdown(doc_text).split("\n"):

    if review_text:
        document.add_heading("LLM Review", level=2)
        for section in review_text.split("\n\n"):  # Split into sections
            if section.startswith("Rule-Based Analysis:"):
                analysis_heading = document.add_paragraph()
                analysis_run = analysis_heading.add_run("Rule-Based Analysis")
                analysis_run.font.size = Pt(14)
                analysis_run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)
                for para in section[len("Rule-Based Analysis:"):].split("\n"):
                    if re.match(r"^\d+\)", para):  # Check for numbered points
                        p = document.add_paragraph(style='List Number')
                        p.add_run(para).font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00) #red

            elif section.startswith("Wording Analysis:"):
                analysis_heading = document.add_paragraph()
                analysis_run = analysis_heading.add_run("Wording Analysis")
                analysis_run.font.size = Pt(14)
                analysis_run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)
                for para in section[len("Wording Analysis:"):].split("\n"):
                    document.add_paragraph(para) # black, no numbering
            else:  # Other sections (if any)

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=f"_{file_name}") as tmpfile:
        logger.debug(f"DOCX saved to: {}")

# 6) Gradio Interface Functions

def generate_document_interface(doc_type, party_a, party_b, context, country):
    """Handles document generation.""""User requested doc generation: {doc_type}, {country}")
    doc_text = generate_legal_document(doc_type, party_a, party_b, context, country)
    if doc_text.startswith("Error"):
      return doc_text, None
    docx_file_path = create_and_save_docx(doc_text, doc_type=doc_type, party_a=party_a, party_b=party_b)
    return doc_text, docx_file_path

def review_document_interface(file_data, doc_type, party_a, party_b):
    """Handles document review.""""User requested review.")
    if not file_data:
        return "No file uploaded.", None

    original_text = parse_uploaded_file_path(file_data)
    if original_text.startswith("Error") or original_text.startswith("Unsupported"):
        return original_text, None

    review_text = review_legal_document(original_text, doc_type, party_a, party_b)
    if review_text.startswith("Error"):
        return review_text, None

    docx_file_path = create_and_save_docx(None, review_text, doc_type, party_a, party_b)
    return review_text, docx_file_path

# 7) Build & Launch Gradio App
# Define custom CSS in a string.
custom_css = """
.tab-one {
    background-color: #D1EEFC; /* Light blue */
    color: #333;
.tab-two {
    background-color: #FCEED1; /* Light orange */
    color: #333;
/* If you want to style the tab label differently, you may need to target
   specific child elements (like a .tab__header) within the class. */

def build_app():
    with gr.Blocks(css=custom_css) as demo:
            # UST Global Legal Document Analyzer (Hugging Face Version)

            **Review an Existing MOU, SOW, MSA in PDF/DOCX format**: Upload a document for analysis.

            **Disclaimer**: This tool provides assistance but is not a substitute for professional legal advice.
        with gr.Tabs(selected=1):
          with gr.Tab("Generate Document", visible=False):
              doc_type = gr.Dropdown(label="Document Type", choices=["MOU", "MSA", "SoW", "NDA"], value="MOU")
              party_a = gr.Textbox(label="Party A Name", placeholder="e.g., Tech Innovations LLC")
              party_b = gr.Textbox(label="Party B Name", placeholder="e.g., Global Consulting Corp")
              context = gr.Textbox(label="Context/Brief", placeholder="Short summary of the agreement...")
              country = gr.Dropdown(label="Governing Law (Country)", choices=["India", "Malaysia", "US", "UK", "Singapore", "Japan"], value="India")
              gen_button = gr.Button("Generate Document")
              gen_output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Generated Document", lines=15, placeholder="Generated document will appear here...")
              gen_output_file = gr.File(label="Download DOCX", type="filepath")
                  inputs=[doc_type, party_a, party_b, context, country],
                  outputs=[gen_output_text, gen_output_file]

          with gr.Tab("Review Document", elem_classes="tab-one", id=1):
              # Hidden inputs to store values from Generate tab
              doc_type_review = gr.Dropdown(label="Document Type", choices=["MOU", "MSA", "SoW", "NDA"], value="MOU", visible=False)
              party_a_review = gr.Textbox(label="Party A Name", visible=False)
              party_b_review = gr.Textbox(label="Party B Name", visible=False)

              file_input = gr.File(label="Upload PDF/DOCX for Review", type="filepath")
              review_button = gr.Button("Review Document")
              review_output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Review", lines=15, placeholder="Review will appear here...")
              review_output_file = gr.File(label="Download Reviewed DOCX", type="filepath")
                  inputs=[file_input, doc_type_review, party_a_review, party_b_review],
                  outputs=[review_output_text, review_output_file]
              # Copy values from Generate to Review tab (hidden fields)
     x, y, z: (x, y, z), [doc_type, party_a, party_b], [doc_type_review, party_a_review, party_b_review])

          gr.Markdown("**Note:** Scanned PDFs may not parse correctly. .docx is generally preferred.")
    return demo

# For Hugging Face Spaces deployment
if __name__ == "__main__":
#    create_requirements_file()"Initializing Gradio interface...")
    demo = build_app()"Launching Gradio app.")