## Install Packages 1. `python3 -m venv env` 2. `source env/bin/activate` 3. `pip install -e .` 4. `git submodule update --init --recursive` 5. `pip install -e umx` ## Download [VocalSet Dataset](https://zenodo.org/record/1193957) 1. `wget https://zenodo.org/record/1193957/files/VocalSet.zip?download=1` 2. `mv VocalSet.zip?download=1 VocalSet.zip` 3. `unzip VocalSet.zip` 4. Manually split singers into train, val, test directories ## Train model 1. Change Wandb and data root variables in `shell_vars.sh` and `source shell_vars.sh` 2. `python scripts/train.py +exp=umx_distortion` or 2. `python scripts/train.py +exp=demucs_distortion` See cfg for more options. Generally they are `+exp={model}_{effect}` Models and effects detailed below. To add gpu, add `trainer.accelerator='gpu' trainer.devices=-1` to the command-line Ex. `python scripts/train.py +exp=umx_distortion trainer.accelerator='gpu' trainer.devices=-1` ### Current Models - `umx` - `demucs` ### Current Effects - `chorus` - `compressor` - `distortion` - `reverb` - `all` (choose random effect to apply to each file) ### Testing Experiment dictates data, ckpt dictates model `python scripts/test.py +exp=umx_distortion.yaml +ckpt_path=test_ckpts/umx_dist.ckpt` ## Misc. By default, files are rendered to `input_dir / processed / train/val/test`. To skip rendering files (use previously rendered), add `render_files=False` to the command-line (added to test by default). To change the rendered location, add `render_root={path/to/dir}` to the command-line (use this for train and test)