{ "architectures": [ "BertForMultiOutputOrdinalRegression" ], "bert_config": { "_attn_implementation_autoset": true, "architectures": [ "BertForMaskedLM" ], "gradient_checkpointing": false, "model_type": "bert" }, "categories_mapping": [ [ "Amusement", 0, 4 ], [ "Elation", 0, 4 ], [ "Pleasure/Ecstasy", 0, 4 ], [ "Contentment", 0, 4 ], [ "Thankfulness/Gratitude", 0, 4 ], [ "Affection", 0, 4 ], [ "Infatuation", 0, 4 ], [ "Hope/Enthusiasm/Optimism", 0, 4 ], [ "Triumph", 0, 4 ], [ "Pride", 0, 4 ], [ "Interest", 0, 4 ], [ "Awe", 0, 4 ], [ "Astonishment/Surprise", 0, 4 ], [ "Concentration", 0, 4 ], [ "Contemplation", 0, 4 ], [ "Relief", 0, 4 ], [ "Longing", 0, 4 ], [ "Teasing", 0, 4 ], [ "Impatience and Irritability", 0, 4 ], [ "Sexual Lust", 0, 4 ], [ "Doubt", 0, 4 ], [ "Fear", 0, 4 ], [ "Distress", 0, 4 ], [ "Confusion", 0, 4 ], [ "Embarrassment", 0, 4 ], [ "Shame", 0, 4 ], [ "Disappointment", 0, 4 ], [ "Sadness", 0, 4 ], [ "Bitterness", 0, 4 ], [ "Contempt", 0, 4 ], [ "Disgust", 0, 4 ], [ "Anger", 0, 4 ], [ "Malevolence/Malice", 0, 4 ], [ "Sourness", 0, 4 ], [ "Pain", 0, 4 ], [ "Helplessness", 0, 4 ], [ "Fatigue/Exhaustion", 0, 4 ], [ "Emotional Numbness", 0, 4 ], [ "Intoxication/Altered States of Consciousness", 0, 4 ], [ "Jealousy & Envy", 0, 4 ] ], "dimensions_mapping": [ [ "Valence", -3.0, 3.0 ], [ "Arousal", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Submissive vs. Dominant", -3.0, 3.0 ], [ "Age", 0.0, 6.0 ], [ "Gender", -2.0, 2.0 ], [ "Serious vs. Humorous", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Vulnerable vs. Emotionally Detached", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Confident vs. Hesitant", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Warm vs. Cold", -2.0, 2.0 ], [ "Monotone vs. Expressive", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "High-Pitched vs. Low-Pitched", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Soft vs. Harsh", -2.0, 2.0 ], [ "Authenticity", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Recording Quality", 0.0, 4.0 ], [ "Background Noise", 0.0, 3.0 ] ], "hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, "model_type": "bert-emotion-ordinal-regression", "torch_dtype": "float32", "transformers_version": "4.49.0" }