import gradio as gr

# A dictionary to store website names and their URLs
    "Extended List": "",
    "Original List": "",

def open_website(website_name):
    Function to retrieve the website URL from the dictionary.
    It embeds the selected website URL in an HTML iframe for interactive viewing.
    url = WEBSITES.get(website_name)
    if url:
        # Embed the website URL inside an iframe for interactive viewing
        return f'<iframe src="{url}" width="100%" height="600"></iframe>'
        return "<p>Website not found.</p>"

# Define the Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    gr.Markdown("# Website Selector Tool")
    This tool allows you to select and interact with a website in an embedded viewer.
    # Dropdown for selecting a website
    website_name = gr.Dropdown(list(WEBSITES.keys()), label="Select a Website")
    # Button to trigger website embedding
    open_btn = gr.Button("Open Website")
    # HTML component to display the selected website in an iframe
    result = gr.HTML(label="Interactive Website Viewer")
    # Click event to retrieve the website and embed it in the iframe, inputs=website_name, outputs=result)

# Launch the Gradio interface publicly