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posted an update Dec 13, 2024
Unpopular opinion: Open Source takes courage to do !

Not everyone is brave enough to release what they have done (the way they've done it) to the wild to be judged !
It really requires a high level of "knowing wth are you doing" ! It's kind of a super power !

Cheers to the heroes here who see this!

As the saying goes, "Silence is golden, eloquence is silver" and "If a pheasant does not cry, it will not be struck." Keeping silent is the best way to avoid embarrassment, protect one's pride, and avoid being the target of attacks. Except for influencers or something, it is the best way to get ahead in life.

But this tends to create a community like an inefficient soccer team where only a few super-players are struggling on their own. I'm an apprentice stand-up player with no outstanding individual skills🥲, so I try to at least cover the thin areas at the moment and pass the ball when possible.
To put Likes on repos to highlight players and where the ball is is the easiest way of that I think.


You are a HERO !

Completly agree, wrapping your ego in your code is hard not to do. It takes humility and knowing that anything complex can always be made better. As a community, I think being less judgmental and hyper-critical (traits HF champions) around commits is important.

even more to stream this work live! kudos