base_model: klue/roberta-base
library_name: setfit
- accuracy
pipeline_tag: text-classification
- setfit
- sentence-transformers
- text-classification
- generated_from_setfit_trainer
- text: 트위저맨 포인트 트위저 Pretty in Pink (#M)홈>화장품/미용>뷰티소품>페이스소품>기타페이스소품 Naverstore > 화장품/미용
    > 뷰티소품 > 페이스소품 > 기타페이스소품
- text: 에스쁘아 에어 퍼프 5개입 소프트 터치 에어퍼프 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 퍼프 LotteOn >
    뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 브러쉬
- text: 더툴랩 더스타일 래쉬 - 리얼(TSL001) x 1개 리얼(TSL001) × 1개 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 아이/브로우소품
    > 속눈썹관리 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 아이/브로우소품 > 속눈썹관리
- text: 미용재료/셀프파마/롯드/헤어롤/미용용품/파지/귀마개/염색볼/집게핀/샤워캡/헤어밴드 41.다용도 공병 2개 홈>펌,염색,미용소도구;홈>파마용품;(#M)홈>파마
    소도구>파마용품 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 기타헤어소품
- text: 에스쁘아 비글로우 에어 퍼프 5개입(22AD)  (#M)홈>화장품/미용>뷰티소품>페이스소품>기타페이스소품 Naverstore > 화장품/미용
    > 뷰티소품 > 페이스소품 > 기타페이스소품
inference: true
- name: SetFit with klue/roberta-base
  - task:
      type: text-classification
      name: Text Classification
      name: Unknown
      type: unknown
      split: test
    - type: accuracy
      value: 0.9419292632686155
      name: Accuracy

# SetFit with klue/roberta-base

This is a [SetFit](https://github.com/huggingface/setfit) model that can be used for Text Classification. This SetFit model uses [klue/roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/klue/roberta-base) as the Sentence Transformer embedding model. A [LogisticRegression](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression.html) instance is used for classification.

The model has been trained using an efficient few-shot learning technique that involves:

1. Fine-tuning a [Sentence Transformer](https://www.sbert.net) with contrastive learning.
2. Training a classification head with features from the fine-tuned Sentence Transformer.

## Model Details

### Model Description
- **Model Type:** SetFit
- **Sentence Transformer body:** [klue/roberta-base](https://huggingface.co/klue/roberta-base)
- **Classification head:** a [LogisticRegression](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression.html) instance
- **Maximum Sequence Length:** 512 tokens
- **Number of Classes:** 8 classes
<!-- - **Training Dataset:** [Unknown](https://huggingface.co/datasets/unknown) -->
<!-- - **Language:** Unknown -->
<!-- - **License:** Unknown -->

### Model Sources

- **Repository:** [SetFit on GitHub](https://github.com/huggingface/setfit)
- **Paper:** [Efficient Few-Shot Learning Without Prompts](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055)
- **Blogpost:** [SetFit: Efficient Few-Shot Learning Without Prompts](https://huggingface.co/blog/setfit)

### Model Labels
| Label | Examples                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| 7     | <ul><li>'[JAJU/자주] 원형 리필 공병 통 110ml  ssg > 뷰티 > 미용기기/소품 > 거울/용기/기타소품;ssg > 뷰티 > 헤어/바디/미용/구강 > 미용기기 ssg > 뷰티 > 미용기기/소품 > 거울/용기/기타소품'</li><li>'세맘스 아기랑 + 엄마랑 파우치 세트 핑크스마일_엄마(가로 11.5cm x 세로 13cm),  아기(가로 8cm x 세로 10.5cm) (#M)쿠팡 홈>여행용품>여행파우치>화장품파우치 Coupang > 뷰티 > 뷰티소품 > 용기/거울/기타소품 > 파우치'</li><li>'라인 프린팅 파스텔컬러 롤온공병 10ml 6종 세트 흰색(뚜껑) × 1세트 (#M)쿠팡 홈>뷰티>뷰티소품>용기/거울/기타소품>기타소품 Coupang > 뷰티 > 뷰티소품 > 용기/거울/기타소품 > 기타소품'</li></ul> |
| 3     | <ul><li>'트위저맨 슬랜트 트위저 족집게 베이비 핑크 × 9개 (#M)쿠팡 홈>뷰티>뷰티소품>아이소품>족집게/샤프너 Coupang > 뷰티 > 뷰티소품 > 아이소품 > 족집게/샤프너'</li><li>'트위저맨 미니 슬랜트 트위저 로즈골드 265161 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 메이크업 > 베이스메이크업 > 파운데이션 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 메이크업 > 베이스메이크업 > 파운데이션'</li><li>'트위저맨 클래식 슬랜트 트위저 베이비핑크, 1개  LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 브러쉬 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 브러쉬'</li></ul>                                                                            |
| 6     | <ul><li>'천일 매직 롯드 10P 1호~6호 뿌리볼륨롯드 파마롯드 매직롯드 5호_1개 홈>화장품/미용>뷰티소품>헤어소품>헤어롤;홈>전체상품;(#M)홈>롯드 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 헤어롤'</li><li>'다이슨 45mm 35mm 롤브러쉬 대왕롤빗 엉킴방지빗 니켈블랙 (#M)홈>미용건강 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 헤어브러시'</li><li>'프리시전 섀이더 브러쉬 스몰 단품없음 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기 > 액세서리/소모품 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기 > 액세서리/소모품'</li></ul>                                                                                        |
| 0     | <ul><li>'천연 자초 립밤 만들기 키트 diy 향 선택(8개) 사과+에탄올20ml (#M)홈>비누&립밤&세제 만들기>만들기키트 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 색조메이크업 > 립케어'</li></ul>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| 5     | <ul><li>'프로 피니쉬 스폰지 단품없음 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기 > 액세서리/소모품 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기 > 액세서리/소모품'</li><li>'JAJU 사각 면봉_화장 겸용 200P 기타_FR LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 위생용품 > 면봉 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 위생용품 > 면봉'</li><li>'mts 롤러 기계 MTS 스탬프 앰플 바르는 도구 니들 빠른흡수 상품선택_2-더마롤러-0.3mm LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 피부케어기 > 피부케어기 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 피부케어기 > 피부케어기'</li></ul>                                                                        |
| 1     | <ul><li>'더툴랩 101B 베이비태스커 파운데이션 베이스 메이크업 브러쉬 쿠션브러쉬 236097  (#M)홈>화장품/미용>뷰티소품>메이크업브러시>브러시세트 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 메이크업브러시 > 브러시세트'</li><li>'더툴랩 204 블렌딩 아이섀도우 스몰 총알 브러쉬  (#M)화장품/미용>뷰티소품>페이스소품>코털제거기 AD > Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 페이스소품 > 코털제거기'</li><li>'더툴랩 브러쉬 231 컨실러 파운데이션  (#M)화장품/미용>뷰티소품>메이크업브러시>페이스브러시 LO > Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 메이크업브러시 > 페이스브러시'</li></ul>                                            |
| 2     | <ul><li>'요들가운 미용실 LC 커트보 어깨보 컷트보 인쇄가능 15.모델210T커트보_블랙 (#M)홈>가운,유니폼>컷트보 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 기타헤어소품'</li><li>'요들가운 미용실 LC 커트보 어깨보 컷트보 인쇄가능 12.듀스포체크 커트보_퍼플 (#M)홈>가운,유니폼>컷트보 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 기타헤어소품'</li><li>'[백화점][JPClarisse] 장폴클라리쎄 거미 왕대 집게핀 JPSA0001 진베이지 (#M)GSSHOP>뷰티>뷰티소품>헤어소품 GSSHOP > 뷰티 > 뷰티소품 > 헤어소품 > 헤어집게'</li></ul>                                                                |
| 4     | <ul><li>'레터링 쇄골 현아 타투 스티커 30장 마스크 판박이 3타투세트30장-수채화 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 마스크/팩 > 기타패치 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 마스크/팩 > 기타패치'</li><li>'산리오 캐릭터 타투 스티커 어린이 문신 마스크판박이 5.헬로키티(2매입) 홈>패션잡화🛍>잡화🐱\u200d💻;(#M)홈>캐릭터🙂>산리오 Naverstore > 화장품/미용 > 뷰티소품 > 타투'</li><li>'문신 타투 스티커 바디 형 쇄골 반팔 레터링 흉터 커버__개성 다이소 헤나 다목적 노출 패션 미용 다용도 추천 패셔니스타 여름 A type 타투스티커 30종세트 (#M)SSG.COM/헤어/바디/슬리밍/푸드/기타용품/타투 ssg > 뷰티 > 헤어/바디 > 슬리밍/푸드/기타용품 > 타투'</li></ul>                |

## Evaluation

### Metrics
| Label   | Accuracy |
| **all** | 0.9419   |

## Uses

### Direct Use for Inference

First install the SetFit library:

pip install setfit

Then you can load this model and run inference.

from setfit import SetFitModel

# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SetFitModel.from_pretrained("mini1013/master_item_top_bt6")
# Run inference
preds = model("에스쁘아 에어 퍼프 5개입 소프트 터치 에어퍼프 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 퍼프 LotteOn > 뷰티 > 뷰티기기/소품 > 메이크업소품 > 브러쉬")

### Downstream Use

*List how someone could finetune this model on their own dataset.*

### Out-of-Scope Use

*List how the model may foreseeably be misused and address what users ought not to do with the model.*

## Bias, Risks and Limitations

*What are the known or foreseeable issues stemming from this model? You could also flag here known failure cases or weaknesses of the model.*

### Recommendations

*What are recommendations with respect to the foreseeable issues? For example, filtering explicit content.*

## Training Details

### Training Set Metrics
| Training set | Min | Median  | Max |
| Word count   | 12  | 22.0313 | 72  |

| Label | Training Sample Count |
| 0     | 1                     |
| 1     | 50                    |
| 2     | 50                    |
| 3     | 50                    |
| 4     | 50                    |
| 5     | 50                    |
| 6     | 50                    |
| 7     | 50                    |

### Training Hyperparameters
- batch_size: (64, 64)
- num_epochs: (30, 30)
- max_steps: -1
- sampling_strategy: oversampling
- num_iterations: 100
- body_learning_rate: (2e-05, 1e-05)
- head_learning_rate: 0.01
- loss: CosineSimilarityLoss
- distance_metric: cosine_distance
- margin: 0.25
- end_to_end: False
- use_amp: False
- warmup_proportion: 0.1
- l2_weight: 0.01
- seed: 42
- eval_max_steps: -1
- load_best_model_at_end: False

### Training Results
| Epoch   | Step  | Training Loss | Validation Loss |
| 0.0018  | 1     | 0.4099        | -               |
| 0.0911  | 50    | 0.3973        | -               |
| 0.1821  | 100   | 0.3456        | -               |
| 0.2732  | 150   | 0.2947        | -               |
| 0.3643  | 200   | 0.2369        | -               |
| 0.4554  | 250   | 0.1705        | -               |
| 0.5464  | 300   | 0.107         | -               |
| 0.6375  | 350   | 0.0696        | -               |
| 0.7286  | 400   | 0.0494        | -               |
| 0.8197  | 450   | 0.0488        | -               |
| 0.9107  | 500   | 0.0307        | -               |
| 1.0018  | 550   | 0.0259        | -               |
| 1.0929  | 600   | 0.0247        | -               |
| 1.1840  | 650   | 0.022         | -               |
| 1.2750  | 700   | 0.0215        | -               |
| 1.3661  | 750   | 0.005         | -               |
| 1.4572  | 800   | 0.0007        | -               |
| 1.5483  | 850   | 0.0004        | -               |
| 1.6393  | 900   | 0.0002        | -               |
| 1.7304  | 950   | 0.0001        | -               |
| 1.8215  | 1000  | 0.0001        | -               |
| 1.9126  | 1050  | 0.0001        | -               |
| 2.0036  | 1100  | 0.0001        | -               |
| 2.0947  | 1150  | 0.0001        | -               |
| 2.1858  | 1200  | 0.0001        | -               |
| 2.2769  | 1250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.3679  | 1300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.4590  | 1350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.5501  | 1400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.6412  | 1450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.7322  | 1500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.8233  | 1550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 2.9144  | 1600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.0055  | 1650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.0965  | 1700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.1876  | 1750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.2787  | 1800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.3698  | 1850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.4608  | 1900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.5519  | 1950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.6430  | 2000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.7341  | 2050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.8251  | 2100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 3.9162  | 2150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.0073  | 2200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.0984  | 2250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.1894  | 2300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.2805  | 2350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.3716  | 2400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.4627  | 2450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.5537  | 2500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.6448  | 2550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.7359  | 2600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.8270  | 2650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 4.9180  | 2700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.0091  | 2750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.1002  | 2800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.1913  | 2850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.2823  | 2900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.3734  | 2950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.4645  | 3000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.5556  | 3050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.6466  | 3100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.7377  | 3150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.8288  | 3200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 5.9199  | 3250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.0109  | 3300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.1020  | 3350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.1931  | 3400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.2842  | 3450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.3752  | 3500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.4663  | 3550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.5574  | 3600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.6485  | 3650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.7395  | 3700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.8306  | 3750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 6.9217  | 3800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.0128  | 3850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.1038  | 3900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.1949  | 3950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.2860  | 4000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.3770  | 4050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.4681  | 4100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.5592  | 4150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.6503  | 4200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.7413  | 4250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.8324  | 4300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 7.9235  | 4350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.0146  | 4400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.1056  | 4450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.1967  | 4500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.2878  | 4550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.3789  | 4600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.4699  | 4650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.5610  | 4700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.6521  | 4750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.7432  | 4800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.8342  | 4850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 8.9253  | 4900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.0164  | 4950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.1075  | 5000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.1985  | 5050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.2896  | 5100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.3807  | 5150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.4718  | 5200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.5628  | 5250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.6539  | 5300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.7450  | 5350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.8361  | 5400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 9.9271  | 5450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.0182 | 5500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.1093 | 5550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.2004 | 5600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.2914 | 5650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.3825 | 5700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.4736 | 5750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.5647 | 5800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.6557 | 5850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.7468 | 5900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.8379 | 5950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 10.9290 | 6000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.0200 | 6050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.1111 | 6100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.2022 | 6150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.2933 | 6200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.3843 | 6250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.4754 | 6300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.5665 | 6350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.6576 | 6400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.7486 | 6450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.8397 | 6500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 11.9308 | 6550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.0219 | 6600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.1129 | 6650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.2040 | 6700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.2951 | 6750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.3862 | 6800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.4772 | 6850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.5683 | 6900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.6594 | 6950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.7505 | 7000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.8415 | 7050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 12.9326 | 7100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.0237 | 7150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.1148 | 7200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.2058 | 7250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.2969 | 7300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.3880 | 7350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.4791 | 7400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.5701 | 7450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.6612 | 7500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.7523 | 7550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.8434 | 7600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 13.9344 | 7650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.0255 | 7700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.1166 | 7750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.2077 | 7800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.2987 | 7850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.3898 | 7900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.4809 | 7950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.5719 | 8000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.6630 | 8050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.7541 | 8100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.8452 | 8150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 14.9362 | 8200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.0273 | 8250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.1184 | 8300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.2095 | 8350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.3005 | 8400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.3916 | 8450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.4827 | 8500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.5738 | 8550  | 0.012         | -               |
| 15.6648 | 8600  | 0.0012        | -               |
| 15.7559 | 8650  | 0.0003        | -               |
| 15.8470 | 8700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 15.9381 | 8750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.0291 | 8800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.1202 | 8850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.2113 | 8900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.3024 | 8950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.3934 | 9000  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.4845 | 9050  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.5756 | 9100  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.6667 | 9150  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.7577 | 9200  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.8488 | 9250  | 0.0           | -               |
| 16.9399 | 9300  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.0310 | 9350  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.1220 | 9400  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.2131 | 9450  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.3042 | 9500  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.3953 | 9550  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.4863 | 9600  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.5774 | 9650  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.6685 | 9700  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.7596 | 9750  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.8506 | 9800  | 0.0           | -               |
| 17.9417 | 9850  | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.0328 | 9900  | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.1239 | 9950  | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.2149 | 10000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.3060 | 10050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.3971 | 10100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.4882 | 10150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.5792 | 10200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.6703 | 10250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.7614 | 10300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.8525 | 10350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 18.9435 | 10400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.0346 | 10450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.1257 | 10500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.2168 | 10550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.3078 | 10600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.3989 | 10650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.4900 | 10700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.5811 | 10750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.6721 | 10800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.7632 | 10850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.8543 | 10900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 19.9454 | 10950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.0364 | 11000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.1275 | 11050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.2186 | 11100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.3097 | 11150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.4007 | 11200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.4918 | 11250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.5829 | 11300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.6740 | 11350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.7650 | 11400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.8561 | 11450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 20.9472 | 11500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.0383 | 11550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.1293 | 11600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.2204 | 11650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.3115 | 11700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.4026 | 11750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.4936 | 11800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.5847 | 11850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.6758 | 11900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.7668 | 11950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.8579 | 12000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 21.9490 | 12050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.0401 | 12100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.1311 | 12150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.2222 | 12200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.3133 | 12250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.4044 | 12300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.4954 | 12350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.5865 | 12400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.6776 | 12450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.7687 | 12500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.8597 | 12550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 22.9508 | 12600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.0419 | 12650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.1330 | 12700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.2240 | 12750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.3151 | 12800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.4062 | 12850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.4973 | 12900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.5883 | 12950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.6794 | 13000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.7705 | 13050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.8616 | 13100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 23.9526 | 13150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.0437 | 13200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.1348 | 13250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.2259 | 13300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.3169 | 13350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.4080 | 13400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.4991 | 13450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.5902 | 13500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.6812 | 13550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.7723 | 13600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.8634 | 13650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 24.9545 | 13700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.0455 | 13750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.1366 | 13800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.2277 | 13850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.3188 | 13900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.4098 | 13950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.5009 | 14000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.5920 | 14050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.6831 | 14100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.7741 | 14150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.8652 | 14200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 25.9563 | 14250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.0474 | 14300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.1384 | 14350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.2295 | 14400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.3206 | 14450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.4117 | 14500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.5027 | 14550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.5938 | 14600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.6849 | 14650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.7760 | 14700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.8670 | 14750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 26.9581 | 14800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.0492 | 14850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.1403 | 14900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.2313 | 14950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.3224 | 15000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.4135 | 15050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.5046 | 15100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.5956 | 15150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.6867 | 15200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.7778 | 15250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.8689 | 15300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 27.9599 | 15350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.0510 | 15400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.1421 | 15450 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.2332 | 15500 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.3242 | 15550 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.4153 | 15600 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.5064 | 15650 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.5974 | 15700 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.6885 | 15750 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.7796 | 15800 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.8707 | 15850 | 0.0           | -               |
| 28.9617 | 15900 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.0528 | 15950 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.1439 | 16000 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.2350 | 16050 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.3260 | 16100 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.4171 | 16150 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.5082 | 16200 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.5993 | 16250 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.6903 | 16300 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.7814 | 16350 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.8725 | 16400 | 0.0           | -               |
| 29.9636 | 16450 | 0.0           | -               |

### Framework Versions
- Python: 3.10.12
- SetFit: 1.1.0
- Sentence Transformers: 3.3.1
- Transformers: 4.44.2
- PyTorch: 2.2.0a0+81ea7a4
- Datasets: 3.2.0
- Tokenizers: 0.19.1

## Citation

### BibTeX
    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.11055},
    url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055},
    author = {Tunstall, Lewis and Reimers, Nils and Jo, Unso Eun Seo and Bates, Luke and Korat, Daniel and Wasserblat, Moshe and Pereg, Oren},
    keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
    title = {Efficient Few-Shot Learning Without Prompts},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    year = {2022},
    copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}

## Glossary

*Clearly define terms in order to be accessible across audiences.*

## Model Card Authors

*Lists the people who create the model card, providing recognition and accountability for the detailed work that goes into its construction.*

## Model Card Contact

*Provides a way for people who have updates to the Model Card, suggestions, or questions, to contact the Model Card authors.*