PDRs4All. XII. FUV-driven formation of hydrocarbon radicals and their relation with PAHs
We present subarcsecond-resolution ALMA mosaics of the Orion Bar PDR in [CI] 609 um, C2H (4-3), and C18O (3-2) emission lines, complemented by JWST images of H2 and aromatic infrared band (AIB) emission. The rim of the Bar shows very corrugated structures made of small-scale H2 dissociation fronts (DFs). The [CI] 609 um emission peaks very close (~0.002 pc) to the main H2-emitting DFs, suggesting the presence of gas density gradients. These DFs are also bright and remarkably similar in C2H emission, which traces 'hydrocarbon radical peaks' characterized by very high C2H abundances, reaching up to several x10^-7. The high abundance of C2H and of related hydrocarbon radicals, such as CH3, CH2, and CH, can be attributed to gas-phase reactions driven by elevated temperatures, the presence of C+ and C, and the reactivity of FUV-pumped H2. The hydrocarbon radical peaks roughly coincide with maxima of the 3.4/3.3 um AIB intensity ratio, a proxy for the aliphatic-to-aromatic content of PAHs. This implies that the conditions triggering the formation of simple hydrocarbons also favor the formation (and survival) of PAHs with aliphatic side groups, potentially via the contribution of bottom-up processes in which abundant hydrocarbon radicals react in situ with PAHs. Ahead of the DFs, in the atomic PDR zone (where [H]>>[H2]), the AIB emission is brightest, but small PAHs and carbonaceous grains undergo photo-processing due to the stronger FUV field. Our detection of trace amounts of C2H in this zone may result from the photoerosion of these species. This study provides a spatially resolved view of the chemical stratification of key carbon carriers in a PDR. Overall, both bottom-up and top-down processes appear to link simple hydrocarbon molecules with PAHs in molecular clouds; however, the exact chemical pathways and their relative contributions remain to be quantified.