import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
from statsbombpy import sb | |
import config_location_player as clp | |
import functions | |
import Pitch3D | |
import json | |
from stats_manager import StatsManager | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
st.markdown( | |
""" | |
<style> | |
.centered-image { | |
display: block; | |
margin-left: auto; | |
margin-right: auto; | |
width: 20%; /* Adjust this percentage to resize the image */ | |
} | |
.ban-image { | |
display: block; | |
margin-left: 0; | |
margin-right: 0; | |
width: 100%; /* Adjust this percentage to resize the image */ | |
height: 50%; /* Adjust this percentage to resize the image */ | |
} | |
.banner-image { | |
background-image: url(''); | |
background-size: cover; | |
background-position: center; | |
height: 300px; /* Adjust the height to your preference */ | |
width: 100%; | |
margin: 0 auto; | |
margin-bottom: 100px; | |
} | |
</style> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
st.markdown('<div class="banner-image"></div>', unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# st.markdown( | |
# '<img src="" class="centered-image"> <br> <br> <br>', | |
# unsafe_allow_html=True | |
# ) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 3]) | |
with col1: | |
competition = sb.competitions() | |
#Gender Choice | |
# on = st.toggle("Men" if st.session_state.get('competition_gender', 'women') == 'women' else "Women") | |
# competition_gender = 'men' if on else 'women' | |
# st.session_state.competition_gender = competition_gender | |
competition_gender = "male" | |
competition_gender_df = competition[competition['competition_gender']==competition_gender] | |
#Competition Choice | |
competitions = competition_gender_df['competition_name'].unique() | |
selected_competition = st.selectbox( | |
"Choose your competition", | |
competitions, | |
) | |
selected_competition_df = competition_gender_df[competition_gender_df['competition_name']==selected_competition] | |
#Season Choice | |
seasons = selected_competition_df['season_name'].unique() | |
selected_season = st.selectbox( | |
"Choose your season", | |
seasons, | |
) | |
competition_id = selected_competition_df[selected_competition_df['season_name']==selected_season]['competition_id'].iloc[0] | |
season_id = selected_competition_df[selected_competition_df['season_name']==selected_season]['season_id'].iloc[0] | |
matches = sb.matches(competition_id=competition_id, season_id=season_id) | |
#Season Choice | |
# teams = selected_competition_df[['home_team','away_team']].unique() | |
teams = pd.concat([matches['away_team'], matches['home_team']]).unique() | |
selected_team = st.selectbox( | |
"Choose your team", | |
teams, | |
) | |
one_team_matches = matches[(matches['home_team'] == selected_team) | (matches['away_team'] == selected_team)] | |
# matches = one_team_matches['match_id'] | |
matches = one_team_matches['match_date'] | |
selected_match = st.selectbox( | |
"Choose your match", | |
matches, | |
) | |
selected_one_team_matches = one_team_matches[one_team_matches['match_date']==selected_match] | |
match_id = selected_one_team_matches['match_id'].iloc[0] | |
home_team = selected_one_team_matches['home_team'].iloc[0] | |
home_score = selected_one_team_matches['home_score'].iloc[0] | |
home_color = "#0B8494" | |
away_team = selected_one_team_matches['away_team'].iloc[0] | |
away_score = selected_one_team_matches['away_score'].iloc[0] | |
away_color = "#F05A7E" | |
home_lineups = sb.lineups(match_id=match_id)[home_team] | |
away_lineups = sb.lineups(match_id=match_id)[away_team] | |
events = | |
home_tactic_formation = events['tactics'].iloc[0]['formation'] | |
away_tactic_formation = events['tactics'].iloc[1]['formation'] | |
with col2: | |
# st.write(events.filter(regex='^bad_behaviour_card|^team$')) | |
# Créer un gestionnaire de statistiques | |
stats_manager = StatsManager(events) | |
# Appel des fonctions via le gestionnaire | |
home_possession, away_possession = stats_manager.get_possession() | |
home_xg, away_xg = stats_manager.get_total_xg() | |
home_shots, away_shots = stats_manager.get_total_shots() | |
home_off_target, away_off_target = stats_manager.get_total_shots_off_target() | |
home_on_target, away_on_target = stats_manager.get_total_shots_on_target() | |
home_passes, away_passes = stats_manager.get_total_passes() | |
home_successful_passes, away_successful_passes = stats_manager.get_successful_passes() | |
home_corners, away_corners = stats_manager.get_total_corners() | |
home_fouls, away_fouls = stats_manager.get_total_fouls() | |
home_yellow_cards, away_yellow_cards = stats_manager.get_total_yellow_cards() | |
home_red_cards, away_red_cards = stats_manager.get_total_red_cards() | |
# Créer la liste des scores, en excluant ceux qui ne peuvent pas être calculés | |
categories_scores = [ | |
{"catégorie": "Possession de balle (%)", "Home Team": home_possession, "Away Team": away_possession}, | |
{"catégorie": "xG (Buts attendus)", "Home Team": home_xg, "Away Team": away_xg}, | |
{"catégorie": "Tirs", "Home Team": home_shots, "Away Team": away_shots}, | |
{"catégorie": "Tirs cadrés", "Home Team": home_on_target, "Away Team": away_on_target}, | |
{"catégorie": "Tirs non cadrés", "Home Team": home_off_target, "Away Team": away_off_target}, | |
{"catégorie": "Passes", "Home Team": home_passes, "Away Team": away_passes}, | |
{"catégorie": "Passes réussies", "Home Team": home_successful_passes, "Away Team": away_successful_passes}, | |
{"catégorie": "Corners", "Home Team": home_corners, "Away Team": away_corners}, | |
{"catégorie": "Fautes", "Home Team": home_fouls, "Away Team": away_fouls}, | |
{"catégorie": "Cartons Jaunes", "Home Team": home_yellow_cards, "Away Team": away_yellow_cards}, | |
{"catégorie": "Cartons Rouges", "Home Team": home_red_cards, "Away Team": away_red_cards}, | |
] | |
# Filtrer les catégories valides | |
categories_scores = [entry for entry in categories_scores if entry is not None] | |
# Extraire les catégories et scores | |
categories = [entry['catégorie'] for entry in categories_scores] | |
home_scores = [entry['Home Team'] for entry in categories_scores] | |
away_scores = [entry['Away Team'] for entry in categories_scores] | |
# Afficher le graphique | |
functions.display_normalized_scores(home_scores, away_scores, categories, home_color=home_color, away_color=away_color) | |
# st.image('img/logo_stade.png', width=200) | |
pitch_color='#d2d2d2', | |
st.markdown( | |
f""" | |
<div style='text-align: center;'> | |
<span style='color: {home_color}; margin-right: 30px;'>{home_team} {home_score}</span> | |
<span style='margin-right: 30px;'>-</span> | |
<span style='color: {away_color};'>{away_score} {away_team}</span> | |
</div> | |
<div style='text-align: center;'> | |
<span style='color: {pitch_color}; margin-right: 30px;'>{home_tactic_formation}</span> | |
<span style='margin-right: 30px;'> </span> | |
<span style='color: {pitch_color};'>{away_tactic_formation}</span> | |
</div> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
col21, col22 = st.columns([1,1]) | |
position_id_to_coordinates_home = clp.initial_player_position_allpitch_home | |
position_id_to_coordinates_away = clp.initial_player_position_allpitch_away | |
# functions.display_player_names_and_positions_twoTeam(home_lineups, away_lineups, position_id_to_coordinates_home, position_id_to_coordinates_away) | |
with open('data/club.json', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
images_data = json.load(f) | |
# Integrate club logo | |
home_team_image = functions.get_best_match_image(home_team, images_data) | |
away_team_image = functions.get_best_match_image(away_team, images_data) | |
with col21: | |
# if home_team_image: | |
# st.image(home_team_image) | |
functions.display_player_names_and_positions_oneTeam(home_lineups, position_id_to_coordinates_home, home_color) | |
st.markdown( | |
f""" | |
<div style='text-align: center;'> | |
<span style='color: {home_color}; margin-right: 30px;'>{selected_one_team_matches['home_managers'].iloc[0]}</span> | |
</div> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
with col22: | |
# if away_team_image: | |
# st.image(away_team_image) | |
functions.display_player_names_and_positions_oneTeam(away_lineups, position_id_to_coordinates_away,away_color) | |
st.markdown( | |
f""" | |
<div style='text-align: center;'> | |
<span style='color: {away_color}; margin-right: 30px;'>{selected_one_team_matches['away_managers'].iloc[0]}</span> | |
</div> | |
""", | |
unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
def ensure_3d_coordinates(coord): | |
if len(coord) == 2: | |
return coord + [0] | |
return coord | |
shot_events = events.filter(regex='^(shot|location|team)').dropna(how='all') | |
shot_events_location = shot_events[shot_events['shot_end_location'].notna()] | |
shot_events_location['location'] = shot_events_location['location'].apply(ensure_3d_coordinates) | |
shot_events_location['shot_end_location'] = shot_events_location['shot_end_location'].apply(ensure_3d_coordinates) | |
start_points = shot_events_location['location'].tolist() | |
end_points = shot_events_location['shot_end_location'].tolist() | |
# st.write(shot_events_location) | |
Pitch3D.main_3D_pitch(start_points,end_points) |