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Mar 14

Persistent homology of the cosmic web. I: Hierarchical topology in $Λ$CDM cosmologies

Using a set of LambdaCDM simulations of cosmic structure formation, we study the evolving connectivity and changing topological structure of the cosmic web using state-of-the-art tools of multiscale topological data analysis (TDA). We follow the development of the cosmic web topology in terms of the evolution of Betti number curves and feature persistence diagrams of the three (topological) classes of structural features: matter concentrations, filaments and tunnels, and voids. The Betti curves specify the prominence of features as a function of density level, and their evolution with cosmic epoch reflects the changing network connections between these structural features. The persistence diagrams quantify the longevity and stability of topological features. In this study we establish, for the first time, the link between persistence diagrams, the features they show, and the gravitationally driven cosmic structure formation process. By following the diagrams' development over cosmic time, the link between the multiscale topology of the cosmic web and the hierarchical buildup of cosmic structure is established. The sharp apexes in the diagrams are intimately related to key transitions in the structure formation process. The apex in the matter concentration diagrams coincides with the density level at which, typically, they detach from the Hubble expansion and begin to collapse. At that level many individual islands merge to form the network of the cosmic web and a large number of filaments and tunnels emerge to establish its connecting bridges. The location trends of the apex possess a self-similar character that can be related to the cosmic web's hierarchical buildup. We find that persistence diagrams provide a significantly higher and more profound level of information on the structure formation process than more global summary statistics like Euler characteristic or Betti numbers.

NeutralUniverseMachine: How Filaments and Dark Matter Halo Influence the Galaxy Cold Gas Content

Aims. We aim to investigate the influence of the distance to filaments and dark-matter haloes on galaxy cold-gas content in the empirical model NeutralUniverseMachine (NUM) and the hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG. Methods. We used DisPerSE to identify cosmic web structures and calculate the distance of galaxies to filaments for both observations and models. We show the results of the HI and H2 mass functions, HI- and H2-halo-mass relations, HI- and H2-stellar-mass relations for galaxies in the NUM model and IllustrisTNG with different distances to filaments and compare them with observational measurements. We also show the evolution of HI and H2 mass densities at different distances to filament bins. Results. We find that how filaments affect the HI gas is generally less significant compared to the halo environment. There is a weak trend in the observations at z=0 that low-mass haloes lying closer to the filaments tend to have reduced HI masses. However, this trend reverses for massive haloes with log(Mvir/Msun) > 12.5. This behaviour is accurately reproduced in the NUM model due to the dependence of HI gas on the halo formation time, but it does not appear in IllustrisTNG. The influence of filaments on the HI gas becomes slightly weaker at higher redshifts and is only significant for galaxies that reside in massive haloes in the NUM model. Filaments have almost no impact on the H2-stellar-mass relation in both models, confirming that H2 is primarily determined by the galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate.

Elevated UV luminosity density at Cosmic Dawn explained by non-evolving, weakly-mass dependent star formation efficiency

Recent observations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have uncovered unexpectedly high cosmic star formation activity in the early Universe, mere hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang. These observations are often understood to reflect an evolutionary shift in star formation efficiency (SFE) caused by changing galactic conditions during these early epochs. We present FIREbox-HR, a high-resolution, cosmological hydrodynamical simulation from the Feedback in Realistic Environments project, which offers insights into the SFE of galaxies during the first billion years of cosmic time. FIREbox-HR re-simulates the cosmic volume (L = 22.1 cMpc) of the original FIREbox run with eight times higher mass resolution (m_b ~ 7800 M_sun), but with identical physics, down to z ~ 6. FIREbox-HR predicts ultraviolet (UV) luminosity functions in good agreement with available observational data. The simulation also successfully reproduces the observed cosmic UV luminosity density at z ~ 6 - 14, demonstrating that relatively high star formation activity in the early Universe is a natural outcome of the baryonic processes encoded in the FIRE-2 model. According to FIREbox-HR, the SFE - halo mass relation for intermediate mass halos (M_halo ~ 10^9 - 10^11 M_sun) does not significantly evolve with redshift and is only weakly mass-dependent. These properties of the SFE - halo mass relation lead to a larger contribution from lower mass halos at higher z, driving the gradual evolution of the observed cosmic UV luminosity density. A theoretical model based on the SFE - halo mass relation inferred from FIREbox-HR allows us to explore implications for galaxy evolution. Future observations of UV faint galaxies at z > 12 will provide an opportunity to further test these predictions and deepen our understanding of star formation during Cosmic Dawn.

The Tale of Two Telescopes: How Hubble Uniquely Complements the James Webb Space Telescope: Galaxies

In this paper, we present a simple but compelling argument, focusing on galaxy science, for preserving the main imagers and operational modes of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) for as long as is technically feasible. While star-formation started at redshifts zgtrsim10-13, when the universe was less than 300-500 Myr old, the CSFH did not peak until zsimeq1.9, and has steadily declined since that time. Hence, at least half of all stars in the universe formed in the era where HST provides its unique rest-frame UV view of unobscured young, massive stars tracing cosmic star-formation. By rendering a subset of the 556.3 hours of available HST images in 12 filters of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) in an appropriate mix of colors, we illustrate the unique capabilities of HST for galaxy science emphasizing that rest-frame UV-optical wavelength range. We then contrast this with the 52.7 publicly available hours of JWST/NIRCam images in 8 filters of the same HUDF area from the JADES project, rendering these at the redder near-IR wavelengths to illustrate the unique capabilities of JWST to detect older stellar populations at higher redshifts, as well as very dusty stellar populations and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). HST uniquely probes (unobscured) young, hot, massive stars in galaxies, while JWST reveals more advanced stages of older stellar populations, as well as relatively short-lived phases where galaxies produce and shed a lot of dust from intense star-formation, and the very high redshift universe (zgtrsim10-11) not accessible by HST. We conclude that HST and JWST are highly complementary facilities that took decades to build to ensure decades of operation. To maximize return on investment on both HST and JWST, ways will need to be found to operate HST imaging instruments in all relevant modes for as long as possible into the JWST mission.

Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES)

We present an overview of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), an ambitious program of infrared imaging and spectroscopy in the GOODS-S and GOODS-N deep fields, designed to study galaxy evolution from high redshift to cosmic noon. JADES uses about 770 hours of Cycle 1 guaranteed time largely from the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument teams. In GOODS-S, in and around the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and Chandra Deep Field South, JADES produces a deep imaging region of ~45 arcmin^2 with an average of 130 hrs of exposure time spread over 9 NIRCam filters. This is extended at medium depth in GOODS-S and GOODS-N with NIRCam imaging of ~175 arcmin^2 with an average exposure time of 20 hrs spread over 8-10 filters. In both fields, we conduct extensive NIRSpec multi-object spectroscopy, including 2 deep pointings of 55 hrs exposure time, 14 medium pointings of ~12 hrs, and 15 shallower pointings of ~4 hrs, targeting over 5000 HST and JWST-detected faint sources with 5 low, medium, and high-resolution dispersers covering 0.6-5.3 microns. Finally, JADES extends redward via coordinated parallels with the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), featuring ~9 arcmin^2 with 43 hours of exposure at 7.7 microns and twice that area with 2-6.5 hours of exposure at 12.8 microns For nearly 30 years, the GOODS-S and GOODS-N fields have been developed as the premier deep fields on the sky; JADES is now providing a compelling start on the JWST legacy in these fields.