Talent-Interview: Web-Client Cheating Detection for Online Exams
Online exams are more attractive after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, during recruitment, online exams are used. However, there are more cheating possibilities for online exams. Assigning a proctor for each exam increases cost. At this point, automatic proctor systems detect possible cheating status. This article proposes an end-to-end system and submodules to get better results for online proctoring. Object detection, face recognition, human voice detection, and segmentation are used in our system. Furthermore, our proposed model works on the PCs of users, meaning a client-based system. So, server cost is eliminated. As far as we know, it is the first time the client-based online proctoring system has been used for recruitment. Online exams are more attractive after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, during recruitment, online exams are used. However, there are more cheating possibilities for online exams. Assigning a proctor for each exam increases cost. At this point, automatic proctor systems detect possible cheating status. This article proposes an end-to-end system and submodules to get better results for online proctoring. Object detection, face recognition, human voice detection, and segmentation are used in our system. Furthermore, our proposed model works on the PCs of users, meaning a client-based system. So, server cost is eliminated. As far as we know, it is the first time the client-based online proctoring system has been used for recruitment. Furthermore, this cheating system works at https://www.talent-interview.com/tr/.