# Import required libraries import streamlit as st import re # Function to analyze the strength of the entered password def analyze_password_strength(password): score = 0 # Increase score based on different criteria if len(password) >= 8: score += 1 if re.search("[a-z]", password) and re.search("[A-Z]", password): score += 1 if re.search("[0-9]", password): score += 1 if re.search("[!@#$%^&*(),.?\":{}|<>]", password): score += 1 if len(password) >= 12: score += 1 # Bonus points for length >= 12 return score # Streamlit application UI def main(): st.title("Password Strength Analyzer") password = st.text_input("Enter your password", type="password") if st.button("Analyze Password Strength"): score = analyze_password_strength(password) if score < 2: st.error("Weak Password: Try mixing uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.") elif score < 4: st.warning("Medium Password: Good, but consider increasing the length or adding more unique characters for a stronger password.") else: st.success("Strong Password: Great job! Your password is strong. Remember, always keep your passwords secure and unique.") # Run the application if __name__ == "__main__": main()