Hindi (Transliterated),English Translation Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Kya haal hai?,How are you? Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Kya haal hai?,How are you? "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya haal hai?,How are you? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Kya haal hai?,How are you? Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Kya haal hai?,How are you? Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Kya haal hai?,How are you? "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Kya haal hai?,How are you? Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Kya haal hai?,How are you? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya haal hai?,How are you? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya haal hai?,How are you? Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Kya haal hai?,How are you? Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Masti kar raha hai?,Are you having fun? Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! Kya haal hai?,How are you? Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Kya haal hai?,How are you? "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Tu to bindass hai!,You are so carefree! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Faltu baat mat kar,Don't talk useless stuff Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Badiya kaam kiya hai,You've done a great job Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Zyada hero mat ban,Don't act too smart Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Arey bhai, maja aa gaya!","Wow bro, that was fun!" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Aaj kuch toofani karte hain!,Let's do something exciting today! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Tera kya scene hai?,What's your plan? Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Arey wah! Kamaal ho gaya,Wow! That was amazing Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today "Bhai, scene tight hai!","Bro, it's a tough situation!" Bakwaas mat kar,Don't talk nonsense Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today Dost ho to tu jaisa,A friend should be like you Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Kya haal hai?,How are you? Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Kya mast cheez hai!,What an awesome thing! Yeh to zabardast hai!,This is fantastic! Full jhakaas!,Totally amazing! Chalo chai peete hain,Let's have some tea Matlab kuch bhi?,"Seriously, anything?" Tu bada tez hai,You are very clever Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Tension mat le yaar,"Don't stress, buddy" "Arre bhai, timepass kar raha hoon","Bro, I'm just passing time" Wah! Mast hai,Wow! It's awesome Thoda chill maar,Relax a bit Ek number!,Absolutely amazing! Aaj mood off hai,I'm not in a good mood today