import os import subprocess as sp import warnings from typing import List __all__ = ['encode_video_comparison'] def encode_video_comparison( audiofile: str, subtitle_files: List[str], output_videopath: str = None, *, labels: List[str] = None, height: int = 90, width: int = 720, color: str = 'black', fontsize: int = 70, border_color: str = 'white', label_color: str = 'white', label_size: int = 14, fps: int = 25, video_codec: str = None, audio_codec: str = None, overwrite=False, only_cmd: bool = False, verbose=True ) -> (str, None): """ Encode multiple subtitle files into one video with the subtitles vertically stacked. Parameters ---------- audiofile : str Path of audio file. subtitle_files : list of str List of paths for subtitle file. output_videopath : str, optional Output video path. labels : list of str, default, None, meaning use ``subtitle_files`` as labels List of labels for ``subtitle_files``. height : int, default 90 Height for each subtitle section. width : int, default 720 Width for each subtitle section. color : str, default 'black' Background color of the video. fontsize: int, default 70 Font size for subtitles. border_color : str, default 'white' Border color for separating the sections of subtitle. label_color : str, default 'white' Color of labels. label_size : int, default 14 Font size of labels. fps : int, default 25 Frame-rate of the video. video_codec : str, optional Video codec opf the video. audio_codec : str, optional Audio codec opf the video. overwrite : bool, default False Whether to overwrite existing video files with the same path as the output video. only_cmd : bool, default False Whether to skip encoding and only return the full command generate from the specified options. verbose : bool, default True Whether to display ffmpeg processing info. Returns ------- str or None Encoding command as a string if ``only_cmd = True``. """ vc = '' if video_codec is None else f' -c:v {video_codec}' ac = '' if audio_codec is None else f' -c:a {audio_codec}' background = f'-f lavfi -i color=size={width}x{height}:rate={fps}:color={color}' border = f'-f lavfi -i color=size={width}x3:rate={fps}:color={border_color}' audio = f'-i "{audiofile}"' cfilters0 = [] assert labels is None or len(labels) == len(subtitle_files) for i, sub in enumerate(subtitle_files): label = sub if labels is None else labels[i] label = label.replace("'", '"') fil = f"[0]drawtext=text='{label}':fontcolor={label_color}:fontsize={label_size}:x=10:y=10[a{i}]," \ f"[a{i}]subtitles='{sub}':force_style='Fontsize={fontsize}'[b{i}]" cfilters0.append(fil) cfilters1 = ( '[1]'.join( f'[b{i}]' for i in range(len(cfilters0)) ) + f'vstack=inputs={len(cfilters0) * 2 - 1}' ) final_fil = ','.join(cfilters0) + f';{cfilters1}' ow = '-y' if overwrite else '-n' if output_videopath is None: name = os.path.split(os.path.splitext(audiofile)[0])[1] output_videopath = f'{name}_sub_comparison.mp4' cmd = (f'ffmpeg {ow} {background} {border} {audio} ' f'-filter_complex "{final_fil}"{vc}{ac} -shortest "{output_videopath}"') if only_cmd: return cmd if verbose: print(cmd) rc =, capture_output=not verbose).returncode if rc == 0: if verbose: print(f'Encoded: {output_videopath}') else: warnings.warn(f'Failed to encode {output_videopath}')