Metal artefact reduction sequences for a piezoelectric bone conduction implant using a realistic head phantom in MRI
Industry standards require medical device manufacturers to perform implant-induced artefact testing in phantoms at a pre-clinical stage to define the extent of artefacts that can be expected during MRI. Once a device is commercially available, studies on volunteers, cadavers or patients are performed to investigate implant-induced artefacts and artefact reduction methods more in-depth. This study describes the design and evaluation of a realistic head phantom for pre-clinical implant-induced artefact testing in a relevant environment. A case study is performed where a state-of-the-art piezoelectric bone conduction implant is used in the 1.5 T and 3 T MRI environments. Images were acquired using clinical and novel metal artefact reducing (MARS) sequences at both field strengths. Artefact width and length were measured in a healthy volunteer and compared with artefact sizes obtained in the phantom. Artefact sizes are reported that are similar in shape between the phantom and a volunteer, yet with dimensions differing up to 20% between both. When the implant magnet is removed, the artefact size can be reduced below a diameter of 5 cm, whilst the presence of an implant magnet and splint creates higher artefacts up to 20 cm in diameter. Pulse sequences have been altered to reduce the scan time up to 7 minutes, while preserving the image quality. These results show that the anthropomorphic phantom can be used at a preclinical stage to provide clinically relevant images, illustrating the impact of the artefact on important brain structures.