outputs / my_test /chunks /england.c-16.json
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{"id":"england.c-16","content":"King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415.\nKing Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt, fought on Saint Crispin's Day and concluded with an English victory against a larger French army in the Hundred Years' War\nA dispute over the succession to Edward led to an unsuccessful Norwegian Invasion in September 1066 close to York in the North, and the successful Norman Conquest in October 1066, accomplished by an army led by Duke William of Normandy invading at Hastings late September 1066.[43] The Normans themselves originated from Scandinavia and had settled in Normandy in the late 9th and early 10th centuries.[44] This conquest led to the almost total dispossession of the English elite and its replacement by a new French-speaking aristocracy, whose speech had a profound and permanent effect on the English language.[45]","order_int":16,"metadata":{"splitter_name":"RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter","length":172,"section_id":"england","section":{}}}