# This file is largely borrowed from open clip import hashlib import json import logging import os import re import urllib import warnings from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple from typing import Dict, Union from typing import List import torch import torch.nn as nn import torchvision.transforms.functional as F from torchvision.transforms import Normalize, Compose, RandomResizedCrop, InterpolationMode, ToTensor, Resize, \ CenterCrop from tqdm import tqdm from .clip_model import CLIP, convert_to_custom_text_state_dict, \ resize_pos_embed from .clip_model import build_model_from_openai_state_dict, convert_weights_to_lp, get_cast_dtype from .tokenizer import HFTokenizer, tokenize __version__ = '2.16.0' try: from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download hf_hub_download = partial(hf_hub_download, library_name="open_clip", library_version=__version__) _has_hf_hub = True except ImportError: hf_hub_download = None _has_hf_hub = False def _pcfg(url='', hf_hub='', mean=None, std=None): return dict( url=url, hf_hub=hf_hub, mean=mean, std=std, ) _VITB32 = dict( openai=_pcfg( "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/clip/models/40d365715913c9da98579312b702a82c18be219cc2a73407c4526f58eba950af/ViT-B-32.pt"), laion400m_e31=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_b_32-quickgelu-laion400m_e31-d867053b.pt"), laion400m_e32=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_b_32-quickgelu-laion400m_e32-46683a32.pt"), laion2b_e16=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_b_32-laion2b_e16-af8dbd0c.pth"), laion2b_s34b_b79k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K/') ) _VITB16 = dict( openai=_pcfg( "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/clip/models/5806e77cd80f8b59890b7e101eabd078d9fb84e6937f9e85e4ecb61988df416f/ViT-B-16.pt"), laion400m_e31=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_b_16-laion400m_e31-00efa78f.pt"), laion400m_e32=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_b_16-laion400m_e32-55e67d44.pt"), laion2b_s34b_b88k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-B-16-laion2B-s34B-b88K/'), ) _VITL14 = dict( openai=_pcfg( "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/clip/models/b8cca3fd41ae0c99ba7e8951adf17d267cdb84cd88be6f7c2e0eca1737a03836/ViT-L-14.pt"), laion400m_e31=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_l_14-laion400m_e31-69988bb6.pt"), laion400m_e32=_pcfg( "https://github.com/mlfoundations/open_clip/releases/download/v0.2-weights/vit_l_14-laion400m_e32-3d133497.pt"), laion2b_s32b_b82k=_pcfg( hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-L-14-laion2B-s32B-b82K/', mean=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), std=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ) _VITL14_336 = dict( openai=_pcfg( "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/clip/models/3035c92b350959924f9f00213499208652fc7ea050643e8b385c2dac08641f02/ViT-L-14-336px.pt"), ) _VITH14 = dict( laion2b_s32b_b79k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-H-14-laion2B-s32B-b79K/'), ) _VITg14 = dict( laion2b_s12b_b42k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-g-14-laion2B-s12B-b42K/'), laion2b_s34b_b88k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-g-14-laion2B-s34B-b88K/'), ) _VITbigG14 = dict( laion2b_s39b_b160k=_pcfg(hf_hub='laion/CLIP-ViT-bigG-14-laion2B-39B-b160k/'), ) _PRETRAINED = { "ViT-B-32": _VITB32, "ViT-B-16": _VITB16, "ViT-L-14": _VITL14, "ViT-L-14-336": _VITL14_336, "ViT-H-14": _VITH14, "ViT-g-14": _VITg14, "ViT-bigG-14": _VITbigG14, } def _clean_tag(tag: str): # normalize pretrained tags return tag.lower().replace('-', '_') def list_pretrained(as_str: bool = False): """ returns list of pretrained models Returns a tuple (model_name, pretrain_tag) by default or 'name:tag' if as_str == True """ return [':'.join([k, t]) if as_str else (k, t) for k in _PRETRAINED.keys() for t in _PRETRAINED[k].keys()] def list_pretrained_models_by_tag(tag: str): """ return all models having the specified pretrain tag """ models = [] tag = _clean_tag(tag) for k in _PRETRAINED.keys(): if tag in _PRETRAINED[k]: models.append(k) return models def list_pretrained_tags_by_model(model: str): """ return all pretrain tags for the specified model architecture """ tags = [] if model in _PRETRAINED: tags.extend(_PRETRAINED[model].keys()) return tags def is_pretrained_cfg(model: str, tag: str): if model not in _PRETRAINED: return False return _clean_tag(tag) in _PRETRAINED[model] def get_pretrained_cfg(model: str, tag: str): if model not in _PRETRAINED: return {} model_pretrained = _PRETRAINED[model] if 'openai' in model_pretrained.keys(): tag = 'openai' else: tag = list(model_pretrained.keys())[0] print('*' * 50) print(f'Use pretrained model from {tag}...') print('*' * 50) return model_pretrained.get(_clean_tag(tag), {}) def get_pretrained_url(model: str, tag: str): cfg = get_pretrained_cfg(model, _clean_tag(tag)) return cfg.get('url', '') def download_pretrained_from_url( url: str, cache_dir: Union[str, None] = None, ): if not cache_dir: cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/clip") os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.basename(url) if 'openaipublic' in url: expected_sha256 = url.split("/")[-2] elif 'mlfoundations' in url: expected_sha256 = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split("-")[-1] else: expected_sha256 = '' download_target = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(download_target) and not os.path.isfile(download_target): raise RuntimeError(f"{download_target} exists and is not a regular file") if os.path.isfile(download_target): if expected_sha256: if hashlib.sha256(open(download_target, "rb").read()).hexdigest().startswith(expected_sha256): return download_target else: warnings.warn( f"{download_target} exists, but the SHA256 checksum does not match; re-downloading the file") else: return download_target with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as source, open(download_target, "wb") as output: with tqdm(total=int(source.headers.get("Content-Length")), ncols=80, unit='iB', unit_scale=True) as loop: while True: buffer = source.read(8192) if not buffer: break output.write(buffer) loop.update(len(buffer)) if expected_sha256 and not hashlib.sha256(open(download_target, "rb").read()).hexdigest().startswith( expected_sha256): raise RuntimeError(f"Model has been downloaded but the SHA256 checksum does not not match") return download_target def has_hf_hub(necessary=False): if not _has_hf_hub and necessary: # if no HF Hub module installed, and it is necessary to continue, raise error raise RuntimeError( 'Hugging Face hub model specified but package not installed. Run `pip install huggingface_hub`.') return _has_hf_hub def download_pretrained_from_hf( model_id: str, filename: str = 'open_clip_pytorch_model.bin', revision=None, cache_dir: Union[str, None] = None, ): has_hf_hub(True) cached_file = hf_hub_download(model_id, filename, revision=revision, cache_dir=cache_dir) return cached_file def download_pretrained( cfg: Dict, force_hf_hub: bool = False, cache_dir: Union[str, None] = None, ): target = '' if not cfg: return target download_url = cfg.get('url', '') download_hf_hub = cfg.get('hf_hub', '') if download_hf_hub and force_hf_hub: # use HF hub even if url exists download_url = '' if download_url: target = download_pretrained_from_url(download_url, cache_dir=cache_dir) elif download_hf_hub: has_hf_hub(True) # we assume the hf_hub entries in pretrained config combine model_id + filename in # 'org/model_name/filename.pt' form. To specify just the model id w/o filename and # use 'open_clip_pytorch_model.bin' default, there must be a trailing slash 'org/model_name/'. model_id, filename = os.path.split(download_hf_hub) if filename: target = download_pretrained_from_hf(model_id, filename=filename, cache_dir=cache_dir) else: target = download_pretrained_from_hf(model_id, cache_dir=cache_dir) return target OPENAI_DATASET_MEAN = (0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073) OPENAI_DATASET_STD = (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711) @dataclass class AugmentationCfg: scale: Tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 1.0) ratio: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None color_jitter: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float, float]]] = None interpolation: Optional[str] = None re_prob: Optional[float] = None re_count: Optional[int] = None use_timm: bool = False class ResizeMaxSize(nn.Module): def __init__(self, max_size, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, fn='max', fill=0): super().__init__() if not isinstance(max_size, int): raise TypeError(f"Size should be int. Got {type(max_size)}") self.max_size = max_size self.interpolation = interpolation self.fn = min if fn == 'min' else min self.fill = fill def forward(self, img): if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor): height, width = img.shape[:2] else: width, height = img.size scale = self.max_size / float(max(height, width)) if scale != 1.0: new_size = tuple(round(dim * scale) for dim in (height, width)) img = F.resize(img, new_size, self.interpolation) pad_h = self.max_size - new_size[0] pad_w = self.max_size - new_size[1] img = F.pad(img, padding=[pad_w // 2, pad_h // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2], fill=self.fill) return img def _convert_to_rgb(image): return image.convert('RGB') def image_transform( image_size: int, is_train: bool, mean: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, std: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, resize_longest_max: bool = False, fill_color: int = 0, aug_cfg: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], AugmentationCfg]] = None, ): mean = mean or OPENAI_DATASET_MEAN if not isinstance(mean, (list, tuple)): mean = (mean,) * 3 std = std or OPENAI_DATASET_STD if not isinstance(std, (list, tuple)): std = (std,) * 3 if isinstance(image_size, (list, tuple)) and image_size[0] == image_size[1]: # for square size, pass size as int so that Resize() uses aspect preserving shortest edge image_size = image_size[0] if isinstance(aug_cfg, dict): aug_cfg = AugmentationCfg(**aug_cfg) else: aug_cfg = aug_cfg or AugmentationCfg() normalize = Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) if is_train: aug_cfg_dict = {k: v for k, v in asdict(aug_cfg).items() if v is not None} use_timm = aug_cfg_dict.pop('use_timm', False) if use_timm: from timm.data import create_transform # timm can still be optional if isinstance(image_size, (tuple, list)): assert len(image_size) >= 2 input_size = (3,) + image_size[-2:] else: input_size = (3, image_size, image_size) # by default, timm aug randomly alternates bicubic & bilinear for better robustness at inference time aug_cfg_dict.setdefault('interpolation', 'random') aug_cfg_dict.setdefault('color_jitter', None) # disable by default train_transform = create_transform( input_size=input_size, is_training=True, hflip=0., mean=mean, std=std, re_mode='pixel', **aug_cfg_dict, ) else: train_transform = Compose([ RandomResizedCrop( image_size, scale=aug_cfg_dict.pop('scale'), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC, ), _convert_to_rgb, ToTensor(), normalize, ]) if aug_cfg_dict: warnings.warn( f'Unused augmentation cfg items, specify `use_timm` to use ({list(aug_cfg_dict.keys())}).') return train_transform else: if resize_longest_max: transforms = [ ResizeMaxSize(image_size, fill=fill_color) ] else: transforms = [ Resize(image_size, interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), CenterCrop(image_size), ] transforms.extend([ _convert_to_rgb, ToTensor(), normalize, ]) return Compose(transforms) def list_openai_models() -> List[str]: """Returns the names of available CLIP models""" return list_pretrained_models_by_tag('openai') def load_openai_model( name: str, precision: Optional[str] = None, device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, jit: bool = True, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, ): """Load a CLIP model Parameters ---------- name : str A model name listed by `clip.available_models()`, or the path to a model checkpoint containing the state_dict precision: str Model precision, if None defaults to 'fp32' if device == 'cpu' else 'fp16'. device : Union[str, torch.device] The device to put the loaded model jit : bool Whether to load the optimized JIT model (default) or more hackable non-JIT model. cache_dir : Optional[str] The directory to cache the downloaded model weights Returns ------- model : torch.nn.Module The CLIP model preprocess : Callable[[PIL.Image], torch.Tensor] A torchvision transform that converts a PIL image into a tensor that the returned model can take as its input """ if device is None: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" if precision is None: precision = 'fp32' if device == 'cpu' else 'fp16' cfg = get_pretrained_cfg(name, 'openai') if cfg: model_path = download_pretrained(cfg, cache_dir=cache_dir) elif os.path.isfile(name): model_path = name else: raise RuntimeError(f"Model {name} not found; available models = {list_pretrained()}") try: # loading JIT archive model = torch.jit.load(model_path, map_location=device if jit else "cpu").eval() state_dict = None except RuntimeError: # loading saved state dict if jit: warnings.warn(f"File {model_path} is not a JIT archive. Loading as a state dict instead") jit = False state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu") # JIT -> Just In Time if not jit: # Build a non-jit model from the OpenAI jitted model state dict cast_dtype = get_cast_dtype(precision) try: model = build_model_from_openai_state_dict(state_dict or model.state_dict(), cast_dtype=cast_dtype) except KeyError: sd = {k[7:]: v for k, v in state_dict["state_dict"].items()} model = build_model_from_openai_state_dict(sd, cast_dtype=cast_dtype) # model from OpenAI state dict is in manually cast fp16 mode, must be converted for AMP/fp32/bf16 use model = model.to(device) if precision.startswith('amp') or precision == 'fp32': model.float() elif precision == 'bf16': convert_weights_to_lp(model, dtype=torch.bfloat16) return model # patch the device names device_holder = torch.jit.trace(lambda: torch.ones([]).to(torch.device(device)), example_inputs=[]) device_node = [n for n in device_holder.graph.findAllNodes("prim::Constant") if "Device" in repr(n)][-1] def patch_device(module): try: graphs = [module.graph] if hasattr(module, "graph") else [] except RuntimeError: graphs = [] if hasattr(module, "forward1"): graphs.append(module.forward1.graph) for graph in graphs: for node in graph.findAllNodes("prim::Constant"): if "value" in node.attributeNames() and str(node["value"]).startswith("cuda"): node.copyAttributes(device_node) model.apply(patch_device) patch_device(model.encode_image) patch_device(model.encode_text) # patch dtype to float32 (typically for CPU) if precision == 'fp32': float_holder = torch.jit.trace(lambda: torch.ones([]).float(), example_inputs=[]) float_input = list(float_holder.graph.findNode("aten::to").inputs())[1] float_node = float_input.node() def patch_float(module): try: graphs = [module.graph] if hasattr(module, "graph") else [] except RuntimeError: graphs = [] if hasattr(module, "forward1"): graphs.append(module.forward1.graph) for graph in graphs: for node in graph.findAllNodes("aten::to"): inputs = list(node.inputs()) for i in [1, 2]: # dtype can be the second or third argument to aten::to() if inputs[i].node()["value"] == 5: inputs[i].node().copyAttributes(float_node) model.apply(patch_float) patch_float(model.encode_image) patch_float(model.encode_text) model.float() # ensure image_size attr available at consistent location for both jit and non-jit model.visual.image_size = model.input_resolution.item() return model HF_HUB_PREFIX = 'hf-hub:' _MODEL_CONFIG_PATHS = [Path(__file__).parent.parent / f"./model_configs/"] _MODEL_CONFIGS = {} # directory (model_name: config) of model architecture configs def _natural_key(string_): return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', string_.lower())] def _rescan_model_configs(): global _MODEL_CONFIGS config_ext = ('.json',) config_files = [] for config_path in _MODEL_CONFIG_PATHS: if config_path.is_file() and config_path.suffix in config_ext: config_files.append(config_path) elif config_path.is_dir(): for ext in config_ext: config_files.extend(config_path.glob(f'*{ext}')) for cf in config_files: with open(cf, 'r') as f: model_cfg = json.load(f) if all(a in model_cfg for a in ('embed_dim', 'vision_cfg', 'text_cfg')): _MODEL_CONFIGS[cf.stem] = model_cfg _MODEL_CONFIGS = {k: v for k, v in sorted(_MODEL_CONFIGS.items(), key=lambda x: _natural_key(x[0]))} _rescan_model_configs() # initial populate of model config registry def list_models(): """ enumerate available model architectures based on config files """ return list(_MODEL_CONFIGS.keys()) def add_model_config(path): """ add model config path or file and update registry """ if not isinstance(path, Path): path = Path(path) _MODEL_CONFIG_PATHS.append(path) _rescan_model_configs() def get_model_config(model_name): if model_name in _MODEL_CONFIGS: return deepcopy(_MODEL_CONFIGS[model_name]) else: return None def get_tokenizer(model_name): if model_name.startswith(HF_HUB_PREFIX): tokenizer = HFTokenizer(model_name[len(HF_HUB_PREFIX):]) else: config = get_model_config(model_name) tokenizer = HFTokenizer( config['text_cfg']['hf_tokenizer_name']) if 'hf_tokenizer_name' in config['text_cfg'] else tokenize return tokenizer def load_state_dict(checkpoint_path: str, map_location='cpu'): checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=map_location) if isinstance(checkpoint, dict) and 'state_dict' in checkpoint: state_dict = checkpoint['state_dict'] else: state_dict = checkpoint if next(iter(state_dict.items()))[0].startswith('module'): state_dict = {k[7:]: v for k, v in state_dict.items()} return state_dict def load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path, strict=True): state_dict = load_state_dict(checkpoint_path) # detect old format and make compatible with new format if 'positional_embedding' in state_dict and not hasattr(model, 'positional_embedding'): state_dict = convert_to_custom_text_state_dict(state_dict) resize_pos_embed(state_dict, model) incompatible_keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=strict) return incompatible_keys def create_model( model_name: str, img_size: int, pretrained: Optional[str] = None, precision: str = 'fp32', device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu', jit: bool = False, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, output_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ): if model_name.count('ViT') < 1: print('only support ViT model..') raise NotImplementedError # in which means, we can also use old naming rules. model_name = model_name.replace('/', '-') # for callers using old naming with / in ViT names checkpoint_path = None pretrained_cfg = {} model_cfg = None if isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) # our default version are borrowed from openai assert pretrained and pretrained.lower() == 'openai', 'only support openai module.' logging.info(f'Loading pretrained {model_name} from OpenAI.') model_cfg = model_cfg or get_model_config(model_name) model_cfg['vision_cfg']['image_size'] = img_size cast_dtype = get_cast_dtype(precision) model_pre = load_openai_model( model_name, precision=precision, device=device, jit=jit, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) state_dict = model_pre.state_dict() # to always output dict even if it is clip if output_dict and hasattr(model_pre, "output_dict"): model_pre.output_dict = True model = CLIP(**model_cfg, cast_dtype=cast_dtype) # mainly need to resize the position embeddings resize_pos_embed(state_dict, model) incompatible_keys = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) model.to(device=device) if precision in ("fp16", "bf16"): convert_weights_to_lp(model, dtype=torch.bfloat16 if precision == 'bf16' else torch.float16) # set image / mean metadata from pretrained_cfg if available, or use default model.visual.image_mean = pretrained_cfg.get('mean', None) or OPENAI_DATASET_MEAN model.visual.image_std = pretrained_cfg.get('std', None) or OPENAI_DATASET_STD # to always output dict even if it is clip if output_dict and hasattr(model, "output_dict"): model.output_dict = True if jit: model = torch.jit.script(model) return model def create_model_and_transforms( model_name: str, img_size: int, pretrained: Optional[str] = None, precision: str = 'fp32', device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu', jit: bool = False, image_mean: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, image_std: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, aug_cfg: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], AugmentationCfg]] = None, cache_dir: Optional[str] = "weights/ViT-L-14-336px.pt", output_dict: Optional[bool] = None, ): ######### create the clip model model = create_model( model_name, img_size, pretrained, precision=precision, device=device, jit=jit, cache_dir=cache_dir, output_dict=output_dict, ) image_mean = image_mean or getattr(model.visual, 'image_mean', None) image_std = image_std or getattr(model.visual, 'image_std', None) preprocess_train = image_transform( model.visual.image_size, is_train=True, mean=image_mean, std=image_std, aug_cfg=aug_cfg, ) preprocess_val = image_transform( model.visual.image_size, is_train=False, mean=image_mean, std=image_std, ) return model, preprocess_train, preprocess_val