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"tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A knight in shining chrome armor rides a black panther through a vibrant jungle, sword raised. \n\nThe scene is rendered in a detailed, Alex Ross-inspired style with dramatic lighting and a low angle, emphasizing the power of the knight and panther.\n\n The panther is partially blurry from movement, and a dark figure is partially visible in the lower-left background amidst the lush foliage." ] }, { "id": 19, "type": "SaveImage", "pos": [ 1226.4627685546875, 326.13702392578125 ], "size": [ 530, 620 ], "flags": {}, "order": 51, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 16 } ], "outputs": [], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "ComfyUI" ] }, { "id": 42, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 796.7965698242188, 894.8446044921875 ], "size": [ 400, 200 ], "flags": {}, "order": 7, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A close-up portrait of a {subject}. The background is {background description}. The photo is sharp and well-composed, and is designed for viewing with anaglyph 3D glasses for optimal effect. It looks professionally done.\n\nA {subject} {interaction} {description}. Soft lighting, shallow depth of field. The background is out-of-focus, suggesting a typical {room} setting.\n\nA {subject} {interaction} {description}. The scene is detailed, with a shallow depth of field focusing on {subject}. The overall effect is high fantasy and cinematic.\n\nA cute cartoon illustration of {subject} {interaction} {description}\nThe style is bright and pastel-toned with soft lines. The artwork is clean and fairly well-executed.\n\na {subject} {interaction} {description}. The {background} view is blurred, showcasing a shallow depth of field. The photo's aesthetic is clean, modern, and slightly dramatic due to the lighting.\n\nHigh-quality shots, bright lighting, amateur photo quality. The overall aesthetic is heartwarming and simple.\n\nA cheerful collage showcases 4 {subject}{description}, each in a separate square. Backgrounds differ, illustrating various {background} and simple surfaces. High-quality shots, bright lighting, amateur photo quality. The overall aesthetic is heartwarming and simple.\n\nA painting shows {subject}{description}, and the style is impressionistic with clear brushstrokes and high skill. The overall effect is one of adventure and freedom." ] }, { "id": 30, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 1793.1888427734375, 30.610153198242188 ], "size": [ 393.1883850097656, 135.28868103027344 ], "flags": {}, "order": 8, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "1. **Inset Panel:** A close-up of a grey, patterned pussy being penetrated by a cock, with cum dripping down.\n2. **Anthro Snow Leopard:** A light grey, patterned female snow leopard with large breasts, lying on her back towards the viewer's point of view, expression is one of pure enjoyment and ecstasy. She is receiving a pussyjob and blowjob.\n3. **Anthro Bengal Cat:** A smaller, dark grey and white female Bengal cat kneeling over the snow leopard's pussy. She has a suggestive expression, and is actively licking the snow leopard's pussy. Cum is visible on her face, suggesting she has recently received oral sex from another character.\n4. **Anthro Border Collie:** A larger, muscular, light-colored male border collie kneeling behind the snow leopard's head, performing oral sex, his tongue partially visible. He's wearing glasses and a collar. Drops of sweat are visible on his chest.\n5. **Cum:** Multiple visible strands and droplets of cum. Present on the snow leopard's pussy and ass. Also on Bengal cat's face.\n6. **Pink Background:** A solid, light pink backdrop.\n7. **\"DAY 10\":** Text in the top-right corner.\n8. **Artist Signature:** \"Drake\" - in the bottom right-hand corner.\n9. **Snow Leopard's Breasts:** Large, prominent, light grey breasts with visible nipples.\n10. **Bengal Cat's Tongue:** A pink tongue extended and licking the snow leopard's pussy.\n11. **Border Collie's Tongue:** A pink tongue extended and performing fellatio.\n12. **Hands:** The hands of all three characters are visible and actively involved with one another." ] }, { "id": 38, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 1790.4139404296875, 227.46722412109375 ], "size": [ 400, 140.3973846435547 ], "flags": {}, "order": 9, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A perfect, high-resolution photo depicts A male muscular (anthro:0.75) furry wolf standing in the middle of the bedroom. he has big canine cock and he's stroking it.\nA simple but effective photo showcasing his massive cock." ] }, { "id": 34, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 1807.387451171875, 421.2621765136719 ], "size": [ 354.02093505859375, 174.4560546875 ], "flags": {}, "order": 10, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A male muscular furry wolf standing in the middle of the forest. he has big canine cock and he's masturbating it.\n\nThe scene is rendered in a detailed, with dramatic lighting and a low angle, emphasizing the girth of his cock.\n\n " ] }, { "id": 43, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 2247.575439453125, -12.581828117370605 ], "size": [ 301.2297668457031, 174.4560546875 ], "flags": {}, "order": 11, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A perfect, high-resolution photo depicts a male muscular anthro furry wolf standing in the middle of the forest. he has big canine cock and he's masturbating it.\n\n" ] }, { "id": 56, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 2208.505859375, 219.99366760253906 ], "size": [ 369.3471984863281, 169.3472137451172 ], "flags": {}, "order": 12, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "This image shows a furry, likely a wolf, performing on a stage with a microphone. The furry is anthropomorphic, with a muscular build and dark fur, but with bright pink and teal hair. He has nipple piercings. His large, dark cock is prominently displayed in the foreground, almost obscuring the mic stand he's holding in his left hand. The furry is singing into the microphone held in his right hand, mouth open in a snarl or expression of intense emotion. The background is blurred, suggesting a concert setting with stage lights, predominantly pink and purple hues. The artist's signature \"CHUNIE\" is visible in the bottom left corner. The image is digitally painted, with a focus on the character's physique and expression. The style is polished, with a decent level of anatomical accuracy and dynamic pose, clearly aimed at a furry fandom audience interested in explicit content." ] }, { "id": 35, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 1806.4586181640625, 645.4135131835938 ], "size": [ 338.6946716308594, 164.23849487304688 ], "flags": {}, "order": 13, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A perfect, high-resolution photo depicts a male muscular anthro furry wolf standing in the middle of the forest. he has big canine cock and he's masturbating it.\n\n" ] }, { "id": 31, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 2198.5419921875, 448.6387939453125 ], "size": [ 354.02093505859375, 159.12965393066406 ], "flags": {}, "order": 14, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A male elf in green and gold armor holds a small white mouse and high-fives a female elf in silver and gold armor and a white cloak. They stand before a blurry medieval town square \n\n\nin this detailed, digital painting, with a shallow depth of field and soft lighting setting a fantasy atmosphere." ] }, { "id": 36, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 1807.435546875, 849.3526000976562 ], "size": [ 340.3974609375, 152.3179168701172 ], "flags": {}, "order": 15, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A male muscular anthro furry wolf standing in the middle of the forest. he has big canine cock and he's masturbating it.\n\nThe scene is rendered in a detailed, with dramatic lighting and a low angle, emphasizing the girth of his cock." ] }, { "id": 32, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 2188.7021484375, 671.1094970703125 ], "size": [ 335.28887939453125, 140.3974609375 ], "flags": {}, "order": 16, "mode": 0, "inputs": [ { "name": "clip", "type": "CLIP", "link": null } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "CONDITIONING", "type": "CONDITIONING", "links": [], "slot_index": 0 } ], "properties": { "cnr_id": "comfy-core", "ver": "0.3.19", "Node name for S&R": "CLIPTextEncode", "enableTabs": false, "tabWidth": 65, "tabXOffset": 10, "hasSecondTab": false, "secondTabText": "Send Back", "secondTabOffset": 80, "secondTabWidth": 65 }, "widgets_values": [ "A male muscular furry wolf standing in the middle of the forest. he has big canine cock and he's stroking it.\nin this detailed, digital painting, with a shallow depth of field and soft lighting setting a fantasy atmosphere." ] }, { "id": 37, "type": "CLIPTextEncode", "pos": [ 2177.49072265625, 830.9708251953125 ], "size": [ 355.7237243652344, 155.72378540039062 ], "flags": {}, 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