library_name: stable-baselines3
- SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4
- deep-reinforcement-learning
- reinforcement-learning
- stable-baselines3
- name: QRDQN
- metrics:
- type: mean_reward
value: 3510.00 +/- 4506.87
name: mean_reward
type: reinforcement-learning
name: reinforcement-learning
name: SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4
type: SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4
# **QRDQN** Agent playing **SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4**
This is a trained model of a **QRDQN** agent playing **SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4**
using the [stable-baselines3 library](https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3)
and the [RL Zoo](https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo).
The RL Zoo is a training framework for Stable Baselines3
reinforcement learning agents,
with hyperparameter optimization and pre-trained agents included.
## Usage (with SB3 RL Zoo)
RL Zoo: https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo
SB3: https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3
SB3 Contrib: https://github.com/Stable-Baselines-Team/stable-baselines3-contrib
# Download model and save it into the logs/ folder
python -m utils.load_from_hub --algo qrdqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -orga rebolforces -f logs/
python enjoy.py --algo qrdqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/
## Training (with the RL Zoo)
python train.py --algo qrdqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/
# Upload the model and generate video (when possible)
python -m utils.push_to_hub --algo qrdqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/ -orga rebolforces
## Hyperparameters
('exploration_fraction', 0.025),
('frame_stack', 4),
('n_timesteps', 20000000.0),
('optimize_memory_usage', True),
('policy', 'CnnPolicy'),
('replay_buffer_kwargs', 'dict(handle_timeout_termination=False)'),
('normalize', False)])