import torch import numpy as np import cv2 from skimage import transform as trans import cv2 def split_network_output(align_out): anchor_bbox_pred, anchor_cls_pred, anchor_ldmk_pred, merged, _ = align_out bbox, cls, ldmk = torch.split(merged, [4, 2, 10], dim=1) return ldmk, bbox, cls def get_cv2_affine_from_landmark(ldmks, reference_ldmk, image_width, image_height, ): assert ldmks.ndim == 2 # batchdim assert ldmks.shape[1] == 10 assert isinstance(ldmks, torch.Tensor) assert reference_ldmk.ndim == 2 assert reference_ldmk.shape[0] == 5 assert reference_ldmk.shape[1] == 2 assert isinstance(reference_ldmk, np.ndarray) to_img_size = np.array([[[image_width, image_height]]]) ldmks = ldmks.view(ldmks.shape[0], 5, 2).detach().cpu().numpy() ldmks = ldmks * to_img_size transforms = [] for ldmk in ldmks: tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(ldmk, reference_ldmk) M = tform.params[0:2, :] transforms.append(M) transforms = np.stack(transforms, axis=0) return transforms def cv2_param_to_torch_theta(cv2_tfms, image_width, image_height, output_width, output_height): # """4.Affine Transformation Matrix to theta""" assert cv2_tfms.ndim == 3 # N, 2, 3 assert cv2_tfms.shape[1] == 2 assert cv2_tfms.shape[2] == 3 srcs = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]], dtype=np.float32) srcs = np.expand_dims(srcs, axis=0).repeat(cv2_tfms.shape[0], axis=0) dsts = np.matmul(srcs, cv2_tfms[:, :, :2].transpose(0, 2, 1)) + cv2_tfms[:, :, 2:3].transpose(0, 2, 1) # normalize to [-1, 1] srcs = srcs / np.array([[[image_width, image_height]]]) * 2 - 1 dsts = dsts / np.array([[[output_width, output_height]]]) * 2 - 1 thetas = [] for src, dst in zip(srcs, dsts): theta = trans.estimate_transform("affine", src=dst, dst=src).params[:2] thetas.append(theta) thetas = np.stack(thetas, axis=0) thetas = torch.from_numpy(thetas).float() return thetas def adjust_ldmks(ldmks, thetas): inv_thetas = inv_matrix(thetas).to(ldmks.device).float() _ldmks =[ldmks, torch.ones((ldmks.shape[0], 5, 1)).to(ldmks.device)], dim=2) ldmk_aligned = (((_ldmks) * 2 - 1) @ inv_thetas.permute(0,2,1)) / 2 + 0.5 return ldmk_aligned def inv_matrix(theta): # torch batched version assert theta.ndim == 3 a, b, t1 = theta[:, 0,0], theta[:, 0,1], theta[:, 0,2] c, d, t2 = theta[:, 1,0], theta[:, 1,1], theta[:, 1,2] det = a * d - b * c inv_det = 1.0 / det inv_mat = torch.stack([ torch.stack([d * inv_det, -b * inv_det, (b * t2 - d * t1) * inv_det], dim=1), torch.stack([-c * inv_det, a * inv_det, (c * t1 - a * t2) * inv_det], dim=1) ], dim=1) return inv_mat def reference_landmark(): return np.array([[38.29459953, 51.69630051], [73.53179932, 51.50139999], [56.02519989, 71.73660278], [41.54930115, 92.3655014], [70.72990036, 92.20410156]]) def draw_ldmk(img, ldmk): if ldmk is None: return img colors = [(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 0, 255)] img = img.copy() for i in range(5): color = colors[i], (int(ldmk[i*2] * img.shape[1]), int(ldmk[i*2+1] * img.shape[0])), 1, color, 4) return img