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"sentence": "Date of Application , 23rd Nov. , 1898 Complete Specification Left , 23rd Aug. , 1899-Accepted , 28th Oct. , 1899 [ Communicated from abroad by GAETANO CAMPANATO , of 19 , Via Monforte , Milan , in the Kingdom of Italy , Cabinet Maker. ] An Improved Process for the Decoration of Articles of Wood , Metal , Stone , Glass , or the like. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 , Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - The object of this invention is to enable the reproduction to any desired number upon the articles which it is desired to decorate , of a design of artistic. merit , in such a manner as to render it possible to sell these articles at a price greatly below what would correspond to the value of the decoration which has the appearance of having been executed directly by the hand of a clever artist. This process consists in tracing the original design with fatty ink , either by hand or otherwise , upon wood , , zinc or other suitable material. This design is transferred by means of prepared paper , such as is employed in lithography , which is pressed upon the object to be decorated ( of wood , metal , glass , crystal , faience , porcelain or the like ) to the shape of which it is capable of conforming. If the object to be decorated is flat the use of the prepared paper may in some cases be dispensed with. The design traced upon the wood , zinc or the like is reproduced directly by means of a press upon a plate or sheet formed of the same material as the object to be decorated , ( which in this case generally of wood ) . After the impression the said plate or sheet is stuck upon the table , piece of furniture or other article to be decorated , which is then finished , which latter operation is hereinafter referred to. By way of example only I will enumerate several kinds of products which may be obtained by my improved process , and the methods of finishing which I employ , which vary with the nature of the article to be decorated , the essential part of my invention invariably consisting ( independently of these methods of finishing ) in the application of the transfer process employed in lithography , for obtaining artistic decorations. As examples of the products which I may obtain I will cite the following ; MARQUETERIES IN WOOD. These may be obtained in two colours , black and white , for example , imitating marqueteries in ebony and ivory if the wood is white and the 'design trans- ferred is black. Polychromes may be obtained by applying colours to the outlines obtained by the transfer process. The imitation of marqueteries work is rendered more perfect and such as will deceive the most experienced connois-",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to William Spence , of 50 , Chancery Lane , in the County of Middlesex , Patent Agent , for the Invention of \" IMPROVE- MENTS IN PADLOCKS , AND KEYS FOR THE SAME. \" -A communication from abroad by Solomon Andrews , of Perth , Amboy , in the County of Middlesex , and State of New Jersey , and Thomas Morrell , of the City , County , and State of New York. Sealed the 23rd October 1860 , and dated the 23rd August 1860. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Spence at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 23rd August 1860. I , WILLIAM SPENCE , of 50 , Chancery Lane , in the County of Middlesex , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" Im- PROVEMENTS IN PADLOCKS , AND KEYS FOR THE SAME , \" ( being a communication from abroad by Solomon Andrews , of Perth , Amboy , in the County of Mid- dlesex , and State of New Jersey , and Thomas Morrell , of the City , County , and State of New York , ) to be as follows : - The case of the padlock is constructed in one piece of wrought iron. For this purpose the plate of metal is cut out of the required form , the edges are turned up , and the plate doubled or folded together , and the construction is completed by rivetting the required parts together. The snatch or holder for",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Frederick Tolhausen at the Office. of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 24th January 1863. A communication from Antoine Comte , residing at St. Etienne ( Loire ) , France. I , FREDERICK TOLHAUSEN , of No. 17 , Rue du Faubourg , Montmartre , Paris , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN LOOMS FOR WEAVING RIBBONS ; \" a communication from Antoine Comte , a person resident at St. Etienne ( Loire ) , France , to be as follows : - This Invention relates to divers arrangements , by which the hard work or power necessary for tenting or actuating ribbon looms is virtually overcome , and a greater ( say nearly double the ) number of ribbons may be woven at one time by the operative with much less fatigue than in the various looms now used for this purpose. In this improved loom the batten or lathe is made with twice the number of pieces , but of the same longitudinal dimensions as in the ordinary loom. The second or additional set of pieces are placed underneath the first set , thus increasing the height of the lathe , and the space between the successive warps is made available for placing the reeds , through which each double piece of ribbon passes. By this arrangement the operative is enabled to see all the pieces weaving , bearing in mind however that in fancy weaving the upper warps are woven the right side up , whereas the lower ones are woven the wrong side up , as each of",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 30th Jan. , 1894-Accepted , 3rd Mar. , 1894 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. [ Communicated from abroad by JOSEPH RITNER JONES , No. 326 , North 31st Street , Philadelphia , Supervisor of Switches and Signals , JOSHUA WIESTLING JONES , No. 214 , North 3rd Street , Harrisburg , Dauphin County , Capitalist , and THOMAS ABRAHAM JONES , No. 326 , North 31st Street , Philadelphia , Assistant Supervisor of Switches and Signals , all in the State of Pennsylvania , United States of America. ] Improvements in Railway Signals and Switches. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained , in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to railway signals and switches which are adapted to be positively operated by means of connections independent of the primary or switch levers , thus allowing of expansion or contraction , due to heat or cold and providing compensation for such expansion or contraction and also preventing breakage of the parts and derangement of the same , any tampering therewith being announced to the operator in the box or elsewhere. In the accompanying drawings ; Figures 1 and 2 represent side elevations of railway signals embodying this invention. Figure represents a perspective view of a detached portion thereof , on an enlarged scale. Figure 4 represents a side elevation of a portion of a railway switch operating apparatus embodying this invention. Figure 5 represents a top or plan view of another portion of the same. Figure 6 represents a top or plan view of the driver of the switch. Figure represents a bottom plan view of the slide of the switch , said slide being engaged by said driver. Similar letters of reference indicate corresponding parts in the several figures. A designates a stand , and B designates a lever mounted thereon. Pivotally connected with the lower end of said lever is a rod C , which is in turn pivotally connected with a clutch or grip D , the latter consisting of an annular or other shaped block , which is mounted on a traveller E , and having its upper end or limb F so disposed that the chain G may pass freely through the space between said limb and the adjacent side of the traveller. On the base of the stand A , is a post or standard H , on which is freely fitted the traveller E , the latter thus being adapted to be raised and lowered on said standard. The upper portion of the chain G passes around the pulley J , and carries on its end the weight K , while said chain after passing through the traveller \u0118 is guided under a pulley L , and connected with the T-shaped lever M , which is mounted on the standard or signal post N. The pulley L is supported on the road bed adjacent to the base of the stand A , and the standard N has the signal arm P mounted upon it , one limb of said arm having the rod Q connected with it , and said rod being connected with the weighted lever R , which has its axis on the standard N. S designates rods which are attached to the weighted lever R , and to the",
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"sentence": "[ Communicated from abroad by C. BD. COTTRELL & SONS COMPANY , a Corporation organized under the Laws of the State of New Jersey , and doing business at Stonington , in the State of Connecticut , and at No. 41 , Park Row , New York , United States of America. ] Improvements in Printing Machines. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 , Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention relates to what is known in flat bed cylinder printing machines as registering gearing which is used to bring the cylinder and bed to corresponding speeds in changing the direction of the movement of the bed. The devices. commonly constituting such gearing consist of a toothed segment on the cylinder and a corresponding short toothed rack on the bed. The said segment as hereto- fore commonly constructed has been throughout its whole arc concentric with the cylinder and the rack on the bed on which it works has been straight. The segment has been rigidly attached to the cylinder and the rack has generally been rigidly attached to the bed , but in some cases the rack or a portion of it has been so attached to the bed as to be capable of a slight longitudinal movement thereon for the purpose of accomodating itself to the slight differences of speeds that there may be between the bed and the cylinder at the time of the rack and segment coming into gear and of thereby avoiding all thumping action which with the rigidly attached rack and segment as heretofore constructed has been unavoidable when running at high speeds. The invention consists in the novel construction and combination of the register- ing gearing hereinafter described whereby although the segment and the rack are rigidly attached to the cylinder and the bed respectively , this tendency to thumping between their respective teeth is obviated or at least very greatly reduced. A machine constructed according to this invention comprises the usual framing , a bed running on ways , and a first and second impression cylinder. The bed may be driven in a well known manner by a mangle wheel and a mangle rack , the said wheel being on the oscillating section of the mangle shaft and the rack being connected by hangers with the bed. The cylinders may be driven indepen- dently of the bed in any suitable manner as for example by such gearing as is common in flat bed cylinder printing machines and therefore we have not thought it necessary to describe any gearing for this purpose .",
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"sentence": "TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME , I , STEPHEN MOULTON , of Norfolk Street , Strand , in the County of Middlesex , Gentleman , send greeting. WHEREAS Her present most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria , by Her Royal Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , bearing date at Westminster , the Eighth day of April ( One thousand eight hundred and forty-seven ) , in the tenth year of Her reign , did , for Herself , Her heirs and successors , give and grant unto me , the said Stephen Moulton , my exors , admors , and assigns , Her especial licence , full power , sole privilege and authority , that I , the said Stephen Moulton , my exors , admors , and assigns , or such others as I , the said Stephen Moulton , my exors , admors , or assigns , should at any time agree with , and no others , from time to time and at all times during the term of years therein expressed , should and lawfully might make , use , exercise , and vend , within England , Wales , and the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed , the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES , \" being a communication from a certain Foreigner residing abroad ; in which said Letters Patent is contained a proviso that I , the said Stephen Moulton , should cause a particular description of the nature of the said Invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , by an instru- ment in writing under my hand and seal , to be inrolled in Her said Majesty's High Court of Chancery within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said in part recited Letters Patent , as in and by the same , reference being thereunto had , will more fully and at large appear .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 11th May , 1899-Accepted , 15th July , 1899 Improvements in Motor Cars. I. CHARLES EDOUARD LUFBERY , Chemist , of Cheuny ( Aisne ) , France , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be per- formed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following state- ment : This invention relates to a motor car of which the driver has complete control , constructed and arranged as I shall describe with reference to the accompanying drawings. Fig. 1 is a side view and Fig. 2 is a plan of a motor car according to this inven- tion ; Fig. 3 is a side view and Fig. 4 is a plan of the brake gear. The motor engine is shewn on an enlarged scale in Fig. 5 which is a vertical section and Fig. 6 which is a transverse section ; Fig. 7 is an elevation of the regulating gear and Fig 8 is a section of the distributing valves. Fig. 9 is a longitudinal section , Fig. 10 is a plan and Fig. 11 is a transverse section of the interruptor for electrical ignition. Figs. 12 and 13 shew the electric ignition mechanism. Fig. 14 is a diagram of the electric connections for igniting. Fig. 15 is a longitudinal section of the igniter. Fig. 16 is a vertical section of the carburators. As shewn in Figs. 1 and 2 , A is the motor , B indicates the dynamo and centri- fugal pump , C is the carburator , 1 ) the reservoir for the exhaust gases , E is a tightening roller for the band which as shewn in Figs. 3 and 4 is mounted on arms of a rock shaft F. A pedal R at the front part of the car has ratchet teeth on its stem engaged by a catch a on a lever b pivotted at h. When the roller is down tightening the driving band , the parts are in the positions indicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 3. When the brake lever Q is pushed down the lever is moved so as to withdraw the catch a leaving the pedal free , and the roller E is raised by the springs c so as to loosen the band and immediately stop the driving gear. The arms A\u00b9 A2 which on depressing the pedal R , depress the tightening roller E are fixed on a shaft H which passes through a sleeve G free to turn in it , and on this sleeve are fixed the arms B1 B2 by which the catch a is withdrawn. As the lever Q is pushed farther down , the brakes are put on and the car is stopped , the motor engine still continuing to work ready to propel the car again when Qis raised and R pushed down. The lever Q also operates the steering gear. I is the sliding fork for moving the band along the stepped pulley , and J the gear for varying speed , K the brake drums for stopping. O the lever and rods for working the brake blocks , L are the chains which drive the road wheels. M is the gear for varying speed and reversing , which is the same as that described in my previous Specification No. 27191 of 1896. N is the reversing lever , P is the steering gear. The shifting of the band is effected by the lever S , the reversal by the handle and lever T and the carburation is regulated by the handle U , whilst V",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 5th July , 1898 Complete Specification Left 28th Mar 1899-Accented. 27th May 1899 I , CARL BABBE , of 8111 , Hafenstrasse , Altona , in the German Empire , Workman , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My present invention relates to an improved pannikin for carrying meals , and has for its object to provide suitable and practical means especially for workmen , enabling them to warm or cook their meals at any desired time without the necessity of a stove. This is done by arranging preferably a spirit lamp in any desired manner at the bottom of the pannikin , having a suitable flame distributor and provided with an incombustible wick of asbestos so that no parts have to be renewed except filling the burner with the necessary spirit or oil. The pannikin is of any desired kind and size , and is made preferably of enamelled tin and similar material. The lower end of the same is provided with a bayonet catch or fastening device of any desired kind with which engages a spirit lamp , provided with two projections to fit into the apertures so as to complete the bayonet catch by turning the lamp to the right or left after insertion. The lamp is pre- ferably provided with an asbestos wick , which being incombustible avoids the necessity of its being renewed. I provide a small plate of incombustible material fastened to a suitable support so as to serve as a distributor for the flame , so that the same is compelled to cover a larger heating surface of the pannikin , thus giving a more complete effect. The sides of the lamp are provided with a sufficient number of perforations , so that the air can circulate freely to assure a bright and smokeless burning of the flame. The lamp is filled with the combustible through an opening provided with a suitably screwed cap. I do not confine myself to the use of the foregoing of any particular form of construction of pannikins or lamps. Dth : Fil 1 TL 1000 W. P. THOMPSON & Co. , 322 , High Holborn , London , W.C. , Patent Agents for the Applicant. Improvements in Pannikins for Carrying Meals. I , CARL BABBE , of 8111 , Hafenstrasse , Altona , in the German Empire , Workman , 35 do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to [ Price 8d .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 25th Aug. , 1896 Complete Specification Left , 18th May , 1897-Accepted , 10th July , 1897 PR ONAL SPEC Improvements in Clips for Tentering , Stretching or Drying Machinery for Fabrics. We JOSEPH HORTON and WILLIAM HORTON both of West Vale near Halifax in the county of York Engineers and machine Makers , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - The object of our invention is to construct a safe locking clip , which overcomes all vibration when travelling the length of the machine and retains its firm grip upon the cloth whether tight or slack , it automatically gauges the proper distance from the edge of the piece so making a straight selvedge , it automatically closes upon the edge of the piece when feeding , and automatically opens at the end of its travel , the clips being suitable either for a return machine or for a gas tentering machine which allows the piece to be taken off at the opposite end of the machine. When desired eccle plates can be used on this chain in place of the aforesaid clips. To each link of the chain we attach a plate with slots , at the side of the plate we pivot a faller consisting of an arm to which is pivotted a grip , jaw and guage , the guage passing into the slots beforenamed and so guages the proper distance for gripping the edge of the piece , at the back of the pivotted arm is a second spring pivotted locking arm wedge or key which is automatically opened and closed by suitable projections on the machine. The piece is placed forwards on the plate the faller , grip , jaw and guage is dropped down and as the chain is travelling up the incline the piece is gradually withdrawn from the clip until the edge is the required distance when the locking arm falls into position and firmly secures the piece and locks it. Thated this twenty fourth day of August 1806 JOHN E. WALSH , Crossley Street , Halifax , Patent Agent for the Applicants. Improvements in Olips for Tentering , Stretching or Drying Machinery for Fabrics. We JOSEPH HORTON and WILLIAM HORTON both of West Vale near Halifax in the county of York , Engineers and Machine Makers , do hereby declare the nature of this Invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The object of our invention is to construct a safe locking clip which overcomes all vibration when travelling the length of the machine , and retains its firm grip upon",
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"sentence": "SIMPSON 'S SPECIFICATION. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME , I , ALEXANDER HORATIO SIMPSON , of New Palace Yard , Westminster , Gentleman , 'send greeting. : : 1 \" WHEREAS Her present 'most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria ; by Her Letters P\u00e1tent under the Great Seal of Great Britain , bearing \" date at West- minster , the Fifth day of November , in the fourth year of Her reign , did , ' for Herself , Her heirs and successors , give and grant unto me , the said Alexander Horatio Simpson , my executors , administrators , and assigns , and such others as I , the said Alexander Horatio Simpson , my executors , administrators , \" and assigns , 'should at any time agree with , and no others , from time to time and at all times hereafter during the term of years therein mentioned , 'should and lawfully might make , use , exercise , and vend , within England , Wales , and ' the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed , my Invention of \" A MACHINE OR APPARATUS TO BE USED AS A MOVEABLE OBSERVATORY OR TELEGRAPH , AND AS MOVEABLE PLATFORM 'IN ERECTING , REPAIRING , PAINTING , OR CLEANING \" THE INTERIOR 'OR EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS , AND ALSO AS A FIRE ESCAPE ; \" in which'said-Letters Patent there is contained a proviso , that I the said Alexander \" ..Horatio Simpson , shall cause a particular description of the nature of my said \" Inven- tion , and in what manner the same is to be performed , by an \" instrument in writing under under my hand and seal ; to be inrolled in Her Majesty's High Court of Chancery within ' six calendar months ' next immediately after",
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"sentence": "TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME GREETING , I , RICHARD LAWRENCE STURTEVANT , of Number 42 , Church Street , Bethnal Green , in the County of Middlesex , Soap Manufacturer , send greeting. WHEREAS Her most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria , by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain , bearing date at Westminster , the Eighth day of March , in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty-one , in the fourth year of Her reign , did give and grant unto me , the said Richard Lawrence Sturtevant , my executors , administrators , and assigns , Her especial licence , full power , sole privilege and authority , that I , the said Richard Lawrence Sturtevant , my executors , administrators , and assigns , and such others as I , the said Richard Lawrence Sturtevant , my executors , admini- strators , and assigns , should at any time agree with , and no others , from time to time and at all times thereafter during the term of years therein mentioned , should and lawfully might make , use , exercise , and vend , within that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , called England , and the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed , my Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OP SOAP ; \" in which said Letters Patent there is contained a proviso that I , the said Richard Lawrence Sturtevant , shall cause a particular description of the nature of my said Invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , by an instrument in writing under my hand and seal , to be inrolled in Her Majesty 's High Court of Chancery within six calendar months next and immediately after the date of the said in part recited Letters Patent , as reference being thereunto had , will more fully and at large appear :",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 28th Sept. , 1897-Accepted , 20th Nov. , 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Cycle Saddles. I , REGINALD HADDAN , of the Firm of Herbert Haddan & Co. , of 18 , Buckingham Street , Strand , W.C. , London Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention a communication to me from abroad by Wilbur Sanders Upson , of Mansfield , Ohio , in the United States of America , Coal Dealer , and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : \u2015 This invention relates to improvements in saddles for bicycles or velocipedes ; and it consists in certain features of construction , and combinations of parts , herein- after described and pointed out in the claims. In the accompanying drawings , Fig. I is a front side elevation , partly in section , of a saddle embodying the invention. Fig. II is a top plan of the same , partly in section and partly broken away. Fig. III is a right hand side elevation relative to the preceding figures , partly in section. Fig. IV is a top plan in section on line IV IV Fig. I. Fig. V is a front side elevation , partly in section , of a saddle having omitted the parts whereby the seats are capable of oscillating independently of each other. Fig. VI is a right hand side elevation , relative to Fig. V , partly in section. The improved saddle for a bicycle or velocipede comprises a horizontally arranged , or approximately horizontally arranged table A that is seated upon the correspondingly arranged circular plate or base 3 , and is mounted upon an upright cylindrical lug or bearing rigid with and projecting upwardly from the central portion of the said plate B. The table A is , therefore , capable of being oscillated in opposite directions. Table A has , in the case illustrated , a depending annular flange A10 that is arranged concentrically of the table 's axis , and has bearing upon plate B. The space between the bearing band the inner side of the aforesaid flange A10 is divided into two compartments or chambers A \" , A , arranged at the forward side and rear side , respectively , of the table 's axis. The forward chamber A \" , is formed between two ribs or flanges A that are integral with the table , and are arranged radially of the under side of the forward portion of the table and a suit- able distance apart. The rear chamber A is formed in a similar manner , namely , by two flanges or ribs A that are integral with the table , and arranged a suitable distance apart and radially of the under side of the table 's rear portion. Within each of the generally triangular chambers A \" and A2 are two corresponding generally triangular spring forming blocks R of rubber , or other compressible and elastic material , that are arranged at opposite sides , respectively , of the said chamber and at opposite sides , respectively of an upright flange or rib B formed It will be upon the supporting plate B and arranged radially of the table A. observed , therefore that the said elastic blocks R rest upon the plate B ; that the latter has two upwardly projecting ribs or flanges B10 , formed upon the upper side 6 the forward portion and rear portion , respectively , of the said plate that the forward flange or rib B extends between the members of the pair of elastic blocks in the forward chamber A \" , and that the rear rib or flange 10 extends between the members of the pair of elastic blocks within the rear chamber A , and it is",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 29th Sept. , 1896 Complete Specification Left , 29th June , 1897 -- Accepted , 7th Aug. , 1897 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. An Attachment to a Celestial Globe for Facilitating Stellar Navigation. I VINCENT JOHN ENGLISH , of No. 23 , Warwick Street , Regent Street , in the County of Middlesex , Retired Lieutenant Royal Navy , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My invention consists of a circular ring of metal or other material to rest on and move freely round the horizon of any ordinary celestial globe , which horizon has the compass bearings marked upon it. To this ring are firmly attached four quadrants of metal , or other material which are joined together above the centre of any such celestial globe. These quadrants , all or any one of them , are divided into ninety degrees. Dated this 29th day of September 1896. HUGHES , SON & Co. , 38 , Chancery Lane , W.C. , Agents for the Applicant. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. An Attachment to a Celestial Globe for Facilitating Stellar Navigation. VINCENT JOHN ENGLISH , of No. 23 , Warwick Street , Regent Street , in the County of Middlesex , Retired Lieutenant , Royal Navy , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - My invention consists of a circular ring of metal or other material to rest on and move freely round the horizon of any ordinary celestial globe , which horizon has the compass bearings marked upon it. To this ring are firmly attached four quadrants of metal or other material which are joined together above the centre of any such celestial globe. These quadrants all or any one of them are divided into ninety degrees. By the use of my invention stellar navigation is much facilitated , the altitude and bearing of any star or celestial body seen being readily and easily found. The time of the meridian passage of any heavenly body is obtained with facility and in great circle sailing the invention will be found useful and of advantage as well as in solving double chronometer problems. And in order that this my invention may be fully understood I will now describe same with reference to the accompanying drawings and letters and figures of reference marked thereon , that is to say : Fig. 1 is a view in plan of a celestial globe fitted with my improvements and constructed and arranged in accordance with this invention. Fig. 2 is a front elevational view of same : Fig. 3 an clevational view of the altitude delineating",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to Horatio James Huggins , of the Island of St. Vincent , in the West Indies , for the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN FILTERING AND DECOLORIZING CANE JUICE , SOLUTIONS OF SUGAR AND OTHER LIQUIDS , AND IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. \" Sealed the 3rd July 1860 , and dated the 25th January 1860. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Horatio Jaines Huggins at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 25th January 1860. I , HORATIO JAMES HUGGINS , of the Island of St. Vincent , in the West Indies , do hereby declare the nature of the Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN FILTERING AND DECOLORIZING CANE JUICE. SOLUTIONS OF SUGAR AND OTHER LIQUIDS , AND IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR , \" to be as follows : - This Invention has for its object improvements in filtering and decolorizing. cane juice , solutions of sugar , and other liquids , and in the manufacture of sugar. For the purpose of filtering cane juice , syrups , and other liquids , I employ a circular plate or disc mounted on a vertical axis , driven at a considerable velocity ; around the upper part of the axis is a casing , which terminates just above the surface of the disc or plate , and the liquid to be filtered is admitted to this casing , and escapes at its lower end equally all [ Price 8d . ]",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 23rd May , 1898 Complete Specification Left. 23rd Feb.. 1899-Accepted. 6th May. 1899 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. An Improved Process for the Construction of Tuyere Noses or Furnace Ends. We , JOHANN KARL JACOBI , of Roth , District of Bitburg , near Treves , in the Empire of Germany , Boiler Maker , and KARL SCHANDELER , of Esch-on-the- Alzette , in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg , Merchant , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention relates to an improved process for the construction of tuyere noses or furnace ends. These copper ends in the shape of a double sleeve have been generally constructed until now by connecting an inner tube by soldering with an exterior tube of a larger diameter having at its end an interiorly bent flange. In consequence of the strong heat to which the tuyeres are exposed in the furnace , the ends generally broke through in short , time and always at the place soldered. According to this new process , the tuyere ends are constructed of only one piece of tube. This tube is first enlarged at one of its ends with a flaring enlargement which is then brought down into an umbrella like form and has its outer part again turned back in order to give to it the form of a double sleeve. The manipulation of the material during the enlargement of the extremity of the tube is so done that it simultaneously undergoes a shortening or thickening , thus the parts which are exposed to the strongest heat , are considerably strengthened which secures in the most efficacious manner these places against premature breaking. To make such a tuyere end the process is as follows : -A piece of copper tube is partly inserted in a form composed of a cylindrical mandril and of a ring provided with an annular channel in which the lower extremity of the tube is placed. The upper extremity of the tube is first flaringly enlarged either by com- pression by means of appropriate mandrils or by hammering ; this compression or hammering are done so as to obtain at the same time a compression of the material in the longitudinal direction of the walls of the tube. The pressure on the material causes a certain thickness of the part of the tube immediately above the ring. By pursuing the expanding operation , and by proceeding simul- taneously in the work of pressing back or thickening the material the flaring part becomes a slightly downwardly turned flange of the form of an umbrella or mushroom head thickened towards the middle but gradually towards the borders. This partly finished tuyere end is then put into a form with a longer mandril carrying a ring which rests on the middle of the mushroom flange and prevents deformation of this part during the operation of bending down the projecting part of the flange. Dated this 30-1 1 L 1000 HERBERT HADDAN & Co. , Agents to Applicants .",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to William Edward Gedge , of the Firm of John Gedge and Son , of No. 11 , Wellington Street , Strand , in the County of Middlesex , Patent Agent , for the Invention of \" IMPROVED FAGOTS FOR LIGHTING FIRES. \" -A communication from abroad by Charles Victor Brevet of 39 Faubourg St. Martin , Paris , France. Sealed the 9th December 1864 , and dated the 13th June 1864. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said William Edward Gedge at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 13th June 1864. I , WILLIAM EDWARD GEDGE , of the Firm of John Gedge and Son , of No. 11 , Wellington Street , Strand , in the County of Middlesex , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVED FAGOTS FOR LIGHTING FIRES , \" ( a communication to me from abroad by Charles Victor Brevet , of 39 , Faubourg Saint Martin , Paris , France , to be as follows : - The main idea of these diaphanous fagots is to have in their various arrangements a central fire-place with current of air which much facilitates their combustion with flame , and consequently permits them to light promptly [ Price 8d . ]",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 20th Feb. , 1895 Complete Specification Left , 20th Nov. , 1895-Accepted , 21st Dec. , 1895 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Internal Combustion Oil Engines. I , FRANCIS WILLIAM CROSSLEY , of Crossley Brothers Limited , Openshaw , Manchester , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention has for its object the simplification of internal combustion oil engines by using one oil pump only for the purpose of supplying oil to the engine , and also to a lamp for heating the vaporizer and ignition tube. The In carrying ont this invention a small pump is driven from any suitably timed moving part of the engine. An eccentric on the side-shaft of an oil engine of the \" Otto type is a convenient method of driving this pump , which is timed to deliver oil during the intervals between the suction strokes of the engine. The pump is made large enough to deliver what is necessary for a charge , as well as the small quantity required for the lamp , and an ample surplus to compensate for any slip past the valves. The pump has an ordinary suction valve , and two delivery valves , one to the pressure vessel of the lamp , and one to supply 'the charge to the engine , the surplus also passing through this latter valve. lamp by preference is of the type in which petroleum or other suitable oil is contained under suitable pressure in an enclosed vessel , the pressure forcing the oil to a combined vaporizer and burner , the flame of the burner itself supplying the heat necessary to vaporize the oil , which is burned as a jet of vapour ; such lamps work very well with a pressure of say 20 lbs. to the square inch ( more or less ) . The delivery valve to the lamp pressure vessel is a simple non-return valve. The second delivery valve which supplies oil for the cylinder charge is loaded , say , by means of a spring to , say , 20 lbs. per square inch ( more or less ) . It thus can not lift until the lamp pressure vessel is first supplied with as much oil as it will contain at the determined pressure. All the rest of the oil pumped must pass this spring loaded valve and is conducted to a measuring apparatus such as described in Letters Patent No. 24584 , A.D. 1893 or to any other suitable contrivance for measuring. The surplus passes back by an overflow pipe to the oil tank. For conveniently starting the lamp the pump may be disconnected from the shaft and worked by hand. In another arrangement instead of using two delivery valves the forcing stroke of the oil pump may be used to lift a small loaded plunger , which , shortly after its lifting stroke commences , passes a small hole to supply the lamp pressure , and on this pressure being satisfied , lifts a little further , and the rest of the oil passes through a second hole to the oil measurer and overflow. The load on the small plunger determines the pressure in the lamp pressure vessel. ' It will be understood that this invention enables one pump to be utilised for a double purpose , firstly supplying the lamp pressure vessel at any predetermined and adjustable pressure , and , secondly , passing all surplus to the oil engine charge measurer or to the overflow. Slight modifications of the means described may be made , and other forms of lamp not necessarily of the high pressure type may be adopted .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 2nd Oct. , 1899 Complete Specification Left , 31st July , 1900-Accepted , 15th Sept. , 1900 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Typewriters. We , WALTER BERESFORD , of 118 , Needham Road , in the City of Liverpool , Mechanical Engineer , and FREDERICK THOMAS RUSHTON , of 14 , New Inn , Strand , in the County of London , Solicitor , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - Our invention relates to typewriters and has for its object to provide a simple and efficient means for adjusting the position of the platen where two or more characters are carried by the printing type bars. According to our invention we mount the carriage or frame carrying the platen so as to turn upon a central point or hinge so that the platen carried thereby may be readily adjusted by means of an operating lever or levers to any part in the arc of a circle of which the said hinge is a centre. In one such arrangement when the platen is horizontal and the printing point is on its front face we mount the platen in a suitable frame or carriage extending rearwardly thereof and resting upon or hinged to a horizontal rod upon which the said carriage is adapted to be travelled by the usual escapement device , suitable anti-friction rollers being provided. The said carriage is also provided with a forward extension carrying a supporting rod adapted to travel over suitable antifriction rollers carried by one end of a lever extending to the keyboard of the machine and adapted , when depressed , to turn the carriage upon its hinge and raise , or raise and lower the forward end of the carriage to a pre- determined point or points so as to adjust the printing point of the platen according to the disposal of the particular type required upon the type bars. One or two operating levers may be employed , for instance , one to raise and one to lower the carriage or one to raise the carriage to one point and another or others for adjusting the carriage to other points in the arc of the circle of which the hinge is the centre or a cam having stepped recesses for the carriage rod and adapted for operation by the levers may be employed. The carriage will also carry the paper table or guide and other mechanisms for the adjustment of the paper in the usual manner. Dated this Second day of October 1899. J. C. CHAPMAN & Co. , Agents. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Typewriters. We , WALTER BERESFORD , of 118 , Needham Road , in the City of Liverpool , Mechanical Engineer , and FREDERICK THOMAS RUSIITON , of 14 , New Inn , Strand , in the County of London , Solicitor , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : Our invention relates to typewriters and has for its object to provide a simple and efficient means for adjusting the position of the platen where two or more characters are carried by the printing type bars. According to our invention we mount the carriage or frame carrying the",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 25th Jan. , 1894 Complete Specification Left , 19th Oct. , 1894-Accepted , 24th Nov. , 1894 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Preparing for Bleaching and Dyeing and in Bleaching , Dyeing , and Washing Vegetable Textile Material , and in Apparatus therefor. A communication from abroad by LA SOCI\u00c9T\u00c9 LEBLOIS , PICENI ET COMPAGNIE , of 16 , Rue Drouot , Paris , France , Manufacturers. I , JOHN CLAYTON MEWBURN of 55 and 56 Chancery Lane , in the County of London Chartered Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - It is usual before bleaching or dyeing vegetable materials to submit them to a vigorous preliminary ungumming , which is only obtained by subjecting them for some hours to the action of baths of boiling water or lye. Experience has shown that this energetic and hot process of extracting the gum has a deleterious effect on the strength and solidity of the fibre so treated and it is a characteristic feature of the present invention to replace it by a simple thorough steeping which must be perfect , after which the material so treated is in a condition to be submitted to the treatments for bleaching or dyeing. This thorough and perfect steeping is very difficult to effect without deteriorating or matting the material under treatment , particularly when it has already undergone the operations preliminary to spinning such as slivers or rovings of cotton , carded or combed , and also when it is necessary to treat the material in a quantity at a time. The object of this invention is to obtain this important result by means of special processes and apparatus for carrying them out. The invention consists in a mode of impregnation which permits of the dyeing or bleaching of all kinds of textile vegetable materials , particularly when in the form of slivers or rovings , a mode realized by a harmonious combination of operations , processes and apparatus which allows them to be treated in quantity without matting , entangling or deterioration , cold as well as hot. In order to obtain this important industrial result the following operations and processes , which are all indispensable to obtain complete success , are combined. First Preliminary threading or stringing on cords or tapes of the materials to be treated , and in the case of rovings or slivers the use by preference of a special method of threading which is very quick and very easy , and is hereinafter described ; this threading of the rovings renders it possible to treat them in a large quantity at a time without fear of entanglement or matting. : Secondly The use of a vacuum vessel with or without a receiver , of which the chief characteristic is a movable lid in the interior , capable of automatically pressing more and more the material under treatment as it naturally subsides or sinks owing to its impregnation by liquid baths ; this automatic sinking prevents the matting and entanglement of the material under treatment. Thirdly The employment of a particular mode of impregnation by means of a vacuum and of alternately a vacuum and the admission of air through the liquid baths in the vessel , the material being always kept pressed down as already explained. The alternation of a vacuum and of admission of air will alone serve to thoroughly steep the material thus pressed .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 7th Aug. , 1896-Accepted , 19th Sept. , 1896 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improved Arrangement for Lubricating the Journals of Shafts , Axles , and the like. I , HERMANN DIELITZSCH , of Belgern on the Elbe , in the Province of Sachsen , Prussia , Machine Maker , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The present invention refers to a new lubricating arrangement upon shafts and axle journals which possesses in comparison with other known constructions the great advantage of extreme capability of performing its work efficiently. The process employed up to the present consisted in fitting the bearings with lubri- cating grooves. This process has proved itself entirely unpractical however as on the one hand the lubricating grooves have had to be cut afresh upon the bearings when they have become worn away after a certain amount of wear and tear , and on the other hand the lubricating grooves close up on the bearings being readjusted and so impede the working of the machine. This invention does entirely away with this evil. The annexed drawing shows in.- Fig. 1. a representation of a shaft. Fig. 2. a side view of an excentric. The new invention consists essentially in this , that the shaft a is provided on its surface with lubricating grooves b , which run round it both in the form of a screw and in the form of a ring. The excentric represented in Fig. 2 shows the lubricating groove b as a curve running round the circumference. The lubricating grooves are so arranged that sufficient lubricating material is supplied to the entire surface of the parts under friction. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of the said inven- tion and in what manner the same is to be performed I declare that what I claim is.\u2015 The lubricating arrangement for the journals of shafts or the like which consists in providing the journals with grooves so placed that the frictional surface is supplied with sufficient lubricating material substantially as described. Dated this 6th day of August 1896. WM. P. THOMPSON & Co .",
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"sentence": "Improvements in Dyeing. I , ELIZA JESSIE STEWART , of 74 Abingdon Road , Kensington , in the County of London , Gentlewoman , do hereby declare the nature of the invention to be as follows : - My Invention relates to an improved process for the production of the colour known as \" Khaki \" and more particularly to the dyeing of fabrics such as the drill worn by the Military in India and other Countries within the tropics. The climatic conditions to which such goods are exposed are such as to cause any but the fastest colours to fade rapidly and so great is the difficulty in obtaining a dye of sufficient permanence that the manufacture of khaki goods is almost entirely confined to a very few firms and the price is consequently high. Now according to my invention such goods may be dyed of a good khaki colour which is very permanent and well suited for the purpose required and at a very moderate cost. In carrying out my Invention , I employ a vegetable product not hitherto known as a dye Stuff , and treat the articles to be dyed therewith , or with a compound thereof , in such manner that the colour produced may be reinforced or modified and at the same time rendered fast and permanent. The vegetable product which I have discovered to be useful for this purpose is the outer shell or husk of the pods of the Cotton Plant which have hitherto been regarded as a waste product of little or no value being occasionally used as an inferior kind of fodder. The colouring matter is extracted from the cotton pod by boiling in water and decanting ; otherwise , in place of the extract obtained as above , I employ an extract made in like manner from the bark of the Babool tree ( which substance has been used as a dye , but has never been made to yield a permanent khaki dye ; or alternatively , Catechu may likewise be prepared in solution and used for the same purpose. This substance although well known as a dye has not hitherto been known to be capable of yielding a permanent khaki dye such as that resulting from its treatment according to my process. In order to use any of the substances above mentioned for dyeing in fixed colours I heat it and add myrobalans and sulphate or other like salt of iron and in this mixture either hot or boiling I steep the fabric to be dyed and then leave it to soak for some hours after which I pass it through or rinse it in water and then either dry it or not according to circumstances. After this I steep it for some time in a , preferably warm , solution of Bichromate of Potash and then rinse thoroughly and dry and finish. The colour is then effectually fixed. Doted the 13th day of November 1896 NEWNHAM BROWNE , Agent for the Applicant .",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to George Davies , of No. 1 , Serle Street , Lincoln 's Inn , in the County of Middlesex , and No. 28 , St. Enoch Square , in the City of Glasgow , Civil Engineer and Patent Agent , for the Invention of IMPROVED MACHINES FOR WASHING SKEINS OF COTTON , LINEN , WOOL , OR SILK. \" A communication from abroad by Alexandre Marie Fortun\u00e9 Tulpin , of Paris , Engineer. Sealed the 3rd February 1863 , and dated the 26th August 1862. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said George Davies at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 26th August 1862. I , GEORGE DAVIES , of No. 1 , Serle Street , Lincoln 's Inn , in the County of Middlesex , and No. 28 , St. Enoch Square , in the City of Glasgow , Civil Engineer and Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of the said Inven- tion for \" IMPROVED MACHINES FOR WASHING SKEINS OF COTTON , LINEN , WOOL , OR SILK , \" ( a communication to me from abroad by Alexandre Marie Fortun\u00e9 Tulpin , of Paris , Engineer , ) to be as follows : - These machines are applicable either as portable machines , or they may be fixed on a watercourse with either a constant or variable level. When intended to be used in the workshop , and not fixed on a watercourse , the machine is constructed as follows : -Upon a cistern or vessel having an",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to John Henry Johnson , of 47 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields , in the County of Middlesex , and of 166 , Buchanan Street , in the City of Glasgow , North Britain , Gentleman , for the Invention of \" IMPROVE- MENTS IN MACHINERY OR APPARATUS FOR KNEADING DOUGH , OR WORKING OR MIXING PLASTIC MATERIALS. \" - A communication from Monsieur Vall\u00e9e. Sealed the 3rd May 1859 , and dated the 16th November , 1858. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said John Henry Johnson at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 16th November 1858. I , JOHN HENRY JOHNSON , . of 47 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields , in the County of Middlesex , and of 166 , Buchanan Street , in the City of Glasgow , North , Britain , Gentleman , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN MACHINERY OR APPARATUS FOR KNEADING DOUGH , OR WORKING- AND MIXING PLASTIC MATERIALS , \" ( a communication from Monsieur Vall\u00e9e , a. foreigner resident abroad , ) to be as follows : - This Invention relates to a peculiar construction and arrangement of machinery or apparatus especially adapted for kneading dough in the making. of bread on board ship , or for working and mixing plastic substances of all",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 2. th Feb. , 1897-Accepted , 29th May , 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Apparatus for Supporting Stationary or Moveable Loads. I , BERTHOLD GERDAU , of Neander Strasse 13 D\u00fcsseldorf-Grafenberg Germany , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention consists of an apparatus for carrying moveable or stationary loads , which I will describe with reference to the accompanying drawings in which Fig. 1 shews a vertical section of the apparatus and Figs. 2 to 8 shew various applications of the same. \u00b0 The apparatus consists of a strong chamber a into which are led liquids , or gas or air under pressure so as to constitute a fluid pressure column that bears against a flat even surface or way d. These columns of liquid , gas or air are enclosed by means of annular pistons b , that work fluid tight in the open lower ends of the chambers a that carry the load , the pistons being made to bear with their lower edge upon the surface d , suitable packing e being provided on the piston for working fluid tight both in the chamber a and on the surface d. When arranging several chambers a under one load they are preferably connected together by means of pipes f Figs. 6 and 7. The supporting chambers a are supplied with fluid by a pump. If the fluid be discharged from the chambers , which may be effected by opening a valve in the pressure supply pipe , the pistons b will be forced by the load into the chambers , until these rest with their lower ends upon the level surfaces d. g At the point where the chamber a is provided with a lateral opening for communicating with the supply pipe f , a valve chamber is provided whose valve k is held away from its seat by a roller r on its stem bearing against the surface d until sufficient pressure fluid has been forced into the chamber a to raise this above the surface d , whereupon the valve will close automatically , the seat thereof being raised up against it. The pressure fluid passing through the channel in the valve chamber i then forces the valve down on its seat. If , in consequence of a change in the load , or in consequence of a small loss of pressure fluid on account of its adhesion to the slide surface d , the pressure of the fluid column becomes less The than that in the pipe the chamber a will sink , and with it the valve seat. latter will consequently be removed from valve supported by its stem and roller r from the surface d , and pressure fluid will again pass through the opened valve into the chamber a until this has again been raised to the normal height. The spring e insures that the roller r shall always bear upon the surface d , so that a decrease in the height of the fluid column will always cause a fresh supply of fluid pressure to the chamber a. The above described invention is applicable to all kinds of apparatus for carrying stationary or moveable loads. Figs. 2 to 7 show by way of example a variety of such carrying devices. Fig. 2 shews the application to a turntable ; Fig. 3 to a travelling platform ; Fig. 4 to a sliding bridge ; Fig. 5 to a swing bridge ; Fig. 6 to a raising device ; Fig. 7 to a ship railway. In the turntable at Fig. 2 the supporting chambers a are arranged beneath the turntables and slide upon the circular path d .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 12th Jan. , 1899 Complete Specification Left , 6th Oct. , 1899-Accepted , 11th Nov. , 1899 An Improved Form , Kind , or Manufacture of Bread. I , LOUIS DONDY , of the Firm of J. A. Roggero & Co. , of 6 , Carter Street , Liverpool , in the County of Lancaster , Bakers , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows ; - - This invention has for its object the combination of the bread making process and part of the macaroni making process in such way as to produce a more digestible and more palatable material than either of these would produce separately. I have found that the use of water having large amount of salts in it , ( such as hard water generally has ) has an effect of lessening the tenacity of bread produced with it , whereas bread made from rain or distilled water is much tougher. Now my invention consists in mixing flour and ( preferably distilled ) water together and kneading them to a very much greater extent than is now practised and adding the yeast , by this means the dough is altered in its character and becomes a tough clastic material like macaroni paste. This material is drawn out by me into very long sticks of small diameter , preferably \" to 8 \" thick and up to 4 feet long and is baked in this shape. The sticks being so very thin , the bread is all crust , but instead of being hard crust it is crust somewhat similar to the vesicular crust found near the top of the tin in ordinary tin loaves , and which is looked upon as the nicest part of the crust of a loaf. The sticks do not require so long to bake as ordinary loaves. The gluten in the bread is converted into the form in which it exists in ordinary crust and in the exterior of toast , when it is considered no longer deleterious to a person of a diabetic tendency. My bread therefore becomes admirably adapted for the use of invalids as well as for ordinary consumption. It can be spiced or flavoured in any desired manner so as to partake of the nature of cake if desired. 1000 An Improved Form , Kind , or Manufacture of Bread. I , LOUIS DONDY , of the Firm of J. A. Roggero & Co. , of 6 , Carter Street , Liverpool , in the County of Lancaster , Bakers , do hereby declare the nature of Price R71",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 12th June , 1894 Complete Specification Left , 12th Mar. , 1895-Accepted , 27th Apr. , 1895 Improvements in Horse-collars. We , JEAN P\u00c9RONNET , of 326 , Rue St. Martin , Paris , and HENRI DANTON , of La Palisse ( Allier ) both in the Republic of France , Harness Makers , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - Our invention relates to horse-collars. : - In carrying out the invention we make the collar partly of metal and partly of straw , horsehair or other similar material forming the stuffing whilst the inetal part serves as a covering for the two sides of the collar and forms the head of the same ; the metal head is hollow and arched and is furnished underneath with a strip of leather secured by means of rivets. The parts of this head which project downwards are formed to receive the side pieces of the collar which can be adjusted in the same in order to modify according to necessity the length or height of the collar. The two parts composing the head of the collar are con- nected at the top by means of a hinge or joint which allows the collar to open and close , the two adjacent metal parts sliding one in the other in such a manner as to cause the edges to be covered. Each part of the head is composed of two curved plates rivetted together. On one side these plates are furnished with a rim or flange to which is fixed by means of rivets or otherwise the strip of leather which covers the whole of the under- neath part of the head , this leather is also divided to enable it to move with the metal about the hinge. The two branches of the head receive the ends of the sides of the collar. The latter are composed of bodies of fabric stuffed with straw , horsehair , cork , indiarubber or other similar material and lined with leather. The outer sides are covered with plates of nickeled steel. One of the said plates is firmly connected to its body by the draught stud the stem of which screws into an eye in a curved iron plate fixed to the stuffed body by a stud thereon ; and having points which pass through the fabric and enter the lining. The curved plate has two eyes to allow of placing the dranght-studs higher or lower as required. The hole which is not occupied is stopped by a small plate in which is a single hole. The covering plates enter the branches of the head by sliding in lateral grooves and are secured by means of the guide rings ; the said plates have several holes one above the other for regulating the depth to which the sides shall enter the head of the collar. The collar is closed at the bottom by means of two metal strips rivetted to the inner sides of the plates : one terminates in a hook and the other in a notch so that the two strips when superposed form a single round hole. One of the strips is also provided with a pin which can enter a hole in the other strip ; the pin has an eccentric button which turns or falls by its own weight over the edge of the hole in the last named strip and secures the collar in its closed position. Dated the 12th day of June 1894. G. F. REDFERN & Co. , 4 , South Street , Finsbury , London , Agents for the Applicants .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 15th Nov. , 1897-Accepted , 23rd July , 1898 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Valve for Pneumatic Tubes and like Devices. I , JOHN CLINTON MACSPADDEN , of 423 , Francis Street , St. Joseph , State of Missouri , in the United States of America , Manufacturer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - \" - This invention relates to valves for pneumatic or air-inflated tires and other inflatable devices , such as foot-balls , punching-bags , and the like ; and it has for its general object to provide a simple and effective non-return or check valve , which is more especially designed as a repair valve \" that is to say , is designed to be quickly and easily connected to the outside of and used in conjunction with air-tubes at present in use when it is necessary to equip the same with a new valve. The invention also contemplates the application of the improved valve to the air-tubes at the time of manufacture , since the cheapness of and the ease and facility with which the valves may be applied will very materially lessen the cost of the completed air tube. The invention will be fully understood from the following description and claims when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings , in which , bicycle-tire equipped with my Fig. 1 is a transverse section of the air-tube of improved valve. Fig. 2 is a section taken in the plane indicated by the line of Fig. 1 with a portion of the air-tube cut away to better illustrate the valve and the base of the inflation-tube. Fig. 3 is a detail transverse section illustrating an air tube embodying a modification. Fig. 4 is a section similar to Fig. 2 , taken through the modified tube. Fig. 5 is a detail section taken in the plane indicated by linear of Fig. 4. Figs. and 7 are detail sections illustrating another modification , and Fig. 8 is a detail section of still another modification. Referring by letter to said drawings , and more particularly to Figs. 1 and 2 thereof , A indicates the felly of a bicycle-wheel. B indicates the air-tube of the tire , which may or may not be inclosed in a cover , as desired , and C indicates the unobstructed air-inflation tube , which is preferably equipped with a cap a , screwed thereon , to prevent the entry of dust to the valve and valve-seat presently described. This inflation-tube \u010c has an outer casing a\u00b9 of metal having interior threads and an inner portion b of rubber and cloth , provided with exterior threads engaging the threads of the casing a\u00b9 , and this portion 6 merges at its inner end into a base c , which is designed and adapted to be connected to the outside of the air-tube by rubber cement or other suitable means , as will be presently described , and is preferably provided on its inner side with the piece of rubber f , which surrounds the aperture g in said base and is designed and adapted to serve as a valve-seat , as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 of the drawings. D indicates the non-return or check valve. This valve D may be formed of",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to Maximilien Schaffner , Civil Engineer , of Eisenach , for the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN SMELTING ZINC ORES , AND IN FURNACES EMPLOYED FOR THIS PURPOSE. \" Sealed the 3rd June 1859 , and dated the 11th December 1858. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Maximilien Schaffner at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 11th December 1858. I , MAXIMILIEN SCHAFFNER , Civil Engineer , of Eisenach , do hereby declare the nature of the Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN SMELTING ZINC ORES , AND IN FURNACES EMPLOYED FOR THIS PURPOSE , \" to be as follows : - According to this Invention the calamine or other zinc ore to be reduced is placed in a large chamber or muffle , around which a flue from a furnace passes. The top of this chamber is formed of hollow bricks , and the bottom of fire blocks or tiles , which rest on masonry at the two sides , and are also supported between the sides with perforated supports ; the blocks or tiles at the bottom of the chamber or muffle form the top of a flue from a furnace , and the products of combustion from the furnace enter this flue at one end of the chamber , and pass on beneath the chamber to its other end , where the flue rises up , and the products of combustion then pass back above the chamber through the hollows in the bricks forming its top to a chimney , by which",
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"sentence": "COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements relating to Velocipedes. I , PIERRE GRANDJEAN , of 94 Rue St. Allemagne , Paris , in the Republic of France , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - My invention relates to velocipedes and consists ( 1. ) In a peculiar arrangement of gear allowing of reducing the power required to be exerted by the rider and of rendering uniform the transmission to the driving wheel of the force exerted on the pedals. ( 2. ) In a novel arrangement for changing the speed of the velocipede , and ( 3. ) In various special forms of tyres which I make of solid or hollow india rubber. In the accompanying drawing , Figure 1 is an elevation of a bicycle provided with my improvements. Figure 2 is a plan shewing the arrangement of my gear. Figure 3 is a similar view to Figure 2 but illustrating a modification. Figure 4 is an elevation and transverse sections illustrating one of my novel arrangements of india rubber tyre. Figure is an elevation and transverse section of another arrangement of tyre. Figures 6 , 7 and 8 represent modifications of the tyre. These various arrangements of tyre have for object to prevent slipping on the ground , to give great flexibility to the tyres and to prevent the tyres from becoming cut or punctured through contact with sharp stones or other bodies. Referring first to Figure 1 my bicycle is constructed of a frame A which may be of any suitable construction. The pedal motion consists of two parallel chains B\u00b9 C\u00b9 , Figures 1 and 2 and six or eight toothed wheels. The two chains B\u00b9 , C ' actuated by the two similar wheels B and C serve to drive the two pinions D and E. The toothed wheels and pinions are keyed on their shafts in such a manner that the spaces between the teeth of one wheel and pinion are opposite the teeth of the other wheel and pinions so that one of the chains is always in full tension. It will be readily understood that this arrangement of two parallel chains B\u00b9 C\u2081. situated on the right and left hand sides of the velocipede combined with the pinions keyed as described , produces a very regular motion and considerably economizes the power required to be exerted by the rider. If The pinions D , E are fixed to two other pinions F , G of smaller diameter. therefore it is desired to increase the speed of the machine , it is only necessary to employ the pinions F and G in place of the pinions D , E which can be easily done by reversing the position of the twin pinions on their shaft M , that is to say , by bringing the smaller pinion inside and the larger outside or vice vers\u00fb. In the construction shown in Figure 3 there is no necessity to unkey or shift the rear pinions ; it is only necessary to shift the chain from the smaller wheels onto the larger ones or vice versa as the case may be ; but this arrangement involves the addition of two wheels H and I keyed on the same shaft and in the same manner as B and C. In the drawing K K are the pedals L is the pedal shaft and M the shaft of the driving wheel. The improvements relating to the construction of the tyre have for object to diminish vibration , to facilitate the hold of the tyre upon the ground and to prevent its becoming cut as far as possible. The tyre may be of solid or hollow rubber .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 23rd Mar. , 1893-Accepted , 29th Apr. , 1893 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Apparatus for Sterilising Liquids and in the Stoppering of Bottles and other Vessels for Holding such Liquids. I , RUDOLF THIEL of No. 6 Langestrasse , Lubeck , Germany , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : \u2014 This invention relates to improvements in or in connection with apparatus for sterilising liquids and to the stoppering of bottles jars and other vessels for holding such liquids during and after sterilisation this novel stoppering allowing the pressure ( produced during sterilisation ) over a certain point to escape upon which such stoppering closes automatically. In carrying out the sterilisation of liquids in which steam under pressure is employed for generating heat in the bottles jars or other vessels designed for the reception of such liquids the following principles should be taken particularly into account , viz. : \u2014 1. The means of opening and closing the sterilising boilers or apparatus ( in which the said bottles or other vessels that hold the liquid for sterilisation are to be subjected to the heat and pressure of steam ) must be capable of being easily operated. 2. The devices or means for closing the bottles jars or other vessels in which the liquids are to be sterilised and preserved must be so arranged that the pressure produced by the great heat ( during the sterilising process ) in the said vessels shall be able to escape , and that when the pressure ceases the said bottles or other vessels will be immediately and securely closed automatically. These principles are kept in mind and by means of the hereinafter described improvements are designed to obviate the manifold disadvantages of the sterilising process heretofore employed. Figs. 1 and 1^. Figure 1 is a general view in elevation ( partly in section ) of the whole apparatus complete. Figure 1 is a plan of the sterilising boiler or chamber C showing the cover thereof removed. A and B are an ordinary steam generator with ascending pipe , and C is a sterilising boiler or chamber fed from the steam generator. In this latter the filled sterilising bottles or other vessels ( such as glass bottles for small-and vessels made of metal for large-quantities of liquid ) are placed. At the bottom of the sterilising boiler the steam supply pipe c terminates in the form of a steam coil above which the removable gratings upon which the sterilising vessels are placed , are located. Outside of the sterilising boiler C there is arranged a swing crane f. The crane has a lever g serving as a means for handling the cover of the boiler. The hinged thumb screws h h serve to tightly close the cover ( which is provided with packing material ) on the sterilising boiler. The steam pressure in the sterilising boiler is regulated by means of safety valves and air valves d and e respectively located on its cover. When the cover is to be removed from the sterilising boiler the thumb screws h h on hinged bolts are unscrewed and the said hinged bolts laid back ; the handle of the lever g is pressed into the catch i of the crauef and is there secured by means of a pin k or otherwise suitably secured whereupon the cover which is thus raised and suspended from the crane is swung to one side clear of the said boiler or chamber C as in Fig. 14 : D 27",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 3rd Oct. , 1895 Complete Specification Left , 24th June , 1896-Accepted , 25th July , 1896 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improved Process or Treatment of Waste Materials Obtained in the Manufacture of Ammonium Compounds to Produce a Substance suitable for Use as a Paper Filling in the Manufacture of Paper. I , WILLIAM BROTHERS , of Higher Clews Chemical Works , Rawtenstall , in County of Lancaster , Manufacturing Chemist , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - : - The invention has reference to an improved process or treatment of certain waste materials obtained in the manufacture of ammonium compounds or say materials containing carbonate of lime sulphate of lime and hydrate of lime , to produce a substance or material suitable for use as a paper filling or loading in the manufacture of paper. It consists essentially in treating the waste material with carbonic acid gas to convert all the hydrate of lime in the waste material into precipitated chalk by which action a neutral compound of sulphate of lime and precipitated chalk is produced which will be found a suitable substance for use as a paper filling. In carrying out the invention I take a quantity of waste material say such as is produced in the manufacture of ammonium compounds by the action of slaked lime on sulphate of ammonia and this I treat with carbonic acid gas in a suitable receptacle or container to convert all the hydrate of lime into precipitated chalk. By this treatment a neutral compound of sulphate of lime and precipitated chalk is formed which may be employed in any ordinary or suitable manner as a paper filling in the manufacture of paper. Dated this 2nd day of October 1895. W. P. THOMPSON & Co. , 6 , Bank Street , Manchester , Patent Agents. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improved Process or Treatment of Waste Materials Obtained in the Manufacture of Ammonium Compounds to Produce a Substance suitable for Use as a Paper Filling in the Manufacture of Paper. I , WILLIAM BROTHERS , of Higher Clews Chemical Works , Rawtenstall , in the County of Lancaster , Manufacturing Chemist , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The invention has reference to an improved process or treatment of certain waste materials obtained in the manufacture of ammonium compounds or say materials containing carbonate of lime sulphate of lime and hydrate of lime , to produce a substance or material suitable for use as a paper filling or loading in the manufacture of paper .",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Elisha Mander and. William Morgan at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with their Petition , on the 22nd January 1857. We , ELISHA MANDER , Photographic Case Manufacturer , of Birmingham , and WILLIAM MORGAN , Manufacturer , of the same Place , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC , JEWELLERS ' , AND OTHER CASES HAVING WOOD OR PAPIER MACHE FOUNDATIONS , AND WHERE RAISED , REGULAR , OR IRREGULAR FORMS ARE REQUIRED IN SUCH CASES , AND THE MACHINERY FOR CARRYING OUT SUCH IMPROVEMENTS , PARTS OF WHICH ARE APPLICABLE TO OTHER PURPOSES WHERE SAWING OR SHAPING IS REQUIRED , \" to be as follows : - Our improvements consist in the method of mitring the angles in double mitres , so as either to retain the fibre of the material or not to forin the two mitres at one operation. In cutting up the material with mitred edges without waste by reversing the same in a suitable sawing machine. In the gluing into tubes and holding of the material so prepared in tubes suitably arranged instead of tying or screwing such parts together. In the cutting of such tubes into rings of widths to form the top and bottom of cases , either together or separately , by a combination of saws placed at the required distances. In the mode of preventing warping in wood cases by gluing two thicknesses of board together , the grain of the wood in such boards running trausversely .",
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"sentence": "Improvements in the Manufacture of Combination Garments. I , CHARLES ALLSOP GREGORY , of Lee Mills , near Matlock , in the County of Derby , Factory Manager , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - 1 This invention relates to combinations having overlapping flaps or at the seat. \" wraps \" The tops of such flaps are usually attached at the waist of the garment the result being that when the wearer sits down a dragging action is produced. In order to obviate this defect I prolong the middle of the back to below the waist the sides of the prolongation sloping or curving inwards the garments being of the usual length at the hips. Preferably also in making the prolongation the fabric is narrowed at the middle. The top course of the right hand flap is attached all along the slope of the right hand side of the prolongation all along its bottom edge and part ( say half ) way along the slope of its right hand side. Similarly the top course of the left hand flap is attached to the left hand edge the bottom and half of the right hand edge of the prolongation of the back. The lower parts of the flap and the legs are of the usual form. This method of construction not only forms a bulge or pocket at the seat so preventing strain at the back when the wearer sits down but it also tends to hold the flaps in proper position and prevent them from gaping. Dated this 24th day of November 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in the Manufacture of Combination Garments. I , CHARLES ALLSOP GREGORY , of Lea Mills , near Matlock , in the County of Derby , Factory Manager , do hereby declare the nature of this invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascer- tained in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to combinations having overlapping flaps or at the seat. \" wraps \" The tops of such flaps are usually attached at the waist of the garment the result being that when the wearer sits down a dragging action is produced. In order to obviate this defect we prolong the middle of the back to below the waist the sides of the prolongation sloping or curving inwards the garments being Price 8d.1",
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"sentence": "-DOCSTART- Date of Application , 26th Jan. , 1893 Complete Specification Left , 13th Oct. , 1893-Accepted , 18th Nov. ; 1893 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Keys , Levers , or Devices for Opening and Closing the Valves of High Pressure Gas Cylinders , or for other similar purposes. We KENNETH SUTHERLAND MURRAY of 30 Walpole Street , Chelsea in the County of London , Engineer and BRINS OXYGEN COMPANY LIMITED of 34 Victoria Street in the City of Westminster do hereby declare the nature of our invention to be as follows This invention has for its object to provide keys levers or devices by means of which the requisite power is obtainable for opening or liberating the valves of high pressure gas cylinders or for opening or liberating other devices by which vessels are closed whilst the same keys levers or devices when used for closing the valves or equivalent devices will prevent undue force being applied and so risk of injury to the seating of the valve or its equivalent is avoided. According to this invention the key lever or device is made so that it constitutes a long lever when used in the direction for opening the valve or the like and a short lever when it is used for closing the valve or the like. For example the key lever or device may be made in two parts one part being that which is applied to the valve or the like and the other part being that which is grasped by the user. These parts are hinged or connected together in such manner and are so relatively arranged or provided with stops that when the valve or the like is to be closed the parts so hinged or connected together are folded one upon the other or lie side by side and afford the desired short leverage , for closing the valve or the like ; whilst when the valve or the like is to be opened or released the said parts so hinged or connected together are in line or extend one beyond the other lengthwise to afford the requisite long leverage for opening the valve or the like. Dated the 26th day of January 1893 J. H. JOHNSON & Co. , 47 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields , London , W.C. , Agents. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Keys , Levers , or Devices for Opening and Closing the Valves of High Pressure Gas Cylinders , or for other similar purposes. We KENNETH SUTHERLAND MURRAY of 30 Walpole Street , Chelsea , in the County of London , Engineer and BRINS OXYGEN COMPANY LIMITED of 34 Victoria Street , in the City of Westminster do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention has for its object to provide keys , levers or devices by means of which the requisite power is obtainable for opening , or liberating the valves of high pressure gas cylinders , or for opening , or liberating , other devices by which vessels are closed whilst the same keys , levers , or devices , when used for closing the valves , or equivalent devices , will prevent undue force being applied , and so risk of injury to the seating of the valve , or its equivalent is avoided. According to this invention the key , lever , or device , is made so that it constitutes a long lever when used in the direction for opening the valve or the like , and a short lever when it is used for closing the valve or the like .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 20th Mar. , 1895 Complete Specification Left , 20th Dec. , 1895-Accepted , 25th Jan. , 1896 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or appertaining to Sign-boards , Announcement- boards , Shop Ticket Appliances , and the like. I , FRANK GRIST PIERPOINT of the Raglan Hotel , St. Martin's-le-Grand in the City of London , Licensed Victualler , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention has for its object a method of forming signboards , show cards , and the like whereby the owner of the shop can at very short notice alter his sign , showcard or announcement by substituting other lettering. The invention consists essentially in forming the background on which the letters are placed , and the backs of the letters , or either of them , with such frictional or other adherence that the letters shall not easily fall out of position when once placed there , and yet can be at any time removed or transposed at the pleasure of the shopkeeper or owner. In my experimental device I have used a background of black velvet , and have glued velvet to the backs of the letters. The two velvet surfaces interlock in such a manner that the letters strongly adhere to the background when pressed against it , and when the whole is covered by plate glass and frame , it looks as if the letters were painted on , or affixed to a polished glass surface. The letters can be of paper , card , glass , metal , or other material , and of any colour , and the back- ground can be of velvet or of any other material , to which the letters will sufficiently adhere for the purpose without being stuck to it. In place of velvet being at the back of the letters I may have wire card , metallic points , or the like , and in some instances , in place of a background of velvet , I may have smoother material and form the background immediately below this material of an iron or steel plate having a powerful magnet behind. If now the bodies of the letters are formed of iron they adhere firmly to the background when placed in position. I do not however recommend this magnetic arrangement except on special occasions , it may be useful however where it is desired to have a temporary advertisement which is to suddenly come to an end. In that case , I use an electro magnet and soft iron plate and soft iron letters. In such case the cessation of the electric current causes the instant fall of the entire advertisement. Doted this 20th day of March 1895. WM. P. THOMPSON & Co. , 31 , High Holborn , W.C. , Agents for the Applicant. Improvements in or appertaining to Sign-boards , Announcement- boards , Shop Ticket Appliances , and the like. I , FRANK GRIST PIERPOINT , of the Raglan Hotel , St. Martin's-le-Grand , in the City of London , Licensed Victualler , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention has for its object a method of forming signs or advertisement",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 10th Mar. , 1899-Accepted , 29th Apr. , 1899 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Tune-sheet Chest for Automatic Musical Instruments. I , RUDOLF PETER , of Gramzow , in the Province of Brandenburg in the German Empire , Masier-joiner , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascer- tained in and by the following statement : - The present invention refers to an improved tune-sheet chest for automatic musical instruments , which possesses the advantage of permitting the respective piece played by the tune-sheet to be indicated or visible without necessitating the removal of the tune-sheets. stored in the same chest. The invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which Fig. 1 shows a front elevation of the improved tune-slicet chest. Fig. 2 shows the tune-sheet chest open and its interior construction. Fig. 3 is a special-elevation of the tune-sheet supporting frame , and Fig. 4 is a plan of Fig. 3. The side wall a of the tune-sheet chest is arranged in such a manner that on opening the door this side-wall likewise opens , so that the door , e and side wall can be brought into a plane with the rear-wall e. The turning of the side-wall is attained by means of hinges screwed to the rear wall c of the tune-sheet chest. On the right hand side of the rear-wall e are situated two ledges g , movable on hinges f , which ledges are provided at their other extremities with pins h fitting info and movable in grooves in the side wall a. On opening the door e and with it the side wall b , the ledges g will turn in their hinges f in view of the pins , moving in the guide grooves in the side-wall a ; it is obvious that the pins are prevented by any of the well known means from leaving their guide grooves. The projecting flange of the ledges g is provided with a number of vertical holes in such a manner that the holes in the upper ledge g corre- spond with those in the lower ledge g. These holes serve for the reception of the tune-sheet supporting frames , which by means of studs are movably mounted in these holes . The tune-sheet supporting frames are , preferably constructed in the following manner. A vertical main-bar q provided at both extremities , with the studs referred to above is fitted at the lower end with a horizontal bar r of smaller length than the width of the tune-sheet chest. Two stays s secured to the outer extremity of the horizontal bar r and to the upper end of the main-bar y so as to leave a space between , ensure a rigid connection of the two bars. A third bar p , provided with a vertical groove is fitted to the main-bar and the sup- porting stays s ; it is in addition supported in its position by the stays o The tune-sheet is inserted into the supporting frame by passing it between the stays and through the vertical groove in the bar p , the length of which is so arranged that it will reliably support the tune-sheet , the stays s and o The tune-sheets are preventing its lower portion from gliding off the bar r. so inserted into their frames that the title of the piece the respective tune-sheet",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 23rd Nov. , 1896-Accepted , 13th Mar. , 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. An Improvement in Cycle-frames and Cycle-driving-mechanism. I , SIMON PIERRE FRAN\u00c7OIS LEH\u043d\u043c\u043aUHL , of 122 Malakkastraat , the Hague , Netherlands , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of my invention for \" An improvement in cycle-frames and cycle-driving-mechanism , \" and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The invention consists of an improvement in cycle-frames being accompanied with an improved cycle-driving-mechanism. There are two driving-mechanisms , one at either side of the rear-wheel and so near to the rear-wheel-axle that direct transmission is possible. Each of these driving-mechanisms consists of a toothed wheel. This toothed wheel is meshing into a smaller toothed wheel fixed on the axle of the rear-wheel and at either side of the rear-wheel. In consequence of this construction the length of the cycle is reduced. The reduction is about a quarter. In consequence of this reduction the frame is released and the frame is released too , because the seat of the cyclist is located justly above a point of support. Referring to the drawings Fig. 1 I is a side elevation of a cycle , Fig. 2 a plan of a cycle , of which the driving-mechanism is located at the inside of the frame , Fig. 3 the driving-mechanism is located at the outside of the frame. a. b and c are bifurcated rods or rods being present once at either side of the rear wheel , K the bearing of the axle A of the driving-mechanism T , a toothed wheel , meshing into the smaller toothed wheel T\u00b9. When the cyclist works the pedals P in a manner contrary to the usual manner the cycle goes forward. Does the cyclist desires to work the pedals in the usual manner an intermediate toothed wheel is placed between T and T or T is to be substituted by a sprocket wheel and T\u00b9 by a smaller sprocket wheel and a short endless chain is passed over said wheels. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 I are side elevations of cycles of improved construction. Drawing II is a horizontal section. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said inven- ion and in what manner the same is to be performed , I declare that what I laim is : A cycle on the axle of the rear wheel of which are fixed two toothed wheels or wo sprocket wheels and of which the axle of the rear wheel is driven by two riving-mechanisms , one at either side of the rear-wheel and each consisting f one or more toothed wheels on a sprocket wheel and short endless chain. Dated this 16th day of November 1896. S. P. F. LEHMKUHL .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 3rd Jan. , 1899 Complete Specification Left , 21st Aug. , 1899-Accepted , 28th Oct. , 1899 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. A Preparation for Curling or Waving Hair , also applicable as a Hair Wash. CONSTANCE ANNA ASH , wife of Alexander Ash , Esquire , of 8 , Tamar Terrace , Stoke , Devonport , in the County of Devon , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows ; \u2014 My preparation for curling or waving hair , and which is also applicable as a hair wash , consists of a mixture of isinglass and gelatine , with a preservative added. I claim the sole right to use these two ingredients in any preparation for curling or waving hair , or in any hair wash , whether used for promoting the growth , strengthening , cleansing , or for improving and beautifying hair. Dated this 31st day of December 1898. CONSTANCE ANNA ASHI , 8 , Tamar Terrace , Stoke , Devonport. A Preparation for Curling or Waving Hair , also applicable as a Hair Wash. CONSTANCE ANNA ASII , wife of Alexander Ash , Esquire , of 8 , Tamar Terrace , Stoke , Devonport , in the County of Devon , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - My preparation for curling or waving hair , and which is also applicable as a hair wash , whether used for promoting the growth , strengthening , cleansing , or improving and beautifying hair , consists of a mixture of either gelatine or isinglass dissolved , and with a preservative added. The proportion would be nine pounds of either gelatine or isinglass , diluted with sufficient preservative , and dissolved in one hundred gallons of water , with a small quantity of perfume. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , I declare that what I claim is : - The use of either gelatine or isinglass , in any preparation for the purpose of curling or waving hair , or in any hair wash , whether used for promoting the growth , strengthening , cleansing , or improving and beautifying hair. Dated this 17th day of August 1899 .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 4th Aug. , 1894 Complete Specification Left , 6th May , 1895-Accepted , 8th June , 1895 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Revolving Receptacles for Waste Water , to be Used in the Flushing of Water-closets Flushed with Waste Water. I , THOMAS KNOWLES , of Norwood Road , Southport , in the County of Lancaster , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My invention relates to revolving receptacles for waste water to be used in the Hushing of water-closets flushed with waste water and consists in improvements in the form of such receptacles which enable me to ensure that such receptacles shall revolve freely and when they cease revolving shall come to rest in the proper position to receive water. According to my invention I form revolving receptacles for use in water-closets to be flushed with waste-water so that a transverse section of the interior surface of each of such receptacles shall be in the form of a helical curve , increasing in radius towards the edge of the receptacle which is required to move downwards when the said receptacle commences to revolve. By forming the interiors of the said receptacles in the manner above described I cause such receptacles to revolve more freely than the receptacles hitherto constructed for the reason that as a receptacle constructed according to my invention is moved by the water accumu- lating in it , the water which has accumulated in such receptacle will be allowed to move into a part of larger radius and so tend to cause such receptacle to continue to move in the same direction and so prevent such receptacle from becoming stationary As soon as a portion of the water which has accumulated therein has been discharged therefrom. Further the formation of the interior of a receptacle of the said kind in the manner above described renders it unnecessary to provide such receptacle with an enlargement or recess specially provided in order to receive water for the purpose of bringing about the turning of such receptacle and so renders it unnecessary to provide each receptacle with a counterbalance weight or counter- balance weights such as are necessary in revolving receptacles of ordinary construction which often cause such revolving receptacles to come to rest in other than the proper position. Dated this Third day of August 1894 HOWARD CHEETHAM , Manchester , Agent to the Applicant. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Revolving Receptacles for Waste Water , to be Used in the Flushing of Water-closets Flushed with Waste Water. I , THOMAS KNOWLES , of Norwood Road , Southport , in the County of Lancaster , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - My invention relates to revolving receptacles for waste water to be used in the",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 1st Nov. , 1894-Accepted , 1st Dec. , 1894 COMPLETE DIMITICATION. Improvements in Can Labelling Machines. We , EVAN WILLIAM CORNELL , and FREDERICK HENRY KNAPP , of Adrian , County of Lenawee , and State of Michigan , United States of America , Manu- facturers , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to improvements in can labelling machines and consists in producing a machine of this class that is adapted to be actuated by the gravity of the filled can , and in which the label is applied to the can as it rolls from one end of the machine to the other , as will hereinafter be more fully set forth , the essential features of which being pointed out particularly in the claims. The object of the invention is to provide a simple , cheap and effective machine for labelling cans , and in which the arrangement is such that the machine is actuated by the gravity of the cans , and the labels are applied thereto as said cans are caused to roll from one end of said machine to the other. This object is attained by the mechanism illustrated in the accompanying drawings , in which ; - Figure 1 is a perspective view of my improved machine. Fig. 2 is a side elevation of same. Fig. 3 is a vertical longitudinal section through Fig. 2. Fig. 4 is a detail in perspective of the label containing receptacle , showing a can passing over said labels and causing one to adhere thereto. Fig. 5 is a detail of one of the restraining knives of the label receptacle , which are adapted to engage opposite edges of the labels , and so confine them in said receptacle that but one will be detached at a time as the can passes over them. Referring to the letters of reference , A designates the frame of the machine having an inclined table. Upon said table is mounted the can run-way consisting of a trough or chute having the vertical sides B. Located at the forward end of the chute or run-way is an abruptly inclined and oscillative section C , which is hinged at a to the main portion of the run-way and is adapted to swing downward by the weight of the can when placed thereon. Said section being provided with the opposite guides b between which the cans are placed and which serve to bring said cans into proper position for starting on their course through the machine. t Leading from the guides are the tracks which connect with the tracks c ' on the sides of the main chute upon which the cans are adapted to roll between the guides d , which guides are made adjustable to accommodate the various lengths of cans , by means of the movable stops d'. E designates the paste pot which is located between the oscillative section C and the label receptacle D. Within said pot , near the bottom thereof , is a roller F which is mounted on a shaft passing through said pot and carrying a gear wheel G which meshes with the gear G ' on the shaft of the roller F ' , journalled in the pot above the roller F and running in peripheral contact therewith. Crossing the interior of the pot adjacent to the periphery of the roller F is a scraper F \" which prevents too great an accumulation of paste on the surface of said roller. The roller supplies the paste to the roller F ' which is provided with a covering of felt , and extends between the track so as to apply paste to a portion of the periphery of the can as it passes along said track. To provide for rotating the paste rollers , the oscillative section of the run-way is provided with an arm f , to the upper end of which is pivoted a pawl\u0192\u00b3 , which",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 24th Jan 18.98 Complete Specification Left , 13th Sept. , 1898-Accepted , 5th Nov. , 1898 Complete Specification Left , 13th Sept. , 1898-Accepted , 5th Nov. , 1898 Method of and Means for Enabling Code or Cypher Printing or Signalling to be effected by Means of the Ordinary Keyboards of Type Writing Machines , Telegraphic Apparatus , Type Composing Machines , or the like. I , JOHN BALLOT , of No. 113 , Cannon Street , in the City of London , Gentleman , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My invention has for its object to enable correspondence or other communica- tions , or telegraphic messages to be readily printed , composed , or telegraphed in cypher or code by means of an ordinary keyboard such as is used for typewriting machines , composing machines or telegraphic instruments , the operator having nothing farther to do than to operate the keyboard in the usual manner for printing composing or telegraphing in ordinary language. For this purpose I provide for each key of the keyboard a separate cap , flap , or slide bearing upon its face a different letter ; thus for example the key marked A may have a cap marked Z , the key marked B a cap marked S , and so on , accord- ing to a predetermined code in which each letter of the alphabet is represented by a different letter. When it is desired to print , compose , or telegraph according to the said code , the operator first fits upon the keys the said caps & c. and then operates in the usual manner for printing , transmitting or composing a communication in the ordinary language , whereupon the printing will appear in the desired code or cypher language. The receiver of such communication has a key board machine provided with similar caps & c. , he can at once reprint from the communication in code or cypher the communication in the ordinary language. It will be seen that with my said invention the individual who actually operates the key board may be in perfect ignorance of the code or cypher language used , as the person who is conversant with this would prepare the keyboard with the requisite caps & c. without the knowledge of the operator , who would then simply operate the keys in the ordinary manner , that is to say , for copying or trans- mitting in code or cypher a word in the ordinary language which he has before him either in shorthand or in longhand , he simply depresses the keys marked with the same letters as the letters of the said word. It will be evident that if the said caps are made detachable from the keys , they can be made to serve for any desired number of different codes , by merely arranging them in a correspondingly different manner. The printing or transmission of messages in code or cypher by the above described method may be rendered still more secure , by providing one or more additional sets of caps & c. which may be marked with the alphabet , cypher or symbols while the printing type of the machine , instead of consisting of ordinary letters may consist of cyphers or letters of different languages .",
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"sentence": "[ Communicated from abroad by THE FARBENFABRIKEN vormals FRIEDRICH BAYER & Co. , of Elberfeld , Germany. ] The Manufacture or Production of New Anthraquinone Dye-stuffs. I , HENRY EDWARD NEWTON , of the Office for Patents , 6 , Bream 's Buildings , Chancery Lane , in the County of London , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My foreign correspondents have found that , by causing halogens , such as chlorine or bromine , to act on alphamonoamidoanthraquinone or its alphyl- derivatives ( such as alphaanilidoanthraquinone , alphatoluidoanthraquinone , or the like ) , new halogen derivatives are obtained , which , when treated with aromatic amines , yield from green to blue dye-stuffs , and that the latter can be transformed into valuable dye-stuff sulphonic acids by the action of sulphonating agents. In order to illustrate the new process more fully , the following examples are given , the parts being by weight. EXAMPLE A. 10 parts of alphaamidoanthraquinone which are spread out in a suitable vessel , are subjected to the action of bromine. When the product treated in this manner has assumed a uniform loam-yellow color , it is washed with water , then with a dilute sodium carbonate solution , and finally dried. The brominated alphaamidoanthraquinone thus produced represents a garnet-red powder. When recrystallized from glacial acetic acid , it is obtained in the shape of brick-red needles. The new body is readily soluble in nitrobenzene , aniline , and pyridine , with a reddish-yellow color. By concentrated sulphuric acid , it is dissolved with a yellow color , which is not changed by the addition of boric acid. EXAMPLE B. 10 parts of alpha-para-toluidoanthraquinone , which can be produced by the action of alphanitroanthraquinone on paratoluidine ( see R\u00f6mer , Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen. Gesellschaft , \" Vol. 16 , p. 363 ) are dissolved in 200 parts of hot glacial acetic acid. To the solution thus obtained , after being cooled down to 50 degrees Centigrade , 12 parts of bromine , which are mixed with 50 parts of glacial acetic acid , are added , with stirring. The reaction takes place instantly , the temperature of the mixture rising in a considerable degree , whilst the blueish-red color of the liquid turns into brownish-yellow. The brominated product thus produced is then completely separated in the shape of yellowish-red crystals by the addition of water. Finally , it is filtered off. dried , and pulverized. The brominated alphaparatoluidoanthraquinone thus obtained represents a crystalline yellowish-red powder. When recrystallized from glacial acetic acid ,",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to John Henry Johnson , of 47 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields , in the County of Middlesex , Gentleman , for the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN COATING OR COVERING METAL SHEETS WITH METALS OR ALLOYS , AND IN-THE APPARATUS EMPLOYED THEREIN. \" -A communication from abroad by Xavier Florentin Girard , of Paris , in the Empire of France. Sealed the 17th December , 1863 , and dated the 1st July 1863 , PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said John Henry Johnson at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 1st July 1863.. I , JOHN HENRY JOHNSON , of 47 , Lincoln 's Inn Fields , in the County of Middlesex , Gentleman , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN COATING OR COVERING METAL SHEETS WITH METALS OR ALLOYS , AND IN THE APPARATUS EMPLOYED THEREIN , \" a communication from abroad by Xavier Florentin Girard , of Paris , in the Empire of France , to be as follows : - This Invention relates to a mode or method of and apparatus for applying or coating of tin , zinc , lead , or other metal or alloy , in a state of fusion , to sheets of iron or copper , whereby the operation is conducted in a more effective , economical , and expeditious manner than heretofore , and without the necessity for manual labor in the finishing of such coated plates .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 28th Oct. , 1896-Accepted , 13th Mar. , 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Machines for Forming the Heels of Lamp-chimneys. I , GEORGE JAMES GAUBERT , of Montreal , in the Province of Quebec , Dominion of Canada , Gentleman , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention has for its object to provide a simple , and effective machine for shaping the heels or necks of lamp chimneys generally during the process of manu- facture , which act has hitherto been performed by hand , and requiring the services of a skilled workman , the machine being also specially adapted for the shaping of the heels of chimneys of the construction shown in Canadian Patent No. 46664 , of July 26 , 1894 , to Walter E. Mayo , in which a number of air inlets are formed at the base by means of indentations in the edge thereof. To such ends , therefore , the invention consists in a machine in which the main feature is an expansible rotary interior spreader , over which the outer end of the bulb of glass , while still soft and adherent at its opposite end to the blow pipe , is placed , the spreader being normally in a contracted position until the bulb is in place , and then expanded , the spreader nevertheless rotating permanently ; a second feature consisting in the arrangement of a series of stationary pins or projections in such position relatively to the spreader that they will coincide with the edge of the chimney heel , after having been fully acted upon by the spreader and by a subsequent pressure of the heel against them , form the depressions required in the special form of chimney above mentioned ; while a third feature calls for the addition to the parts just described of an exterior rotary former acting in conjunction with the spreader to establish thickness of the heel , as well as to properly shape the outside surface thereof ; these , with other features of detail and general construction of the carrying frame and operating parts being hereinafter more particularly described and pointed out in the claims. Having thus referred to the object and principle of my invention , I will now describe what I consider to be the most practicable embodiment thereof in an operative machine , reference being had to the annexed drawings , and forming a part of this specification , in which like symbols indicate corresponding parts , where Fig. 1 is a side elevation of the machine. Fig. 2 a front elevation thereof , and Fig. 3 a longitudinal vertical section of same. The frame of the machine , as shown , comprises a base plate a , and front and rear standards a\u00b9 and a 2 the standards providing bearings for an upper main operating shaft b , which is tubular , and a lower counter-shaft c. A driving pulley d , is carried by the main shaft b , as well as a gear wheel e , intermeshing with a pinion c on the counter shaft , and through which the latter is operated. The main shaft b , is made tubular in order to receive a spindle f , which extends through and projects beyond each end of same , and which has a feather and groove connection f 2 therewith to allow of its sliding longitudinally therein while rotated thereby. The projecting rear end of the spindle f carries a pair of fixed collars g , between which a collar h with projecting pins his held loosely in position , so that such pins h\u00b9 can be engaged by the slotted forked ends k\u00b9 of one arm of a bell-crank",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 7th Sept. , 1896-Accepted , 24th Oct. , 1896 [ Communicated from abroad by ADOLPH SCHWABE ; of 49 Koniggatzer Strasse , Berlin , in the Empire of Germany , Manufacturer. ] An Improved Method of and Apparatus for Maintaining a Uniform Temperature in Laboratory Ovens , Incubators , Drying Rooms , and the like. I , WILLIAM ROBERT LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. Patent Agents , 45 Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in. and by the following statement : - This invention relates to a method whereby the temperature of the atmosphere in an enclosed space may be automatically maintained , at a-pre-determined , degree , and consists in bringing fluid into as close a contact as possible with the atmosphere of such enclosed space , the temperature of the fluid being automatically maintained constant in the following manner : - The fluid is heated from a constant source capable of supplying it with more heat than is required to keep up the desired temperature , the hot gases emanating from the source of heat being so directed , that they envelope , or flow in contact with , the walls enclosing the fluid : In the fluid ; a float is arranged ' ; such float being connected with a valve in such a manner that , whenever the float sinks , the supply of hot gases is \" throttled \" or checked , and whenever it rises , such gases are allowed to pass freely. As the temperature of the fluid rises beyond the requisite standard , or limit , its specific gravity decreases , the float descending-in the liquid ' for a corresponding distance and checking the hot gas supply. But as soon as the temperature is again lowered , in consequence of the reduction of the heat supply , the specific gravity of the fluid increases , the float , rises ; and the gas- inlet is re-opened. It is necessary that the float should be so weighted that , when the temperature within the chamber is normal ; the float may be freely balanced in such a position that the loss of heat will be precisely compensated for by the influx of the heat from the heating gases supplied.. The apparatus which I consider. best adapted for the purpose above described , is represented , by way of example , in the accompanying drawing , wherein a designates the chamber or space the atmosphere of which it is desired to maintain constantly at a pre-determined temperature. The chamber a is , on all sides , enclosed or surrounded by double walls , the intermediate space ( or jacket ) between being filled with water or any other suitable fluid. This fluid-jacket is in com- munication with another fluid reservoir b , surrounded by the above-mentioned chamber a ; and in this reservoir b is placed the float c , which may be of any suitable construction. From the float is suspended a chain passing down through a tube f , and to the lower end of such chain is attached a hollow cup or ball g containing shot or other weights and hanging over an orifice provided in the heating chamber h. The complete apparatus is enclosed in a case i , the walls of which , in conjunction with the outer wall of the fluid jacket , form the heating flue , which is provided. with outlet orifices at the top. The float is exactly weighted to ensure the maintenance of the desired temperature in the chamber or space a. As a heating medium , a gas flame or other convenient source of heat may be used , and this is",
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"sentence": "COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or relating to Closet Pans. I , RUDOLPH GASSNER , of Teplitz , in the Empire of Austro-Hungary , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to closet pans and is illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which Figure 1 is a side elevation. Figure 2 a section on line y y of Figure 3. Figure 3 a horizontal section on line of Fig. 2 , and Figure 4 is a detail of a section on line z of Figure 3. The improved closet pan is manufactured wholly of chamotte ( refractory clay ) and is open at the top but provided with an upwardly extending back D partly covered in. The lower extremity of the pan is provided with a preferably screw-threaded nozzle by which it is secured to the drain pipe. The two sides form with each other an acute angle the apex of which is at the front. A recess f in each side is provided to receive the seat or strips S see Figures 1 and 4. Two openings O near the floor are intended to drain off the water when washing the floor. The improved closet pan is especially adapted to be used in places where a great number of workmen are employed such as factories and the like , as it is not easily soiled and may be rinsed by simply pouring a pailful of water down it. Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of the said inven- tion , and in what manner the same is to be performed , I declare that what I claim is : - 1. A closet pan having two sides forming with each other an acute angle with the apex at the front recesses such as for the insertion of the closet seat or strips S and having the back D extended upwards and partly closed in so as to form a rest. and drain holes at the floor level substantially as described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings. 2. The complete closet pan substantially as described and illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Dated this 16th day of June 1893 W. P. THOMPSON & BOULT , Of London , Liverpool , and Nottingham , Agents for the Applicant .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 23rd Oct. , 1896 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or connected with Brakes for Cycles. I , FREDERICK WILLIAM LANE , of Worsley Road , Patricroft , in the County of Lancaster , Die Sinker , do hereby declare the nature of is invention to be as follows : - This invention is designed to provide a brake for the wheels of bicycles and other velocipedes which will not bear upon the tyres or rims of the wheel. It consists essentially of a pneumatic cushion or brake block placed inside the hub surrounding the axle of spherical or cylindrical form which when inflated will bear against the interior of the hub and retard the movement of the wheel. The rubber cushion or block is preferably spherical in shape and is secured by means of thimbles at the ends threaded upon or otherwise affixed to the axle. The pneumatic cushion or brake block is made of rubber or canvas or other suitable material with a wearing surface of hard rubber leather metal or other material. I make the centre of the hub preferably of spherical shape and of two parts of a size to embrace the pneumatic cushion or brake block. I form an air inlet in the centre of the axle through which air is admitted to inflate the brake block. This is provided with an elbow or other joint at the end and a flexible tubing fitted with an elastic ball or other appliance for forcing in air and inflating the brake. Oil is prevented reaching the rubber by a flange on the axle and holes to allow the waste oil to escape in conjunction with a projection of thin metal surrounding the axle. The hub is mounted on ball bearings and the spokes are affixed to flanges in the usual way. The essential feature of my improvement is placing a pneumatic cushion or block inside the hub to bear against its internal surface for the purpose of retarding the movement of the wheel. Dated this 22nd day of October 1896. WM. P. THOMPSON & Co. , 6 , Bank Street , Manchester , Patent Agents .",
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"sentence": "Mechanical Toys. JOHN BARLOW , 105 , Annesley Street , Kirkewhite Street , Nottingham , Mechanic , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - a My invention relates to a new method of making mechanical toys. According to my invention I make a vehicle a four wheeled vehicle preferred , in one way I make a four wheeled vehicle which axles and wheels revolve together , axles resting in bearings , I prefer one part of the front axle to be formed crank shape one crank or one throw preferred , the crank I prefer between the two wheels which are on the same axle , and in front of the vehicle projects in the do , shaft or shafts and the same way as any vehicle shafts inner part of the shaft or shafts I prefer to work loose on a axle or axles or other means may be found to act same , thereby allowing the outer end or ends part or parts , to move up and down as needed , the inner part of the shaft or shafts where it works loose on suitable bearings , as a projecting piece or pieces projecting inwards in such a manner , so it comes in contact with the throw of the crank , and it may work on the bearing of the crank or rest against it , but in any case when the axle is revolving it must cause the front projecting shaft or shafts , to move up when the crank presses the inner projecting part or parts down , so by that one end is up and the other is down , and in some cases the inner projecting part or parts of the shaft or shafts may only press against the bearing of the crank , a part of the way , when it is revolving , to prevent it following up the crank allround , I fix something for it to stop against , or other means may be found to stop it as needed , so that when it is worked in this way , theres a slight stop with the shaft or shafts moving up and down every time the crank bearing leaves the inner projecting part or parts of the shaft or shafts , I prefer the shaft or shafts to be balanced in such a manner that the inner projecting part or parts allways follows up the bearing of the crank as needed , I prefer connected to the front part of the shaft or shafts , a model or artificial or imitation of a frog which may have moving joints of the legs , when moving joints are used the legs may be closed and let out by means of a string passing from the feet or other suitable parts of the legs , but may be worked in other suitable ways , but in this case the string passes through the body and then on to the vehicle and there fastened , it is so aranged that when the frog is up in the air with shaft or shafts coused by the crank axle when revolving , when up in the air the string becomes slack thereby allowing the legs to drop , then when the frog comes down the string tightens thereby causing the hind legs to close up again as if alive , the front legs may be served the same if needed , there may be other means found but still cause the legs to work same , I prefer also to have a suitable rein or reins or bridle or bridles from the frog to the model or artificial or imitation of a person of which I prefer , and which may be connected with the hands or such , the arms of the model may work loose at shoulders , when loose or moving joints are to be used , I prefer a piece of wire to pass through the body from shoulder to shoulder , for the arms to swing on or the arms to be fastened",
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"sentence": "-LETTERS PATENT to Theodore Bourne , of the City , County , and State of New York , United States of America , for the Invention of an \" IMPROVED METHOD OF STORING AND HOLDING PETROLEUM AND OTHER OILS , NAPHTHA , AND OTHER PRODUCTS OF DISTILLATION CONTAINING ESSENTIAL OILS. \" A communication from Seth Haskell Ingalls , of the City of New Bedford , County of Bristol , and State of Massachusetts , United States of America.. Sealed the 23rd February 1864 , and dated the 27th August 1863. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Theodore Bourne at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 27th August 1863. I , THEODORE BOURNE , of the City , County , and State of New York , . United States of America , do hereby declare the nature of the said In- vention for \" IMPROVED METHOD OF STORING AND HOLDING PETROLEUM AND OTHER OILS , NAPHTHA , AND OTHER PRODUCTS OF DISTILLATION CONTAINING ESSEN- TIAL OILS , \" to be as follows : - Petroleum , naptha , and other oils and spirits distilled from resinous or bituminous substances are now mainly held in barrels or packages made of wood , and consequently subject to loss by leakage and evaporation. The risk from fire is also great. From naphtha , spirits of turpentine , and crude petroleum there arises constantly an inflammable vapour , which becomes highly explosive on being mixed with the oxygen of the air .",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to Marc Antoine Fran\u00e7ois Mennons , of the British and Foreign Patent Offices , 39 , Rue de l'Echiquier , Paris , in the Empire of France , for the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MINIATURE MICROSCOPES , AND IN THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE OBJECTS USED THEREWITH. \" A communication from Adolphe L. Chouippe , M.D. , resident at Paris. - Scaled the 30th July 1861 , and dated the 4th June 1861. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION filed by the said Marc Antoine Fran\u00e7ois Mennons at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition and Declaration , on the 4th June 1861 , pursuant to the 9th Section of the Patent Law Amendment Act , 1852. 5 TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME , I , MARC ANTOINE FRAN\u00c7OIS MENNONS , of the British and Foreign Patent Offices , 39 , Rue de l'Ecbiquier , Paris , in the Empire of France , send greeting. WHEREAS I am in possession of an Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MINIATURE MICROSCOPES , AND IN THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE OBJECTS USED THEREWITH , \" ( communicated to me by Dr. A. L. Chouippe , a person resident at Paris , ) and have petitioned Her Majesty to grant unto me , my executors , administrators , and assigns , Her Royal Letters Patent for the same , and made solemn declaration that it is a communication .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 14th July , 1897 Complete Specification Left , 14th Apr. , 1898-Accepted , 14th July , 1898 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improved Construction of Shelves , Trays , Baskets , Mats , and like Articles in Wired Woodwork. I , CHARLES EBENEZER CHALLIS , of 47 , Wray Crescent , Tollington Park , London , N. , Machinist , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : My improvements consist of constructing shelves , trays , baskets , mats , and like articles of bars , or rods of wood cane or other suitable material bound together by wires of suitable section running through or around them spaces between the bars being obtained by small blocks or their equivalents placed on the wire , or by fixing the bar in position upon the wire ( then preferably of flat section ) by a pin running through both. The particular article required is then formed by shaping the wire to the desired configuration , and with such supports and stays , that may be necessary for fixing the article or fitting it for its intended use. LT 14L T 1007 Improved Construction of Shelves , Trays , Baskets , Mats , and like Articles in Wired Woodwork. I , CHARLES EBENEZER CHALLIS , of 47 , Wray Crescent , Tollington Park , London , N. , Machinist , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascer- tained in and by the following statement : - My improvements consist of constructing shelves , trays , mats , baskets , and like articles of bars or rods of wood cane or other suitable material bound together by wires of suitable section running through or around them ; spaces between the bars being obtained by small blocks.or their equivalents placed on the wire or the bar may be fixed in position upon the wire ( then preferably of flat section ) by a pin running through both. The particular article required is then formed by shaping the wire to the desired configuration or the several sections forming the complete article may be jointed together and may be set in any desired position and retained with such supports and stays that may be necessary for fixing the article or fitting it for its intended use. In the accompanying drawings are shewn several articles constructed accord- ing to the method above set forth. A being the bars B the wires and C the blocks .",
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"sentence": "1 , CARL SCHULTE , of L\u00fcdenscheid , in the Empire of Germany , Manufacturer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention relates to holders for shoe laces garters laces and the like which can be used as hooks or eyes , according as they are bent and fastened , these holders are manufactured of round wire in one piece and have in every case the same form. Round wire is used to avoid cutting of the shoe laces or hurting the fingers. By the peculiar manner of fastening the holder it can not be pulled out of the leather or stuff to which it is fixed. The annexed drawing shows the holder in Figs. 1 to 10 in the different states of manufacture. Fig. 1 shows its use on a boot at the upper , and as a hook , and at the lower end as an eye. Out of a piece of round wire of suitable length and strength there is first formed a loop as shown in Fig. 1 in upper view. Then the two legs bb are pointed and the points bent a little up forming thus a barbed hook , whilst the eye a retain its form. The two legs can also be flattened in order to sit flatly on the stuff on which it is to be used. This wire loop is then bent into a hook or eye form as shown in Fig. 3 for hooks or Fig. 2 for eyes. In order to improve the appearance of the hook it can be provided with a little head on head plate of paper celluloid or the like. For use , the hooks or eyes are fastened on the leather or fabric by a machine or by suitable pliers. The legs bare pushed into the leather with their barbed hooks partly under , partly upon the leather , one against the other or side by side. For greater safety a small sheet disk may be arranged under the bent ends of the hooks or eyes to be fastened with them. Also the ends of the two legs instead of lying fastened parallel together , as shown in Figs. 4 and 5 can be fastened one towards the other or side by side as shown in Figs. 8 , 9 , and 10. Dated this 2nd day of Sentember 1898 HERBERT HADDAN & Co. , . Agents to Applicant .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 27th June , 1893 Complete Specification Left , 13th July , 1893-Accepted , 11th Nov. , 1893 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. [ Communicated from abroad by FREDERICK GEORGE CLARK , of No. 29 , Euclid Avenue , Cleveland , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States of America , Gentleman. ] An Improved Combined Cane and Umbrella. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention relates to improvements in combined canes and umbrellas , and it consists in the combination and arrangement of parts which will be hereinafter described. The primary object of my invention is to provide an umbrella with telescoping devices as hereinafter described , which are capable of attachment to a hollow stick and after attachment , to accomplish the spreading or raising of the umbrella by inverting it , placing the projecting portion of the telescoping device upon the floor , and pressing the handle down. Another object of this invention is to have the relative position of the outer pivotal points of the ribs slightly above the stopping point or downward limit of the travelling runner head to which the inner ends of the ribs are attached and to provide the said runner with a stop in conjunction with the end of the hollow cane or stick to prevent it from having any turning movement , and whereby the tendency of the ribs is towards the stick , or downward which holds the umbrella raised and firmly in position , as will hereinafter appear. The object of my invention still further consists in the specific construction and arrangement of the parts , whereby a practical simple and durable combined cane and umbrella is produced , all of which will receive special mention and description hereinafter. The handle or stick is made of any desired material as convenience durability and cheapness of construction may dictate. The handle end of this stick is provided with a slightly reduced portion over which the removable handle or large end thereof fits and is easily removed therefrom. As here shown the handle is designed to fit the reduced portion thereof sufficiently tight to remain by frictional contact therewith , but if found desirable a suitable catch of any convenient form may be used for attaching the two parts firmly , but removably together. The opposite end of this hollow stick is provided with a screw threaded longitudinal opening which extends into and cominunicates with the interior hollow portion of the stick. At this point , the outer surface of the stick is slightly reduced and the edge of this reduced portion is provided with a series of longitudi- nally extending projections the object of which will fully appear presently. A ferrule is provided with a centrally projecting externally screw threaded stud , which fits into the internally screw-threaded opening and the depending or surrounding flange of the ferrule fits around the reduced portion , and makes a finish to the end of the caue in point of appearance. The telescoping devices by means of which the umbrella is connected to the stick , and also by means of which the umbrella is both raised and lowered , consist of a tube , and a 1od. This tube has formed upon it externally near its inner end a raised screw threaded portion which fits in the screw threaded opening , and is screwed therein sufficiently far to carry the raised screw threaded portion of the rod below the projections surrounding the opening. This raised portion of the rod , is made a suitable distance from the lower end of the rod , in order that a reduced",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 5th Jan. , 1893-Accepted , 18th Feb. , 1893 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Sextants with Artificial Horizon. I , SAMUEL HUBBARD JAMES of 3 Douglas Villas , Streatham Common London Civil Engineer do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - Whereas numerous attempts have been made to obtain a practical artificial horizon for use at sea , the attempts have all been directed to some contrivance to obtain a steady horizontal surface in a rolling ship , as yet an impossibility. The object of this invention is to be able to take an altitude with a wobbling artificial horizon. By reference to the drawings it will be seen that I make no attempt to keep my artificial horizon glass A perfectly horizontal but allow it to swing freely , but at the same time I also make the ordinary horizon glass B swing with it both being fixed in the same swinging frame , swinging on the pivots C , both must swing exactly alike and compensate each other 's errors. I have purposely omitted shewing adjustments well known to every instrument maker , and have only shewn the two specially desirable for this invention. Fig. 1 is an end view of the swinging frame attached to a sextant , said swinging frame containing both horizon glass B & also artificial horizon glass A both these glasses being permanently fixed in the swinging frame by suitable adjustments. Fig. 2 is a sextant with the said swinging frame shewn in section attached this shews approximately the positions of the horizon glass B and artificial horizon glass A in said swinging frame which swings upon the pivots at C quite inde- pendently of the object glass O. In order to approximately adjust the centre of gravity of this swinging frame I provide a weight W which by means of a screw passing through it , can be shifted backwards or forwards as desired. glasses A & B swing absolutely together there is no necessity for the artificial horizon glass A to be horizontal for the apparent error due to this cause is com- pensated by precisely a similar error due to the same movement of the horizon glass B. As both I am well aware that there is nothing new in a swinging artificial horizon glass of itself attached to a sextant & I am equally well aware that such devices are useless & I make no claim therefor , but as will he seen hereafter I do claim horizon glass & artificial horizon glass both fixed in the same swinging frame swinging independently of the object glass O-that being the essence of the invention. With ordinary sextants graduated only up to 140 degrees it would only be possible to take altitudes with an artificial horizon up to one half or 70 degrees and as the same instrument would be wanted to take higher altitudes in the tropics- lunar distances & horizontal angles I provide a screw adjusting clamp S which by clamping the swinging frame , will enable the instrument to be used as an ordinary fixed sextant. I use suitable adjustments for adjusting to zero & so forth but do not limit myself to minor adjustments shewn or not shewn but use any or all of the well known means for these purposes , & telescopes , eye pieces dark glasses & c. which are not shewn. Having now particularly described & ascertained the nature of my said inven- tion & in what manner the same is to be performed , I declare that what I claim is 1. The combination of a sextant and swinging frame said frame containing both 1 1 havinan class full .",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in the Breech Mechanis n of Guns. We , SIR W. G. ARMSTRONG , WHITWORTH & COMPANY , LIMITED , Manufacturing Engineers , and ALBERT GEORGE HADCOCK , late R.A. , both of Elswick Works , Newcastle upon Tyne , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - These improvements relate to guns in which the opening and closing of the breech is effected by the breech screw being given the necessary amount of angular motion to disengage it from the threads cut in the gun , and immediately afterwards swing on a hinge to one side. The principal objects of the invention are , to reduce the angle of the cone on the obturating pad necessary for swinging the breech screw clear of the breech opening , shortening the length of the vent , and shortening the total length of the breech plug. For these purposes the inner portion of the end of the barrel is made to project rearwards and a corresponding annular recess is formed in the front end of the breech block. The screw threads on the breech block and in the gun extend to the end of the breech block and therefore beyond the projecting rear end of the barrel the length of the screwed portion engaging is thus greater than the length from the rear end of the barrel to the rear face of the gun. The longitudinal distance also from the obturator to the axis of the carrier hinge is made less than in guns of the usual type. The invention is applicable both to the ordinary coned type of breech screw described in the Specification No. 4470 of 1885 to parallel breech screws and to breech screws in which the inner part is cylindrical or parallel , and the rear part conical ; in which latter case the threads are chequered as in the usual coned form of screw described in the Specification No. 4470 of 1885. Dated this 25th day of February 1899. SIR W. G. ARMSTRONG , WHITWORTH & Co. , LIMITED. S. W. A. NOBLE , We , SIR W. G. ARMSTRONG , WHITWORTH & COMPANY , LIMITED , Manufacturing Engineers , and ALBERT GEORGE HADCOCK , late R.A. , both of Elswick Works , 5 Newcastle-upon-Tyne , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what [ Price 8d . ]",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 1st Feb. , 1895-Accepted , 23rd Mar. , 1895 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements relating to the Malting and Drying of Grain , and to Apparatus therefor. I , EDUARD LARSEN of 5 Laurence Pountney Hill in the County of London , Engineer , ( communicated from abroad by the Berliner Actiengesellschaft for Eisengiesserei and Maschinenfabrik vormals J. C. Freund & Co. of Charlottenburg , near Berlin , in the Empire of Germany ) do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - In the treatment of grain either for the purpose of converting it into malt or for drying same by means of specially prepared air , drawn or blown through the grain contained in drums , tanks or similar receptacles , it has hitherto been customary to pass the air through the mass of grain in one direction only , for instance from the centre to the periphery , from top to bottom , or from one side to the other. This method of aeration may cause irregularities and variations in the tem- perature of the contents of the receptacle , as the temperature , degree of moisture , or other conditions of the air passing through the grain may vary at the point of inlet and outlet. The object of this invention is to remedy and counterbalance these irregularities by arranging the receptacles in such a manner that the direction in which the air is passed through the grain can , at will , be reversed , and this is attained in the following manner , the receptacles being , for simplicity's sake , called drums. On the annexed drawing , Fig. 3 represents the plan of two malting drums , in which by means of arrows it is indicated that the air enters drum 1 ( Fig. 3 ) at side marked A , passes through the air pipes along the periphery thence through the grain into the central pipe and out by side marked B. In drum 2 ( Fig. 3 ) the arrows indicate that the air enters at side marked B , travels in the opposite direction and leaves the drum on the side marked A. Fig. 1 shows a longitudinal section of drum , and Fig. 2 a cross section of drums 1 and 2 seen at side B and the arrows show the direction of the travel of the air in each case. The change in the direction of the travel is effected by the use of two air- flues at either end of the drums. These airflues can , as shown in the drawings , be made of bricks and placed one above the other , or they can be made of iron or wood , and be placed side by side or one above the drums and one below. Of these flues one , at either end of the drums , is always connected with the source from which the prepared air is taken and the other with the exit. The drums are at both ends connected with both flues , and supplied with throttle valves d , and it will now be plainly understood that by opening or shutting these valves , either end of the drums can , at will , be connected with the source from which the air comes or with the exhaust , and the direction in which the air travels inside the drum , can at any moment be reversed. In cases where the air is blown through the drums , one flue at each end may be sufficient , and the air will in this case be blown from the drums directly into the room containing them. Fig. 4 represents another means of reversing the air current , by which it may be diverted at will to either side channel , all the drums being in this case fed from the same side and exhausted from the other side or vice versa , by opening or shutting",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. A Device for Supporting Reels of Thread and the like whilst being used. I , BENJAMIN ISAAC NEWTON , of 104 , Willingdon Road , Eastbourne , Inventor , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - This invention relates to a device for supporting reels of thread and the like whilst being used and the object of my invention is to provide a device by means of which a number of reels may be conveniently supported and from which reels the cotton silk or other thread may be readily drawn so that the thread is kept clean and tree from entanglement my device being especially suitable for or useful io dressmakers where a number of people are employed in sewing. In carrying out my invention I employ a standard having at its lower end a base of suitable dimensions. Said standard supports preferably two revolvable trays or platforms each of which platforms is provided with a number of spindles each adapted to support one reel , said platforms being also provided in close proximity to each of the spindles with an eyelet hole through which the end of the cotton silk or other thread is passed , said thread being when about to be used drawn through the eyelet hole so that there is no danger of the reel being pulled off its spindle. My device is thus adapted to contain or support a comparatively large number of reels all of which may be simultaneously used without there being any danger of the threads becoming twisted or soiled. \" BENJAMIN ISAAC NEWTON , By his Agents , Horn , Son & Co. , 151 Strand ( next to Somerset House ) , London. A Device for Supporting Reels of Thread and the like whilst being used. I , BENJAMIN ISAAC NEWTON , of 104 , Willingdon Road , Eastbourne , Inventor , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the follow- ing statement : - - This invention relates to a device for supporting reels and the like whilst being used and the object of my invention is to provide a device by means of which a number of reels of cotton or the like may be conveniently supported and from",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 4th May 1895 Complete Specification Left , 27th Jan , 1896-Accepted , 25th Apr , 1896 A Military Game of Skill We JOHN JAMES WILLIAM BEAL , of 55 East Street , Brighton , Stationer , ARTHUR EDWARD SAUNDERS , of 38 Ivory Place , Brighton , Builders ' Merchant , and WILLIAM HENRY CAILINGHAM of 14 Aberdeen Road , Brighton , Sign Writer , all in the County of Sussex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows 1 Our invention relates to a military game of skill to be played indoors by two players and consists of a board made of any suitable size and material rectangular or any other shape and having a rim on two or more sides of same , the board is divided by parallel lines an inch or so apart , four of the lines being designated Bottom Line , Second Line , Home Fort Line , and Fung Line and at various points on the parallel lines are erected what we term \" forts \" for the purposes hereinafter described The starting point is either on the bottom or second line , the firing line is at the top of the board and the Home Fort line is about three spaces from the firing line , in playing the game it is necessary to raise the board about two inches at the firing line to give impetus to the shots discharged The game is played by two players called respectively the Attacker and the Defender , the position of the Defender being at the firing line , the Attacker commences on the bottom or second line and his object is to get his soldiers safely into the Home Fort , to enable him to do this he places his men in such positions on the parallel lines referied to and avails himself of the protection afforded by the various forts that are elected between the bottom line and the Home Fort line The object of the Defender is to prevent the soldiers from reaching the Home Fort and for this urpose he is supplied with three or more shots as hereinafter described which he sets off rolling from the firing line , should the shot knock one of the soldiers down the man is considered killed and is removed from the board The manner in which the shots referred to are made is an important feature in our invention , they are of different shapes one being like a cylinder and used for a straight shot the others though similar in size are bevelled at various angles and the Defender can by skilful manipulation kill the soldiers when almost in any position whether protected by the forts or not It will be understood that the rules of this game can be varied more or less in detail therefore we do not bind ourselves to any one set of rules , but for the purpose of illustrating our invention we give the following as an example on The Attacker has nine soldiers , three of them being officers and are horseback , he commences by placing either an officer on the second line or a man on the bottom line , the Defender then fires by rolling a shot from any part of the firing line endeavouring to kill the soldier , if he succeeds the soldier is removed from the board , this process is repeated alternately until all the soldiers are placed either on the bottom or second line then the Attacker begins the advance towards the Home Foit by moving the soldiers either an officer two lines or a man one line and the Defender fires after each move For every soldier killed after the advance has begun another soldier is to",
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"sentence": "Communicated from abroad by THOMAS EDWARDS CARPENTER , of the City and County of Providence , in the State of Rhode Island , United States of America , Jeweller. Improvements in Machines for the Manufacture of Cigars. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 , Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : -- In order that my invention may be clearly understood and readily carried into effect I will describe the same fully with reference to the accompanying draw- ings , in which like numerals indicate like parts. Figure 1 is a top plan of my improved cigar machine. Figure 2 is a front elevation thereof. Figure shows in side elevation a cigar , which is the product of said my machine. Figure 4 is a view of sail machine , as seen on line A A of Figure 1 , and is partly in elevation and partly in section on said line. In this figure the clutch- ing mechanism is disengaged. Figure is the same as the right hand end of Figure 4 , except that the clutching mechanism is here seen in engagement. Figure 6 is an end elevation of said machine , as seen on line BB of Figure 4. Figure is an end elevation of mechanism for laterally moving the upper roll of said machine , and is drawn as seen on line CC of Figure 4. Figure 8 is a view partly in elevation and partly in section , as seen on line D D of Figure 4 in the direction of the arrows. Figure 9 is a view partly in top plan and partly in horizontal section , as seen on line EE of Figure 6. Figure 10 is an enlarged longitudinal view of the two portions of the upper roller , the same being in central longitudinal section , and illustrates the ball- and-socket connection between said parts , together with the means for support- ing the outer end of said roller. Figure 11 is a view of said portions of the roller , partially in elevation and partly in section on line FF of Figure 10 , together with the ball portion of the connecting piece Figure 1 shows the two parts of said roller and their ball-and-socket con- nection , as seen in central longitudinal section , when said parts of the roller have rotated 180\u00b0 from the position shown in Figure 10. Figure 13 is a view of said portions of the roller , partially in elevation and partly in section on line GG of Figure 12 , together with the ball portion of the connecting piece. Figure 14 is a top plan of said ball portion and the screw-threaded stem thereof. My invention is a machine designed for the manufacture of cigars , and con-",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by William Edward Gedge at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with bis Petition , on the 18th August 1865. A communication from abroad. by Adolphe Bel , . of Autun , France , Tanner and Currier. J , WILLIAM EDWARD GEDGE , of the Firm of John Gedge and Son , of No. 11 , Wellington Street , Strand , in the County of Middlesex , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVED MACHINERY OR APPARATUS FOR REDUCING THE THICKNESS OF PARTS OF CALF SKINS OR OF OTHER. SKINS OR HIDES , \" a communication to me from abroad by Adolphe Bel , of Autun , France , Tanner and Currier , to be as follows : - Calf skins are at least four times thicker at the head than elsewhere ; this part is therefore more difficult to tan than the other parts , and consequently requires a longer stay in the pits and more bark. The object of the improved machine , the subject of this Invention , is to render the head as thin as the other parts at one operation and before tanning , an object not hitherto attained , and which permits perfect tanning in less time than otherwise required. It is composed of a case or chest serving as foot or base to a cast iron column fixed ' upon it , the said column. itself supporting a plate or tablet also of cast iron , which comes between two arms furnished with bands of polished steel , on which a knife is made to slide. The head of the calf skin is placed on the tablet , and as it is not on the same level as the arms by",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 8th Aug. , 1899-Accepted , 18th Nov. , 1899 In the accompanying drawing : Fig. I is a perspective view of a breast drill embodying my invention ; Fig. II is a central longitudinal section , partly in elevation and in part broken away ; Fig. III is a section on the line III-III of Fig. I ; Referring to the figures on the drawings : 1 indicates the cylinder , casing or shell of the motor , which is incorporated with my tool. In the form illustrated this motor is a fluid-actuated motor , and the shell is adapted to contain a rotatory piston 2 , which fits and works within the shell. The shell is provided with a removable cylinder head 3 , screwed or otherwise secured to one end of the cylinder. The shell is provided upon one side with a tubular projection 4 that is preferably integral with the shell. Its bore 5 , constituting an inlet port for the admission of the fluid to the piston within the cylinder , communicates at one end with the interior of the cylinder. and at the other end with an enlarged bore 6 , within which is fitted the reduced end 7 of a valve stem 8. The end 7 of the valve stem is provided at its inner extremity with a valve recess 9 that in effect constitutes a prolongation of the bore 5 , and which , on one side , communicates through an aperture 10 with a threaded nipple 11 , through which , as by means of a flexible hose , or other means , not illustrated , the tool may communicate with a source of fluid pressure supply. Through the rotation of the valve stem 8 , pressure may be admitted to the bore 5 or shut off from it , as required. A set screw 12 , working in a transverse slot 13 in the wall of the projection 4 , affords means of limiting the movement of the valve stem to that necessary to the operation of the valve. Upon the side of the shell 1 , opposite the projection 4 , I provide a threaded nipple 14 , whose bore 15 , constitutes an outlet port for the shell. The nipple preferably carries a prolongation , or hollow handle 16. Opposite the cylinder head 3 , is provided a fixed cylinder head or diaphragm 17 , preferably integral with the shell 1 .",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by James Walker at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 9th October 1861. I , JAMES WALKER , of the Knockagh , Carrickfergus , County Antrim , Ireland , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" AN IMPROVED CHIMNEY TOP , CAP , OR COWL , FOR THE PREVENTION OF THE DESCENT OF SOOTY EXHALATIONS , CURING OF SMOKY CHIMNEYS , AND VENTILATION OF APARTMENTS , \" to be as follows : - 1st , the construction of pots , cowls , or windguards full of small holes or slits , so that the wind when bounding against the pot has its force broken up , and is minutely subdivided , so that in mixing with the heated air within the pot it accelerates the expulsion of the same. 2nd , to prevent downward draughts , and to facilitate the expulsion of the smoke , I add to the above pot an elastic top which bends over with the force of the wind , and readjusts itself when the wind ceases , which constant motion also prevents the soot being deposited. The body of the pot or windguard can be made of wire , of any kind of metal , clay , stone , wood , or other material , and can be made of any shape. The elastic top can be made of coiled wire or a collection of coiled wires or of thin strips of steel or other metal fastened round and to the body of the pot , which elastic top being open at the top allows the free exit of the smoke and offers no obstruction to the brush when cleansing the chimney. These are the principal points of my Invention , but the details may be varied to suit circumstances .",
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"sentence": "TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME , I , JOHN DUNCAN , of Great George Street , in the City of Westminster , Gentleman , send greeting. WHEREAS Her present most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria , by Her Royal Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain , bearing date at Westminster , the Seventh day of March , in the fifth year of Her reign , did , for Herself , Her heirs and successors , give and grant unto mo , the said John Duncan , Her especial licence , full power , sole privilego and authority , that I , the said John Duncan , my executors , administrators , and assigns , and such others as I , the said John Duncan , my executors , administrators , or assigns , should at any time agree with , and no others , from time to time and at all times during the term of years therein mentioned , should and lawfully might make , use , exercise , and vend , within England , Wales , the Town of Berwick-upon-Tweed , and in all Her Majesty 's Colonies and Plan- tations abroad , and in the Islands of Jersey , Guernsey , Alderney , Sark , and Man , an Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN MACHINERY FOR EXCAVATING SOIL , \" being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad ; in which said Letters Patent is contained a proviso , obliging me , the said John Duncan , by an instrument in writing under my hand and seal , particularly to describe and ascertain the nature of the said Invention , and in what manner the same is to be performed , and to cause the same to be inrolled in Her Majesty's High Court of Chancery within six calendar months next and immediately",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 28th Sept. , 1896-Accepted , 31st Oct. , 1896 [ Communicated from abroad by WILLIAM EDGAR SIMONDS , of 2 Central Row , Hartford , Connecticut , United States of America , Attorney-at-Law. ] Improvements in and relating to Sandboxes for Railway Vehicles and the like. I , HENRY HARRIS LAKE , of the Firm of Haseltine , Lake & Co. , Patent Agents , 45 Southampton Buildings , in the County of Middlesex , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to an attachment for vehicles , especially those that travel upon rails , such , for instance , as trolley cars. Its purpose and object is that of containing sand and , when properly operated , of delivering the sand in front of a vehicle wheel so as to give it frictional contact and traction. Referring to the accompanying drawing , Figure 1 is in the main a side elevation showing the hopper in central vertical section. Figure 2 is a detail side view to an enlarged scale of the flexible outlet tube in adjustment for delivering sand upon the rail. Figure 3 is a detail view also to an enlarged scale of that end of the agitator rod which enters the outlet tube. a denotes the hopper for holding the sand ; it has at the bottom an outlet tube containing a flexible section preferably of india rubber ; the letters and b denote sections of this outlet tube , the first and last being , by preference , of iron and the other , by preference , of india rubber. The flexible section has two functions in that it operates as a hinge to allow the outlet tube as a whole to be angularly flexed or bent upwardly and when thus bent upwardly it also acts as a valve to shut off the flow of sand. The position of this tube when it is in adjustment for delivering the sand is shown in Figure 2 ; its position when it is angularly flexed and the flow of sand is shut off is shown in Figure 1. The letters cc ' denote two arms of a cranked lever pivotally attached to the tube section b ; its lower arm is mortised ; the mortise is traversed by a pin d which is attached by a suitable sleeve to the tube-section 2 ; when this cranked-lever is in the adjustment shown in Figure 1 it holds the outlet tube angularly flexed and the flow of sand is shut off but when it is in the adjustment shown in Figure 2 it throws the tube-section into a position approaching the vertical so that the sand flows freely through the outlet tube. The letter e denotes a connecting rod running from the upper arm c of the cranked lever to the lower end of the cranked lever f which is hung on a pivotal support. The spring 9 tends to hold all the parts in the position shown in Figure 1. The letter denotes a foot-pin bearing on the cranked lever f ; when the operator desires that sand shall escape from the hopper he puts his foot upon this foot-pin and pres-es it downward ; this throws the parts from the position shown in Figure 1 to the position shown in Figure 2 and when he removes the pressure exerted by his foot the spring g returns these parts to the position shown in Figure 1. The letter denotes slats in a series , located within the hopper surrounding the mouth of the outlet tube and extending well toward the top of the hopper it is intended that the same be placed within the hopper between its inner wall and this series of slats to the end that the slats may operate to sift the sand and",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 8th June , 1897 Complete Specification Left. 8th Mar. 1898-Accented 8th June 1808 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in and relating to Electric Furnaces for the Manufacture of Carbides. I , RICHARD MEMMO , of 58 , Via Volturno , Rome , Italy , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - - This invention consists of a furnace intended for the manufacture of carbides in general , but more particularly of carbide of calcium in which it is not necessary to render the carbide liquid , whereby a great amount of electric energy is gained , and water gas is produced as a bye-product of the reaction. A construction of furnace according to this invention comprises a cast-iron box provided with a lining of refractory bricks , open at its lower part to allow of the issue of the carbide produced , and so as to form a reverberating furnace and a movable bottom , a plate of graphite enclosed in a cast iron support which is capable by means of a toothed rack and of its mechanism or of a rectangular screw , of moving up and down like a piston in a tube of sheet iron , of a length proportionate to the quantity of carbide which it is desired to remove each time from the furnace. In the lower part of the tube there is a small morticed door to allow of the removal of the block of carbide formed. The carbons ( two for continuous currents or mono-. phase alternating currents , and the requisite number of polyphase currents , that is to say , one for each phase ) are horizontal or inclined and in the centre of the furnace. The carbons slide in the cast iron tube in an hermetic manner and are operated by an arrangement of gear wheels for regulating the voltage. By this means there can be produced , either simultaneous movement of the carbons , or a partial movement of each carbon. With polyphase currents star arcs may be employed , with the centre , either at the middle of the movable bottom or at the end of any other inert carbon. Annular arcs may also be employed between the carbons alone. At the upper part of the furnace is a receptacle of sheet metal lined with refractory bricks into which the material to be treated is charged , viz. a mixture of coal and slaked lime. This material may be caused to descend gradually into the furnace above the arcs by the rotation of a small regulating helically bladed screw , but for which any other mechanism may be used. Below the said receptacle is a sheet metal casing by means of which the water gas evolved from the furnace is able to reach holes pierced in the walls of the charging receptacle and to burn in the mixture which in this manner is brought to a high temperature. The air necessary for combustion is blown in a brickwork coil which surrounds the pipe in which the bottom slides , and said air acts to constitute a protective layer around the furnace and mingles finally with the water gas. The air becomes heated in its travel by the heat radiated by the carbide already formed in the pipe and by the incandescent walls of the furnace. When it is not desired to utilize the water gas for heating the mixture , the said gas may be led to the outside and be used for other purposes. I shall emphasize the multifarious advantages of this arrangement in explaining the working of the furnace .",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. \" Certain Improvements in or connected with Polishing Mops. \" We , JOSIAH COOPER , and FRANCIS GEORGE BENSLY , trading together as Cooper & Co. , of Felt Works , Little King Street , in the City of Birmingham , Felt Manu- facturers , do hereby declare the nature of this Invention to be as follows : This Invention consists of the herein described improvements in or connected with polishing mops. At the present time polishing mops are usually constructed of discs of calico or leather or felt or other suitable material secured together side by side between two stout central leather washers one at each side of the mop the said washers and the material of the mop being fixed together by nails passing through the washers and material of the mop with their ends clenched over. polishing mop is screwed on to its revolving spindle but constant wear and drag on the mop enlarges the central hole in the leather washers so that the polishing mop sometimes works up the spindle off the screwed part of the same and then slips round on the spindle or does not run true. The - This defect we overcome by this Invention , which is carried out as follows : - We provide on each or on one of the two outside faces of the polishing mop ( instead of or in addition to the leather washers aforesaid ) two discs made of lead or other soft material or alloy which are fixed to the sides of the mop preferably by wire nails driven through holes in the leaden or other metallic disc on one side and through the mop and through corresponding holes in the leather washer or in the leaden or other metal disc on the other side , the ends of the nails being clenched over so as to keep the parts together. The central hole in the leaden or other metal disc is by preference counter-sunk to about the same taper as is the screwed end of the polishing spindle so as to readily screw thereon. When the mop is screwed on to the spindle the latter ( being of harder metal than the leaden or other metal disc or discs ) forms the necessary thread in the disc and the latter is stout enough to prevent the drag on the mop enlarging the hole and the mop working too far up the spindle. Moreover , when the mop is unscrewed from the spindle and again screwed thereon it will come into its original position relatively to the spindle and run true thereon. The said leaden discs are by preference recessed on their outer faces so as to lighten the same and made with a flange or beading round the periphery and round the central hole and with a thickened bead round the nail holes so as to obtain strength and lightness combined. Dated this 22nd day of February 1897 CHARLES BOSWORTH KETLEY , Agent for the Applicants .",
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"sentence": "[ Communicated from abroad by THE FARBENFABRIKEN , vormals FRIEDRICH BAYER & Co. , of Elberfeld , Germauy. ] The Manufacture or Production of Colouring Matters. I HENRY EDWARD NEWTON of The Office for Patents , 6 Bream 's Buildings , Chancery Lane in the County of London , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - Safranines have not hitherto been prepared from monalkylorthotoluidine , probably because it was supposed that these dye-stuffs would not materially differ from those safranine coloring matters which can be produced by means of the known materials obtainable with greater ease. My foreign correspondents have now found , that surprising results are obtained on using , in the so-called safranine processes , monalkylorthotoluidine in place of dialkylaniline , or aniline or the like. According to the researches of my foreign correspondents , the brightness and brilliancy of the shades produced by means of these dye-stuff 's increase to such an extent , owing to the alkyltoluidine radicles contained therein , that some of the new coloring matters hereinafter defined are equal to the rhodamine dye-stuffs. The latter property is possessed especially by those coloring matters which contain twice the monalkylorthotoluidine radicle. In order to produce the new dye-stuffs , all those methods can be employed For which are known and in use for preparing safranine coloring matters. instance , paramidomonalkylorthotoluidine is allowed to act , in the presence of a suitable oxidising agent , on a primary , secondary , or tertiary aromatic monamido compound , not substituted in the \" para \" position relatively to the amido or alkylamido group , and the so formed indamine products are subsequently subjected to a joint oxidation , together with any primary amine , -the new safranine coloring matters being thus obtained. In place of starting from paramidomonalkylortho- toluidine , paraphenylenediamine , or paramidodiaikylaniline , or the like , can be first oxidised , together with monalkylorthotoluidine , and the indamine compounds thus produced are then subjected to a joint oxidation , together with any primary aromatic amine , or amido phenolether , to form the safranine dye-stuffs. The two operations , viz. , the formation of the indamines , and their conversion into the safranines , can also be effected in a single operation , that is to say , by subjecting paramidomonalkylorthotoluidine to a joint oxidation , either together with two molecular proportions of a primary amido compound , not substituted in the \" para \" position relatively to the amido group , or together with a mixture consisting of a molecular proportion of a primary , secondary , or tertiary amido compound , not substituted in the \" para \" position relatively to the amido or alkylamido group , and a molecular proportion of any primary amido product. The process for producing the new safranine dye-stuffs is illustrated by the following two examples , which however are merely typical. The parts are by weight",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 17th Nov. , 1893 Complete Specification Left , 17th Aug. , 1894-Accepted , 13th Oct. , 1894 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Dish and other Covers Containing Liquids for the Purpose of Cooling or Warming Articles of Food. I , WILLIAM ANGUS SHAW , of 95 , Winston Road , Stoke Newington , in the County of Middlesex , Clerk , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - Where articles of food , such for instance as butter , have to be kept cool in summer , or to be warmed in winter , an effective method of so cooling or warming them consists in covering the plate or receptacle in which they lie , by a metal cover resembling an ordinary dish cover but made double , a space of sufficient width being left between the outer and inner thickness of the cover , and water or other suitable liquid , cold in summer and warm in winter , being introduced into such space through an opening in the top of the double cover. It is necessary or advisable in such cases that such opening should be capable of being very readily opened or closed , and also that if the vessel is inverted in order to withdraw the water or other liquid after it has served its purpose , the latter should be at once drained off , and the hollow space between the inner and outer parts of the cover left emptied. The double cover should also be easy to lift off or replace when desired. For this purpose I make a hollow socket screwed internally which I solder or otherwise fix above the opening at the top of the double cover , the socket being provided with a suitable flange by which it is soldered or otherwise fastened upon the top of the cover , without entering in any degree into the hole in the latter. I close the hollow socket by means of a screwed stopper which fits freely into it , and which is provided at its upper end with a suitable handle by which the stopper can be inserted and removed , which handle also serves when the stopper is in its place , to lift or carry about the double cover. The cover may be of any desired shape or dimensions , and by the method of fixing and constructing the screwed socket as described , the whole of the water is withdrawn through it when the cover is inverted. In order to retain the liquid at the desired temperature the outer casing may be covered with felt or other non-conducting material. Dated this 17th day of November 1893. EDWARDS & Co. , 35 , Southampton Buildings , London , Agents for the Applicant. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Dish and other Covers Containing Liquids for the Purpose of Cooling or Warming Articles of Food. I , WILLIAM ANGUS SHAW , of 95 Winston Road , Stoke Newington , in the County of Middlesex , Clerk , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement and accompanying drawing , that is to say : - In cases where articles of food , such for instance as butter , have to be kept cool in summer , or to be warmed in winter , an effective method of so cooling or warming",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 21st Apr. , 1897-Accepted , 10th July , 1897 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in or relating to Vehicle Propelling and Controlling Apparatus. We , SIDNEY IRVIN PRESCOTT , of 65 Nassau Street , New York City , United States of America , Civil Engineer , and ALFRED PAGELOW , of 206 Broadway , New York City , United States of America , Attorney at Law , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The object of this invention is to provide simple , durable and efficient apparatus for propelling a bicycle , tricycle , or other vehicle , and to control or regulate its normal speed of travel and to apply a brake to slacken the speed or stop the vehicle. In my invention I do not propel the vehicle by means of chains or belts running over wheels and which are so liable to be clogged by dust and dirt and easily get out of order : neither do I use shafts and toothed gearing which are so liable to bend and break and also unduly consume the motive power by increasing friction. My improved brake operates without bringing a resisting force directly upon the vehicle wheel , thereby preserving pneumatic or other tires from injury. Le invention consists primarily in the employment of a power exerting device , a power delivering device turning the vehicle wheel , and power transmitting and returning columns of fluid communicating with the power exerting and delivering devices. These power exerting and delivering devices are preferably valved retary pistons working eccentrically in chambers communicating with the tubes conveying the fluid. - A further feature of the invention is an arrangement of the fluid tubes or conduits which provided for a balancing application of the propelling power at opposite sides of the vehicle driving wheel. A further feature of the invention is the employment of an adjustable cut-off for the fluid forced through the tubes or conduits by the power exerting device , whereby the fluid pressure on the power delivering device may be varied at will to change the speed of the vehicle. As a further improvement this cut-off device may be locked to prevent thieves riding off with the bicycle or vehicle. The invention also includes the combination with the propelling fluid conduits of a reservoir in which air is automatically compressed by the fluid to operate as a brake on the driving wheel for checking or stopping the vehicle. As a further improvement the reservoir is in communication with an air controlling device providing for the escape of air for taking off or releasing the brake and also providing for pneumatic application of the brake at pleasure. The invention also includes certain details of construction of the apparatus which provide for quick and convenient removal of the driving wheel , and prevents leakage of the propelling fluid .",
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"sentence": "PROVISIONAL SI EUITIATION. [ Communicated from abroad by THE FARBENFABRIKEN vormals FRIEDRICH BAYER & Co. , of Elberfeld , Germany. ] The Manufacture or Production of New Nitro Derivatives of the Anthracene Series. I , HENRY EDWARD NEWTON , of the Office for Patents , 6 , Bream 's Buildings , Chancery Lane , in the County of London , Patent Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - In the Specifications of Letters Patent No. 23927 % and 4961 % , my foreign correspondents have described the production of valuable condensation products aromatic from one molecule of purpurine and one or two molecules of an amine , and of sulphonic acids of the said condensation products. My foreign correspondents have now found , that by treating the products above mentioned with one or two molecules of nitric acid , nitro derivatives of a high technical value are obtained. Each of the nitro derivatives which can thus be obtained corresponds with one of the following formulae ( R and R\u2081 meaning radicles of sulphonated or non-sulphonated aromatic hydrocarbons ) : --",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 3rd Oct , 1895 Complete Specification Left , 1st Aug. , 1896-Accepted , 5th Sept. , 1896 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Wire Mattresses. I , ADELBERT HENRY GALE , of Compton Road , in the Village of Waterville. Province of Quebec , in the Dominion of Canada , Mattress Manufacturer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - My invention relates to that class of wire mattresses which is made up of a fabric composed of V-bent wires , the divergent ends hooked to the convergent end of two other V 's , and attached to the head and foot rails of the mattress frame by springs. My invention consists in improving this construction of wire mattresses and frames , whereby the wire fabric is made to sustain a greater or less superposed weight , and to yield to the required degree to give ease and comfort to the sleeper , by connecting the fabric to the springs by links , loops or chains , and thus soften the fabric at the ends of the mattress. Also , in omitting V 's at the ends of the fabric without diminishing the number of springs to close together the other V 's in the body of the mattress , whereby a less open surface is secured , to produce a softer mattress , and to prevent indrawing at the selvedge. Also in making the fabric of a mattress in two parts or sections joined together by loops or an interlacing wire , the V 's or points of one section pointing reversely to the V 's or points of the other section , whereby corresponding ends of the V's will be at both ends of the mattress , for connection with the springs or by the loops or chains as above described. Also , in constructing the outer edges of the fabric with V 's having one leg shorter than the other the shorter leg to connect with the selvedge wire to make the fabric uniform in width , suitable to the width of the mattress frame. Also , in constructing the frame of the mattress whereby the rail at one end will be adjustable , by providing the casting or corner device connecting the intersecting rails with a sliding bar , to engage an end rail , and a push-screw , screwed through said casting or device , so that by turning the screw , the sliding bar will move the end rail of the mattress frame , and take up looseness resulting from use , or to give the required tension to the fabric according to the weight of the occupant. Dated this 20th day of September 1895. ADELBERT HENRY GALE. Haseltine , Lake & Co. , 45 Southampton Buildings , London , W.C. , Agents for the Applicant. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Wire Mattresses. I , ADELBERT HENRY GALE , of Crompton Road , in the Village of Waterville , Province of Quebec , in the Dominion of Canada , Mattress Manufacturer , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - This invention relates to that class of wire mattresses which is made up of a",
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"sentence": "LETTERS PATENT to Frederick Octavius Palmer , of the Webbs , near Hurstpierpoint , in the County of Sussex , for the Invention of \" IMPROVEMENTS IN APPARATUS FOR CONVEYING GOODS OR PASSENGERS FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER. \" Scaled the 27th July 1869 , and dated the 10th March 1869. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by the said Frederick Octavius Palmer at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 10th March 1869. I , FREDERICK OCTAVIUS PALMER , of the Webbs , near Hurstpierpoint , in the County of Sussex , do hereby declare the nature of the said In- vention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN APPARATUS FOR CONVEYING GOODS OR PASSENGERS FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER , \" to be as follows : - ... This Invention has for its object improvements in apparatus for conveying goods or passengers from one place to another , and is more especially applicable for conveying goods or passengers across rivers. For this purpose I use a car hung to the axis of a pulley or pulleys 17",
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"sentence": "rotection , proceed application for Letters Patent was not given within the time prescribed by the Act. ) PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION left by Peter George Harris at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents , with his Petition , on the 18th February 1854. I , PETER GEORGE HARRIS , of Buckingham Street , Adelphi , in the County of Middlesex , Engineer , do hereby declare the nature of the said Invention for \" IMPROVEMENTS IN LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES , \" a communication , to be as follows : - An arrangement which has the advantage of transferring the greatest weight to the driving wheels and easing the locomotive round the sharpest curve ; this arrangement is shewn in the accompanying Drawings , No. 1 and 2. The fore part of the locomotive supports the boiler and engine , and the hind part the tender , and a portion of the weight of the boiler , as seen in Drawing No. 1. These two parts are coupled by a strong axis , placed between the hind axle of the fore part and the fore axle of the hind part. The fore part has an inside frame and the hind part an outside frame , the fire-box being so situated within the latter frame as to allow the fore part , and consequently the boiler , to revolve on the axis in accordance with the sharpest curve of the railway. The fore part may contain three or only two axles , and the axis ought to be situated at such a point that both parts of the locomotive may , on passing any curve of the line , occupy the same relative position as they would do if independent of each other .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 18th Feb. , 1995 Complete Specification Left , 18th Nov.. 1895-Accepted , 21st Dec. , 1895 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in Hydraulic and other Hose Couplings intended to Resist High Pressure. We F. REDDAWAY & CO. LIMITED , of Cheltenham Street , Pendleton , Manchester , in the County of Lancaster , Manufacturers of Woven Machine Belting and Hose , and FRANK REDDAWAY , Managing Director of the same Company , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - Our said invention relates to improvements in means for coupling or connecting hydraulic or the like hose to a press or other apparatus or vessel into which the pressure requires to be conveyed , or for coupling together different lengths of such hose. The hose for which it is most particularly adapted is the strong hose surrounded by coils of wire , such for example as the now well known Sphincter Grip Hose now manufactured by our firm. It will be evident that to connect hose conveying such strong pressure as is usually passed through the Sphincter Grip Hose , couplings of great strength and of particular construction require to be used. Our invention therefore relates to the particular construction and design of the improved coupling which we will now describe. A tapered nozzle screwed or otherwise connected to the press or vessel to which the pressure is to be conveyed , carries a thimble which projects partly over the said nozzle. The exterior of this thimble is screwed and upon this we mount an internally screwed box-nut the lower checked part of which contains a tapered binding ring. Within this binding ring we arrange two , three or more clamps , which when put together form an expandable and contractable gripping cylinder surrounding the end of the hose to be coupled and having internal tapered circumferences furnished with teeth or serrations which firmly grip the hose. That part of the hose which is so gripped is denuded of its wire coil covering , but the rear ends of the said clamps are preferably formed and grooved so as to fit over the wire coils and firmly hold and bind these also. When all of the aforesaid parts are in position , ( the end of the hose being drawn upon the tapered nozzle ) , further screwing of the box-nut upon the thimble jambs the clamps more tightly down upon the hose compressing it against the inner tapered nozzle through the whole length of the joint and preventing any possibility of leakage or of the coupling being blown off. The tapered interior of the binding ring which holds the clamps together slides upon the inclined faces of the clamps and by its wedging action forces the clamps down upon the hose. By duplicating the coupling it can be used to connect separate lengths of lose together. The improved coupling can be readily connected and disconnected and does not require the use of any packing to make a fluid tight joint. Dated this 16th day of February 1805 E. K. DUTTON & Co. , 5 John Dalton Street , Manchester , Agents .",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 6th July , 1897 Complete Specification Left. 15th Feb. 1898-Accepted , 14th May , 1898 PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION. Improvements in connection with Flues of Washing Coppers , Set-pots , and similar Articles. I , FREDERICK PARSLER , Garsington , Oxford , Builder , do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows : - . My invention relates to improvements in connection with flues of washing coppers , set-pots and similar articles , the object being to do away with the present node of covering such flues , the existing way being to lay flat bars , pieces of slate and similar articles across each other , a very slovenly manner of proceeding , and rarely proving successful in preventing smoke escaping round the rim of the copper or the like. It involves less trouble in fixing the copper , provides less lodgement for soot , makes better draught , prevents cement breaking away when the copper is removed for cleaning , and helps to bind the brickwork together. In carrying my invention into effect , I proceed in or in about the following manner. I provide covers for the tops of the flues , the covers being made of any suitable material preferably metal. These flue covers may have any suitable cross section ! , preferably that of a quarter circle. They could be made in lengths and so curved as to accommodate themselves to the circumference of the copper or pot , and would be placed so that the ends of the lengths overlap one another. A flange is provided for building into the brickwork and another for supporting the copper or pot. The cover forms an arched top to the flue , and thus connects the copper with the walls of the flue. The top of the cover may be covered with brick , cement , con- crete or any other suitable material. 1007 Improvements in connection with Flues of Washing Coppers , Set-pots , and similar Articles. I , FREDERICK PARSLER , Garsington , in the County of Oxford , Builder , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : My invention relates to improvements in connection with flues of washing set pots and similar articles , the object being to do away with the present coppers mode of covering such flues , the existing way being to lay flat iron bars across , on",
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"sentence": "Date of Application , 2nd Jan. , 1895-Accepted , 9th Mar. , 1895 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION. [ Communicated from abroad by FRANZ TRINKS , Technical Director , of Grimme , Natalis & Co. , Brunswick , Germany , Engineer. ] Mechanism in connection with a Cash Registering Apparatus for Making Visible and Adding Together the Separate Amounts Received. I CHARLES BRADBURY of 249 High Holborn , London , W.C. , Agent , do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed , to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement : - The arrangement of the apparatus is illustrated in Figs. 1 to 5. Fig. 1 is a section through V and VI of the plan Fig. 3 , Figure 2 is a section through III and IV of Fig. 1 , and Figs. 4 and 5 show details of the mechanism for adding the total. The apparatus shown is arranged for adding amounts of five figures , but the sum total may reach to six figures. The five columns of figures are distinguished by means of the small numerals. placed after the alphabetical signs , -a ' , ' , & c. representing details in the column of units , a , b , & c. those in the tens , & c. The setting in motion of the parts which render the respective figures visible is effected by a separate action for each column , but the mechanism is the same in each of the five actions , which are distinguished by the small numerals 1 to 5 placed after the reference letters. It will thus be unnecessary to repeat the above named distinguishing numerals in describing the whole series of actions. If , when the mechanism stands at its zero position , the key or knob of one of the toothed bars ( a ) be pressed downwards , thus forcing back , by the inclined plane at its lower extremity , the presser bar with spring ( i ) Fig. 1 , the teeth of ( a ) will engage with the toothed wheel ( k ) fixed on the shaft ( r ) . The latter will thus be caused to revolve according to the length of stroke given to ( a ) . The toothed bars are shaped as shown in section in Fig. 3 , and slide in the grooves provided in the frame , ( f ) and ( h ) . The driving disc ( u ) fixed on the shaft ( r ) turns with the latter , and is provided with a pin. This is connected by a link ( l , Fig. 1 ) with the pin fixed on the slide ( c ) . The link ( 1 ) has a slot in its centre and slides on a movable fulcrum which turns on the shaft ( d ) . The slide ( c ) moves in a dove-tailed slot on the disc ( o ) , which thus responds to the movements of the pin attached to ( c ) . As shown in Fig. 2 , the disc ( o ) is fixed to the same shaft as the disc ( s ) . This bears on the side nearest the purchaser , the figures 0 to 9 , which can be seen through the opening ( A ) , and , through the mechanism described above , follows the movements of the toothed bar ( a ) . The zero position of the mechanism is determined by the stop ( Z ) , against which a projection on the disc ( o ) finds its resting position. To make visible at the aperture ( A ) any given number , by means of the shaft ( r ) , nine toothed bars have been provided for each column of figures , these bars slide in the vertical slots ( f ) on the upper frame , and ( h ) on the lower frame .",
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