import functools import traceback import gradio as gr import bittensor as bt from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional, Tuple from bittensor.extrinsics.serving import get_metadata from dataclasses import dataclass import wandb import math import os import datetime import time import json import pandas as pd from dotenv import load_dotenv from huggingface_hub import HfApi from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler import pandas as pd load_dotenv() FONT = ( """<link href="" rel="stylesheet">""" ) TITLE = """<h1 align="center" id="space-title" class="typewriter">Subnet 9 Leaderboard</h1>""" HEADER = """<h2 align="center" class="typewriter"><a href="" target="_blank">Subnet 9</a> is a <a href="" target="_blank">Bittensor</a> subnet that rewards miners for producing pretrained Foundation-Models on the <a href="" target="_blank">Falcon Refined Web dataset</a>. It acts like a continuous benchmark whereby miners are rewarded for attaining the best losses on randomly sampled pages of Falcon.<br/>The models with the best head-to-head loss on the evaluation data receive a steady emission of TAO.</h3>""" EVALUATION_DETAILS = """<ul><li><b>Name:</b> the 🤗 Hugging Face model name (click to go to the model card)</li><li><b>Rewards / Day:</b> the expected rewards per day based on current ranking.</li><li><b>Last Average Loss:</b> the last loss value on the evaluation data for the model as calculated by a validator (lower is better)</li><li><b>UID:</b> the Bittensor UID of the miner</li><li><b>Block:</b> the Bittensor block that the model was submitted in</li></ul><br/>More stats on <a href="" target="_blank">taostats</a>.""" EVALUATION_HEADER = """<h3 align="center">Shows the latest internal evaluation statistics as calculated by the Opentensor validator</h3>""" VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT = "opentensor-dev/pretraining-subnet" BENCHMARK_WANDB_PROJECT = "raofoundation/pretraining-leaderboard-data" H4_TOKEN = os.environ.get("H4_TOKEN", None) API = HfApi(token=H4_TOKEN) WANDB_TOKEN = os.environ.get("WANDB_API_KEY", None) REPO_ID = "0x9/pretraining-leaderboard" MAX_AVG_LOSS_POINTS = 1 RETRIES = 5 DELAY_SECS = 3 NETUID = 9 SECONDS_PER_BLOCK = 12 @dataclass class ModelData: uid: int hotkey: str namespace: str name: str commit: str hash: str block: int incentive: float emission: float @classmethod def from_compressed_str( cls, uid: int, hotkey: str, cs: str, block: int, incentive: float, emission: float, ): """Returns an instance of this class from a compressed string representation""" tokens = cs.split(":") return ModelData( uid=uid, hotkey=hotkey, namespace=tokens[0], name=tokens[1], commit=tokens[2] if tokens[2] != "None" else None, hash=tokens[3] if tokens[3] != "None" else None, block=block, incentive=incentive, emission=emission, ) def run_with_retries(func, *args, **kwargs): for i in range(0, RETRIES): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except (Exception, RuntimeError): if i == RETRIES - 1: raise time.sleep(DELAY_SECS) raise RuntimeError("Should never happen") def get_subtensor_and_metagraph() -> Tuple[bt.subtensor, bt.metagraph]: def _internal() -> Tuple[bt.subtensor, bt.metagraph]: subtensor = bt.subtensor("ws://") metagraph = bt.metagraph(NETUID, lite=False) return subtensor, metagraph return run_with_retries(_internal) def get_validator_weights( metagraph: bt.metagraph, ) -> Dict[int, Tuple[float, int, Dict[int, float]]]: """Returns a dictionary of validator UIDs to (vtrust, stake, {uid: weight}).""" ret = {} for uid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): vtrust = metagraph.validator_trust[uid].item() if vtrust > 0: ret[uid] = (vtrust, metagraph.S[uid].item(), {}) for ouid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): if ouid == uid: continue weight = round(metagraph.weights[uid][ouid].item(), 4) if weight > 0: ret[uid][-1][ouid] = weight return ret def get_subnet_data( subtensor: bt.subtensor, metagraph: bt.metagraph ) -> List[ModelData]: result = [] for uid in metagraph.uids.tolist(): hotkey = metagraph.hotkeys[uid] metadata = None try: metadata = run_with_retries( functools.partial(get_metadata, subtensor, metagraph.netuid, hotkey) ) except: print(f"Failed to get metadata for UID {uid}: {traceback.format_exc()}") if not metadata: continue commitment = metadata["info"]["fields"][0] hex_data = commitment[list(commitment.keys())[0]][2:] chain_str = bytes.fromhex(hex_data).decode() block = metadata["block"] incentive = metagraph.incentive[uid].nan_to_num().item() emission = ( metagraph.emission[uid].nan_to_num().item() * 20 ) # convert to daily TAO model_data = None try: model_data = ModelData.from_compressed_str( uid, hotkey, chain_str, block, incentive, emission ) except: continue result.append(model_data) return result def is_floatable(x) -> bool: return ( isinstance(x, float) and not math.isnan(x) and not math.isinf(x) ) or isinstance(x, int) def get_wandb_runs(project: str, filters: Dict[str, Any]) -> List: """Get the latest runs from Wandb, retrying infinitely until we get them.""" while True: api = wandb.Api(api_key=WANDB_TOKEN) runs = list( api.runs( project, filters=filters, ) ) if len(runs) > 0: return runs # WandDB API is quite unreliable. Wait another minute and try again. print("Failed to get runs from Wandb. Trying again in 60 seconds.") time.sleep(60) def get_scores( uids: List[int], wandb_runs: List, ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, Optional[float]]]: result = {} previous_timestamp = None # Iterate through the runs until we've processed all the uids. for i, run in enumerate(wandb_runs): if not "original_format_json" in run.summary: continue data = json.loads(run.summary["original_format_json"]) all_uid_data = data["uid_data"] timestamp = data["timestamp"] # Make sure runs are indeed in descending time order. assert ( previous_timestamp is None or timestamp < previous_timestamp ), f"Timestamps are not in descending order: {timestamp} >= {previous_timestamp}" previous_timestamp = timestamp for uid in uids: if uid in result: continue if str(uid) in all_uid_data: uid_data = all_uid_data[str(uid)] # Only the most recent run is fresh. is_fresh = i == 0 result[uid] = { "avg_loss": uid_data.get("average_loss", None), "win_rate": uid_data.get("win_rate", None), "win_total": uid_data.get("win_total", None), "weight": uid_data.get("weight", None), "fresh": is_fresh, } if len(result) == len(uids): break return result def get_losses_over_time(wandb_runs: List) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns a dataframe of the best average model loss over time.""" timestamps = [] best_losses = [] for run in wandb_runs: if "original_format_json" not in run.summary: continue data = json.loads(run.summary["original_format_json"]) all_uid_data = data["uid_data"] timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data["timestamp"]) best_loss = math.inf for _, uid_data in all_uid_data.items(): loss = uid_data.get("average_loss", math.inf) # Filter out the numbers from the exploit. if loss < best_loss and (loss > 2.5 or timestamp > datetime.datetime(2024,2,8)): best_loss = uid_data["average_loss"] if best_loss != math.inf: timestamps.append(timestamp) best_losses.append(best_loss) return pd.DataFrame({"timestamp": timestamps, "best_loss": best_losses}) def format_score(uid: int, scores, key) -> Optional[float]: if uid in scores: if key in scores[uid]: point = scores[uid][key] if is_floatable(point): return round(scores[uid][key], 4) return None def next_epoch(subtensor: bt.subtensor, block: int) -> int: return 0 def get_next_update_div(current_block: int, next_update_block: int) -> str: now = blocks_to_go = next_update_block - current_block next_update_time = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds=blocks_to_go * SECONDS_PER_BLOCK ) delta = next_update_time - now return f"""<div align="center" style="font-size: larger;">Next reward update: <b>{blocks_to_go}</b> blocks (~{int(delta.total_seconds() // 60)} minutes)</div>""" def get_last_updated_div() -> str: return f"""<div>Last Updated: {datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} (UTC)</div>""" def leaderboard_data( leaderboard: List[ModelData], scores: Dict[int, Dict[str, Optional[float]]], show_stale: bool, ) -> List[List[Any]]: """Returns the leaderboard data, based on models data and UID scores.""" return [ [ f"[{c.namespace}/{} ({c.commit[0:8]})]({c.namespace}/{}/commit/{c.commit})", format_score(c.uid, scores, "win_rate"), format_score(c.uid, scores, "avg_loss"), format_score(c.uid, scores, "weight"), c.uid, c.block, ] for c in leaderboard if (c.uid in scores and scores[c.uid]["fresh"]) or show_stale ] def get_benchmarks() -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, datetime.datetime]: """Returns the latest benchmarks and the time they were run.""" return None, None runs = get_wandb_runs(project=BENCHMARK_WANDB_PROJECT, filters=None) for run in runs: artifacts = list(run.logged_artifacts()) if artifacts: table = artifacts[-1].get("benchmarks") if table: return table.get_dataframe(), datetime.datetime.strptime(run.metadata["startedAt"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") bt.logging.error("Failed to get benchmarks from Wandb.") return None, None def restart_space(): API.restart_space(repo_id=REPO_ID, token=H4_TOKEN) def main(): # To avoid leaderboard failures, infinitely try until we get all data # needed to populate the dashboard while True: try: subtensor, metagraph = get_subtensor_and_metagraph() model_data: List[ModelData] = get_subnet_data(subtensor, metagraph) model_data.sort(key=lambda x: x.incentive, reverse=True) vali_runs = get_wandb_runs(project=VALIDATOR_WANDB_PROJECT, filters={"config.type": "validator", "config.uid": 238}) scores = get_scores([x.uid for x in model_data], vali_runs) current_block = metagraph.block.item() next_epoch_block = next_epoch(subtensor, current_block) validator_df = get_validator_weights(metagraph) weight_keys = set() for uid, stats in validator_df.items(): weight_keys.update(stats[-1].keys()) benchmarks, benchmark_timestamp = get_benchmarks() break except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to get data: {e}") time.sleep(30) demo = gr.Blocks(css=".typewriter {font-family: 'JMH Typewriter', sans-serif;}") with demo: gr.HTML(FONT) gr.HTML(TITLE) gr.HTML(HEADER) gr.HTML(value=get_next_update_div(current_block, next_epoch_block)) gr.Label( value={ f"{c.namespace}/{} ({c.commit[0:8]}) · (τ{round(c.emission, 2):,})": c.incentive for c in model_data if c.incentive }, num_top_classes=10, ) if benchmarks is not None: with gr.Accordion("Top Model Benchmarks"): gr.components.Dataframe(benchmarks) gr.HTML("""<div>PPL computed using a stride of 512. See <a href=''>here</a> for the full code.</div>""") gr.HTML(f"""<div>Last Updated: {benchmark_timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} (UTC)</div>""") with gr.Accordion("Evaluation Stats"): gr.HTML(EVALUATION_HEADER) show_stale = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Stale", interactive=True) leaderboard_table = gr.components.Dataframe( value=leaderboard_data(model_data, scores, show_stale.value), headers=["Name", "Win Rate", "Average Loss", "Weight", "UID", "Block"], datatype=["markdown", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number"], elem_id="leaderboard-table", interactive=False, visible=True, ) gr.HTML(EVALUATION_DETAILS) show_stale.change( lambda stale: leaderboard_data(model_data, scores, stale), inputs=[show_stale], outputs=leaderboard_table, ) gr.LinePlot( get_losses_over_time(vali_runs), x="timestamp", x_title="Date", y="best_loss", y_title="Average Loss", tooltip="best_loss", interactive=True, visible=True, width=1024, title="Best Average Loss Over Time", ) with gr.Accordion("Validator Stats"): gr.components.Dataframe( value=[ [uid, int(validator_df[uid][1]), round(validator_df[uid][0], 4)] + [ validator_df[uid][-1].get(c.uid) for c in model_data if c.incentive ] for uid, _ in sorted( zip( validator_df.keys(), [validator_df[x][1] for x in validator_df.keys()], ), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) ], headers=["UID", "Stake (τ)", "V-Trust"] + [ f"{c.namespace}/{} ({c.commit[0:8]})" for c in model_data if c.incentive ], datatype=["number", "number", "number"] + ["number" for c in model_data if c.incentive], interactive=False, visible=True, ) gr.HTML(value=get_last_updated_div()) scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job( restart_space, "interval", seconds=60 * 30 ) # restart every 15 minutes scheduler.start() demo.launch() main()