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"According to my present invention, one of these taking up rollers c is driven by toothed gearing d d¹, d² d³ dª d³ direct from the main driving shaft b, b, and the other c¹ (by preference the upper one as shown) is driven by friction gear e, e; the object of this arrangement being to ensure the same amount of tension upon the two cloths, so that the one cannot have any undue influence over the other, so as to cause either cloth to be dragged or pulled away from its respective cutting bar and thus cause unevenness in the pile.",GB188507662A,0
The result of this arrangement being that friction is reduced to a mininum and that the perfect motion of the castor ball is ensured under any condition of pressure. This form also affords a readier means of keeping the castor free from dust or other matter which might cause friction and so prevent the free working of the castor ball.,GB188304979A,0
The object of my Invention is to construct gas ovens so as to utilize all the heat and to mitigate or entirely dispense with the noxious properties of the gas.,GB187103023A,0
"The present invention is particularly designed for effecting the rapid mounting of hooks of the triangle type, while at the same time securely holding the same in the required positions, as, for instance, when arranged as a spinning flight.",GB189503851A,1
"The main object of this Invention is the production of an automatic mechanism to drive headed tacks or nails and leave their heads projecting above the surface of the stock, to be subsequently driven through the outer sole into the upper and inner sole, when the points of the tacks meeting an iron or an iron-shod last are clinched.
The main object of this Invention is the production of an automatic mechanism to drive headed tacks or nails and leave their heads projecting above the surface of the stock, to be subsequently driven through the outer sole into the upper and inner sole, when the points of the tacks meeting an iron or an iron-shod last are clinched.",GB187701999A,0
"""This invention relates to an improved album for photographic or other cards, the object being to obviate the difficulties now experienced in inserting these cards in their respective divisions.""",GB189207493A,0
According to my invention in order to discharge a measured quantity of disinfecting fluid into the closet at each time of flushing I place within the small cistern a bottle containing solid permanganate of potash or other solid soluble disinfecting material.,GB189011469A,0
"The object of my invention is to make a loom temple with a movable plate or support with a connection to some operative part of the loom to cause said movable plate or support and the temple to be moved at the proper time and at regular intervals, so that when the fabric is moved back to form the loops, the plate or support will move, and the temple will move with it, and when the fabric is moved forward after the loops are formed, the plate or support and the temple will move with the fabric, thus preventing the fabric from being drawn through the temple in the operation of forming the loops above referred to.",GB189816867A,0
"The particular object which is obtained by this tap is that the operation of filling an intermediate chamber, snifting the accumulated pressure, and delivering the charge from the intermediate chamber by means of a spout into an open vessel is effected by simply revolving the valve through a quarter of the revolution each part of the process being effected during the revolution of the said valve.",GB189006215A,0
"The invention relates to improvements in coin operating or automatic delivery machines and has for its objects firstly to render the machine capable of delivering a variety of goods by a simple arrangement of parts, secondly to display changing advertisements in connection with the machine and thirdly to prevent the fraudulent abstraction of goods by the insertion into the money slot of a coin or other object attached to a wire or cord.",GB188919276A,0
By this arrangement we are able to reverse the direction of rotation of the main cylinder and drive it whilst grinding at the same or approximately the same quick speed as when carding and without having to cross the driving belt.,GB189627720A,0
"My said invention has for its object, an improved method for lifting the hinged part, and for securing the covers or lids to their respective vessels.",GB188916188A,0
"Now the object of this Invention is to provide a simpler, readier, cheaper, and more effective mode and apparatus for the above purposes, and such as shall be applicable in all cases, all as hereinafter described.Now the object of this Invention is to provide a simpler, readier, cheaper, and more effective mode and apparatus for the above purposes, and such as shall be applicable in all cases, all as hereinafter described.The object is now to supersede the pneumatic pressure on the cement mortar by iron ballast enclosed into the chamber and placed on the mortar, so that the apparatus may be lifted off and removed, and used in some other place.",GB188002124A,1
"My Invention may be used as a means of saving a submarine telegraph in case of its being ruptured while being laid in the sea; or such Invention may be employed to save an anchor in case its cable should part, or it may be employed for other useful purposes. The knife is intended to cut and separate any seaweed which might run down on the line connecting the shackle with a vessel.",GB185800884A,0
"""This invention has for object the cutting of dovetails, grooves and tenons by means of an ordinary circular saw.""
""This invention has for object the cutting of dovetails, grooves and tenons by means of an ordinary circular saw, and comprises the improvements hereinafter described.""",GB188905649A,0
"The object of the invention is to provide a gumming apparatus having its operative parts, by which the gum is spread on the paper, effectually protected from becoming incrusted with hardened gum, and likewise a moistening apparatus, in which the gum which may remain sticking to it after use is not allowed to become dry. The invention has also for object to restrain the afflux of water to the operative parts of the moistener.",GB189708797A,0
"""Now the present invention has for its object simplifying the machine in order to adapt it to the diminished amount of work to be performed and proportionately reducing its cost so as without impairing its efficiency to bring it within the reach of the smaller class of manufacturers.""",GB188204908A,0
My present invention relates to horse shoes and the object thereof is to construct said horse shoes in such a manner that they may be easily and expeditiously repaired from time to time as required without it being necessary to remove the shoe plate or greater portion of the shoe from the horses foot for this purpose therefore I manufacture a plate of malleable iron steel or other suitable metal or material in the ordinary horse shoe shape having the usual countersinking at each side thereof for the reception of the heads of the nails used for securing the plate to the foot of the horse.,GB189014215A,1
"The object of my invention is to save this labour by chroming, rinsing and dyeing and in some cases also veneering the hats in the same vat and stirring and exposing them to the atmosphere by mechanical means and power without lifting or removing them from the vat until finally dyed, washed, and veneered.",GB188814606A,1
"This invention relates to the construction of a spring push valve in such a manner that after delivering a certain amount of fluid it automatically closes without shock. By arranging in push valves of ordinary construction a spring piston such as n with cavity such as that governed by the valve s, and connecting this piston to the push button, the shock caused by the sudden closing of the valve can be prevented.",GB189619212A,0
This Invention relates to an apparatus by means of which meat and other similar matters may be quickly minced or reduced to a fine and even pulp. Such an apparatus will be found very serviceable especially for preparing alimentary substances in a form acceptable to persons requiring substantial nourishment in an easily assimilable condition.,GB188404109A,1
"The apparatus undor this Invention is intended to increase the production of sulphuric acid in chambers of lead of any kind, and consists in the adaptation and application to such chambers of one or more column or columns of lead of the kind described combined with the other parts of apparatus hereinafter described.",GB188409317A,0
"This invention relates to the construction of an apparatus comprising a counting-board mounted on a stationary support or pedestal in such a manner that it may be turned and tilted so that the coins placed upon may glide easily into a till or the hand, the taking-up of individual coins or the lifting of the board and the pouring thereout of the money being thereby ohviated. The counting board which may be of any suitable form and size has depressions or channels, and is surrounded by a rim which is however cut away in places, the object being to allow the coins to glide off at those places when it is tilted up for that purpose.",GB188711857A,1
"The object of this method is to render the powder impervious to moisture, to cause adhesion of the mass, which prevents it from cracking, and to carry fire to an enemy, in which case I coat the external surface of the rocket with gunpowder, india-rubber, and fibrous material, which become ignited after the rocket has reached its destination, causing destructive results.",GB185501774A,0
"Such being the nature and object of my invention I will now proceed to describe the same more fully, and for that purpose annex hereto the accompanying sheet of drawings illustrative thereof.",GB188702726A,0
My automatic valve is designed to obviate this act of memory on the part of the brakesman and render it impossible for the pipes to be left in an obstructed or inoperative condition.,GB189109349A,0
"For the purpose of enabling the wick holder and wick in lamps such as railway carriage roof lamps, station lamps and other similar lamps to be raised and lowered as required by a device which is outside the enclosing bowl or globe we connect to the wick holder one end of a lever which is pivoted on a horizontal axis and whose other end is connected to the end of a vertical rod. In order to ensure that the flame shall be quite extinguished when the wick holders and wicks of oil lamps are lowered we hinge on a horizontal axis within the wick tube a plate of the whole width of this tube. For the purpose of controlling the flow of the oil or liquid to lamps from a reservoir above we fit to the valve through which the oil passes from the reservoir to the oil supply pipe in the tube hereinbefore described or to other like oil.",GB188404152A,0
"This Invention has for its object improvements in lubricating projectiles and cartridges, and consists in employing for this purpose a composition prepared by mixing together paraffine and napthaline.",GB185900864A,0
"The object of my Invention is to simplify and expedite the manufacture of Incandescent Electric Lamps.
The object of my Invention is to simplify and regulate the manufacture of Incandescent Electric Lamps.",GB188303910A,1
This invention relates to improvements in gear cases for velocipedes and has for object to provide a case of greater stability and of more simple construction than beretofore.,GB189523697A,0
"With slide valves constructed and fitted in the ordinary manner there is great loss of power due to the friction produced between the valve and its seat by the pressure of steam in the valve box, that is to say in the box which encloses the valve. This arises from the fact that the valve box forms the vessel or communication by which the steam or other motive fluid is conveyed to the valve and thence to the cylinder or cylinders and the pressure of the valve upon its seat is therefore equivalent to the pressure of the steam upon the area of the back of the valve. Now according to my invention instead of arranging for the motive fluid to reach the valve through the valve box 1 construct one or more passages for the purpose in the valve seat by means of which the motive fluid reaches the valve, and I employ the valve box as what may be termed a balance chamber.",GB189108389A,0
My Invention more particularly provides a remedy for this evil.,GB188500664A,0
"The object of my invention is to provide a quick break switch of the ordinary
appearance which is suitable for higher voltages than the ordinary switches which
have faults through not being sufficiently long in the break and not having the
poles wide enough asunder, also in not having an automatic quick break which
is independent of the lever.",GB189807798A,1
"""This invention has for its object to provide a means for preventing any undue leakage or rush of water from the stern tubes of screw steamers, and consists of a simple arrangement of valve and valve box fitted to the stuffing box end of the stern tube all as hereinafter particularly described.""",GB189300737A,0
This invention relates to a pistol attachment for gun barrels which is adapted to hold a pistol parallel with the gun barrel the attachment being so made that the gun constitutes a rest or support for the pistol which latter may be sighted and fired when the stock of the gun is brought to the shoulder in as accurate a manner as though the sight were taken over the barrel of the gun.,GB189415602A,0
"This Invention is designed for effecting the following principal objects:―First, to prevent incrustation in the boiler; secondly, to economize water; thirdly, to supply the feed water into the boiler at a temperature of 60° to 70° Reaumur; and, lastly, to increase the effective power of high-pressure engines, and to economize fuel.",GB186200503A,0
This Invention has for its object an improvement in tanning hides and skins.,GB185601011A,0
"My Invention consists in a method of driving cylinders and doffers, whereby I can at all times keep the main driving strap on the pullies instead of removing it, and adapting another, as is usual for the operation of grinding. When it is desired, according to the object of my Invention, to grind the doffer, then the attendant will shift the main driving strap on to the loose pulley b, so that the motion of the machine will be arrested.",GB186401385A,1
"My invention relates to aerobic bacterial filters for purifying sewage,. etc., and has for its object to conserve the natural heat of the sewage and that given off in the process of purification, so as to guard against the retardation or suspension of bacterial action in consequence of such heat being radiated into the surrounding atmosphere particularly in cold weather. My invention relates to aerobic bacterial filters for purifying sewage and other foul waters, and has for its object to converse the natural heat of the sewage and that given off in the process of purification, so as to guard against the retardation or suspension of bacterial action in consequence of such heat being radiated into the surrounding atmosphere particularly in cold weather.",GB189910386A,0
"This invention relates to air-brake couplings for cars, and it has for its object to provide a coupling of this character adapted for use in connection with the ordinary automatic car coupling, whereby the usual air-brake couplings between the cars may be effected without the necessity of an attendant stepping between the cars for this purpose. To this end the main and primary object of the invention is to provide an air-brake coupling adapted to couple automatically and simultaneously with the coupling of the cars, and adapted for support by any of the ordinary styles of automatic couplings now in use. With these and other objects in view which will readily appear as the nature of the invention is better understood, the same consists in the novel construction, combination and arrangement of parts hereinafter more fully described, illustrated and claimed.",GB189417736A,1
"This invention consists mainly of a cheap and convenient apparatus for developing, fixing and washing exposed photographic dry plates in broad daylight without the use of the ordinary dark room and in an expeditious manner.",GB189117860A,1
"The chief object of the present invention is to provide a new and improved sole-levelling machine having twin jacks adapted to be rotated horizontally and to move laterally and longitudinally, and so constructed that while a boot or shoe on one jack is being acted, upon by a vibrating roller-leveler, the attendant or operator can mount and prepare on the other jack another boot or shoe to be leveled, thereby increasing the efficiency of sole-leveling machines and producing a machine which is susceptible of rapidly leveling the soles of boots and slioes without loss of time. The invention also has for its object to provide new and improved adjustable leveling-rolls adapted to act upon shoe soles which vary in contour or shape, and also to conform to the angle at which the sole is presented and to equalize the pressure over the entire sole.",GB189507631A,1
"This invention relates to improvements in the carding engine flats described in the Specifications of Letters Patent 7620 of 1888, 5540 of 1889 and 5844 of 1892 1 and is designed with the object of effecting a more perfect mounting and securing of the card clothing to the flat. The object of my invention is to make use of similar edges to those described in 5540 of 1889 in connection with metallic strips described in Specification 5844 of 1892. In so doing I lay the foundation of the card clothing against the iron flats with a stronger bearing and as little stretching as possible thus giving elasticity to the card wires. In order to attain this object I bevil the flats off from the part where the backs of the carding wire are to lay to the edges of the flat where the clamps come in contact, thus avoiding too great a strain on the foundation fabric and at the same time providing a better means of enabling the backs of the carding wire always to be in contact with the flat.",GB189308471A,0
"My Invention has for object an improved system of automatic closing by aid of one-hand umbrellas, sunshades, &c.",GB187802173A,0
"""The invention consists in providing and applying a falling-latch which acts automatically when the door is being closed, and an indicator in the interior of the carriage for enabling the passengers to see at a glance whether the safety bolt is open or closed, a lever placed inside the carriage to enable the passengers to close the safety bolt without inconvenience. The invention further consists in the combination of a falling-latch mechanism with a safety bolt in the same lock and in such a manner that these two devices are opened simultaneously. Also in a new construction of padlocks, whose casing when applied to a carriage receives the vibrations and shocks commonly transmitted to the mechanism of the lock.""
""The padlock for locking the carriages is illustrated on sheet II Figs 13 to 16 and is designed to avoid the following inconveniences presented by ordinary pad locks. a. They may be applied or put in place without being locked and without showing any outward sign that the locking has not been effected. b. When the padlock is closed all the shocks are received by the pin and the bolt, and if subjected to repeated trepidation the mechanism becomes dislocated in a short time.""",GB188203559A,0
"The objects sought for in this Improved Typewriter are quickness of operation, and a wide range of work combined with a small number of keys.",GB188913722A,1
The objects are to provide a continuous feed machine for the manufacture of biscuits or cakes where the materials are exuded through dies or apertures.,GB189306818A,0
"This invention has for its object an improved scoop, money holder or apparatus for the counting or storing of coins prior to their insertion in paper or other suitable baga whereby great saving of time to those in the habit of counting money and rolling up coins in paper and the absoluto correctness in the counting of a given amount is ensured at the same time is simple in its use, and inexpensive to manufacture.",GB189618490A,1
The object of my invention is to do away with the necessity of threading the rods through the eyes-thus saving time in fixing and releasing the same.,GB188413071A,1
"The principal advantage of this apparatus consists in the dividing the body of liquid into two parts for the purpose of utilising simultaneously the direct motion of the one part, and to produce and utilise the inverse movement of the other part for elevating a portion of the liquid of each of the two bodies, or to force them both or separately into a turbine or other similar motive power machine.",GB189730638A,0
"3rd. In the process to extract and condense the milk juices of cereals to which the 1st Claim refers; the operation consists in producing the condensation of these juices by evaporation in vacuum, with the object of avoiding the fermenta-tion of the paste, and preserving its colour, taste and aroma as aforesaid described and specified.
4th. The application of this vegetable milk as a base or vehicle for the addition of any other nutritive alimentary substance, or chemical aliment, before, during or after its condensation, as aforesaid described and specified and with the object indicated.",GB189717169A,0
This invention relates to an improved method of lubricating the bearings of bicycles and tricycles whereby the ordinary oil can is dispensed with and the liability of dust and grit getting into the bearings precluded while the trouble caused by the oiling process is reduced to a minimum.,GB189508826A,0
The object of this invention is to adapt a diaphragm pump to the work of exhausting air.,GB189109711A,0
The addition of the balsams have further the special purpose of disguising the smell of the burning soap particles caused by the burning of the spirit of wine and these balsams perfume the air when the soap is burnt as a deodorizer or perfuming agent for the atmosphere.,GB189821369A,0
"This invention relates to an improved model of a warship or ""man of war,"" and has for its object the provision of a means for practically demonstrating the action* or manœuvres of warships.",GB189523247A,0
"The object of my invention is to provide a cap which is capable of being attached to any oil cup or vessel, and to allow the greatest facilities for the pouring in of oil or liquid without removing the cap. The object of my invention being to provide a cap which is capable of being attached to any oil cup, or other vessel, and to allow the greatest facilities for the pouring in of oil or other liquid without removing the cap.",GB188918709A,0
"The Invention is designed for the purpose of constructing a vehicle for the conveyance of the dead in a manner which will combine with solemn grandeur elegance and lightness of structure, thorough ventilation, and sanitary advantages.",GB187501183A,0
"This Invention which relates to improvements in the construction of harbour and dock works, has reference to that class of such works of which the foundations are submerged at all stages of the tide, and it has for its object to not only facilitate the construction and lessen the time occupied in the construction of such works, but also to dispense with the use of scaffolding, staging, piling, also traversing engines and gear, as well as the moulds at present employed in the construction of such works, thereby being productive of a considerable reduction in the cost thereof.",GB188102228A,1
"""The object of my improvement is to avoid the great waste of cork that does occur in the present method of using one piece.""",GB189703486A,0
"My said Invention relates to the supplying a certain quantity of syrup to each bottle for Aerated beverages. (In connection with Steam or Hand bottling machines), and has also for its object to diminish the labor and time required in syruping aerated water bottles. The object of my invention is to construct a machine for syruping aerated water bottles and to diminish the time and labor required in syruping said aerated water bottles.",GB188702278A,1