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Mar 11

Projections of Earth's Technosphere: Luminosity and Mass as Limits to Growth

Earth remains the only known example of a planet with technology, and future projections of Earth's trajectory provide a basis and motivation for approaching the search for extraterrestrial technospheres. Conventional approaches toward projecting Earth's technosphere include applications of the Kardashev scale, which suggest the possibility that energy-intensive civilizations may expand to harness the entire energy output available to their planet, host star, or even the entire galaxy. In this study, we argue that the Kardashev scale is better understood as a "luminosity limit" that describes the maximum capacity for a civilization to harvest luminous stellar energy across a given spatial domain, and we note that thermodynamic efficiency will always keep a luminosity-limited technosphere from actually reaching this theoretical limit. We suggest the possibility that an advanced technosphere might evolve beyond this luminosity limit to draw its energy directly from harvesting stellar mass, and we also discuss possible trajectories that could exist between Earth today and such hypothetical "stellivores." We develop a framework to describe trajectories for long-lived technospheres that optimize their growth strategies between exploration and exploitation, unlike Earth today. We note that analyses of compact accreting stars could provide ways to test the stellivore hypothesis, and we more broadly suggest an expansion of technosignature search strategies beyond those that reside exactly at the luminosity limit.

Channels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation

On the basis of a large collection of detailed 3D core-collapse supernova simulations carried to late times, we identify four channels of stellar mass black hole formation. Our examples for Channel 1 involve the formation of lower-gap and above black holes in energetic asymmetric supernova explosions. Our Channel 2 example involves a modest supernova explosion that may leave behind a lower-gap to sim10 M_{odot} black hole. The latter may not be easily distinguishable from ``standard" supernovae that birth neutron stars. Our Channel 3 example experiences an aborted core-collapse explosion, more often in the context of a low-metallicity progenitor, whose residue is a black hole with a mass perhaps up to sim40 M_{odot}. The latter may be accompanied by a pulsational-pair instability supernova (PPISN). Channel 4 is the only quiescent or ``silent" scenario for which perhaps sim5 to 15 M_{odot} black holes are left. Where appropriate, we estimate ^{56}Ni yields, explosion energies, approximate recoil speeds, and residual black hole masses. The progenitor mass density and binding energy profiles at collapse influence the outcome in a systematic way. The statistics and prevalence of these various channels depend not only on still evolving supernova theory, but on remaining issues with the theory of massive star evolution, binary interaction, wind mass loss, metallicity, and the nuclear equation of state. Importantly, we suggest, but have not proven, that the silent channel for black hole formation may not be the dominant formation modality.

Impulsive mixing of stellar populations in dwarf spheroidal galaxies

We study the response of mono-energetic stellar populations with initially isotropic kinematics to impulsive and adiabatic changes to an underlying dark matter potential. Half-light radii expand and velocity dispersions decrease as enclosed dark matter is removed. The details of this expansion and cooling depend on the time scale on which the underlying potential changes. In the adiabatic regime, the product of half-light radius and average velocity dispersion is conserved. We show that the stellar populations maintain centrally isotropic kinematics throughout their adiabatic evolution, and their densities can be approximated by a family of analytical radial profiles. Metallicity gradients within the galaxy flatten as dark matter is slowly removed. In the case of strong impulsive perturbations, stellar populations develop power-law-like density tails with radially biased kinematics. We show that the distribution of stellar binding energies within the dark matter halo substantially widens after an impulsive perturbation, no matter the sign of the perturbation. This allows initially energetically separated stellar populations to mix, to the extent that previously chemo-dynamically distinct populations may masquerade as a single population with large metallicity and energy spread. Finally, we show that in response to an impulsive perturbation, stellar populations that are deeply embedded in cored dark matter halos undergo a series of damped oscillations before reaching a virialised equilibrium state, driven by inefficient phase mixing in the harmonic potentials of cored halos. This slow return to equilibrium adds substantial systematic uncertainty to dynamical masses estimated from Jeans modeling or the virial theorem.

Promise and Peril: Stellar Contamination and Strict Limits on the Atmosphere Composition of TRAPPIST-1c from JWST NIRISS Transmission Spectra

Attempts to probe the atmospheres of rocky planets around M dwarfs present both promise and peril. While their favorable planet-to-star radius ratios enable searches for even thin secondary atmospheres, their high activity levels and high-energy outputs threaten atmosphere survival. Here, we present the 0.6--2.85\,mum transmission spectrum of the 1.1\,rm R_oplus, sim340\,K rocky planet TRAPPIST-1\,c obtained over two JWST NIRISS/SOSS transit observations. Each of the two spectra displays 100--500\,ppm signatures of stellar contamination. Despite being separated by 367\,days, the retrieved spot and faculae properties are consistent between the two visits, resulting in nearly identical transmission spectra. Jointly retrieving for stellar contamination and a planetary atmosphere reveals that our spectrum can rule out hydrogen-dominated, lesssim300times solar metallicity atmospheres with effective surface pressures down to 10\,mbar at the 3-sigma level. For high-mean molecular weight atmospheres, where O_2 or N_2 is the background gas, our spectrum disfavors partial pressures of more than sim10\,mbar for H_2O, CO, NH_3 and CH_4 at the 2-sigma level. Similarly, under the assumption of a 100\% H_2O, NH_3, CO, or CH_4 atmosphere, our spectrum disfavors thick, >1\,bar atmospheres at the 2-sigma level. These non-detections of spectral features are in line with predictions that even heavier, CO_2-rich, atmospheres would be efficiently lost on TRAPPIST-1\,c given the cumulative high-energy irradiation experienced by the planet. Our results further stress the importance of robustly accounting for stellar contamination when analyzing JWST observations of exo-Earths around M dwarfs, as well as the need for high-fidelity stellar models to search for the potential signals of thin secondary atmospheres.

Formation of supermassive stars and dense star clusters in metal-poor clouds exposed to strong FUV radiation

The direct collapse scenario, which predicts the formation of supermassive stars (SMSs) as precursors to supermassive black holes (SMBHs), has been explored primarily under the assumption of metal-free conditions. However, environments exposed to strong far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, which is another requirement for the direct collapse, are often chemically enriched to varying degrees. In this study, we perform radiation hydrodynamic simulations of star-cluster formation in clouds with finite metallicities, Z=10^{-6} to 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, incorporating detailed thermal and chemical processes and radiative feedback from forming stars. Extending the simulations to approximately two million years, we demonstrate that SMSs with masses exceeding 10^4~M_odot can form even in metal-enriched clouds with Z lesssim 10^{-3} Z_{odot}. The accretion process in these cases, driven by "super-competitive accretion," preferentially channels gas into central massive stars in spite of small (sub-pc) scale fragmentation. At Z simeq 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, however, enhanced cooling leads to intense fragmentation on larger scales, resulting in the formation of dense star clusters dominated by very massive stars with 10^3 M_{odot} rather than SMSs. These clusters resemble young massive or globular clusters observed in the distant and local universe, exhibiting compact morphologies and high stellar surface densities. Our findings suggest that SMS formation is viable below a metallicity threshold of approximately 10^{-3} Z_{odot}, significantly increasing the number density of massive seed black holes to levels sufficient to account for the ubiquitous SMBHs observed in the local universe. Moreover, above this metallicity, this scenario naturally explains the transition from SMS formation to dense stellar cluster formation.

Is planetary inward migration responsible for GJ 504's fast rotation and bright X-ray luminosity? New constraints from eROSITA

The discovery of an increasing variety of exoplanets in very close orbits around their host stars raised many questions about how stars and planets interact, and to which extent host stars' properties may be influenced by the presence of close-by companions. Understanding how the evolution of stars is impacted by the interactions with their planets is fundamental to disentangle their intrinsic evolution from Star-Planet Interactions (SPI)-induced phenomena. GJ 504 is a promising candidate for a star that underwent strong SPI. Its unusually short rotational period (3.4 days), while being in contrast with what is expected by single-star models, could result from the inward migration of a close-by, massive companion, pushed starward by tides. Moreover, its brighter X-ray luminosity may hint at a rejuvenation of the dynamo process sustaining the stellar magnetic field, consequent to the SPI-induced spin-up. We aim to study the evolution of GJ 504 and establish whether by invoking the engulfment of a planetary companion we can better reproduce its rotational period and X-ray luminosity. We simulate the past evolution assuming two different scenarios: 'Star without close-by planet', 'Star with close-by planet'. In the second scenario, we investigate how inward migration and planetary engulfment driven by tides spin up the stellar surface and rejuvenate its dynamo. We compare our tracks with rotational period and X-ray data collected from the all-sky surveys of the ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board the Russian Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma mission (SRG). Despite the very uncertain stellar age, we found that the second evolutionary scenario is in better agreement with the short rotational period and the bright X-ray luminosity of GJ 504, thus strongly favouring the inward migration scenario over the one in which close-by planets have no tidal impact on the star.

The S2 orbit and tidally disrupted binaries: indications for collisional depletion in the Galactic center

The properties of the stellar cluster surrounding Sagittarius A* can be assessed indirectly through the motion of the S-stars. Specifically, the current accuracy to which the prograde precession of the S2 star is measured allows to place significant constraints on the extended mass enclosed by its orbit. We suggest that high velocity destructive collisions (DCs) offer a natural mechanism for depleting the mass inside the S2 orbit, thus allowing to reconcile the measured precession and the existence of a dense stellar cluster. Such a solution is especially necessary when considering that stars are supplied to the inner part of the cluster by both dynamical relaxation and by stars being captured in tight orbits during tidal disruption of binaries. We use analytic arguments and results from simulations to demonstrate that in order to obtain a precession that is consistent with observations, collisional depletion is necessary if the capture rate is greater than a few 10^{-6} yr^{-1}. We also show that fluctuations arising from the finite number of stars cannot serve as an alternative to DCs for generating consistency with the observed S2 precession. We conclude that astrometric observations of the S-stars provide a meaningful indication that the inner part of our galactic center is shaped by collisional depletion, supporting the hypothesis that DCs occur in galactic nuclei at an astrophysically significant rate.

New Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant CTA 1

We present new radio images of the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 at 1420 and 408 MHz, and in the 21 cm line of H I observed with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Synthesis Telescope and at 1420 MHz observed with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. We confirm previously described continuum features and elaborate further on filamentary features identified using the high-resolution (1') maps from these new observations. We investigate the abrupt change in sign of rotation measure (RM) across the SNR, using the linear polarization observations in the four bands around 1420 MHz. Following X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) investigation, we both confirm that the distribution of signs of the RMs for extragalactic sources in the area appears to match that of the shell, as well as combine the data from the four bands to estimate the relative depolarization and the intrinsic rotation measure of the SNR. We do not conclusively reject X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) claim of a Faraday screen in the foreground causing the distribution of RMs that we observe; however, we do suggest an alternative explanation of a swept-up stellar wind from the progenitor star with a toroidal magnetic field. Finally, we expand on the analysis of the H I observations by applying the Rolling Hough Transform to isolate filamentary structure and better identify H I emission with the SNR. Further constraining the H I velocity channels associated with CTA 1, we use more recent Galactic rotation curves to calculate an updated kinematic distance of 1.09 +/- 0.2 kpc.

Signatures of the Shock Interaction as an Additional Power Source in the Nebular Spectra of SN 2023ixf

Red supergiants may lose significant mass through steady winds and episodic eruptions in the final 100-1000 years before the core collapses, shaping their circumstellar environment. Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and distant circumstellar material (CSM) can generate shocks, which can energize the ejecta and serve as a key power source during the nebular phase of the SN. In the present work, we investigate the nebular spectrum of SN 2023ixf, observed one year post-explosion (at +363 d) with the recently commissioned WEAVE instrument on the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. This marks the first supernova spectrum captured with WEAVE. In this spectrum, Halpha exhibits a peculiar evolution, flanked by blueward and redward broad components centred at simpm 5650,km,s^{-1} from the rest velocity of Halpha, which are seen for only a few SNe to date. These features indicate energy deposition from shocks generated by the interaction of ejecta with a CSM expelled nearly 350 - 640 years pre-explosion. Comparisons of the +363 d spectrum with model spectra from the literature, that include varying shock powers, suggest a shock power of at least sim 5 times 10 ^{40},erg,s^{-1} at this epoch. Additionally, analysis of the [O I] doublet, along with other prominent emission lines, provides evidence for clumpiness, dust formation, and asymmetry within the ejecta and/or the surrounding CSM. These emission lines also helped to constrain the oxygen mass (approx0.19^{scriptscriptstyle +0.08}_{scriptscriptstyle -0.04} M_odot), He-core mass (<3 M_odot) and the zero-age main sequence mass (lesssim 12 M_odot) of the progenitor of SN 2023ixf. The comparison with other Type II SNe highlights SN 2023ixf's unique shock interaction signatures and evidence of dust formation, setting it apart in terms of evolution and dynamics.

A JWST Project on 47 Tucanae: Kinematics, energy equipartition and anisotropy of multiple populations

Recent work with JWST has demonstrated its capability to identify and chemically characterize multiple populations in globular clusters down to the H-burning limit. In this study, we explore the kinematics of multiple populations in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae by combining data from JWST, HST, and Gaia. We analyzed velocity dispersion and anisotropy profiles from the cluster center out to sim10R_h. Our findings indicate that while 1G stars are isotropic, 2G stars are significantly radially anisotropic. These results align with the predictions of simulations of the dynamical evolution of clusters where 2G stars are initially more centrally concentrated than 1G stars. Furthermore, we subdivided the 2G population into two subpopulations: 2G_A and 2G_B, with the latter being more chemically extreme. We compared their dynamical profiles and found no significant differences. For the first time, we measured the degree of energy equipartition among the multiple populations of 47 Tucanae. Overall, within the analyzed radial range (sim2-4R_h), both populations exhibit a low degree of energy equipartition. The most significant differences between 1G and 2G stars are observed in the tangential velocity component, where 2G stars are characterized by a stronger degree of energy equipartition than 1G stars. In the radial component, the behavior of 1G and 2G stars is more variable, with differences largely dependent on radius. Finally, our analysis reveals that the ratio of rotational velocity to velocity dispersion is larger for the 2G population, while 1G stars exhibit higher skewness in their tangential proper motions, providing further evidence of differences in the kinematic properties of the 1G and 2G populations.

The JWST EXCELS survey: direct estimates of C, N, and O abundances in two relatively metal-rich galaxies at zsimeq5

We present a spectroscopic analysis of two star-forming galaxies at z~5 observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the Early eXtragalactic Continuum and Emission Line Science (EXCELS) survey. The detection of the C III]lambdalambda1906,09, [O II]lambdalambda3726,29, [O III]lambdalambda4363,5007, and [N II]lambda6584 nebular emission lines enables investigation of the C/O, N/O, and C/N abundance ratios using the temperature-sensitive method. The two galaxies have stellar masses of log(M_{star}/M_{odot} ) = 8.13pm0.09 and log(M_{star}/M_{odot} )=8.52pm0.13 and corresponding metallicities of Z~0.2Z_{odot} and Z~0.3Z_{odot}. These metallicities are somewhat higher than is typical for other z>5 galaxies with similar stellar mass and are in fact comparable to high-redshift analogue galaxies at z~0. Both galaxies display evidence for N/O enhancement with respect to the z~0 sample, with log(N/O)=-1.07pm0.17 and log(N/O)=-0.86pm0.15 respectively. In contrast, we find low C abundances, with log(C/O)=-0.82pm0.22 and log(C/O)=-1.02pm0.22, consistent with the predicted yields of core-collapse supernovae. Following the trend observed in other high-redshift sources, we find that the C/N ratios are lower at fixed O/H compared to the majority of local galaxies. In contrast to the top-heavy IMF invoked in some studies to explain low C/N ratios in metal-poor galaxies, we find, via comparison to chemical evolution models, that a standard or bottom-heavy IMF better explains the observed abundance ratios in more enriched systems due to an increase in N-enrichment from intermediate mass (4-7M_{odot}) stars. Our results demonstrate that robust measurements of CNO abundances with JWST can reveal unique enrichment pathways in galaxies as a function of both metallicity and redshift.

Solar System Elemental Abundances from the Solar Photosphere and CI-Chondrites

Solar photospheric abundances and CI-chondrite compositions are reviewed and updated to obtain representative solar system abundances of the elements and their isotopes. The new photospheric abundances obtained here lead to higher solar metallicity. Full 3D NLTE photospheric analyses are only available for 11 elements. A quality index for analyses is introduced. For several elements, uncertainties remain large. Protosolar mass fractions are H (X = 0.7060), He (Y = 0.2753), and for metals Li to U (Z = 0.0187). The protosolar (C+N)/H agrees within 13% with the ratio for the solar core from the Borexino experiment. Elemental abundances in CI-chondrites were screened by analytical methods, sample sizes, and evaluated using concentration frequency distributions. Aqueously mobile elements (e.g., alkalis, alkaline earths, etc.) often deviate from normal distributions indicating mobilization and/or sequestration into carbonates, phosphates, and sulfates. Revised CI-chondrite abundances of non-volatile elements are similar to earlier estimates. The moderately volatile elements F and Sb are higher than before, as are C, Br and I, whereas the CI-abundances of Hg and N are now significantly lower. The solar system nuclide distribution curves of s-process elements agree within 4% with s-process predictions of Galactic chemical evolution models. P-process nuclide distributions are assessed. No obvious correlation of CI-chondritic to solar elemental abundance ratios with condensation temperatures is observed, nor is there one for ratios of CI-chondrites/solar wind abundances.

Estimation of Classical Cepheid's Physical Parameters from NIR Light Curves

Recent space-borne and ground-based observations provide photometric measurements as time series. The effect of interstellar dust extinction in the near-infrared range is only 10% of that measured in the V band. However, the sensitivity of the light curve shape to the physical parameters in the near-infrared is much lower. So, interpreting these types of data sets requires new approaches like the different large-scale surveys, which create similar problems with big data. Using a selected data set, we provide a method for applying routines implemented in R to extract most information of measurements to determine physical parameters, which can also be used in automatic classification schemes and pipeline processing. We made a multivariate classification of 131 Cepheid light curves (LC) in J, H, and K colors, where all the LCs were represented in 20D parameter space in these colors separately. Performing a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we got an orthogonal coordinate system and squared Euclidean distances between LCs, with 6 significant eigenvalues, reducing the 20-dimension to 6. We also estimated the optimal number of partitions of similar objects and found it to be equal to 7 in each color; their dependence on the period, absolute magnitude, amplitude, and metallicity are also discussed. We computed the Spearman rank correlations, showing that periods and absolute magnitudes correlate with the first three PCs significantly. The first two PC are also found to have a relationship with the amplitude, but the metallicity effects are only marginal. The method shown can be generalized and implemented in unsupervised classification schemes and analysis of mixed and biased samples. The analysis of our Classical Cepheid near-infrared LC sample showed that the J, H, K curves are insufficient for determination of stellar metallicity, with mass being the key factor shaping them.

Dynamical evolution of massless particles in star clusters with NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS: I. Free-floating MLPs

Context. Low-mass bodies, such as comets, asteroids, planetesimals, and free-floating planets, are continuously injected into the intra-cluster environment after expulsion from their host planetary systems. These can be modeled as massless particles (MLPs, hereafter). The dynamics of large populations of MLPs, however, has yet received little attention in literature. Aims. We investigate the dynamical evolution of MLP populations in star clusters, and characterize their kinematics and ejection rates. Methods. We present NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS, a modified version of the N-body simulation code NBODY6++GPU, that allows fast integration of star clusters that contain large numbers of massless particles (MLPs). NBODY6++GPU-MASSLESS contains routines specifically directed at the dynamical evolution of low-mass bodies, such as planets. Results. Unlike stars, MLPs do not participate in the mass segregation process. Instead, MLPs mostly follow the gravitational potential of the star cluster, which gradually decreases over time due to stellar ejections and stellar evolution. The dynamical evolution of MLPs is primarily affected by the evolution of the core of the star cluster. This is most apparent in the outer regions for clusters with higher initial densities. High escape rates of MLPs are observed before the core-collapse, after which escape rates remain stable. Denser star clusters undergo a more intense core collapse, but this does not impact the dynamical evolution of MLPs. The speeds of escaping stars are similar to those of escaping MLPs, when disregarding the high-velocity ejections of neutron stars during the first 50 Myr.

Tides on Lava Worlds: Application to Close-in Exoplanets and the Early Earth-Moon System

Understanding the physics of planetary magma oceans has been the subject of growing efforts, in light of the increasing abundance of Solar system samples and extrasolar surveys. A rocky planet harboring such an ocean is likely to interact tidally with its host star, planetary companions, or satellites. To date, however, models of the tidal response and heat generation of magma oceans have been restricted to the framework of weakly viscous solids, ignoring the dynamical fluid behavior of the ocean beyond a critical melt fraction. Here we provide a handy analytical model that accommodates this phase transition, allowing for a physical estimation of the tidal response of lava worlds. We apply the model in two settings: The tidal history of the early Earth-Moon system in the aftermath of the giant impact; and the tidal interplay between short-period exoplanets and their host stars. For the former, we show that the fluid behavior of the Earth's molten surface drives efficient early Lunar recession to {sim} 25 Earth radii within 10^4{-} 10^5 years, in contrast with earlier predictions. For close-in exoplanets, we report on how their molten surfaces significantly change their spin-orbit dynamics, allowing them to evade spin-orbit resonances and accelerating their track towards tidal synchronization from a Gyr to Myr timescale. Moreover, we re-evaluate the energy budgets of detected close-in exoplanets, highlighting how the surface thermodynamics of these planets are likely controlled by enhanced, fluid-driven tidal heating, rather than vigorous insolation, and how this regime change substantially alters predictions for their surface temperatures.

MSA-3D: Metallicity Gradients in Galaxies at zsim1 with JWST/NIRSpec Slit-stepping Spectroscopy

The radial gradient of gas-phase metallicity is a powerful probe of the chemical and structural evolution of star-forming galaxies, closely tied to disk formation and gas kinematics in the early universe. We present spatially resolved chemical and dynamical properties for a sample of 25 galaxies at 0.5 lesssim z lesssim 1.7 from the \msasd survey. These innovative observations provide 3D spectroscopy of galaxies at a spatial resolution approaching JWST's diffraction limit and a high spectral resolution of Rsimeq2700. The metallicity gradients measured in our galaxy sample range from -0.03 to 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Most galaxies exhibit negative or flat radial gradients, indicating lower metallicity in the outskirts or uniform metallicity throughout the entire galaxy. We confirm a tight relationship between stellar mass and metallicity gradient at zsim1 with small intrinsic scatter of 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Our results indicate that metallicity gradients become increasingly negative as stellar mass increases, likely because the more massive galaxies tend to be more ``disky". This relationship is consistent with the predictions from cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations with strong stellar feedback. This work presents the effort to harness the multiplexing capability of JWST NIRSpec/MSA in slit-stepping mode to map the chemical and kinematic profiles of high-redshift galaxies in large samples and at high spatial and spectral resolution.

Follow-Up of Extended Shells around B[e] Stars

B[e] stars are massive B type emission line stars in different evolutionary stages ranging from pre-main sequence to post-main sequence. Due to their mass loss and ejection events these objects deposit huge amounts of mass and energy into their environment and enrich it with chemically processed material, contributing significantly to the chemical and dynamical evolution of their host galaxies. However, the large-scale environments of these enigmatic objects have not attracted much attention. The first and so far only catalog reporting the detection of extended shells around a sample of B[e] stars was an Ha imaging survey carried out in the year 2001, and was limited to bright targets in the northern hemisphere. We have recently started a follow-up of those targets to detect possible evolution of their nebulae in the plane of the sky over a baseline of two decades. Furthermore, we extend our survey to southern targets and fainter northern ones to complement and complete our knowledge on large-scale ejecta surrounding B[e] stars. Besides imaging in Ha and selected nebular lines, we utilize long-slit and 3D spectral observations across the nebulae to derive their physical properties. We discovered pronounced nebula structures around 15 more objects, resulting in a total of 27 B[e] stars with a large-scale nebula. Here we present our (preliminary) results for three selected objects: the two massive supergiants MWC137 and MWC 314, and the unclassified B[e] star MWC 819.

Radiation-magnetohydrodynamics with MPI-AMRVAC using flux-limited diffusion

Context. Radiation plays a significant role in solar and astrophysical environments as it may constitute a sizeable fraction of the energy density, momentum flux, and the total pressure. Modelling the dynamic interaction between radiation and magnetized plasmas in such environments is an intricate and computationally costly task. Aims. The goal of this work is to demonstrate the capabilities of the open-source parallel, block-adaptive computational framework MPI-AMRVAC, in solving equations of radiation-magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD), and to present benchmark test cases relevant for radiation-dominated magnetized plasmas. Methods. The existing magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and flux-limited diffusion (FLD) radiative-hydrodynamics physics modules are combined to solve the equations of radiation-magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) on block-adaptive finite volume Cartesian meshes in any dimensionality. Results. We introduce and validate several benchmark test cases such as steady radiative MHD shocks, radiation-damped linear MHD waves, radiation-modified Riemann problems and a multi-dimensional radiative magnetoconvection case. We recall the basic governing Rankine-Hugoniot relations for shocks and the dispersion relation for linear MHD waves in the presence of optically thick radiation fields where the diffusion limit is reached. The RMHD system allows for 8 linear wave types, where the classical 7-wave MHD picture (entropy and three wave pairs for slow, Alfven and fast) is augmented with a radiative diffusion mode. Conclusions. The MPI-AMRVAC code now has the capability to perform multidimensional RMHD simulations with mesh adaptation making it well-suited for larger scientific applications to study magnetized matter-radiation interactions in solar and stellar interiors and atmospheres.

KIC 4150611: A quadruply eclipsing heptuple star system with a g-mode period-spacing pattern Asteroseismic modelling of the g-mode period-spacing pattern

In this work, we aim to estimate the stellar parameters of the primary (Aa) by performing asteroseismic analysis on its period-spacing pattern. We use the C-3PO neural network to perform asteroseismic modelling of the g-mode period-spacing pattern of Aa, discussing the interplay of this information with external constraints from spectroscopy (T_{rm eff} and log(g)) and eclipse modelling (R). To estimate the level of uncertainty due to different frequency extraction and pattern identification processes, we consider four different variations on the period-spacing patterns. To better understand the correlations between and the uncertainty structure of our parameter estimates, we also employed a classical, parameter-based MCMC grid search on four different stellar grids. The best-fitting, externally constrained model to the period-spacing pattern arrives at estimates of the stellar properties for Aa of: M=1.51 pm 0.05 M_odot, X_c =0.43 pm 0.04, R=1.66 pm 0.1 R_odot, f_{rm ov}=0.010, Omega_c=1.58 pm 0.01 d^{-1} with rigid rotation to within the measurement errors, log(T_{rm eff})=3.856 pm 0.008 dex, log(g)=4.18 pm 0.04 dex, and log(L)=0.809 pm 0.005 dex, which agree well with previous measurements from eclipse modelling, spectroscopy, and the Gaia DR3 luminosity. We find that the near-core properties of the best-fitting asteroseismic models are consistent with external constraints from eclipse modelling and spectroscopy. Aa appears to be a typical example of a gamma Dor star, fitting well within existing populations. We find that Aa is quasi-rigidly rotating to within the uncertainties, and note that the asteroseismic age estimate for Aa (1100 pm 100 Myr) is considerably older than the young (35 Myr) age implied by previous isochrone fits to the B binary in the literature. Our MCMC parameter-based grid-search agrees well with our pattern-modelling approach.

Cosmological Distance Measurement of 12 Nearby Supernovae IIP with ROTSE-IIIB

We present cosmological analysis of 12 nearby (z<0.06) Type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) observed with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope. To achieve precise photometry, we present a new image differencing technique that is implemented for the first time on the ROTSE SN photometry pipeline. With this method, we find up to a 20\% increase in the detection efficiency and significant reduction in residual RMS scatter of the SN lightcurves when compared to the previous pipeline performance. We use the published optical spectra and broadband photometry of well studied SNe IIP to establish temporal models for ejecta velocity and photospheric temperature evolution for our SNe IIP population. This study yields measurements that are competitive to other methods even when the data are limited to a single epoch during the photospheric phase of SNe IIP. Using the fully reduced ROTSE photometry and optical spectra, we apply these models to the respective photometric epochs for each SN in the ROTSE IIP sample. This facilitates the use of the Expanding Photosphere Method (EPM) to obtain distance estimates to their respective host galaxies. We then perform cosmological parameter fitting using these EPM distances from which we measure the Hubble constant to be 72.9^{+5.7}_{-4.3}~{rm kms^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}, which is consistent with the standard Lambda CDM model values derived using other independent techniques.

CfA3: 185 Type Ia Supernova Light Curves from the CfA

We present multi-band photometry of 185 type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia), with over 11500 observations. These were acquired between 2001 and 2008 at the F. L. Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). This sample contains the largest number of homogeneously-observed and reduced nearby SN Ia (z < 0.08) published to date. It more than doubles the nearby sample, bringing SN Ia cosmology to the point where systematic uncertainties dominate. Our natural system photometry has a precision of 0.02 mag or better in BVRIr'i' and roughly 0.04 mag in U for points brighter than 17.5 mag. We also estimate a systematic uncertainty of 0.03 mag in our SN Ia standard system BVRIr'i' photometry and 0.07 mag for U. Comparisons of our standard system photometry with published SN Ia light curves and comparison stars, where available for the same SN, reveal agreement at the level of a few hundredths mag in most cases. We find that 1991bg-like SN Ia are sufficiently distinct from other SN Ia in their color and light-curve-shape/luminosity relation that they should be treated separately in light-curve/distance fitter training samples. The CfA3 sample will contribute to the development of better light-curve/distance fitters, particularly in the few dozen cases where near-infrared photometry has been obtained and, together, can help disentangle host-galaxy reddening from intrinsic supernova color, reducing the systematic uncertainty in SN Ia distances due to dust.

PRIMER: JWST/MIRI reveals the evolution of star-forming structures in galaxies at z<2.5

The stellar structures of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) undergo significant size growth during their mass assembly and must pass through a compaction phase as they evolve into quiescent galaxies (QGs). To shed light on the mechanisms behind this structural evolution, we study the morphology of the star-forming components of 665 SFGs at 0<z<2.5 measured using JWST/MIRI observation and compare them with the morphology of their stellar components taken from the literature. The stellar and star-forming components of most SFGs (66%) have extended disk-like structures that are aligned with each other and are of the same size. The star-forming components of these galaxies follow a mass-size relation, similar to that followed by their stellar components. At the highest mass, the optical S\'ersic index of these SFGs increases to 2.5, suggesting the presence of a dominant stellar bulge. Because their star-forming components remain disk-like, these bulges cannot have formed by secular in-situ growth. We identify a second population of galaxies lying below the MIR mass-size relation, with compact star-forming components embedded in extended stellar components (EC galaxy). These galaxies are overall rare (15%) but become more dominant (30%) at high mass (>10^{10.5}M_odot). The compact star-forming components of these galaxies are also concentrated and slightly spheroidal, suggesting that this compaction phase can build dense bulge in-situ. Finally, we identify a third population of SFGs (19%), with both compact stellar and star-forming components. The density of their stellar cores resemble those of QGs and are compatible with being the descendants of EC galaxy. Overall, the structural evolution of SFGs is mainly dominated by a secular inside-out growth, which can, however, be interrupted by violent compaction phase(s) that can build dominant stellar bulges like those in massive SFGs or QGs.

Resolving Pleiades binary stars with Gaia and speckle interferometric observations

The Pleiades is the most prominent open star cluster visible from Earth and an important benchmark for simple stellar populations, unified by common origin, age, and distance. Binary stars are its essential ingredient, yet their contribution remains uncertain due to heavy observational biases. A resolved multiplicity survey was conducted for a magnitude-limited G < 15mag sample of 423 potential cluster members, including sources with poorly fitted astrometric solutions in Gaia DR3. Speckle interferometric observations at the 2.5 meter telescope of SAI MSU observatory were combined with Gaia data, enabling the identification of 61 resolved binary or multiple systems within the 0.04 - 10 arcsec (5 - 1350 au) separation range. With speckle observations, we discovered 21 components in 20 systems. The existence of a Merope (23 Tau) companion is confirmed after several previous unsuccessful attempts. We show that the Gaia multipeak fraction is a strong predictor of subarcsecond multiplicity, as all sources with ipd_frac_multi_peak > 4% are successfully resolved. We found that 10% of Pleiades stars have a companion with a mass ratio q > 0.5 within projected separation of 27 < s < 1350 au, and confirm a deficit of wide binaries with s > 300 au. An observed dearth of wide pairs with large mass ratio (q > 0.55) may imprint the transition from hard to soft binaries regime at the early stages of cluster evolution. The total binary fraction for q > 0.5 systems is extrapolated to be around 25%.

AstroMLab 1: Who Wins Astronomy Jeopardy!?

We present a comprehensive evaluation of proprietary and open-weights large language models using the first astronomy-specific benchmarking dataset. This dataset comprises 4,425 multiple-choice questions curated from the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, covering a broad range of astrophysical topics. Our analysis examines model performance across various astronomical subfields and assesses response calibration, crucial for potential deployment in research environments. Claude-3.5-Sonnet outperforms competitors by up to 4.6 percentage points, achieving 85.0% accuracy. For proprietary models, we observed a universal reduction in cost every 3-to-12 months to achieve similar score in this particular astronomy benchmark. Open-source models have rapidly improved, with LLaMA-3-70b (80.6%) and Qwen-2-72b (77.7%) now competing with some of the best proprietary models. We identify performance variations across topics, with non-English-focused models generally struggling more in exoplanet-related fields, stellar astrophysics, and instrumentation related questions. These challenges likely stem from less abundant training data, limited historical context, and rapid recent developments in these areas. This pattern is observed across both open-weights and proprietary models, with regional dependencies evident, highlighting the impact of training data diversity on model performance in specialized scientific domains. Top-performing models demonstrate well-calibrated confidence, with correlations above 0.9 between confidence and correctness, though they tend to be slightly underconfident. The development for fast, low-cost inference of open-weights models presents new opportunities for affordable deployment in astronomy. The rapid progress observed suggests that LLM-driven research in astronomy may become feasible in the near future.

Fully Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Solar Convection Zones with CHORUS++

The objective of this study is to develop a fully compressible magnetohydrodynamic solver for fast simulations of the global dynamo of the Sun using unstructured grids and GPUs. Accurate modeling of the Sun's convective layers is vital to predicting the Sun's behavior, including the solar dynamo and sunspot cycles. Currently, there are many efficient codes capable of conducting these large simulations; however, many assume an anealastic density distribution. The anelastic assumption is capable of producing accurate results for low mach numbers; however, it fails in regions with a higher mach number and a fully compressible flow must be considered. To avoid these issues, Wang et al. [1] created a Compressible High-ORder Unstructured Spectral difference (CHORUS) code for simulating fluid dynamics inside stars and planets. CHORUS++ augmented the CHORUS code to adopt a higher degree of polynomials by using cubed-sphere meshing and transfinite mapping to perform simulations on unstructured grids [2]. Recently, CHORUS++ was further developed for parallel magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solutions on GPUs at Clarkson University. In this study the solar benchmark problems presented by Chen et al. [2] are extended to unsteady solar dynamo problems, with two different density scale heights. The CHORUS-MHD code is further accelerated by multiple GPUs and used to successfully solve these solar dynamo benchmark problems. [1] Wang, J., Liang, C., and Miesch, M. S., "A Compressible High-Order Unstructured Spectral Difference Code for Stratified Convection in Rotating Spherical Shells," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 290, 2015, pp. 90-111. [2] Chen, K., Liang, C., and Wan, M., "Arbitrarily high-order accurate simulations of compressible rotationally constrained convection using a transfinite mapping on cubed-sphere grids," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 35, 2023, p. 086120.