outputs / with_text /chunks /england.c-23.json
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{"id":"england.c-23","content":". Among the statutes set down were that the law could only be made by Parliament and could not be suspended by the King, also that the King could not impose taxes or raise an army without the prior approval of Parliament.[61] Also since that time, no British monarch has entered the House of Commons when it is sitting, which is annually commemorated at the State Opening of Parliament by the British monarch when the doors of the House of Commons are slammed in the face of the monarch's messenger, symbolising the rights of Parliament and its independence from the monarch.[62] With the founding of the Royal Society in 1660, science was greatly encouraged.","order_int":23,"metadata":{"splitter_name":"RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter","length":131,"section_id":"england","section":{}}}