""" A model worker executes the model. """ from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer, TextIteratorStreamer, AutoConfig import argparse import base64 import json import os import decord import threading import time from io import BytesIO from threading import Thread import math import requests import torch import torchvision.transforms as T from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode import numpy as np IMAGENET_MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) IMAGENET_STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) SIGLIP_MEAN = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) SIGLIP_STD = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) def get_seq_frames(total_num_frames, desired_num_frames=-1, stride=-1): """ Calculate the indices of frames to extract from a video. Parameters: total_num_frames (int): Total number of frames in the video. desired_num_frames (int): Desired number of frames to extract. Returns: list: List of indices of frames to extract. """ assert desired_num_frames > 0 or stride > 0 and not (desired_num_frames > 0 and stride > 0) if stride > 0: return list(range(0, total_num_frames, stride)) # Calculate the size of each segment from which a frame will be extracted seg_size = float(total_num_frames - 1) / desired_num_frames seq = [] for i in range(desired_num_frames): # Calculate the start and end indices of each segment start = int(np.round(seg_size * i)) end = int(np.round(seg_size * (i + 1))) # Append the middle index of the segment to the list seq.append((start + end) // 2) return seq def build_video_prompt(meta_list, num_frames, time_position=False): # if time_position is True, the frame_timestamp is used. # 1. pass time_position, 2. use env TIME_POSITION time_position = os.environ.get("TIME_POSITION", time_position) prefix = f"This is a video:\n" for i in range(num_frames): if time_position: frame_txt = f"Frame {i+1} sampled at {meta_list[i]:.2f} seconds: \n" else: frame_txt = f"Frame {i+1}: \n" prefix += frame_txt return prefix def load_video(video_path, num_frames=64, frame_cache_root=None): if isinstance(video_path, str): video = decord.VideoReader(video_path) elif isinstance(video_path, dict): assert False, 'we not support vidoe: "video_path" as input' fps = video.get_avg_fps() sampled_frames = get_seq_frames(len(video), num_frames) samepld_timestamps = [i / fps for i in sampled_frames] frames = video.get_batch(sampled_frames).asnumpy() images = [Image.fromarray(frame) for frame in frames] return images, build_video_prompt(samepld_timestamps, len(images), time_position=True) def load_image(image): if isinstance(image, str) and os.path.exists(image): return Image.open(image) elif isinstance(image, dict): if 'disk_path' in image: return Image.open(image['disk_path']) elif 'base64' in image: return Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image['base64']))) elif 'url' in image: response = requests.get(image['url']) return Image.open(BytesIO(response.content)) elif 'bytes' in image: return Image.open(BytesIO(image['bytes'])) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid image: {image}') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid image: {image}') def build_transform(input_size, norm_type='imagenet'): if norm_type == 'imagenet': MEAN, STD = IMAGENET_MEAN, IMAGENET_STD elif norm_type == 'siglip': MEAN, STD = SIGLIP_MEAN, SIGLIP_STD transform = T.Compose([ T.Lambda(lambda img: img.convert('RGB') if img.mode != 'RGB' else img), T.Resize((input_size, input_size), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize(mean=MEAN, std=STD) ]) return transform def find_closest_aspect_ratio(aspect_ratio, target_ratios, width, height, image_size): """ previous version mainly foucs on ratio. We also consider area ratio here. """ best_factor = float('-inf') best_ratio = (1, 1) area = width * height for ratio in target_ratios: target_aspect_ratio = ratio[0] / ratio[1] ratio_diff = abs(aspect_ratio - target_aspect_ratio) area_ratio = (ratio[0]*ratio[1]*image_size*image_size)/ area """ new area > 60% of original image area is enough. """ factor_based_on_area_n_ratio = min((ratio[0]*ratio[1]*image_size*image_size)/ area, 0.6)* \ min(target_aspect_ratio/aspect_ratio, aspect_ratio/target_aspect_ratio) if factor_based_on_area_n_ratio > best_factor: best_factor = factor_based_on_area_n_ratio best_ratio = ratio return best_ratio def dynamic_preprocess(image, min_num=1, max_num=6, image_size=448, use_thumbnail=False): orig_width, orig_height = image.size aspect_ratio = orig_width / orig_height # calculate the existing image aspect ratio target_ratios = set( (i, j) for n in range(min_num, max_num + 1) for i in range(1, n + 1) for j in range(1, n + 1) if i * j <= max_num and i * j >= min_num) target_ratios = sorted(target_ratios, key=lambda x: x[0] * x[1]) # find the closest aspect ratio to the target target_aspect_ratio = find_closest_aspect_ratio( aspect_ratio, target_ratios, orig_width, orig_height, image_size) # calculate the target width and height target_width = image_size * target_aspect_ratio[0] target_height = image_size * target_aspect_ratio[1] blocks = target_aspect_ratio[0] * target_aspect_ratio[1] # resize the image resized_img = image.resize((target_width, target_height)) processed_images = [] for i in range(blocks): box = ( (i % (target_width // image_size)) * image_size, (i // (target_width // image_size)) * image_size, ((i % (target_width // image_size)) + 1) * image_size, ((i // (target_width // image_size)) + 1) * image_size ) # split the image split_img = resized_img.crop(box) processed_images.append(split_img) assert len(processed_images) == blocks if use_thumbnail and len(processed_images) != 1: thumbnail_img = image.resize((image_size, image_size)) processed_images.append(thumbnail_img) return processed_images def split_model(model_path, device): device_map = {} world_size = torch.cuda.device_count() config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True) num_layers = config.llm_config.num_hidden_layers num_layers_per_gpu_ = math.floor(num_layers / (world_size - 1)) num_layers_per_gpu = [num_layers_per_gpu_] * world_size num_layers_per_gpu[device] = num_layers - num_layers_per_gpu_ * (world_size-1) layer_cnt = 0 for i, num_layer in enumerate(num_layers_per_gpu): for j in range(num_layer): device_map[f'language_model.model.layers.{layer_cnt}'] = i layer_cnt += 1 device_map['vision_model'] = device device_map['mlp1'] = device device_map['language_model.model.tok_embeddings'] = device device_map['language_model.model.embed_tokens'] = device device_map['language_model.output'] = device device_map['language_model.model.norm'] = device device_map['language_model.lm_head'] = device device_map['language_model.model.rotary_emb'] = device device_map[f'language_model.model.layers.{num_layers - 1}'] = device return device_map class ModelWorker: def __init__(self, model_path, model_name, load_8bit, device): if model_path.endswith('/'): model_path = model_path[:-1] if model_name is None: model_paths = model_path.split('/') if model_paths[-1].startswith('checkpoint-'): self.model_name = model_paths[-2] + '_' + model_paths[-1] else: self.model_name = model_paths[-1] else: self.model_name = model_name print(f'Loading the model {self.model_name}') tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True, use_fast=False) tokens_to_keep = ['', '', '', ''] tokenizer.additional_special_tokens = [item for item in tokenizer.additional_special_tokens if item not in tokens_to_keep] self.tokenizer = tokenizer config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True) model_type = config.vision_config.model_type self.device = torch.cuda.current_device() if model_type == 'siglip_vision_model': self.norm_type = 'siglip' elif model_type == 'MOB': self.norm_type = 'siglip' else: self.norm_type = 'imagenet' print('norm_type: ', self.norm_type) if any(x in model_path.lower() for x in ['34b']): device_map = split_model(model_path, self.device) else: device_map = None if device_map is not None: self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, device_map=device_map, trust_remote_code=True, load_in_8bit=load_8bit).eval() else: self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, load_in_8bit=load_8bit).eval() if not load_8bit and device_map is None: self.model = self.model.to(device) self.load_8bit = load_8bit self.model_path = model_path self.image_size = self.model.config.force_image_size self.context_len = tokenizer.model_max_length self.per_tile_len = 256 print(self.model) def reload_model(self): del self.model torch.cuda.empty_cache() if self.device == 'auto': os.environ['CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING'] = '1' # This can make distributed deployment work properly self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.model_path, load_in_8bit=self.load_8bit, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map=self.device_map, trust_remote_code=True).eval() else: self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.model_path, load_in_8bit=self.load_8bit, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True).eval() if not self.load_8bit and not self.device == 'auto': self.model = self.model.cuda() @torch.inference_mode() def generate(self, params): system_message = params['prompt'][0]['content'] send_messages = params['prompt'][1:] max_input_tiles = params['max_input_tiles'] temperature = params['temperature'] top_p = params['top_p'] max_new_tokens = params['max_new_tokens'] repetition_penalty = params['repetition_penalty'] video_frame_num = params.get('video_frame_num', 64) do_sample = True if temperature > 0.0 else False global_image_cnt = 0 history, pil_images, max_input_tile_list = [], [], [] for message in send_messages: if message['role'] == 'user': prefix = '' if 'image' in message: for image_data in message['image']: pil_images.append(load_image(image_data)) prefix = prefix + f'\n' global_image_cnt += 1 max_input_tile_list.append(max_input_tiles) if 'video' in message: for video_data in message['video']: video_frames, tmp_prefix = load_video(video_data, num_frames=video_frame_num) pil_images.extend(video_frames) prefix = prefix + tmp_prefix global_image_cnt += len(video_frames) max_input_tile_list.extend([1] * len(video_frames)) content = prefix + message['content'] history.append([content, ]) else: history[-1].append(message['content']) question, history = history[-1][0], history[:-1] if global_image_cnt == 1: question = question.replace('\n', '\n') history = [[item[0].replace('\n', '\n'), item[1]] for item in history] try: assert len(max_input_tile_list) == len(pil_images), 'The number of max_input_tile_list and pil_images should be the same.' except Exception as e: from IPython import embed; embed() exit() print(f'Error: {e}') print(f'max_input_tile_list: {max_input_tile_list}, pil_images: {pil_images}') # raise e old_system_message = self.model.system_message self.model.system_message = system_message transform = build_transform(input_size=self.image_size, norm_type=self.norm_type) if len(pil_images) > 0: max_input_tiles_limited_by_contect = params['max_input_tiles'] while True: image_tiles = [] num_patches_list = [] for current_max_input_tiles, pil_image in zip(max_input_tile_list, pil_images): if self.model.config.dynamic_image_size: tiles = dynamic_preprocess( pil_image, image_size=self.image_size, max_num=min(current_max_input_tiles, max_input_tiles_limited_by_contect), use_thumbnail=self.model.config.use_thumbnail) else: tiles = [pil_image] num_patches_list.append(len(tiles)) image_tiles += tiles if (len(image_tiles) * self.per_tile_len < self.context_len): break else: max_input_tiles_limited_by_contect -= 2 if max_input_tiles_limited_by_contect < 1: break pixel_values = [transform(item) for item in image_tiles] pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values).to(self.model.device, dtype=torch.bfloat16) else: pixel_values = None generation_config = dict( num_beams=1, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, do_sample=do_sample, temperature=temperature, repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, max_length=self.context_len, top_p=top_p, ) print(f'pixel_values: {pixel_values.shape}') response = self.model.chat( tokenizer=self.tokenizer, pixel_values=pixel_values, question=question, history=history, return_history=False, num_patches_list=num_patches_list, generation_config=generation_config, ) self.model.system_message = old_system_message return {'text': response, 'error_code': 0} if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model-path', type=str, default='/home/zhidingy/workspace/eagle-next/internvl_chat/work_dirs/release/test/Eagle2-2B') parser.add_argument('--model-name', type=str, default='Eagle2') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda') parser.add_argument('--load-8bit', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() print(f'args: {args}') worker = ModelWorker( args.model_path, args.model_name, args.load_8bit, args.device) prompt = [ {'role': 'system', 'content': 'You are a helpful assistant.'}, {'role': 'user', 'content': 'Describe these two images in details respectively.', 'image':[ {'url': 'https://www.nvidia.com/content/dam/en-zz/Solutions/about-nvidia/logo-and-brand/01-nvidia-logo-vert-500x200-2c50-d@2x.png'}, {'url': "https://www.google.com.hk/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png"} ] } ] params = { 'prompt': prompt, 'max_input_tiles': 24, 'temperature': 0.7, 'top_p': 1.0, 'max_new_tokens': 4096, 'repetition_penalty': 1.0, } print(worker.generate(params))