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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Sep 20 16:56:19 2018
@author: harry
import librosa
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.autograd as grad
import torch.nn.functional as F
from utils.hparam import hparam as hp
def get_centroids_prior(embeddings):
centroids = []
for speaker in embeddings:
centroid = 0
for utterance in speaker:
centroid = centroid + utterance
centroid = centroid/len(speaker)
centroids = torch.stack(centroids)
return centroids
def get_centroids(embeddings):
centroids = embeddings.mean(dim=1)
return centroids
def get_centroid(embeddings, speaker_num, utterance_num):
centroid = 0
for utterance_id, utterance in enumerate(embeddings[speaker_num]):
if utterance_id == utterance_num:
centroid = centroid + utterance
centroid = centroid/(len(embeddings[speaker_num])-1)
return centroid
def get_utterance_centroids(embeddings):
Returns the centroids for each utterance of a speaker, where
the utterance centroid is the speaker centroid without considering
this utterance
Shape of embeddings should be:
(speaker_ct, utterance_per_speaker_ct, embedding_size)
sum_centroids = embeddings.sum(dim=1)
# we want to subtract out each utterance, prior to calculating the
# the utterance centroid
sum_centroids = sum_centroids.reshape(
sum_centroids.shape[0], 1, sum_centroids.shape[-1]
# we want the mean but not including the utterance itself, so -1
num_utterances = embeddings.shape[1] - 1
centroids = (sum_centroids - embeddings) / num_utterances
return centroids
def get_cossim_prior(embeddings, centroids):
# Calculates cosine similarity matrix. Requires (N, M, feature) input
cossim = torch.zeros(embeddings.size(0),embeddings.size(1),centroids.size(0))
for speaker_num, speaker in enumerate(embeddings):
for utterance_num, utterance in enumerate(speaker):
for centroid_num, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
if speaker_num == centroid_num:
centroid = get_centroid(embeddings, speaker_num, utterance_num)
output = F.cosine_similarity(utterance,centroid,dim=0)+1e-6
cossim[speaker_num][utterance_num][centroid_num] = output
return cossim
def get_cossim(embeddings, centroids):
# number of utterances per speaker
num_utterances = embeddings.shape[1]
utterance_centroids = get_utterance_centroids(embeddings)
# flatten the embeddings and utterance centroids to just utterance,
# so we can do cosine similarity
utterance_centroids_flat = utterance_centroids.view(
utterance_centroids.shape[0] * utterance_centroids.shape[1],
embeddings_flat = embeddings.view(
embeddings.shape[0] * num_utterances,
# the cosine distance between utterance and the associated centroids
# for that utterance
# this is each speaker's utterances against his own centroid, but each
# comparison centroid has the current utterance removed
cos_same = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings_flat, utterance_centroids_flat)
# now we get the cosine distance between each utterance and the other speakers'
# centroids
# to do so requires comparing each utterance to each centroid. To keep the
# operation fast, we vectorize by using matrices L (embeddings) and
# R (centroids) where L has each utterance repeated sequentially for all
# comparisons and R has the entire centroids frame repeated for each utterance
centroids_expand = centroids.repeat((num_utterances * embeddings.shape[0], 1))
embeddings_expand = embeddings_flat.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, embeddings.shape[0], 1)
embeddings_expand = embeddings_expand.view(
embeddings_expand.shape[0] * embeddings_expand.shape[1],
cos_diff = F.cosine_similarity(embeddings_expand, centroids_expand)
cos_diff = cos_diff.view(
# assign the cosine distance for same speakers to the proper idx
same_idx = list(range(embeddings.size(0)))
cos_diff[same_idx, :, same_idx] = cos_same.view(embeddings.shape[0], num_utterances)
cos_diff = cos_diff + 1e-6
return cos_diff
def calc_loss_prior(sim_matrix):
# Calculates loss from (N, M, K) similarity matrix
per_embedding_loss = torch.zeros(sim_matrix.size(0), sim_matrix.size(1))
for j in range(len(sim_matrix)):
for i in range(sim_matrix.size(1)):
per_embedding_loss[j][i] = -(sim_matrix[j][i][j] - ((torch.exp(sim_matrix[j][i]).sum()+1e-6).log_()))
loss = per_embedding_loss.sum()
return loss, per_embedding_loss
def calc_loss(sim_matrix):
same_idx = list(range(sim_matrix.size(0)))
pos = sim_matrix[same_idx, :, same_idx]
neg = (torch.exp(sim_matrix).sum(dim=2) + 1e-6).log_()
per_embedding_loss = -1 * (pos - neg)
loss = per_embedding_loss.sum()
return loss, per_embedding_loss
def normalize_0_1(values, max_value, min_value):
normalized = np.clip((values - min_value) / (max_value - min_value), 0, 1)
return normalized
def mfccs_and_spec(wav_file, wav_process = False, calc_mfccs=False, calc_mag_db=False):
sound_file, _ = librosa.core.load(wav_file,
window_length = int(*
hop_length = int(*
duration = * +
# Cut silence and fix length
if wav_process == True:
sound_file, index = librosa.effects.trim(sound_file, frame_length=window_length, hop_length=hop_length)
length = int( * duration)
sound_file = librosa.util.fix_length(sound_file, length)
spec = librosa.stft(sound_file,, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=window_length)
mag_spec = np.abs(spec)
mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel(,,
mel_spec =, mag_spec)
mag_db = librosa.amplitude_to_db(mag_spec)
#db mel spectrogram
mel_db = librosa.amplitude_to_db(mel_spec).T
mfccs = None
if calc_mfccs:
mfccs =, mel_db.shape[0]), mel_db).T
return mfccs, mel_db, mag_db
if __name__ == "__main__":
w = grad.Variable(torch.tensor(1.0))
b = grad.Variable(torch.tensor(0.0))
embeddings = torch.tensor([[0,1,0],[0,0,1], [0,1,0], [0,1,0], [1,0,0], [1,0,0]]).to(torch.float).reshape(3,2,3)
centroids = get_centroids(embeddings)
cossim = get_cossim(embeddings, centroids)
sim_matrix = w*cossim + b
loss, per_embedding_loss = calc_loss(sim_matrix)