ARAUS: A Large-Scale Dataset and Baseline Models of Affective Responses to Augmented Urban Soundscapes
Choosing optimal maskers for existing soundscapes to effect a desired perceptual change via soundscape augmentation is non-trivial due to extensive varieties of maskers and a dearth of benchmark datasets with which to compare and develop soundscape augmentation models. To address this problem, we make publicly available the ARAUS (Affective Responses to Augmented Urban Soundscapes) dataset, which comprises a five-fold cross-validation set and independent test set totaling 25,440 unique subjective perceptual responses to augmented soundscapes presented as audio-visual stimuli. Each augmented soundscape is made by digitally adding "maskers" (bird, water, wind, traffic, construction, or silence) to urban soundscape recordings at fixed soundscape-to-masker ratios. Responses were then collected by asking participants to rate how pleasant, annoying, eventful, uneventful, vibrant, monotonous, chaotic, calm, and appropriate each augmented soundscape was, in accordance with ISO 12913-2:2018. Participants also provided relevant demographic information and completed standard psychological questionnaires. We perform exploratory and statistical analysis of the responses obtained to verify internal consistency and agreement with known results in the literature. Finally, we demonstrate the benchmarking capability of the dataset by training and comparing four baseline models for urban soundscape pleasantness: a low-parameter regression model, a high-parameter convolutional neural network, and two attention-based networks in the literature.