- The generalized roof F(1,2,n): Hodge structures and derived categories We consider generalized homogeneous roofs, i.e. quotients of simply connected, semisimple Lie groups by a parabolic subgroup, which admit two projective bundle structures. Given a general hyperplane section on such a variety, we consider the zero loci of its pushforwards along the projective bundle structures and we discuss their properties at the level of Hodge structures. In the case of the flag variety F(1,2,n) with its projections to P^{n-1} and G(2, n), we construct a derived embedding of the relevant zero loci by methods based on the study of B-brane categories in the context of a gauged linear sigma model. 4 authors · Oct 20, 2021
- Calabi-Yau fibrations, simple K-equivalence and mutations A homogeneous roof is a rational homogeneous variety of Picard rank 2 and index r equipped with two different mathbb P^{r-1}-bundle structures. We consider bundles of homogeneous roofs over a smooth projective variety, formulating a relative version of the duality of Calabi--Yau pairs associated to roofs of projective bundles. We discuss how derived equivalence of such pairs can lift to Calabi--Yau fibrations, extending a result of Bridgeland and Maciocia to higher-dimensional cases. We formulate an approach to prove that the DK-conjecture holds for a class of simple K-equivalent maps arising from bundles of roofs. As an example, we propose a pair of eight-dimensional Calabi--Yau varieties fibered in dual Calabi--Yau threefolds, related by a GLSM phase transition, and we prove derived equivalence with the methods above. 1 authors · Jun 11, 2020
- Derived categories of families of Fano threefolds We construct S-linear semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of smooth Fano threefold fibrations X/S with relative Picard rank 1 and rational geometric fibers and discuss how the structure of components of these decompositions is related to rationality properties of X/S. 1 authors · Feb 24, 2022
- Fullness of the Kuznetsov-Polishchuk exceptional collection for the spinor tenfold Kuznetsov and Polishchuk provided a general algorithm to construct exceptional collections of maximal length for homogeneous varieties of type A,B,C,D. We consider the case of the spinor tenfold and we prove that the corresponding collection is full, i.e. it generates the whole derived category of coherent sheaves. As a step of the proof, we construct some resolutions of homogeneous vector bundles which might be of independent interest. 2 authors · Jun 19, 2023
- On the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation Strategies for the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation are developed. Starting from a pair of root structures, which are not related by translation, phase inversion or axis reflections, child structures of arbitrary resolution (i.e., pixel or voxel numbers) and number of phases (i.e., material phases/species) can be generated by means of trivial embedding based phase extension, application of kernels and/or phase coalescence, such that the generated structures inherit the two-point-correlation equivalence. Proofs of the inheritance property are provided by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform theory. A Python 3 implementation of the results is offered by the authors through the Github repository https://github.com/DataAnalyticsEngineering/EQ2PC in order to make the provided results reproducible and useful for all interested readers. Examples for the generation of structures are demonstrated, together with applications in the homogenization theory of periodic media. 2 authors · Feb 4, 2020
- Bimonoidal Structure of Probability Monads We give a conceptual treatment of the notion of joints, marginals, and independence in the setting of categorical probability. This is achieved by endowing the usual probability monads (like the Giry monad) with a monoidal and an opmonoidal structure, mutually compatible (i.e. a bimonoidal structure). If the underlying monoidal category is cartesian monoidal, a bimonoidal structure is given uniquely by a commutative strength. However, if the underlying monoidal category is not cartesian monoidal, a strength is not enough to guarantee all the desired properties of joints and marginals. A bimonoidal structure is then the correct requirement for the more general case. We explain the theory and the operational interpretation, with the help of the graphical calculus for monoidal categories. We give a definition of stochastic independence based on the bimonoidal structure, compatible with the intuition and with other approaches in the literature for cartesian monoidal categories. We then show as an example that the Kantorovich monad on the category of complete metric spaces is a bimonoidal monad for a non-cartesian monoidal structure. 2 authors · Apr 10, 2018
1 Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms Recent years have seen a surprising connection between the physics of scattering amplitudes and a class of mathematical objects--the positive Grassmannian, positive loop Grassmannians, tree and loop Amplituhedra--which have been loosely referred to as "positive geometries". The connection between the geometry and physics is provided by a unique differential form canonically determined by the property of having logarithmic singularities (only) on all the boundaries of the space, with residues on each boundary given by the canonical form on that boundary. In this paper we initiate an exploration of "positive geometries" and "canonical forms" as objects of study in their own right in a more general mathematical setting. We give a precise definition of positive geometries and canonical forms, introduce general methods for finding forms for more complicated positive geometries from simpler ones, and present numerous examples of positive geometries in projective spaces, Grassmannians, and toric, cluster and flag varieties. We also illustrate a number of strategies for computing canonical forms which yield interesting representations for the forms associated with wide classes of positive geometries, ranging from the simplest Amplituhedra to new expressions for the volume of arbitrary convex polytopes. 3 authors · Mar 13, 2017
- Open Gromov-Witten theory on Calabi-Yau three-folds I We propose a general theory of the Open Gromov-Witten invariant on Calabi-Yau three-folds. We introduce the moduli space of multi-curves and show how it leads to invariants. Our construction is based on an idea of Witten. In the special case that each connected component of the Lagrangian submanifold has the rational homology of a sphere we define rational numbers F_{g,h} for each genus g and h boundary components. 1 authors · Jul 29, 2009
- Information structures and their cohomology We introduce the category of information structures, whose objects are suitable diagrams of measurable sets that encode the possible outputs of a given family of observables and their mutual relationships of refinement; they serve as mathematical models of contextuality in classical and quantum settings. Each information structure can be regarded as a ringed site with trivial topology; the structure ring is generated by the observables themselves and its multiplication corresponds to joint measurement. We extend Baudot and Bennequin's definition of information cohomology to this setting, as a derived functor in the category of modules over the structure ring, and show explicitly that the bar construction gives a projective resolution in that category, recovering in this way the cochain complexes previously considered in the literature. Finally, we study the particular case of a one-parameter family of coefficients made of functions of probability distributions. The only 1-cocycles are Shannon entropy or Tsallis alpha-entropy, depending on the value of the parameter. 1 authors · Sep 22, 2017
- Mukai duality via roofs of projective bundles We investigate a construction providing pairs of Calabi-Yau varieties described as zero loci of pushforwards of a hyperplane section on a roof as described by Kanemitsu. We discuss the implications of such construction at the level of Hodge equivalence, derived equivalence and mathbb L-equivalence. For the case of K3 surfaces, we provide alternative interpretations for the Fourier-Mukai duality in the family of K3 surfaces of degree 12 of Mukai. In all these constructions the derived equivalence lifts to an equivalence of matrix factorizations categories. 2 authors · Jan 17, 2020
1 Principal subbundles for dimension reduction In this paper we demonstrate how sub-Riemannian geometry can be used for manifold learning and surface reconstruction by combining local linear approximations of a point cloud to obtain lower dimensional bundles. Local approximations obtained by local PCAs are collected into a rank k tangent subbundle on R^d, k<d, which we call a principal subbundle. This determines a sub-Riemannian metric on R^d. We show that sub-Riemannian geodesics with respect to this metric can successfully be applied to a number of important problems, such as: explicit construction of an approximating submanifold M, construction of a representation of the point-cloud in R^k, and computation of distances between observations, taking the learned geometry into account. The reconstruction is guaranteed to equal the true submanifold in the limit case where tangent spaces are estimated exactly. Via simulations, we show that the framework is robust when applied to noisy data. Furthermore, the framework generalizes to observations on an a priori known Riemannian manifold. 5 authors · Jul 6, 2023
- New counterexamples to the birational Torelli theorem for Calabi--Yau manifolds We produce counterexamples to the birational Torelli theorem for Calabi-Yau manifolds in arbitrarily high dimension: this is done by exhibiting a series of non birational pairs of Calabi-Yau (n^2-1)-folds which, for n geq 2 even, admit an isometry between their middle cohomologies. These varieties also satisfy an mathbb L-equivalence relation in the Grothendieck ring of varieties, i.e. the difference of their classes annihilates a power of the class of the affine line. We state this last property for a broader class of Calabi-Yau pairs, namely all those which are realized as pushforwards of a general (1,1)-section on a homogeneous roof in the sense of Kanemitsu, along its two extremal contractions. 1 authors · Nov 7, 2022
2 All Weight Systems for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds from Reflexive Polyhedra For any given dimension d, all reflexive d-polytopes can be found (in principle) as subpolytopes of a number of maximal polyhedra that are defined in terms of (d+1)-tuples of integers (weights), or combinations of k-tuples of weights with k<d+1. We present the results of a complete classification of sextuples of weights pertaining to the construction of all reflexive polytopes in five dimensions. We find 322 383 760 930 such weight systems. 185 269 499 015 of them give rise directly to reflexive polytopes and thereby to mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau fourfolds. These lead to 532 600 483 distinct sets of Hodge numbers. 2 authors · Aug 7, 2018
- Adiabatic Solutions of the Haydys-Witten Equations and Symplectic Khovanov Homology An influential conjecture by Witten states that there is an instanton Floer homology of four-manifolds with corners that in certain situations is isomorphic to Khovanov homology of a given knot K. The Floer chain complex is generated by Nahm pole solutions of the Kapustin-Witten equations on R^3 times R^+_y with an additional monopole-like singular behaviour along the knot K inside the three-dimensional boundary at y=0. The Floer differential is given by counting solutions of the Haydys-Witten equations that interpolate between Kapustin-Witten solutions along an additional flow direction R_s. This article investigates solutions of a decoupled version of the Kapustin-Witten and Haydys-Witten equations on R_s times R^3 times R^+_y, which in contrast to the full equations exhibit a Hermitian Yang-Mills structure and can be viewed as a lift of the extended Bogomolny equations (EBE) from three to five dimensions. Inspired by Gaiotto-Witten's approach of adiabatically braiding EBE-solutions to obtain generators of the Floer homology, we propose that there is an equivalence between adiabatic solutions of the decoupled Haydys-Witten equations and non-vertical paths in the moduli space of EBE-solutions fibered over the space of monopole positions. Moreover, we argue that the Grothendieck-Springer resolution of the Lie algebra of the gauge group provides a finite-dimensional model of this moduli space of monopole solutions. These considerations suggest an intriguing similarity between Haydys-Witten instanton Floer homology and symplectic Khovanov homology and provide a novel approach towards a proof of Witten's gauge-theoretic interpretations of Khovanov homology. 1 authors · Jan 2
- The algebra of higher homotopy operations We explain how the simplicial higher-order unstable homotopy operations defined in [BBS2] may be composed and inserted one in another, thus forming a coherent if complicated algebraic structure. 3 authors · Jul 22, 2023
- Locally resolvable BIBDs and generalized quadrangles with ovoids In this note we establish a 1-to-1 correspondence between the class of generalized quadrangles with ovoids and the class of balanced incomplete block designs that posses a non-triangular local resolution system and have the appropriate parameters. We present a non-triangular local resolution system for a difference family BIBD construction of Sprott. 1 authors · Aug 1, 2024
- Learners' Languages In "Backprop as functor", the authors show that the fundamental elements of deep learning -- gradient descent and backpropagation -- can be conceptualized as a strong monoidal functor Para(Euc)toLearn from the category of parameterized Euclidean spaces to that of learners, a category developed explicitly to capture parameter update and backpropagation. It was soon realized that there is an isomorphism LearncongPara(Slens), where Slens is the symmetric monoidal category of simple lenses as used in functional programming. In this note, we observe that Slens is a full subcategory of Poly, the category of polynomial functors in one variable, via the functor Amapsto Ay^A. Using the fact that (Poly,otimes) is monoidal closed, we show that a map Ato B in Para(Slens) has a natural interpretation in terms of dynamical systems (more precisely, generalized Moore machines) whose interface is the internal-hom type [Ay^A,By^B]. Finally, we review the fact that the category p-Coalg of dynamical systems on any p in Poly forms a topos, and consider the logical propositions that can be stated in its internal language. We give gradient descent as an example, and we conclude by discussing some directions for future work. 1 authors · Mar 1, 2021
- Lie Group Decompositions for Equivariant Neural Networks Invariance and equivariance to geometrical transformations have proven to be very useful inductive biases when training (convolutional) neural network models, especially in the low-data regime. Much work has focused on the case where the symmetry group employed is compact or abelian, or both. Recent work has explored enlarging the class of transformations used to the case of Lie groups, principally through the use of their Lie algebra, as well as the group exponential and logarithm maps. The applicability of such methods to larger transformation groups is limited by the fact that depending on the group of interest G, the exponential map may not be surjective. Further limitations are encountered when G is neither compact nor abelian. Using the structure and geometry of Lie groups and their homogeneous spaces, we present a framework by which it is possible to work with such groups primarily focusing on the Lie groups G = GL^{+}(n, R) and G = SL(n, R), as well as their representation as affine transformations R^{n} rtimes G. Invariant integration as well as a global parametrization is realized by decomposing the `larger` groups into subgroups and submanifolds which can be handled individually. Under this framework, we show how convolution kernels can be parametrized to build models equivariant with respect to affine transformations. We evaluate the robustness and out-of-distribution generalisation capability of our model on the standard affine-invariant benchmark classification task, where we outperform all previous equivariant models as well as all Capsule Network proposals. 2 authors · Oct 17, 2023
- A Heegaard-Floer TQFT for link cobordisms We introduce a Heegaard-Floer homology functor from the category of oriented links in closed 3-manifolds and oriented surface cobordisms in 4-manifolds connecting them to the category of F[v]-modules and F[v]-homomorphisms between them, where F is the field with two elements. In comparison with previously defined TQFTs for decorated links and link cobordisms, the construction of this paper has the advantage of being independent from the decoration. Some of the basic properties of this functor are also explored. 1 authors · Jun 20, 2024
- Specialization maps for Scholze's category of diamonds We introduce the specialization map in Scholzes theory of diamonds. We consider v-sheaves that behave like formal schemes and call them kimberlites. We attach to them: a reduced special fiber, an analytic locus, a specialization map, a Zariski site, and an etale site. When the kimberlite comes from a formal scheme, our sites recover the classical ones. We prove that unramified p-adic Beilinson--Drinfeld Grassmannians are kimberlites with finiteness and normality properties. 1 authors · Dec 10, 2020
1 Flagfolds By interpreting the product of the Principal Component Analysis, that is the covariance matrix, as a sequence of nested subspaces naturally coming with weights according to the level of approximation they provide, we are able to embed all d--dimensional Grassmannians into a stratified space of covariance matrices. We observe that Grassmannians constitute the lowest dimensional skeleton of the stratification while it is possible to define a Riemaniann metric on the highest dimensional and dense stratum, such a metric being compatible with the global stratification. With such a Riemaniann metric at hand, it is possible to look for geodesics between two linear subspaces of different dimensions that do not go through higher dimensional linear subspaces as would euclidean geodesics. Building upon the proposed embedding of Grassmannians into the stratified space of covariance matrices, we generalize the concept of varifolds to what we call flagfolds in order to model multi-dimensional shapes. 2 authors · May 17, 2023
- Homoclinic Floer homology via direct limits Let (M omega) be a two dimensional symplectic manifold, phi: M to M a symplectomorphism with hyperbolic fixed point x and transversely intersecting stable and unstable manifolds W^s(phi, x) cap W^u(phi, x)=:H(phi, x). The intersection points are called homoclinic points, and the stable and unstable manifold are in this situation Lagrangian submanifolds. For this Lagrangian intersection problem with its infinite number of intersection points and wild oscillation behavior, we first define a Floer homology generated by finite sets of so-called contractible homoclinic points. This generalizes very significantly the Floer homologies generated by (semi)primary points defined by us in earlier works. Nevertheless these Floer homologies only consider quite `local' aspects of W^s(phi, x) cap W^u(phi, x) since their generator sets are finite, but the number of all contractible homoclinic points is infinite. To overcome this issue, we construct a direct limit of these `local' homoclinic Floer homologies over suitable index sets. These direct limits thus accumulate the information gathered by the finitely generated local' homoclinic Floer homologies. 1 authors · Feb 19, 2024
- A Game of Bundle Adjustment -- Learning Efficient Convergence Bundle adjustment is the common way to solve localization and mapping. It is an iterative process in which a system of non-linear equations is solved using two optimization methods, weighted by a damping factor. In the classic approach, the latter is chosen heuristically by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm on each iteration. This might take many iterations, making the process computationally expensive, which might be harmful to real-time applications. We propose to replace this heuristic by viewing the problem in a holistic manner, as a game, and formulating it as a reinforcement-learning task. We set an environment which solves the non-linear equations and train an agent to choose the damping factor in a learned manner. We demonstrate that our approach considerably reduces the number of iterations required to reach the bundle adjustment's convergence, on both synthetic and real-life scenarios. We show that this reduction benefits the classic approach and can be integrated with other bundle adjustment acceleration methods. 3 authors · Aug 25, 2023
1 Barycentric Subspace Analysis on Manifolds This paper investigates the generalization of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to Riemannian manifolds. We first propose a new and general type of family of subspaces in manifolds that we call barycentric subspaces. They are implicitly defined as the locus of points which are weighted means of k+1 reference points. As this definition relies on points and not on tangent vectors, it can also be extended to geodesic spaces which are not Riemannian. For instance, in stratified spaces, it naturally allows principal subspaces that span several strata, which is impossible in previous generalizations of PCA. We show that barycentric subspaces locally define a submanifold of dimension k which generalizes geodesic subspaces.Second, we rephrase PCA in Euclidean spaces as an optimization on flags of linear subspaces (a hierarchy of properly embedded linear subspaces of increasing dimension). We show that the Euclidean PCA minimizes the Accumulated Unexplained Variances by all the subspaces of the flag (AUV). Barycentric subspaces are naturally nested, allowing the construction of hierarchically nested subspaces. Optimizing the AUV criterion to optimally approximate data points with flags of affine spans in Riemannian manifolds lead to a particularly appealing generalization of PCA on manifolds called Barycentric Subspaces Analysis (BSA). 1 authors · Jul 11, 2016
- Brauer's Group Equivariant Neural Networks We provide a full characterisation of all of the possible group equivariant neural networks whose layers are some tensor power of R^{n} for three symmetry groups that are missing from the machine learning literature: O(n), the orthogonal group; SO(n), the special orthogonal group; and Sp(n), the symplectic group. In particular, we find a spanning set of matrices for the learnable, linear, equivariant layer functions between such tensor power spaces in the standard basis of R^{n} when the group is O(n) or SO(n), and in the symplectic basis of R^{n} when the group is Sp(n). 1 authors · Dec 16, 2022