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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: importlib_metadata
Version: 8.2.0
Summary: Read metadata from Python packages
Author-email: "Jason R. Coombs" <[email protected]>
Project-URL: Source,
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Requires-Python: >=3.8
Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
License-File: LICENSE
Requires-Dist: zipp >=0.5
Requires-Dist: typing-extensions >=3.6.4 ; python_version < "3.8"
Provides-Extra: doc
Requires-Dist: sphinx >=3.5 ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: jaraco.packaging >=9.3 ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: rst.linker >=1.9 ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: furo ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: sphinx-lint ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: jaraco.tidelift >=1.4 ; extra == 'doc'
Provides-Extra: perf
Requires-Dist: ipython ; extra == 'perf'
Provides-Extra: test
Requires-Dist: pytest !=8.1.*,>=6 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-checkdocs >=2.4 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-mypy ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-enabler >=2.2 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: packaging ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pyfakefs ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: flufl.flake8 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-perf >=0.9.2 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: jaraco.test >=5.4 ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: importlib-resources >=1.3 ; (python_version < "3.9") and extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-ruff >=0.2.1 ; (sys_platform != "cygwin") and extra == 'test'
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
:alt: tests
.. image::
:alt: Ruff
.. image::
.. image::
.. image::
Library to access the metadata for a Python package.
This package supplies third-party access to the functionality of
`importlib.metadata <>`_
including improvements added to subsequent Python versions.
New features are introduced in this third-party library and later merged
into CPython. The following table indicates which versions of this library
were contributed to different versions in the standard library:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - importlib_metadata
- stdlib
* - 7.0
- 3.13
* - 6.5
- 3.12
* - 4.13
- 3.11
* - 4.6
- 3.10
* - 1.4
- 3.8
See the `online documentation <>`_
for usage details.
`Finder authors
<>`_ can
also add support for custom package installers. See the above documentation
for details.
This project primarily supports third-party packages installed by PyPA
tools (or other conforming packages). It does not support:
- Packages in the stdlib.
- Packages installed without metadata.
Project details
* Project home:
* Report bugs at:
* Code hosting:
* Documentation:
For Enterprise
Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
This project and the maintainers of thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver one enterprise subscription that covers all of the open source you use.
`Learn more <>`_.