import os |
import numpy as np |
from .utils import TrackEvalException |
def plot_compare_trackers(tracker_folder, tracker_list, cls, output_folder, plots_list=None): |
"""Create plots which compare metrics across different trackers.""" |
if plots_list is None: |
plots_list = get_default_plots_list() |
data = load_multiple_tracker_summaries(tracker_folder, tracker_list, cls) |
out_loc = os.path.join(output_folder, cls) |
for args in plots_list: |
create_comparison_plot(data, out_loc, *args) |
def get_default_plots_list(): |
plots_list = [ |
['AssA', 'DetA', 'HOTA', 'HOTA', 'geometric_mean'], |
['AssPr', 'AssRe', 'HOTA', 'AssA', 'jaccard'], |
['DetPr', 'DetRe', 'HOTA', 'DetA', 'jaccard'], |
['HOTA(0)', 'LocA(0)', 'HOTA', 'HOTALocA(0)', 'multiplication'], |
['HOTA', 'LocA', 'HOTA', None, None], |
['HOTA', 'MOTA', 'HOTA', None, None], |
['HOTA', 'IDF1', 'HOTA', None, None], |
['IDF1', 'MOTA', 'HOTA', None, None], |
] |
return plots_list |
def load_multiple_tracker_summaries(tracker_folder, tracker_list, cls): |
"""Loads summary data for multiple trackers.""" |
data = {} |
for tracker in tracker_list: |
with open(os.path.join(tracker_folder, tracker, cls + '_summary.txt')) as f: |
keys = next(f).split(' ') |
done = False |
while not done: |
values = next(f).split(' ') |
if len(values) == len(keys): |
done = True |
data[tracker] = dict(zip(keys, map(float, values))) |
return data |
def create_comparison_plot(data, out_loc, y_label, x_label, sort_label, bg_label=None, bg_function=None, settings=None): |
""" Creates a scatter plot comparing multiple trackers between two metric fields, with one on the x-axis and the |
other on the y axis. Adds pareto optical lines and (optionally) a background contour. |
Inputs: |
data: dict of dicts such that data[tracker_name][metric_field_name] = float |
y_label: the metric_field_name to be plotted on the y-axis |
x_label: the metric_field_name to be plotted on the x-axis |
sort_label: the metric_field_name by which trackers are ordered and ranked |
bg_label: the metric_field_name by which (optional) background contours are plotted |
bg_function: the (optional) function bg_function(x,y) which converts the x_label / y_label values into bg_label. |
settings: dict of plot settings with keys: |
'gap_val': gap between axis ticks and bg curves. |
'num_to_plot': maximum number of trackers to plot |
""" |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
if settings is None: |
gap_val = 2 |
num_to_plot = 20 |
else: |
gap_val = settings['gap_val'] |
num_to_plot = settings['num_to_plot'] |
if (bg_label is None) != (bg_function is None): |
raise TrackEvalException('bg_function and bg_label must either be both given or neither given.') |
tracker_names = np.array(list(data.keys())) |
sort_index = np.array([data[t][sort_label] for t in tracker_names]).argsort()[::-1] |
x_values = np.array([data[t][x_label] for t in tracker_names])[sort_index][:num_to_plot] |
y_values = np.array([data[t][y_label] for t in tracker_names])[sort_index][:num_to_plot] |
tracker_names = tracker_names[sort_index][:num_to_plot] |
print('\nPlotting %s vs %s, for the following (ordered) trackers:' % (y_label, x_label)) |
for i, name in enumerate(tracker_names): |
print('%i: %s' % (i+1, name)) |
boundaries = _get_boundaries(x_values, y_values, round_val=gap_val/2) |
fig = plt.figure() |
if bg_function is not None: |
_plot_bg_contour(bg_function, boundaries, gap_val) |
_plot_pareto_optimal_lines(x_values, y_values) |
labels = np.arange(len(y_values)) + 1 |
plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'b.', markersize=15) |
for xx, yy, l in zip(x_values, y_values, labels): |
plt.text(xx, yy, str(l), color="red", fontsize=15) |
plt.text(0, -0.11, 'label order:\nHOTA', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', |
transform=fig.axes[0].transAxes, color="red", fontsize=12) |
if bg_label is not None: |
plt.text(1, -0.11, 'curve values:\n' + bg_label, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='center', |
transform=fig.axes[0].transAxes, color="grey", fontsize=12) |
plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=15) |
plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize=15) |
title = y_label + ' vs ' + x_label |
if bg_label is not None: |
title += ' (' + bg_label + ')' |
plt.title(title, fontsize=17) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 100, gap_val)) |
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 100, gap_val)) |
min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = boundaries |
plt.xlim(min_x, max_x) |
plt.ylim(min_y, max_y) |
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') |
plt.tight_layout() |
os.makedirs(out_loc, exist_ok=True) |
filename = os.path.join(out_loc, title.replace(' ', '_')) |
plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) |
plt.savefig(filename + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) |
def _get_boundaries(x_values, y_values, round_val): |
x1 = np.min(np.floor((x_values - 0.5) / round_val) * round_val) |
x2 = np.max(np.ceil((x_values + 0.5) / round_val) * round_val) |
y1 = np.min(np.floor((y_values - 0.5) / round_val) * round_val) |
y2 = np.max(np.ceil((y_values + 0.5) / round_val) * round_val) |
x_range = x2 - x1 |
y_range = y2 - y1 |
max_range = max(x_range, y_range) |
x_center = (x1 + x2) / 2 |
y_center = (y1 + y2) / 2 |
min_x = max(x_center - max_range / 2, 0) |
max_x = min(x_center + max_range / 2, 100) |
min_y = max(y_center - max_range / 2, 0) |
max_y = min(y_center + max_range / 2, 100) |
return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y |
def geometric_mean(x, y): |
return np.sqrt(x * y) |
def jaccard(x, y): |
x = x / 100 |
y = y / 100 |
return 100 * (x * y) / (x + y - x * y) |
def multiplication(x, y): |
return x * y / 100 |
bg_function_dict = { |
"geometric_mean": geometric_mean, |
"jaccard": jaccard, |
"multiplication": multiplication, |
} |
def _plot_bg_contour(bg_function, plot_boundaries, gap_val): |
""" Plot background contour. """ |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = plot_boundaries |
x = np.arange(min_x, max_x, 0.1) |
y = np.arange(min_y, max_y, 0.1) |
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(x, y) |
if bg_function in bg_function_dict.keys(): |
z_grid = bg_function_dict[bg_function](x_grid, y_grid) |
else: |
raise TrackEvalException("background plotting function '%s' is not defined." % bg_function) |
levels = np.arange(0, 100, gap_val) |
con = plt.contour(x_grid, y_grid, z_grid, levels, colors='grey') |
def bg_format(val): |
s = '{:1f}'.format(val) |
return '{:.0f}'.format(val) if s[-1] == '0' else s |
con.levels = [bg_format(val) for val in con.levels] |
plt.clabel(con, con.levels, inline=True, fmt='%r', fontsize=8) |
def _plot_pareto_optimal_lines(x_values, y_values): |
""" Plot pareto optimal lines """ |
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt |
cxs = x_values |
cys = y_values |
best_y = np.argmax(cys) |
x_pareto = [0, cxs[best_y]] |
y_pareto = [cys[best_y], cys[best_y]] |
t = 2 |
remaining = cxs > x_pareto[t - 1] |
cys = cys[remaining] |
cxs = cxs[remaining] |
while len(cxs) > 0 and len(cys) > 0: |
best_y = np.argmax(cys) |
x_pareto += [x_pareto[t - 1], cxs[best_y]] |
y_pareto += [cys[best_y], cys[best_y]] |
t += 2 |
remaining = cxs > x_pareto[t - 1] |
cys = cys[remaining] |
cxs = cxs[remaining] |
x_pareto.append(x_pareto[t - 1]) |
y_pareto.append(0) |
plt.plot(np.array(x_pareto), np.array(y_pareto), '--r') |