Luz Mely Reyes, who was inspected by the quake, tells of the probation of SebIN officers who searched Díaz and Soto.
The media’s unity appealed to the situation:
OVER this time, at 3:00 a.m., a parliament from the Amunibija to the media and human rights advocate Luis Carlos Díaz, has been displaced since 5:30 p.m. #Nibo NiLuisCarlos Wa.
Human rights activists and the free expression organization have joined the campaign with #DondeEstaLuisCarlos (Where is Luis Carlos?), which, now, is the popular title on Venezuela's Twitter website.
Díaz is a journalist and human rights activist who is a well-known advocate of freedom of speech and who knows how he feels in Venezuela and overseas for the intervention and opposition of the regime of Nicholas Maduro.
He has been working for a while with his wife and a well-known political speaker, Naky Soto, while broadcasting videos and videoconferencing on the political and human rights issues of Venezuela.
He has worked as a manager and resident of the establishment of free space for citizens and special radio stations that are not governed by the government.
Díaz was also a member of the Global Voices Group for ten years.
Meanwhile, Luis Carlos is an intelligent creature who is deeply impressed with the news and self-censorship in our Venezuela.
He has discovered gatherings in the city (in the light of opposition to the facility) #NiboniLuisCarlos Wa.
Just days before his execution, the Con el Mazo Dando's self-sacrifice showed a video about Díaz.
The doorkeeper of the program, the politician Diosdado Cabello, feels that Díaz has participated in protests showing a lack of extensive wildfires across the country which has caused Venezuelans to live in the darkness for over four hours on March 7 and 8.
There is no solid evidence.
Seven hours have passed since Luis Carlos Díaz is missing.
[Dyaz] was a journalist for Union Radio Noticies and a human rights activist.
We owned the Ibadan headquarters and said they would not have [held] #Nibo NiLuisCarlos Wa.
[Image: they confess [Diaz is in charge]
journalist Vladimir Villegas noted that this is not the case but that he was arrested by the government:
radionet Luis Carlos Díaz, has been detained by City officer.
We sympathize with her situation.
Guidance is needed by knowing where it is, and respecting human rights.
The Global Voices is loyal to Luis Carlos, his family, and the independent journalist of all government organizers in Venezuela.
We look forward to it to come immediately in peace of the body and spirit, broadcasting stories about this story as it progresses.
A social media bill threatens free expression in Nigeria
The Bill will grant permission for internet shutdown in Nigeria
Representative Mohammed Sani Musa is promoter of the social media bill. Screenshot from Channel Television You YouTube.
On November 20, 2019, the Constitution of Protecting False and Macedoniancies, known as "the law of social media", sponsored by a representative, Mohammed Sani Musa, has been read in the parliament for the second time.
The policy of the bill on social media is to curb untruthful fake news and sentences on videoconference.
Meanwhile, the bill is not aimed at restricting social media use, but it will keep free expression, opposition from government and temporarily putting internet shutdown in the law.
Nigerians obtained a similar constitution as a result of the erosion of grass by elephants in 2016.
It’s wrong to hear the government mourn (oppose the government)
According to Section 1A, the opinion of the Constitution is to "[whether] an untruthful or untruthful expression should be released in Nigeria".
He will rid Nigeria of the classroom of false publications that could cause Nigeria to become "mock", despite such issues as general health care, public security, "centric security or economic security" and "national partnerships with other countries".
Section 1c describes how the bill will help "move, control, and protect the use of electronic gadgets and monitors".
Additionally, there is nothing under the threat of the new constitution if it is online — under the heritage of the war against fake news and lies.
The social media bill, which has no access to social media, has no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social media, no access to social
Section 3a to b(i) of the social media bill states:
Nobody should be tempted to desire any kind of violence inside or outside Nigeria from stating a statement that does not have a truth that cannot be verified; and from the online record of statements that can evacuate Nigeria as an eight-day citizen security.
The issue of "national security" is the Devil’s issue on which the law is determined to protect freedom of expression.
However, none of Nigerians are able to deny or deny the government because it does not make mistakes.
On page 3b(vi), the expression that ignores “role or action, which belongs to the public’s viewpoint” cannot be transmitted online.
According to Section 3b(v), this is related to the statement: "throwing lightning, spoken to someone or a zeal among men".
This is dangerous because it allows authorities to abuse power.
Who determines whether a statement can cause controversy?
That means that abusing or fulfilling political leaders’ promises can lead to hatred in their eyes.
A guilty person receives a fine of $556 to $28,000 U.S., a three-year or two-year detention.
Authority for temporary internet shutdown
The user's license gave the government power as they attempted to shut off the internet as an accountant whenever it was thought to be right, by means of the "Greatment Command" to use the internet as available on page 12, Captain 3:
The Administrative Department has been able to authorize the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to authorise the provision for immediate measures to prevent users from using the Internet in Nigeria.
The online provider must comply with the smuggling policy or compensate between $14,000-28,000 dollars.
Additionally, the Constitution guarantees security for online service providers who are not threatening "national or otherwise" if it cannot be released from a judgment if no one calls them to follow "the law of complaining against complaining" on the internet, as stated on page 12, audience 5.
The human rights testimony was darkened because the law allowed the police under the law to obey the orders of smoking.
Section 15 describes police's "mental activity" during "certain investigation" as the key to controlling the country's videoconference.
In the end, “there is no place for me to complain in the Supreme Court” [Abala 13(2)] that anyone can relinquish the smoking without first consulting the police to revoke the smoking law.
The effect is remarkable — no one will be able to go to the courts for this hurtful defense of self-determination while the defense remains.
Lawyers on the back of the social media bill
Three lawmakers memorized the bill in the parliament, the House of Representatives: Mohammed Sani Musa (proportioners of the bill), Abba Moro and Elisha Abbo.
Mohammed Sani Musa, Activate Technologies Limited, owned the PDFCs that was used for the 2019 elections while he was a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) party of the East Niger Commissioner, published by the Premier Times.
The charges were filed by the INEC.
This case shows that the rulers in the past elections failed to operate independently of the powerful.
Ishaku Elisha Abbo of the opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is a representative representing North Adamawa Province in Adamawa State, in northeastern Nigeria.
In August 2019, in front of police, Abbo injured a female sex worker in the Nigerian capital city of Abuja.
After the photo was broadcast on social media, Abbo offered recognized her family’s behavior and responded.
Abba Moro, a PDP member, is a representative of South Benue, Central Nigeria.
On March 15, 2014, Moro, the manager of the domestic affairs, was in charge of the urgent incident involving about 6,000 teenagers who were displaced from the Nigerian Customs Service gathering in various locations across the country.
The tragic incident that killed 20 people and caused damage to many.
Moro agreed to a ransom paid by the authorities at about $1.8 dollars.
Moro took savings and violated the customs policy.
"there is no need for silence, intimidation, or self-determination" – #SayNoToSocial MediaBill!
Using #SayNoToSocial MediaBill, Nigerians have visited Twitter to share their views:
In a statement, Amnesty International recognizes the use of "a law that violates human rights" because it will not silence Nigerians "to speak their opinions" and will also imprison "religible citizens for doing so".
Through heritage, we stop speaking falsehoods and speaking falsehoods, considering legislation that is not loving for citizens.
Surprisingly, the leaders are the leaders who lead the spread of false information online.
Political movements and major opposition groups have made Twitter a war zone for ethnic hatred, fake news, and deceitful speech during the 2019 presidential elections.
Read more:
Social media prompted racism, insulting reports, and deceptive speeches during the 2019 presidential elections.
Twitter became a war zone for lies during the 2019 Nigerian elections
As with freedom of expression in Nigeria today, there are wise words from American writer Toni Morrison that hold hope:
This is the work of artists. There is no space for optimism, no space for compassion, no need for silence, no space for intimidation.
We say, we write, we say.
The social media bill has been read the second time in the House of Representatives.
Prior to the constitution, he will have to receive a parliament which will be assessed by lawmakers. The Chairman will report the outcome of his assessment to the General Committee, to assess it, which will be published for the final assessment, before the president signs it.
We should take seriously the committee’s action to eliminate the user's license.
For Africa's most famous country will fall victim to rape as soon as freedom of expression comes under control.
The Tanzania High Court ordered the abolition of the seigning between elderly and children despite its restoration measures
"This is the best decision for the court"
Schoolchildren in Tanzania pictured on October 2007. fanny Schertzer, used with permission from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.
In October 2019, the Tanzania High Court upheld the 2016 minimum sentence for both daughters and sons to be married at the age of 18.
The Tanzania empire has acted to change the situation, as girls are rapidly rearing and marriage is a safeguard for pregnant women.
On October 23, 2019, however, the Tanzania government lost its appeal ruling while the Supreme Court ruling was suspended: a female outlet must be married at 18 days, adding to Tanzania's youthful youth.
According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Tanzania is the largest childbearing population in the world.
Internet users opened their way to express their delight in the verdict.
Others greeted Rebeca Z. Gyumi, the accuser and the leader of the child’s seizure.
Gyumi is the founder and chairman of the Msichana Initiative (Gender Programme), a non-governmental corporation that strengthens girls through education.
Efforts to eliminate Child suckling in Tanzania
In 2016, Gyumi disregarded the power of the Law of Marriage Act, 2002 (LMA) that permitted a woman under the age of 18 to marry.
According to Tanzania’s Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS), an estimated 36 per cent of women aged 25-49 were married before the age of 18.
The LMA law permitted a girl at the age of 14 to marry with court permission, parental permission for the age of 15, whereas the age of 18 is the youngest for a son.
Through his representatives, Gyumi explained that the limitations of LMA were insignificant for women because it gave men a better place than women.
Additionally, it is said that the barrier violates human rights and that girls are hurt by the rights of education.
Gyumi appealed to the Supreme Court to abolish LMA.
The Supreme Court did not do that.
However, it was recognized as illegal and the government was given a year to fix what was wrong within the LMA borders.
Through a representative general of the justices, the government was authorized to pass a marriage term to 18 years for both women and men.
However, the former Chief Representative was disappointed with the verdict and filed a retrial appeal to the Supreme Court:
With permission from the government: I have received a retrial appeal in the case of #childmarriage. The 204 criminal case of October 2017.
Read more: Mozambique turns children's maize into a crime
A chance for a retrial
During a four-month sentence, the government planned to re-judge 2016 to amend the LMA limit which allowed 15-year-old daughter to be adopted as an adolescent for marriage.
The appeal, a representative of the state justices Mark Mulwambo and Alesia Mbuya, revealed the difference between women and men and challenged the reconciliation with traditional traditions and Islamic laws.
Ms. Mbuya says that boys and girls vary in their behavior as "certainties" and that, according to the law, they are regarded as different.
He said that marriage could protect a daughter who is not married to an abridged woman at the proper time.
He further stated that the court failed to “pass the average age of the child and the age that is worthy of marriage,” meaning that the right to marriage is the same and the right to marriage is the same.
Internet users have quickly disagreeed with the reasons for the appeal.
Read more: Mozambique, Cote d'Ivoire took decisive action for the rights of women and children
The court’s ruling refers to the abolition of harmful habits that affect girls and ethnicity, along with the welfare of girls in Tanzania.
According to the United Nations, in order to qualify for the 2030 gender equalization, the government has to adjust the discriminatory and legislative measures needed to bring about equalization.
Studies indicate that the right age for marriage is related to the type of text that is read and accumulated by people (TDHS 201).
In Tanzania, there is a six-year difference between a girl who has not attended school and those who read the highest or the most.
In Tanzania, for a student or pregnant woman, a 30-year prison sentence is illegal.
A pregnant student does not return to school even when she has children.
Suggestions with children protect girls, regardless of how they enter school.
In Tanzania, the marriage of a girl prevents a girl from studying and studying, according to a survey from the Tanzania National Survey, 2017.
The release of the fig made a better way of life for learners to finish their studies without interrupting.
Even so, learners who are afraid are still facing the law that prohibits them from returning to school.
The Jamaican identity card, used by Kanye West, became a heated controversy on ‘Psalm’
Commercial goods and headlines about Jamaica are sold online
Kanye West sings at the Garden benefit, New York City, Day 10, 2011. Photo by Jason Persse, CC BY-SA 2.0.
An American singer, Kanye West, brought the pop-up concert to Kingston, Jamaica, shortly after the American Weekly Day of the Forgotten People's Day (19-21, October 2019) will begin.
This is the first time the singer has been able to evacuate his group of praisers from the United States, in an appeal to an international government that Ja has called on him to bring the program to his hometown.
However, the party, which saw opposition from the outset, was subsidized with the Jamaican identity mark that West posted on a market that is selling on his world store without permission.
Within two days, the announcement took place in the Emancipation Park in Kingston, the capital of the country—a spot that caused some speakers to denounce West's controversial comments on slavery in an interview now in May 2018.
The site was used in the respect of "grandfires" for the 300,000 slaves in Jamaica in 2002. On the 1st of August 1838.
It may be the very first thing about the party, but it is not the last thing.
Especially as the editor of Olivia's "Babsy" Grange criticized opponents when he said that the nation was part of the party’s reward, in which one songwriter believed that the party was immediately watched on the global theme of the Weekly Religious Day, "capping" the traditional programming that belongs to the National Paralympics Day.
Additionally, the inhabitants of Kingston, who were affected by the spread of the seizures that week, took refugees and laughed when displaced persons headed to their homes in the morning.
Without a doubt, thousands of Jamaican Nevs the event, and Jamaican radio stations also commended their efforts:
The public news reports that it is possible to take action from (Cultism) to embrace the self-sacrifice of the Kingston’s identity mark, Jamaican, and the long-speed bird.
I have done some online research and discovered to support the evidence but it was not fateful to me, I have encountered their online markets with these identity markings and equal to the party...
It is the truth of Jamaica that former governments have never neglected the ‘Jamaica’ or their own identity plaque, such as the flag and the shield.
It’s very good for our music and everything else, Ska, Mento, Rock Steady, Reggae, and so on.
Jamaica is slowly turning to a clothing business that has the main island mark that will lure people to buy it.
If these goods are promoted in the Emancipation Park campus in a party that contributed to more than anything from the government and the Jamaican community, using the national markings in a unique way.
I have noticed that the Ministry of Culture and the Director of the City of Kingston is taking urgent measures to repurchase.
I think the government has extensive lawyers.
Of course, attorneys have yet to work to resolve the issue regarding the use of the Jamaican flag.
Deadly police crashes ‘in Guinea as President Alpha Condé failed’ to rule
"Many of the cities are rejected by the government in this regard"
Screenshot of what is happening in Guinea from a news report to 24 France.
Violence broke out in Guinea on October 14, causing hundreds of deaths and deaths as a result of protests against the president’s Alpha Condé, who is contemplating a change of constitution to allow him to go for the third time.
The capital street, Conakry, and other cities have become battlefields between law enforcement agencies and protesters.
Police has seized a new chance of using deadly weapons when it comes to its surface.
Protesters have sent six people to a remote heaven, which included a policeman in the Ogun group, and many have been killed.
Read more: Guinea's security forces have permission to use deadly weapons
Protesters refused to participate in a rule of amendment to a constitution that they considered to be the president’s step to rank a third.
In fact, the Constitution sentenced presidential office to two years. Condé, 81, is expected to end in October 2020.
Protesters are the most vulnerable because of violating the law as Human Rights Watch calls for observation:
Translation Original Quote
Human Rights Watch reports that today, Guinea's government has banned street protesting for a year, pointing to national security threats.
Local authorities have scattered about 20 political parties and others.
The security forces have threatened to scatter them among those who have not listened to them, and they have taken hundreds of people.
Regarding the political incident, the parliament announced a protest against one another: On October 13, President Condé requested a humiliating message:
Translation Original Quote
Alpha Condé has called for peaceful speech and wants a seat as a mother to solve the problem and to solve the challenges facing the country.
However, Ahmed Tidiane Traoré, the presidential adviser, announced the next day, on October 12, — two days before the protest began — to the ruling Reunion of the People of Guinea:
Translation Original Quote
We appealed to the youths of the party to be light on the street.
They [they are opposition activists] have caused problems, there are appeals from the group to look for ways to solve the problem, but not face conflicts, not destroying property, but protecting one another.
Every indigenous person has been discovered to be seen in the world.
The authorities have intensified the anger of opposition groups and human rights activists, saying, according to
Translation Original Quote
October 14, 2019, is the day of the Devil’s wicked economy, in response to the call of the FNDC [the ongoing threat of National Constitutional Defence], the Guinea people scattered on the street to oppose the amendment of the constitution.
Attack took place in the communities of the capital of the country.
Harassador collapsed in the central administration of the city in Kalou.
People in the Central and Guinea River also heard the calls and associated with other citizens.
Few people were displaced in the rural and Mountain of Guinea.
However, many cities have turned down the initiative.
On, a youth chat room in Mali, bloggers Adam Thiam wrote:
Translation Original Quote
Many of the protesters have been killed, blood on the streets, smoking in general, traffic lights and traffic traffic traffic in the air.
People from the community were familiar with the incident on social media:
Like Blaise Compaore [Burkinabé's politics] Alpha Condé is on the road to destruction, will she be able to hear the voices of her brothers?
It is coming in the future. Now, the boat is breaking down.
On October 15, Guinea speaker Bhiye Bary wrote:
Hamdallaye ( #Conakry): A group of residents was awakened by the police this morning.
According to one official, the police are loosing the door and taking possessions from the householders.
S. Nkola Matamba, a writer and human rights activist from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expressed deep feelings:
A member of a former opposition group, who came to change the law for his own will to rule for the third time, if he was to rule for the day, Alpha Condé is the very example of the place that is causing a departure for Africa!
Guinnie, make your heart strong!
#GUINÉ – it’s amazing. Condé's opposition to government is the third time for the only day that killed people.
The decline of politicians seeking to die in the presidential office is becoming increasing on October 14, 2019— Cheikh FallTM @cypher007)
Guinea activist Macky Darsalam commented on the initiative to address public opinion:
The Guinea opposition group has no security during the attack: opposition officials have remained neutral in the parliament controversy since October 11, 2019.
Violence against these political parties has taken a milestone, according to the media station
Translation Original Quote the headquarters of the Union of Republican Forces (URF) in Sidya Touré, a battle took place between members of an opposition group and those desirous of organized government to prevent the protest march from taking place one day after the protest day in the affected communities.
The attack came to an end after the demolition of the URF, where six people who had no identity with their party were detained.
#SexForGrades: The digital media exposes sexual perversions at Western institutions
Victims are ashamed to speak
Boniface Igbeneghu, professor of Lagos State, Nigeria has performed with the deceased several times (Photo from BBC #SexFor Grades)
#SexFor Grades, a BBC's propaganda show, has focused on the addiction of the love that has been influenced by professors and girls in Nigeria and Ghana as an online field and has raised questions about how to hide the tricycle in society:
The major investigation, which was released on October 7, 2019, was conducted by spokesman Kiki Mordi who had not completed his studies because he did not want to make a mistake with his university teacher who was dropping him out of the test because he was not allowed to excuse him:
Boniface Igbeneghu, Lagos University, who was studying errors with learners in a BBC study.
Photo by BBC #SexFor Grades.
An hour-long investigation at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) of Nigeria and the University of Ghana unveiled the behavior of the “language of learning” in two Western universities.
Boniface Igbeneghu, a spokesman at the UNILAG Department of Art and a cleric at the Foursquare Gospel Congregation in Lagos, is among teachers who have been impacted.
Igbeneghu was shown in the BBC show that he appealed to a 17-day girl who is on school without suspecting that she is a BBC newsman. Igbeneghu said this way:
Don’t you know that you’re pretty girl?
Did you know that I am a clergyman in a religious congregation and that I am about 50 years old but if I’m 17 years old, it’s very good and money...
At a meeting between them, Igbeneghu broke the fire and asked the girl to kiss her and to hug her for some time in her work room on the street.
The Foursquare Evangelical Congregation has stopped Igbeneghu from "working the good news".
Additionally, the Lagos State University has dismissed Igbeneghu from school and has postponed an invitation to the workers's door, known as "sound rooms", where teaching masks celebrate festivals where masqueraders visit masqueraders.
Unfortunate events of the past year
The unveiling bread has caused tens of thousands of Nigerians to speak online with the #SexFor Grades on Twitter.
Many of the female users on Twitter expressed sadness over their experience with regard to sex acts:
Chairman of the celebration of literature and writer, Mr. Sanwo-Omoye, described the "shakness" that argued when an assistant manager of one university (DVC) touched his unwilling touch:
Nigerian high school experts have destroyed women.
Nevertheless, due to the shame of those killed by the body, it is not able to speak out and it is not easy to give a witness to corrupt criminals.
In 2016, the Senate presented a five-year prison sentence for a teacher convicted of improper conduct with a learner in "The Constitutional Bill to End High School Violence".
However, the Ministry of Education of the University of Nigeria rejected this proposal, saying it minimized it, as it criticized teachers and denied the authority and power of higher education.
The proposal reiterated the law in silence — and this did not allow the president to violate it.
Is the love of the #SexFor Grades the foundation of a new #ChurchToo temple?
In July this year, famous artist, Bussola Dakolo, accused the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), of violating her in a relationship when she was about the age of 15.
Read more: A priest or a slanderer?
Evangelist Ecclesiastes facing rape charges
For the past six years, there has been an accusation of one-time rape.
Nevertheless, the Dakolo interview accused of posing a complaint on the internet caused controversy over social media.
For a few days, the place of worship; #ChurchToo — an example of me in the #MeToo world — took a web in Nigeria.
The accusation flows from the Internet to protest on the streets in major cities of Nigeria, such as Lagos and Abuja.
The observance of the #ChurchToo movement appealed to the government to overturn “the cases of violence against women and girls.”
The #ChurchToo ceremony opened silence but "inspeaked the rise in rape practices, especially in the cult" in Nigeria.
It gave women the opportunity to say from their mouth.
Like #ChurchToo, the flattery of the #SexFor Grades has sought to justify the abuse of power that produces the sexual misconduct that women do not wholeheartedly want outdoors.
Would the online sign serve as a key to defending the rights that do not belong to the net which calls for rebuilding that will make a university a safe haven for women?
It will tell only when and when.
The only music school in Zanzibar is about to be closed
Dhow National Song School promotes Swahili culture
Students from the Dhow National School of Singing (DCMA) are painting, flushing, kits and kits in the Old Conservation Guard House, in Stone Town, Zanzibar, 2019. DCMA.
Thousands of visitors to the historic city of Stone Town, Zanzibar, have followed the sound of the Dhow National Song School (DCMA), the promotion of the music school and the preservation of the island’s traditions near Swahili by the Indian Ocean.
Since 2006, the school has promoted and preserved Arab, Indian, and African-language music collections.
Seventeen years later, the school was unable to earn enough money from the book bag and the school could easily be shut down on the street.
In a statement published by the DCMA authorities, an estimated 70 percent of students failed to earn about $13 dollars a month.
With the support of kind donors who have contributed to the school, there are still so many funds to pay that it is possible that the school’s door, which is located in the Old Conservation Safety.
Without funding to make progress, the DCMA students and staff are afraid the quiet noise coming out of the school’s famous auditorium that made the island sing — to the darkness.
The school is not only famous for music and promoting culture and heritage, it is a home for youths who are in a position to enhance knowledge.
DCMA student studying, taarab video. Screenshot from DCMA.
"We [to begin] have to face difficult times,” stated the CEO of DCMA, Alessia Lombardo, in a DCMA video.
From now to six months, there is no clear evidence that we can pay the salaries of teachers and workers".
Currently, parables of teachers 19 and other workers have worked for three months without charge due to the shortage of funds in schools.
As the World Bank explains, knowing that, as we know the school is destined to be a tourist area due to the ancient coast and its expensive residential buildings, hundreds of indigenous peoples are facing unemployment, especially as poverty is more severe than ever before.
For the past 17 years, DCMA has worked hard using music to promote the preservation of the heritage message and Zanzibar culture.
The origins of a group of taarab performers, Siti Binti Saad and Fatuma Binti Baraka, also known as Bi. Kidude, Zanzibar is the museum of music based on the historic cultural and social interactions of the Swahili branch communities.
In modern times, learners can learn traditional songs, such as taarab, Ngoma and kidumbak, along with additions such as musical instruments as spectators, Buhari and Vad, as donors — and audiences — culture and behavior.
Neema Surri, a violinist at DCMA, has been learning to sell violin for nine years to emphasize in the DCMA video.
"I know young people who would like to learn music but who are not able to pay for their school fees because they are unemploymented."
DCMA students performing with stringed musical instruments in the Old Customs Service, where the class was inserted, in Stone Town, Zanzibar, in 2019. Photo by DCMA.
At the end of the DCMA training sessions, which have received a certificate and at the end of one year’s training, many of the DCMA students have become senior and play on stage around the world.
Zanzibar's son, former DCMA student, who is now a teacher at the same school, Amina Omar Buhari from her local group, who is "combining with traditional melodies" and "Siti and Group", has recently returned from a musical tour in South Africa.
He, a few members of his band and a group of DCMA students, had previously released their first record, "Fusing the Roots", in 2018, which he entertained ornithologists at Sauti Za Busara, the most productive music festival in Eastern Africa.
This is the song of Messi and the “Onelewe” Group (My voice is clear) and the photo of the song, which depicted the story of a woman who was witnessing a domestic persecution and lamenting herself. The story is similar to that of Omar Buhari herself:
Read more: Eastern African women performed violations against men's women's innocence.
Traditional and social stories
A total of 15,000 visitors have been affected by filming, training, and interview with future artists at the prestigious school.
The school has studied and collaborated with a mixture of "the nations" that is located near the Indian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
The Omani Sultanate, who was "a main seat of powerful navigators 17 to 19 years ago", took his powerful chair from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1840.
From Stone Town, the Omani kings were conducting the light ships, including sackets, gold, and clothing, as a result of hurricanes that comforted Arab indigenous ships —yawws — in the Indian Sea, from India to Oman as well as East Africa.
Youths in Zanzibar are grateful for the past and have great meaning for their future, using them to perceive what is seen in their modern-day songs.
DCMA students and teachers set up "TaraJazz" recently, a mixture of traditional taarab and modern-day DJ songs.
Ata violin, Felician Mussa, 20 years old, has been studying the melodious instruments for three and a half years; TaraJazz is one of the most popular group of musicians on the islands, depicted in a photo by filmmaker Aline CoQu:
Swahili community speaks of a cultural exchange that DCMA continues to make with the collaboration of its songs.
Each year, the school hosts the "Swahili attacks", which hosts a group of senior musicians from Africa, Arab Central City, Europe and North America along with DCMA students to perform music over a week.
At the end of the "terrorism", the new group will be formed in Sauti Za Busara, and these relationships will be a long-term unity that does not distinguish both language and culture, demonstrating that music is the same language that the world speaks.
DCMA organizes musical programmes promoting student singing and showings of fellow guests in Stone Town, Zanzibar, DCMA.
DCMA recognizes music as a strengthening to the people and as a strengthening to the people, regardless of culture — and it also provides employment opportunities for youths who have talents but are struggling to eat.
For the 1,800 students who have been trained in DCMA, this is the only local music facility they know, where they are studying and improving their musical skills and how we become musicians.
A traveler from Spain, who recently visited DCMA, wrote: "For me, the best time I have ever met here on the island is the company of musicians.
As the Zanzibar branch continues to expand, DCMA believes that music plays an important role in festivals, preservation and promotion, and the heritage and history of Swahili.
Zanzibar goes beyond the coast and its expensive shelter — a place filled with wise people who have talents in their pockets due to the prolonged relationship that makes the area unique.
The Publishing Director's Attention: The translator worked free of charge with DCMA.
Bloodlapping continues to kill people in Indian suburbs
Superstition and lack of awareness behind witch-hunting in India
Team Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. Photo by Anumeha Verma
On August 20, a group of chosen people killed four elderly people without being prosecuted in the Gumla district of Jharkhand, India, after being accused of harsh treatment.
According to news reports, these elderly people killed a man and were convicted by the local council.
The four elderly people were dragged outside their homes, and blind men beat them with wood until their lives were killed.
Eight of these people are in police station.
According to police reports published by Times of India, the Jharkhand fasting has sent 123 people to compulsory courts between mid-Nigeria 2016 and mid-Nigeria 2019.
Around the world, 134 people were abused by the accusation of using “drug” in 2016, according to the National Confederation.
Pestilence Increases
"Vengeance is not new in Jharkhand", Prem Chand, founder and chairman of the Free Legal Aid Committee (FLAC) in Jharkhand, stated in a telephone interview.
FLAC is coordinating legislation against blood vessels in Jharkhand.
The company began operations in the region in 1991 when neighbors accused a woman of engaging in the death of a boy.
He was beaten by a mob and killed by his husband and son.
He was physically killed.
While visiting the criminals in pretrial detention, Prem Chand and his associates faced challenges:
They were told that they had remained on the charges.
They also believe that if the blood of the so-called stranger touches the country, it will lose its power.
Prem Chand says it touches a portion of the population:
In January, women who are poor and poor always have good health.
Their interest was in the affected communities of the Adivasis, Mudah, and Dalits.
The respect of women and the instigation to the law of right to the world is a respect for all citizens.
Social and Political Truth
Protesters say the violence is due to superstitions in the countryside.
It is largely a lack of education, a lack of adequate health care and health care for the elderly who live in the areas where these acts of violence have spread.
These cases have shown that it originates with fake news.
With India's constitution which views hurting as illegal, these players see it as a means of self-sacrifice.
They also advocate excuses for acquiring women’s possessions, revenge or violence against women.
According to Prem Chand:
It is procrastinated that as soon as you call a woman a stranger, you can subject her to abuse.
Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that women are subject to this brutal abuse and there is no specific reason for it.
When it comes to love, the panchukwu is often involved in homicide even if it does not administer punishment orders.
Additionally, in addition to the elected panchayat, some called themselves a low-quarters list without any authority everywhere in the country.
These groups judge and punish people, and no one is around them.
An incident in the Ajmer province of Rajasthan in 2017 that the downfall of a 40-year-old woman caused her death.
According to the Constitution, the court has acted in opposition to such rulings either by voters and candidates.
However, the injured were not even allowed to appeal to the Constitutional Court before they were faced by an extremist group.
Blood transfusions across India
Jharkhand has recorded the largest number of cases involving hunting, but not just the state.
The cases of corruption have been recorded in Chattisgarh, Odisha, Gujarat, West Bengal Assam, Bumar, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan, as well.
In 2014, Indian rabbinic deer Debjani Bora was in a state of disaster.
According to Debjani, he was charged with killings in the Cherekali village, located 180 kilometers (120 mi) from Guwahati, the eastern capital of India.
The mayor responded to a village prayer by mentioning her suffered by the villagers.
2017 incident in Rajasthan's state.
Among these, a 40-year-old Kanya Devi was attacked and beaten dead after her family accused her of being accused in the Ajmer district.
Self-quarantine and Survival Ones
People accuse birds for their ancestors: the death of humans or animals, the drought of rain, the lack of biodiversity, and the like.
The attacks on these women (and some men) are as cruel as wildlife.
Sometimes the accusations and domestic violence come from their family.
Some live and tell their stories and fight for their rights.
Chutni Mahato of Saraukwu in Jharkhand is one of them.
People from the area call it "tigress".
He has since been a activist activist, activist, activist, activist, and supportive activist activist.
Chutni described how the lack of support made it difficult for him to oppose this immorality.
We are grateful for the support of the government and the government for the work being done here.
Nevertheless, I have suffered for this immorality.
If someone came to me for help, I would be with them, he said in a telephone interview.
Listening to Public Voice
Survivors and human rights advocates think that people of all nations don't end bloodshed.
The human rights advocates interviewed on this incident indicate that the lack of assistance from government and experts has contributed to the erosion of the corruption.
The best thing is that those who oppose this wicked practice believe that change is possible.
In the words of Prem Chand:
Efforts to end bloodshed can follow government policy of promoting free education and education.
Additionally, experts need to approve it if people do not approve it.
B. Vijay Murty, a journalist and resident of Jharkhand, interviewed the victims.
Caring for Myanmar’s orphaned elephants
Ayeyar Maung. / Aung Kyaw Htet / The Irrawaddy
An article was filed by Aung Kyaw Htet that he learned for The Irrawaddy, the online media in Myanmar, whose message was translated by Global Voices in accordance with their partnership agreement.
When the forest staff saw him in the railway near Irrawaddy, Ayeyar Sein was then in three months.
One of his legs has beaten terrorists.
He was kidnapped and taken to an elephant camp in the Bago District for treatment.
It is the eighth elephant to be saved in Wingibo, a safe haven for the paralyzed Myanmar elephants.
Another elephant, Ayeyar Maung, also found something.
Prior to the detention of the camp, the six-month elephant had beaten the rope.
He was trapped among the stones in the same bush that Ayeyar Sein was discovered, and his rest hands abandoned him.
However, former overseers released him, and last year he became a member of the camp.
Both were the only orphaned elephants in the camp; the oldest elephants lived for four years.
All of them have stories of one or more punishment pertaining to human suffering.
Some have lost their roots, and others have become orphans after domestic killers killed their parents.
In the Wingibo camp, elephants who have no parents rely on the daily food supplies of newborn babies.
They are allowed to eat in the refrigeration in the morning and to bathe in a small river nearby before they return to the camp.
To date, Myanmar will have approximately 1,500 elephants.
But it is saddening because those who kill their lives are not allowed to live on the earth, they kill only one elephant a week.
Tobago's debris demonstrates that there is nothing but coping with climate change
The island's reefs are on "Bleaching Alert Level One"
It's like a lost deer's horn. Recognition by Matt Kieffer, CC BY-SA 2.0.
The coral reef of the ocean is one of the most significant resiliences in Tobago's economy and the islands circuits.
The residence of different species of water (and the fishing grounds for local fishermen), and the harbor safety, which prevents many typhoons and rivers.
The renowned Buccoo Reef is the third-minute stone that tourists take to the comfort zone.
However, after a statement issued on August 22, 2019, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA) Coral Reef Watch that Tobago’s coral reef was pounded to clean "The March March March March's campaign", the island was viewed publicly.
In less than a few weeks, the debris can flew to the second round, causing damage to the lives of these dams, other floodwaters, and the island’s residents.
What is the particular thing that is missing?
Swindlers and coronators are water leaves that help preserve and disinfect the body.
And these leaves will give the corals the strength needed to boost, but the changes in temperatures in the waters are blocking this partnership.
If the water is too hot ( or too cold) the soil will beat water leaves — and the hands that throw food away it will be lost.
Mechanism, hunger will kill the death of the soil; the skin that will be transformed is the identifying mark, debris from dirty roots and plant to white bones.
The First Group March announces that if nothing is done, the coral reefs will begin to collapse.
IMA recommended that naturalists and residents monitor the floodwaters for debris signs over the next nine to twelve weeks.
The second stage will refer to the global coral debris and the death of coral.
Why so often?
According to an indigenous environmentalist Anjani Ganase, the only natural creator of Tobago’s coral reef is an elevated temperatures of water — a part of the climate change.
In the Ímeel, Ganase explains that the sea produces a lot of temperatures in the atmosphere, causing water — especially deep watery deeps such as Caribbean oasis — to be intense.
In fact, the 12-week-old NoAA Tobago made this significant change for Lesser Antilles.
The stones in the area, such as Greater Antilles and Cuba, are located in Volume 2 of the March Declaration:
What is his body?
The danger lies in the debris.
Because the salt will give fish food, it is also the home for the fish and for the fish that are still unable to swim in the abundant waters, so, if lost, the fish will go with them.
When the fisherman drops the ground, the fisherman loses his job.
Tobago is trusting in the local tourism industry; an estimated 40 percent of the island’s tourists visit these reservoirs.
If the flooding continues, people will be deprived of stones, the cost of tourism will rise and be affected by such hosts as residential buildings, cafeteria, transportation and travel management.
When typhoons continue to rise as a result of high temperatures, coral stones are essential to causing resilience and stability as intersections between the sea and the coast — but the earth’s atmosphere is interfering with its operations.
Studies have confirmed that coral stones have caused 90 percent of Tobago’s floodwaters.
At the Festival of Golden Rock in West Indies in 2018, Professor John Agard said the work would increase as storms continue to rise and as the weeks continue to rise.
What can be done to stop it?
Ganase said these unreliable water shortages were responsible for fishing beyond boundaries and environmental degradation as the cause of Tobago’s debris.
If it continues, it is only following the leadership and safety of the coral stone that will help them to recover:
The coral stone ought to be a hiding block for the masses, so that the ransom work will be stabilized so as to keep the healthy fish and good water to make the coral grow again.
He added:
It is a personal responsibility to reduce the smoke in the environment, and mankind has the right to demand advancement from governments to provide practical assistance, tools, and education to save and save.
It is necessary to control and store our resources, whether it is a government or a large corporation that uses these resources.
It has been mandated for the local government to announce global duty in dealing with climate change.
On October 11, 2019, Governor Barbadia Mia Mottley described the situation at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, urging major nations to take positive measures to cope with climate change.
He said, the Caribbean island, "we don't have much time because [we] are working on life".
Ganase agrees that the situation was immediately corrected.
“I give him everything that he wants to save time from changing and preventing coronation, he says, in particular, there is a ‘work’ for politicians:
As we look at it, it will not be easy, but there is another way to get along.
Traveling: Abandonment of sporting for Appeal
The question for the passport is like a sacrifice for the doctors
Screenshot by Natasha Sinegina (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Photo by Jon Evans (CC BY 2.0).
Photo translation by Georgia Popplewell.
In 2019, the Nigerian writer and secretary, Timothy Olarinola, was denied a passport to attend the African Land Education Summit in Europe held in Edinburgh, UK.
The Supreme Court of Britain, Nigeria, stated that they had no “certainties” on the fact that the Constitutional Court would leave UK after its conclusion.
The UK House recalled the lack of the passport. The lawmaker returned to Nigeria, with no children.
In April 2019, the UK travel authorities prevented 24 Africans from being contacted by 25 anesthesiologists at the London School of Economics Africa Summit.
Technical professionals with accurate knowledge of how to cope with infectious diseases in Africa were unable to obtain passports to participate in the “protected pandemic” conferences.
‘You will not return!’
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Section 13 of the International Declaration of Human Rights says "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own country and return to his own country whenever he chooses".
The fact is, yet, if there are no passports and useful passports, it is not easy to use.
In some countries, the demand for passports is simple and not so in other countries.
In 2019 Henley Passport Index, Japan and Singapore are the easiest countries to get a ticket in all kinds, while Angola, Egypt, and Haiti are below.
Read more: ‘There are no Books: Tanzanian musicians are missing from travel to US music festivals
Kenya writer Ciku Kimeria explains what to live without respect "the right to passport".
The woman said that the passport alone does not transport people to another country because "You have to answer such questions as, ‘Why are we here?’
if the border staff are not satisfied with the questions, the judge may find himself at the doorstep.
For African people who want to travel abroad to an African country, the request for a passport is often like offering a sacrifice to a hungry god.
Adeshina Ayemi (Jobba’s son), the World Voices Director in Yoruba, shared her experience when she asked for a passport in Lisbon, Portugal, for the 2019 Creative Commons Summit:
I was deeply disturbed when I received the press report that I was going to speak on a program at the 2019CC Conference in Lisbon....
On April 18, 2019, just days after my birthday, I donated all the passport requests to Lisbon so that I could participate in the conference at the VFS Global company in Lekki, Lagos.
The conference was held from 9 to 11 2019, but it would take 15 days for the passport to be released for acceptance.
On the day that I had to leave home for Portugal, I had not received my passport back...
Eleven days later, after the conference was the last of a curriculum, I took a shoulder and obtained my passport in VFS.
He is excited and excited.
One problem is that of the passport, another of the high cost of travel, which makes it impossible for him to attend the conference.
I was deeply saddened by the principles of the Central Bank of Nigeria which have not simplified sending money to overseas; I could not return the free travel money which is necessary to return to those who own money.
I am saddened to have been violated as a free associate.
They silenced me!
The problem: For African people who are traveling in Africa
It’s difficult for an African to travel out of Africa — but it’s also difficult to travel in the country.
The many indigenous peoples of the Northern continent can travel to many African countries without a passport, or with limited restrictions, but many African people need passport to travel to half the other countries.
Nigerian Global Voices Adviser Rosemary Awayo describes "the march of African children who are traveling in the midst of Africa":
I am delighted that we are considering what is happening to Africans when they ask for a passport and what is related to it.
This doesn't overwhelm me like the struggle for African children who are traveling in Africa.
In RightsCon in Tunis, and GlobalFact in Cape Town, I asked Appealers if they needed a passport.
On this day of vacation, I learned that a Nigerian journalist could not be present at GlobalFact because he did not have a passport.
Let us not mention the African people who fled the country before they could enter Tunis.
Last month, I met a journalist from Eastern Africa who was asking for a passport to enter Nigeria. He was asked to provide an independent driver’s license to take it down at the airport!
According to Rosemary, Africa’s journey takes tourists out of Africa before tourists can reach the continent’s center.
At a regional airline conference held in Accra in June, Ghana's Deputy President, Dr. Mahamudu cementier, who was “invited businessmen from Freetown [Sierra Leone], for example, to travel for two days to go to Banjul (third nation) for less than one hour of travel.”
The price of the flight was high and the cost of rushing across the continent.
Is it true that it is possible for an African to return home?
Spiritual rescue work on the Canary Islands flooding in 2006
Photo by Noborder Network. (CC BY 2.0)
In the middle of 2010-2017, immigrants from the nations of the Southern Sahara Desert City occupied after Syria as the most populated city in the world.
Many Africans are fleeing the country due to hunger and persecution, to find a place to be rescued, to be injured or killed in North America or Europe.
According to the Pew 2018 poll, the number of immigrants from the South Sahara Desert City " rose 50 percent or more in the 2010 and 2017, compared to 17 percent worldwide at the same time".
The Africans from the South Sahara Desert City are moving across the globe.
In 2014, an estimated 170,000 illegal migrants traveled to Italy by ship across the Mediterranean Sea.
Many were from the Southern Sahara Desert Cities.
In December 2018, the Brazilian Police killed 25 black people from the South Sahara Desert City "which has been in the Atlantic Ocean for a month".
In June 2019, the US Customs in Del Rio, Texas, USA, arrested 500 Africans from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola who were seeking to take over the Rio Grande River into USA.
Several reports have concluded that Africa is the center of poverty and war, yet, Marie-Laurence Flahaux and Hein De Haas, experts from Oxford University and Amsterdam University, at the outskirts, do not believe that.
Flahaux and De Haas argued that it was unthinkable for humans, especially for " corporations and investors" and the experts.
Studies indicate that African migrations are irregular, due to "a policy of development and social change" which moves African migrants to the international community — in addition to other tourists around the world.
These so-called reports are often attracted to the standard of transportation:
Many countries believe that all African pilgrims will not return to their homeland unless a traveler has sufficient evidence to obtain a passport.
It is not easy to open the eyes of people who are nongovernmental to the misguided name of the African nation.
Now African countries have the responsibility to coordinate the process of repatriation of children. The only passport for all African countries is a way to get along — but it is not enough.
The Single African Air Transport market (SAATM), and the Continental Free Trade Agreement, which were previously stated last year, have established these measures, but the implementation remains imminent.
During this time, as African people, the advice to travel is to have an experience of the hospitality experienced by tourists — or to market within the existing borders of Africa.
Even if this is not the case, the passport owner is asking for more sacrifices and does not stop offering.
False stories and racism were broadcast through social media during the Nigerian elections
Racial lies rise on social media during elections
President's election of March 28, 2015 as it continues in Abuja, Nigeria. Photo from the US Ministry of Transportation in Nigeria/Idika Onyukwu [Speaked to artist:CC BY-NC 2.0]
This was the first of two online reports on hate speech, blatant stories and lies in Nigeria during the 2019 elections.
You can read the second half of the story here.
On December 23, 2019, Nigerians passed elections to elected new presidents and members of parliament.
Two major presidential candidates, the presidential candidate won 15 thousand elections that led him to victory over his hero Atiku Abubakar, with "religious sword 56 to 41 percent".
Buhari was swept to for the second four-year term on May 29, 2019.
Read: #NigeriaDecides2019: Everything you need to know about the general elections of this year
However, the election was based on everything, not just social media calls.
Overwhelming hate speech, racism, and untruth spread like an online field, a spot on Twitter.
Racial Hate in Nigeria
Several ethnicities — approximately 250 and 500 languages — have been a source of stress rather than peace.
This is evident during elections when politicians used racism to declare elections.
From land to land, online conversations in Nigeria continue without hatred.
Read more: Nigeria: Fighting ethnic hatred excessively — face-to- face and online
During 2015 elections, for instance, the Twitter square in Nigeria became a bitter and supportive venue among the supporters of the two athletes, Goodluck Jonathan (PDP, Ijaw’s follower) and Muhammadu Buhari (APC, Imale, Hausa, Fulani).
Twitter became a tool for promoting racism and a tool for political parties.
Some think that 2019 will be different because Buhari belongs to the General Progressive Party (APC) and Abubakar from the Democratic Party of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), both of whom are Hausa, Fulani Imale, but that is not the case.
Their supporters – Yemi Oshambajo (APC), Yoruba, and Peter Obi (PDP), Ibbo, are Christendom’s followers — but from different ethnic groups.
She wants to resume the 2015 episode but with another 30 others.
Everything about Nigerian politics was violent in 2017, two years before the elections began, causing political disbelief.
The Biafra Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a group of Eastern Nigerians led by Nnamdi Kanu, has contributed to the ongoing crisis.
Read: As hate speech increases, Nigerian writers also succeed
Wildfires in northern Nigeria have caused herders fighting farmers to stay in the south.
Some Cristeros followers were “willing the Fulani herders of the Imoyles to go to the south as a step from ‘Sonidemians' forcibly.
Nigerian government training to investigate the ongoing attacks and "censorship of criminals", which caused the death toll of approximately 4,000 people from 2015 to 2018, according to Amnesty International document.
From here on, racism has increased before the 2019 presidential elections.
The lack of belief allowed lies to be spread — face-to- face and on the Internet — during elections.
elections and online beliefs in Nigeria
The number of digital users in Nigeria steadily increased from 98.3 in 2017 to 100.5 in 2018.
Facebook was on the top of the Nigerian multiparty with 22 thousand users followed by YouTube photo and video stations, Twitter (a thousand) and Instagram (a thousand 5.).
Among the 84 thousand voters who registered for the 2019 General elections — 50 percent — are young voters aged 18 and 35 and 30 percent are 36 and 50 years of age.
These two days, which includes bioethics and videoconferencing, are the largest number of Nigerian voters.
As a result, he was not surprised that videoconference is a major platform for self-sacrificing 2019 election campaigns.
As a result, she found it difficult to trust printing online news during the 2019 elections.
Dishonest lies were declared as the true good news, prompted by the supporters of the two most famous political parties in Nigeria: the All Progressive Congress (APC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP).
According to the racism observations taking place between June 28, 2018, and June 29, 2019, ethnic hatred speech is a tool for a slander of lies on the Twitter during the 2019 presidential elections.
These observations were recorded online during this season.
When it comes to false racism, the APC supporters have denounced Obi because he restored the people of the Mountains while he was in positions of authority in the Anambra State, in southeastern Nigeria.
The tweet spread across buildings claiming that the Yoruba people were responding to Ebbo-based business practices in Lagos. These stories are false, and we will consider them more in Part 2 of this article.
Image 1: Tweet of Festus Keyamo
Image 2: Recognize the accuracy of the photo posted by Keyamo tari.
For example, an image was misused. On October 28, 2018, Festus Keyamo, the former Director of the campaign for Buhari’s Propaganda Agency, tweeted an image (Aworan) of a tree passing through a missing railway:
The railway level in 1999 to 2015...
Now, ‘In the finals of his project, the railways have been awakening back to the earth.’ The PDP government is operating from 1999 to 2015.
Later, a Nigerian Twitter user followed the photo into a Arab-language tweet (Photo) that was posted in that month.
The tweet testifies that the image is from Lebanon.
Keyamo’s aim is to demonstrate that the administration of Buhari has taken measures to improve the railways that were abandoned by the former government.
However, the image of another country used to make the " Progressive" appeal to him.
Image 3: Transgender hate speech
Image 4: El-Rufai apologizes for the tweet “thus causing distress” on page 3.
Speech of ethnic hatred arose during elections, during elections, and after elections.
A racist tweet (pictured3) Bashir El-Rufai, a citizen of Kaduna State Authority, said the Igbo tribe was incensed with the blaze that led to the Nigerian Civil War.
Between 1967 and 1970, Nigeria waged bitter war with the city of Biafra, an Ebbo tribe in the southeastern part of the country, intending to divide the Nigerian government.
However, according to Bashir El-Rufai, the 2019 election outcome of his party, APC, should be considered a “Vengeance” from the Hausa side of the Fulani.
He will come back to apologize, after being criticized, for tweeting "in order to create distress" as shown in Photo.
He also lowered the tweet (Photo 3).
False stories from racism on social media during elections can be shared into two categories: false stories that are shameless and false stories.
Miroslav Tudjman and Nives Mikelic, communications scholars at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, translated meaningless stories into "famous tari stories to mislead the hearts of people".
The purpose of spreading lies as truth is to separate misleading information from lies.
Tudjman and Mikelic say that the spread of news is more direct than the spread of news to mislead or spread false information.
Because the method of spreading news "extracts one's behavior" through "extracts an unexpected incident or phenomena during the [náah] interview".
If this is the case, the method of spreading newspapers tends to override portions or shortcomings of the news for political interest and conversion.
Fears over 2019 elections because untruths and spreads of news are exposing anxiety that begins with elections but causing "threats to the end of elections".
The second part of the story will review how this happened online, especially on Twitter, with a few examples.
This article is part of a coverage of progressive media analyzing digital rights in such principles as digital access and blood-based information during critical political events in seven African countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The campaign was sponsored by Africa Digital Rights Fund and The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
In Kenya and Ethiopia, these men have seen a ‘ map’ of the heavens to demolish holes underground
Both men claimed that God had appealed to them
A hole in the Dunbar basin of southern Ethiopia that Mohammed Yiso Banatah dried out with his hands without using anything.
Allah has authorised him to rent God’s house for the landslide marriage arrangement.
Photo by Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein, used with permission.
On December 26, BBC Swahili broadcastered an exhibit of Francisco Ouma, an elder from Busia, eastern Kenya, who heard God’s voice to dry a hol under the ground.
The vision is based on illustrations from his dreams.
Since May 2, 1967, Ouma has followed the direction from heaven and has taken over her dreams.
Today, the basement hole has 24 rooms and continues to rise.
Screenshot of pictures of Francis Ouma, who listened to God’s voice to dive underground holes having 24 bedrooms on BBC Swahili / Instagram.
Since ancient times, many have concluded that there is no convincing evidence that such dreams are from heaven to heaven that threaten the mental health of such a person who is blind to dreams.
However, the ministers of the Islamic religion, both Jews and all believers, have witnessed to a vision from the ent of God who came to dream for thousands of years.
"God showed me about a map", Ouma told BBC Swahili.
Back then, while exploring the land, I followed the map.
It’s not just when I go down, it’s better to go down.
He used both the plow and the hand, Ouma tied understones that made the demolition difficult for him.
He later found a holy map under the ground of God’s heart being fulfilled.
In a chamber there is a stone on which Jesus is written.
The one who brought this message to me was Jesus Christ, Ouma told me, and he explained it to me, just as he did to Moses.
Ouma believes that she is restoring another covenant with God.
The second stage is approaching.
This is the first stage of the covenant.
The other is on the way.
I don’t know exactly what it will be because if I call on him, I can devour human nature.
So I will wait for the release if it is time, Ouma told BBC Swahili.
BBC Swahili photo and text has been viewed 50,000 times with about 100 and more reactions.
Since some have commented on the mental disabilities of those who claimed to have heard God’s voice in a dream, God’s people were supported by multiple reactions to a vision of dreams.
An Instagram user wrote:
Translation Original Quote
For me, people like this, I believe more in them than in those who come to worship with the Word of God, for 52 years — if it does not follow his heart, shouldn't he be identified by his neighborhood and the government?
He does not even demand assistance for the tractor or money for his labor. This person cannot be judged.
Mohammed Yiso Banatah in 2012 explained the ten dreams that Allah had made to him in a dream to raise God’s house for a subject marriage.
Photo by Amanda Leigh Lichtenstein.
God’s House for the marriage of Ethiopia
In southern Ethiopia, similar testimony will come from an elderly man named Mohammed Yiso Banatah, who said in 2012 that Allah appeared to him in 33 years ago in ten dreams.
From the dreams, she heard the voice of Allah to hear the holy house of God for the marriage arrangement under the ground.
It is known as the Dunbar hole, and these buildings of God are adjacent to the Banatah road, which is halfway between Hawassa and Shashamene.
Banatah said that in her third dream, she had seen a model for these buildings of God.
You can read the details of the dreams recorded by Banatah's story in progress and the length of the project began here:
In view of his last dreams, the 10th of the 1979, a man appeared that he took Mohammed to a small tree in his garden and referred to his wound.
The man used the area where the demolition would begin and told him that the demolition would be done.
On Wednesday, he saw gold.
A nearby area, distant things are drawing close to you.
We know where to start the project, when to start it, and how to start it.
The next day, while on the earth, he proceeded to lay down with his hands alone without using a plow.
The hole below the melted sunny soil has become a low-called hole for the four-mile landslide to celebrate.
Some pioneers have made plans to marry at home.
The construction of these shovels demonstrates Mohammed’s mental and physical capacity – it has spent many hours cleaning, removing, and designing every detail of the room and wall, with cumbers, and a solid altar in it, with other rooms filled with sunlight lights through an unknown window.
From ancient times, the holes below the ground have been considered a symbolic place as a spiritual place.
“Al Kahf” or "Iho underground" is part of the holy writings of Kuran.
It conveys the story of a religious belief known as "The People of Rock", in which youths were tortured for their faith and sought to find a crater for shelter.
When they were awakened, they returned home and noticed that all citizens had become believers.
What makes Donald Trump so famous in Nigeria?
Trump has many fans in southern Nigeria
President Donald Trump returns to the White House in Washington on August 19, 2018.
Photo by Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times, CC BY 2.0.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump has been a victory in the face of people around the world because of his laws and his administration of foreign affairs — but not so in other countries like Nigeria.
Recently, a study sponsored by the Pew Research Centre revealed that hundreds of Nigerians had "concerned about his Ogun" that Trump "will take decisive action in international matters".
On social media and open-search interviews was the Gallup – the full-screen inspection and advisory company in Washington, DC collected results from Pew’s peoples survey.
A Tweepsmap assessment of Trump’s followers on Twitter dismissed Nigeria as the fifth of five countries in the world:
Nigerian writer Adaobi Tricia Nwa Buhari explained it to the world over a BBC videoconference, that the Trump's appearance as "a hard-of-hearing man" makes Africa's most populated citizens love him to the top:
People liked his hard-of-hearing behavior and listened to his speechlessness.
The Americans saw him as a special person.
His behavior is out of harmony with the world.
He is not described as a person.
But the kind of head who does not sluggish to speak, however, is not new to us.
As a result, his behavior has not diminished as Americans see him.
Another reason is religion.
Christ’s Supportive Children Love Trump
Cheta Nwanze, Head of Investigation of SBM Intelligence, told Global Voices:
He asked me to know where the survey was conducted in Nigeria.
I know it’s not just southern Nigeria, which explains Nigerians’ love for Trump.
Many of her lovers are believers, looking up at her as a good model.
Nigeria, with a population of 200,000 people, has two major religions: Faith and Islam.
Violence and Faith make up 50 and 48 per cent of Nigeria’s population.
The study guidelines indicate that the study was conducted in "a state government agency that divided people into communities".
However, there were no voices from Adamawa, Borno, and the state of Yobe in northeastern Nigeria as a result of the investigation for safety reasons.
Nigeria has 774 indigenous governments, a local government unit, and six governments.
Central, North Eastern, North Eastern, Southern, Southeast, and Southeast.
Nwanze’s statement that the majority of Pew Research studies were conducted by believers in southern Nigeria is understandable.
The survey also revealed that Nigeria's majority of citizens followed Cristeros "bear the US as a better country (6.9 percent) than the Islamic population (5.4 percent).
Following the murder of Iran General Qasem Soleimani, the chief of police issued a suicide campaign across Nigeria to shut the door of "war".
The Islamic Party of Nigeria describes the death of a gunman from above which US killed Soleimani as "warning to generation".
Trump has been described as “one of the world leaders of this period who has a strong heart.”
However, many Nigerians love Trump.
Twitter became a counterfeit media during the 2019 elections in Nigeria
Racial Hate and Fake News spread on Twitter
Screenshot by Nwachukwu Egbunike
This is the second half of the report in two sections of online racism, fake news, and propaganda during the 2019 elections in Nigeria.
You can read the first part from here.
In Nigeria, the online community is the main source of information about ethnic intolerance and dissent during elections.
During the 2015 FIFA elections, Nigeria was engaged in conflicts and clashes between the two most likely supporters of the group, Goodluck Jonathan (a member of the PDP who is a stunt and a member of Ijaw) and Muhammadu Buhari (a member of the APC who is Muslim and a member of the House-Fulani).
Tweetara became a tool for the spread of racism and political parties.
The 2019 election season is very different.
On February 15, the SSF made a document displays their opinion on the campaign of elections caused by "fake news".
Nigerians also express their opinion.
journalist Abdulbaqi Jari tweeted:
Fake news and politics in African countries
A 2019 study by Dani Madrid-Morales of the Huston High School and Herman Wasserman of Cape Town High School concluded that in Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa, "there are lies and false stories that have been used to carry out political ideals".
Many frauds on social media, especially during elections, have caused "spoken disunity" among those who use social media "as this is where they are often found "fake news", said Madrid-Morales.
My studies on ethnicity between October 28, 2018 and May 29, 2019 and the 2019 2019 2019 2019 National elections in Nigeria, which took place on February 23, (to elite presidents and lawmakers to the National Assembly) and June 9, (to elite governors and lawmakers to the National Assembly) highlighted two major anti-extrem media events: an anti-partisan message, and a month 9, and Erena (to elite governors and lawmakers to the National Assembly).
Fake News Against ethnicity
Peter Obi, deputy Atiku Abubakar, a party candidate (PDP) is one who faced the threat of racist propaganda during past elections.
Obi was once governor of Anambra State in southeastern Nigeria.
A Tweetah website sponsoring the campaign for Buhari-Osinbajo, the Coalition of Buhari-Osinbajo Movement, distributed a Tweetah (Atekala) accusing Obi of “helding the northern people of Nigeria from the state of Anambra when he was governor.
Image 1: Tweet by the Coalition of Buhari- Osibanjo Movement accusing parents of ‘repatriation’ of Northern communities.
Indicator 2: Tweet by Nasir El-Rufia
Governor Nasir El-Rufai, governor of Kaduna State and member of the parliament, tweeted Obi as a "extremist".
El-Rufai’s words do not justify Obi’s position as vice president.
Read: A Nigerian governor warns foreign governments: Interfere with our elections to ‘ return to your hometown of death'
What really happened?
The Vanguard newspaper that in August 2013, 67 Nigerians, many of whom were from Igbo, were "repatriated from Lagos and detained at the same location in the Upper Iurit region" of Onitsha, Anambra State.
Obi, who was then the governor of Anambra State, described this behavior of the classical ‘Tundere Vajola in Lagos State as a "unlawful thing and a violation of the rights of the people who became citizens".
After the reaction of the general public, the Premium Times that Obi was guilty of similar criticism:
In 2011, he deported children's rescuers to the states of Ebonyi and Akwa Ibom, in southern Nigeria.
Indicator 3: Tweet by Jubril A. Gawat
When Obi returned governors to the states of Southern Nigeria, he did not dismiss Northern people, the accusation that the coalition of Buhari-Osinbajo Movement's tweeting group's Twitter service was unfair.
According to an investigative newspaper on Sahara Reporters, "Northern 70 people have been deported to Kano for interrogation".
APC supporters have also used this racist propaganda to denounce the candidate of the party’s opposition flag.
For instance, the newly appointed Governor-General helper on the latest tweet said a election for an opposition candidate of Atiku Abubakar “is an election for the Igbo tribe.”
Nigeria is a country where racism is very serious.
And politicians use racism as a medicine during elections because they often need to divide people into a group of “we” and “we”.
Therefore, they intend to accuse Obi of deporting Northern peoples to their homelands of persecution that has existed between Igbo and Hausa, who led to the Nigerian Civil War.
Their objective, along with the campaign of false stories, is to present Obi as a activist for the Biafra tribe.
The southwestern ethnicity of Nigeria, many of whom are Nigerians, attempted to evacuate the country through the three-year civil war between 1967 and 1970.
Therefore, they intend to use the account in paragraph 3 which says "Atiku's election is a evil for the ethnicity of Ebola..." to steal dead ethnic hatred that is already existing between Hausa and Igbo.
During the 2019 elections, Atiku is an Ibi-speaking advocate who has previously attempted to evacuate the country.
The records in paragraphs 1 to 3 are highlighting audiences who have the power to awaken the old history that has decayed, which has not been extinct in both ethnic groups.
According to UNESCO, fraudulent reports have played an important role among those “conscious of the possible harmful effects” and will make them "noticed and distorted".
The campaign against ethnicity puts deep prejudice in the hearts of those listening to it, and it turns the listeners into deceivers of propaganda.
The lie that the Yoruba people were disregarding tabbo people in Lagos
Indicator 4: An image of a Tweet [ from Twitter and removed] by Chioma exposing the feud of the Yoruba burns in Lagos.
Additionally, the PDP’s supporters used the assertion to lead more elections than the APC in Lagos State.
Sections 4 and 5 are depicting Tweet made by a PDP monk who claims that the Yoruba people are letting fire in Lagos.
The reports were false, and the Lagos State Police quickly proved the truth to kill him.
A Facebook account that uses virtually all of the words in the image 4, along with a photo of the burning tide sharing the false news.
African Check that the photo was used as a photo from a protest site on February 24, 2017 which took place in a region near Pretoria, South Africa.
Indicator 5: Screenshot of a Tweet reflecting a false report that the Yoruba people are actively worshipping Ebla in Lagos II
Movements to Improve Political Impressions
On February 13, Tweetah’s user said Ballard partners, an Alukoro company set up in Washington DC to launch a campaign against Abubakar as president, conducted an investigation under a symbol of the detention of the opposition party, PDP.
On February 5, the report was signed by Brian Ballard, director of the Ballard partners, published by Olusola Saraki, the general director of the Abubakar campaign.
The Souljah tweet spread around thousands of people who liked it and thousands who shared it again for reasons to remain quiet.
The election day was passed from February 16 to February 23 (and the election was postponed again to February), and the PDP opposition party was not disappointed with the results of the three-day investigation.
Read: Nigeria postponed 2019 general elections when elections dropped for an hour due to "planation and implementation"
Indicator 6: Tweet photo by Souljah
But on the evening of February 13, Ballard partners said the outcome of the poll was not the same (Concluding7) as it was described as a "jumping", and it was confirmed that they had "not investigated the PDP party".
Ose Anenih, a PDP sponsor, accuses one of the APC members who shared the findings with the Nigerian Police and the INEC for trying to "compress elections that should be simplified".
But this is not the first time politicians have been exposed to propaganda on the Internet during elections.
Indicator: Screenshot of a Tweet by the Ballard and partners company that spreads false claims of investigation.
Many false supporters of the president
Indicator 8: Tweet by Lauretta Onochie, by Lauretta Onochie, a helper to the president
On December 4, 2018, Lauretta Onochie, a helper to Buhari [which was then the presidential candidate] a tweet (an index] with food and 500 naira was shared for the people on the second day of Abubakar’s election march as president in Sokoto, northeastern Nigeria the previous day.
The accusations of Onochie are false. In fact, in a public where there is no reference to the "election talk" was photographed in "From February 2017", Chuba Ugwu disclose this in a comment to her tweet.
Onochie is an expert on spreading fraud. An online news agency (ICIR) has reviewed over 1,000 photos that Onochie shared on Twitter between August 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. The review shows that Onochie "were used at least "twelve times".
Internet Opposition: case in Nigeria
Section 26 of the Nigerian online law rejects "a promise of violence and abusive speech against people for their race, religion, race, race, or nationality".
Those affected by the crown are sentenced to a five-year prison term or paid at least 10,000 naira (approximately $28,000) or both.
In March of this year, Enough is Enough Nigeria (EIE), a group of youths and Paradigm Initiative (PI), a panel of lawmakers and digital advocates, launched a trial involving Onochie and his assistant governor of Kogi State in Abuja.
Both organizations "culturalize opposition topics about Onochie and Godpomi on the Internet" that were perceived as violating Nigerian online law in 2015.
Read: How will the 2019 presidential elections be organized?
A group of Twitter soldiers who share lies
Most of the examples quoted above are not unrealistic. They actually tried to share a lie as if it were true.
This is not surprising, since APC and PDP are found to be online soldiers in order to make them "extreme bad news" online or to “ defend” in the face of elections.
Both sides were used for "capping on the internet" — "the political parties in the government or the party they have been given work to touch the public's minds and opinions on the internet".
This year’s election is a 2015 edition, where APC and PDP have played a part in spreading fraudulent news and lies and spreading political views “winning their campaigns on the online community which are “fully planned to lure unwary voters, “thus is the case of Eshemokha Austin Maho, a Nigerian writer about propaganda and propaganda.
This was achieved through “the establishment of false Web sites" where they distributed “discriminatory speeches” and "discriminate stories with confidential speeches to carry out political views".
As a result, Twitter has become a counterpart of pre-election, elections, and 2019 elections in Nigeria.
This opinion is part of a series of accounts analyzing intimidation and rights online through such principles as the stopping of messages and counterfeit news during important political events in seven African countries: Algeria, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The campaign was sponsored by the Africa Digital Rights Fund of The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA).
Africa receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from a large bank for promoting self-sacrificing corporations
Wise Africans must have "covered a lot of speech that is represented by recklessness"
Screenshot of Nigerian artist D'banj speaking at the CAX Festival Day in Cairo, Egypt, 2018. Dbanj told investors that the “expensive oil is near” and should be honored.
For centuries, cultural and social media outlets have been contributing greatly to economic development, as well as to their contribution and ability to bring about social changes and cultural changes.
In 2013, the CCI earned 2,250 dollars of the United States and a total of 295,000 jobs worldwide, a third of which came from Africa and Central Eastern communities, according to a survey conducted by the United Nations Educational Council, poll and investigation.
As a result, the Executive Bank of Africa (Afreximbank) along with the partnership of UNESCO and the African Development Group, launched the Creative African Exchange (CAX) Translation Project that will be "stopped as a link to a combination of resources and resources within a free corporation" that will ensure that, as a result, will ensure that there will be an economic and economic stability in Africa.
CAX’s launch took place in 2018 at the Africa Trade Fair in Cairo, Egypt, in December 2018.
Voluntary artists from all branches of music, art, art, art, art, poetry, print, video and videoconference represented Kigali Freedom Day exchanges in Kigali, Rwanda, on 1618th, January 2020.
He promoted himself as "the first celebration to gather Africans to promote the exchange between Africans and advocates of traditional culture in Africa", with about 2,000 participants from the country 68.
On the second day of the ceremony in Kigali, Professor Benedict Oramah, president of the Federal Trade Bank (Afreximbank) announced a hundred hundred thousand dollars ($500 U.S.) donation to support the expansion and trade of African culture and culture "in two years, New Times Rwanda announcing the message.
Omarah disclosed to the attendees at the event that the relief fund, which will bless the already existing work of the Bank, will be available in the Bank accounts, which will be used for those seeking it.
He said that since Africa has so many free and independent methods, there is no tool that will cause them to reap the large portion of the silver silver silver silver silver silver silver silver silver, as Afreximbank explains.
He added:
Due to the shortages of investments in technology and culture, Africa is not in the mental market, and there is a lot of investments as shown in music, acting, poetry, photographs and videoconference worldwide.
African nations import more free products than those sold abroad or among themselves.
He commended Egypt for “the development of the oceans within the past ten years.”
In December 2019, Afreximbank was awarded at the International Fashion Awards ( FIFA) Day in Cairo for its contribution to the support of Africa's independent technology.
Omarah also commended Nigeria's Noll Hollywood movie company.
On Twitter, the athletes at the conference expressed appreciation for the convention at the Intare Hall in Kigali:
In a speech at the CAX 2018 holiday feast in Cario, Nigerian singer D'Banj told bankers and investors:
What is needed from your youth is for you to understand that volunteerism is the petroleum that many are approachable and should be applauded to the company.
The CAX week, which will be followed by the Africa Trade Fair (IATF2020) from 1:7 in Kigali, will follow the latest CAX 2020 Emancipation Day.
Speakers in Nigeria joined their peers to mark the 2020 International Communication Day
radio — an unveiling and portable means of development.
A man holds a long- distance videoconference. Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji, a CC BY 2.0.
There is nothing wrong with the fact that the radio is a media tool before it has worked very hard to improve the world’s courtyard.
The Yoruba demanded the title to be given to the owner of the crown, which led to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UN UNESCO) on February 13. as the International Cybercrime Day.
UNESCO set aside this day to open the eyes to the influence of videoconferencing — an indiscriminate and portable broadcast.
Nigerian spokesmen joined the international radio broadcaster for the celebration of the day and to admire the development of the broadcaster world.
"The media is changing the way we do things, yet the radio is still most useful for many people to hear the news, a tool that plays a major role in all of the media’s methods as it has the power to get deeper and more remote countryside..." Clergyman George Bako said, while opening a public witness at the Forum on Tuesday.
The cleric, George Bako, delivered a discourse at the International Media Day Summit in Lagos, Nigeria.
Photo by Son of Jóoba, used with permission.
FRCN — also known as Radio Nigeria — is the leader of audio technology in Nigeria, with a group of fans listening to it across Lagos to Three Web sites, namely radio One 103.5 FM, Metro 97.7 FM, and their broadcaster Bond 92.9 FM.
Each of these sites — with its fans and listeners — using English, Translation, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba.
audio recording continues to be the best way to spread news in Nigeria. FM (Constructional Broadcasts) are the most popular, followed by the AM (Grand Broadcasts), as recorded by Media Landscape of the European Journalism Centre — and videoconference has become popular.
In 2019, the Nigerian Diary Radio Stations Ratings of Ogun showed that Bond FM took the lead in Lagos as the most listener’s website.
As a result of the event, broadcasts across Nigeria announced their interest on Twitter:
Dan Manjang, director of Communications and Publicity in Plateau State, welcomed the public speaking for "a lot of effort, effort and time" for the media and various educational programs:
Communications in Nigeria began in 1933 with Historical Stories broadcast by the National Radio of Amunice (RDS), which included broadcasting audio stations in an open space where people would listen to the foreign message of the British radio station.
In 1950, RDS put on a new uniform — it became the Nigeria radio station (NBS) — and later the Nigerian radio station (NBC), with a radio station in the Nigerian radio stations. NBC later became the National radio station (CN) in 1978.
"The first radio station in Nigeria was formed in Ibadan in 1939.
The first one was Kano’s website in 1944," according to online news agency Legit.
Legit explained that RayPower FM, the first independent radio broadcast in Nigeria, was released in 1994 and has been broadcast around the world since 2007.
The radio has worked as an instrument to assess those in positions of authority, an amendment of law, and a provision of publicity that will have a good effect on the people.
In 2019, the National Communication Committee of Nigeria (NBC) dismissed African Independent Television and RayPower FM for publishing anti-governmental programs.
Also, in 2019, the Jay FM in Port Harcourt was murdered after being accused of opposition.
Radio Nigeria branded itself "a thousand-year-old radio station" and joined radio workers around the world for the celebration of the 2020 Global Broadcasting Day.
Image by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji, used with permission of CC BY 2.0.
Media that promotes solidarity and promotion
UNESCO appealed to citizens to celebrate the International Day of Communication by coordinating relationships with radio station, government agencies, private and non-government agencies around the world.
The theme of this year’s World Broadcast Day, 14th such as "The Broadcast and diversified"
The Nigerian digital radio is awakening its interactive message that has a positive impact on people’s behavior and integration of an educational, educational, and humanitarian system that energizes Nigerians to develop self-sacrificing love.
This is useful during a time when discrimination and discrimination, anxiety due to the political issues facing Nigeria, are concerned.
The simplified City Number for 2019 places Nigeria on 14th in the world, ninth in Africa.
Since 2011, Boko Haram, the Islamic activist in northeast Nigeria, has threatened the hearts of people and how violent attacks have caused unprecedented death and many are missing.
Read more: Nigeria: A city that failed — true or discreet?
In furtherance of Nigeria's progress, the authorities of the Lagos Branch, FRCN, made plans to celebrate the World Cyber Day in 2020.
The game started with 1,200 free-fixes on "the reasons why I like to listen to radio" for college students.
The students of the newspaper produced a 5-minute videoconference on the importance of videoconference for the fulfillment of the goals for growth. Two contenders were winning.
The winner of the Mater Christi Catholic Girls' High School's Olympic Games, Eagles, Ikeja, Ikeja State, commemorates the first time a radio broadcast was held in darkness when she was 5 years old:
It appeared that I was only 5 years old when I first began to have a telephone.
I printed his own titles and it spread.
I was surprised to hear the voices from the "box" and think that there were people inside it.
A slave found me and asked my father what it was and he explained what the radio was.
On February 12, college students, learners in the media, broadcasters and supporters in the media, and radio lovers in Lagos arrived for a conference to discuss the importance of communication for growth.
On February 12, college students, learners in the media, broadcasters and supporters in the media, and radio lovers in Lagos arrived for a conference to discuss the importance of communication for growth.
Photo by Son of Jóoba, used with permission.
At the end of the day, delegates from Lagos State House of Representatives, Mr. Otunba Gani Adams, President of the Kakanfo Road of Yoruba, and other visitors gathered at Lekki Coliseum for the evening gathering and celebrating World Cup Day.
Some of our brothers and sisters, such as Cordelia Okpei, were present at the ceremony.
A sign of diligence in employment and public service to the deserved.
Several aspects of the program came to an end with a colony to invite listeners to the public, where people were asked to say that the “Earnest Day of the World” has been described in different languages and languages:
No one participated. The voices of the World Voices were posted on the Metro 97.7FM website.
First of all, ‘It was the National Radio Day of Nigeria 2020 but the workers and radio fans were optimistic that the event would hold annually.
The Chief hopes that the Yoruba people will accept his ‘alphabetic’ message
Will the new Yoruba policy be implemented in the future?
The Chief Tolulay Oguntoi was standing in the royal side of the country of Yoruba, Mr. Iwo-Olu, on the seat.
Photo by Chief Oguntoyin.
Following the worldwide campaign on the International Year of Native Languages in 2019 and the Declaration of the International Year of Native Languages 202-2033, many Africans have embarked on a special campaign involving the development of African languages.
The use of the Latin standard for the use of the Yoruba language will soon be a curriculum in which a good Morning student, Chief Tolulaus Oguntuntuntun, who lives in the Democratic Republic of Africa, developed the standard for the use of the Yoruba language.
The new Yoruba Bethelite is rescuing the city with the hope that it will replace the Latin which has been used for a hundred years and more.
According to Chief Oguntoyin's Global Voices interview on WhatsApp, these extraordinary supporters have appeared to him in a dream.
Now, he traveled extensively throughout Yoruba — from Benin to Nigeria — to declare "the alphabet which speaks" of him as the ancestors sent him.
The Chief Oguntoyin believed that Odumba, the father of the Yoruba tribe, used the Hebrew letter in an ancient world — but it has been forgotten.
All of these symptoms are 25 in total.
Translation experts in Africa say that in order to make progress in Africa, there is an obligation to have a policy of speaking or writing a language that belongs to Africa.
The Niger-Congo's primary language, which is the oldest and most common language in the history of the Yoruba language, should not rely on rules of caution for rejecting thoughts and experiences of his life.
Read: Turbulent speech in Yoruba: How the language changed
In 1843, High Priest Samuel Crowther, a member of the Service of Religious Faith (CMS), issued an application to the Yoruba translation system by using Latin methods with additional signs — or signs of speech.
Since then, thousands of books have been translated into Yoruba by the use of Latin translation methods instead of Ajami, a Arab translation method that was previously used for the translation of Eastern African languages, such as Yoruba and Hausa, before 1843.
Language advocates agree that using the Latin policy, which is transmitted from a foreign source, for the rejection of African-language languages, puts the land in slavery.
The new codification campaign was launched in accordance with traditional African Signs, such as the hieroglyphics of Egypt, the Akan Sign Language Group in Ghana, Ge'ez of Ethiopia, the codification of Nsibidi Central African Signs dating back to 5,000 years before Jesus was born, and the African Sign Language was their source.
An examination of "the alphabet he speaks"
The Director of Global Voices in Yoruba, Ayun Yobi, interviewed Oloye Oguntoyin through the WhatsApp radio station to learn more about how he has seen this new phonograph.
Chief Oguntoin, who is now 43 years old, explains that after his father’s defeat in 1997, he has the duty as the firstborn to care for his younger siblings.
Yet, as a Yoruba chief, the promotion of her culture centered on the unity of the people of Odudueans was a very serious concern and she was acting as a merchant among them.
The more the promotion of this culture increases, the less satisfied you are.
In 2011, he added more blood, three more, to a farm.
The Babalajo, the Strength of the Appeal, told him to go to his family’s temple in the Farasian district of Agagry (Badagry), Lagos State, Nigeria, saying that he would find a guide to refer to what the Almighty sent him to the earth at the temple.
On the shrine, he saw a “ foreign thing” bringing back to his home in Porto-Novo, Bene.
When he arrived home, the bedroom was covered with darkness.
There is no light in the reception room, but it is used to see by radio.
He puts the strange thing on the living room and shares the videoconference, and he is amazed that what he put on the chair is missing.
He searched all the buildings before finding them in the house.
That night, he put the unusual object under the street. He told Global Voices:
I dreamed I would go to the sun.
When I arrived, it was dark and I was shown the alphabet as an example of humility.
Whenever I go to bed, this is the same dream, I go from one area to another, and I teach people how to use the new script...
For three years, he did not stop watching again and again, yet he did nothing more.
During this time, in 2016, I went to the sun again and met a man, Lamurudu, who taught me to hear the alphabet and instructed me to spread the art of writing and reading the signs around the world.
I look old in a dream — and it makes me tired — if I wake up from sleep.
She began to be fearful of Chief Augustus — she was tired out of the heart, saying for Global Voices.
He decided to share the dreams with Onikoy, the Operator of Port-Novo, who explained that he should do as he was commanded in a dream.
As a result, she was traveling from district to district in the Ayoruba Land to spread the message of the Odumbean alphabet.
Screenshot of and commentary from teachers who taught students how to write Odumwoah’s Hebrew text in a classroom in Benna:
The Yoruba nobleman promotes
In 2017, Olhoye Oguntoin, along with the supreme officials of the Orthodoxy at home and outside the wall, denounced Mr. Rauf Arayoola, who once served as the administrator of Oshun State, in the capital city of Osh Buhari, e-Nigeria, to ask for support for the support of the new Oddue sanctuary.
Arjunola is the Minister of Interior for Nigeria during this period.
The letter addressed to the governor of Oshun State commemorates the decisions regarding the newly constructed literature that have not yet been fulfilled.
Three years have passed, sad to say, the promise of former Governor Arekeeper to ensure that the new Hebrew has not been fulfilled in schools in southeastern Nigeria.
Meanwhile, Mr. Oyoye Oguntoyin had written a book and recorded a photo and commentary that unveiled the new Hebrew handwash — for the youth to watch on the net — as well as for youths who have no money to finish it.
Chief Oguntoyin is forgetting YouTube, WhatsApp and the Facebook Group: "Ebabian education of Oduduwa" and "Ebabian education of Oduduwa" to promote and educate learners who are interested in learning the codes of censorship.
He appealed to all who were concerned about promoting a discovery that would violate Amunice’s dictatorial system and give the Yoruba generations the proper identity which is associated with the development of language.
A kind man, Sunday Adeniya, sponsored the release of 1,000 copies of the "Ae-Badiah Oduduwa" Bible literature for primary schoolchildren.
Read more: Missing into the translator: Why the Google translator fails — in translating Yoruba — and other languages
The brochure is available in Igbo, Hausa, English, and French respectively. However, there is little support for the brochure’s distribution.
The Odduwa’s briefing was an encouraging step.
However, adjourning from Latin rule to new rule would be a serious challenge.
In either case, the key to the progress and development of the Yoruba language is the Odumduwa Hebrew — something that the Yoruba generation will call ours.
Turning point in Yoruba: How the language changed
Are you talking about bread or bean cake?
Nigerian bread or beans cake is a morning meal in Nigeria, July 11, 2013. Photo by Atimibo from William Commons, permission CC BY 2.0.
International relationships have existed over the centuries.
To illustrate, let us view a statement as "restaurant", a borrowed word from French into English.
Today, this expression — an expression translated from one language to another without translating its message — is not numerous in English, it appears that it is not a translation.
These perilous languages arise as a result of international interactions, tourism, business, and business.
As a result of conversations between the people of different backgrounds, speech entered into language, sentences and speeches.
This incident is no exception for the Yoruba generations.
Some 40,000 people speak Yoruba in Nigeria, such as the English has grown up in the former Islamic field from 1914 to 1960.
Approximately half of the English sentence is used in Yoruba. Let us view the expression "cup" As a cup.
The "phone" is called on the phone, "ball" becomes football, "Westvision", and so on.
These terms of "exploitation" enhance the Yoruba language.
The same is true of the concerns in the Hausa language spoken by 44 thousand people in Northern Nigeria.
This language acclaims an abundance of words from Arabic, such as sympathy "insult", blasphemy "insult" and distress "insult".
What is encouraging when it comes to speeches in the Yoruba language is how people use them in conversations daily as they stream into the language.
You will hear a statement like, Change the ball or "Help the child take the ball" in English.
Adi, a spokesman who is delayed under football is rare in Yoruba, the mourners know how to use it.
The Yoruba language’s challenge in the ministry is that of an interpreter who has been influenced by the Yoruba vocabulary to translate the Yoruba-language expressions into English that are used in the council rather than in the original Yoruba.
For example, the bread — which the Yorubaans have translated bean cake — especially in conversations with guests.
The use of words in the low-language field contributes to a culture — an extensive — so as to make the language more accessible.
In view of this, no one calls Japan sushi by any other name — sushi.
If this is the case with the Yoruba language, its language and culture, it will spread beyond the country and the Yoruba-language field around the world.
For example, the boundaries are the most popular food in Yoruba, especially in the overseas.
This expression has risen to a new vocabulary if the Yoruba chieftains emphasize it.
Translating "yam flour" diminishes the power of the country—thinking " Yoruba's rankings."
Looking back, the English sentence is translated into Yoruba "fan Buhariious", which is now famous and is now available in the modern-day New World Translation.
It means “beat,” or “beat,” or “beat,” from the Yoruba expression.
This is closely related to the unity of values between values and values: Yoruba does not tolerate values and ends up speaking with values.
As a result, the origin of Yoruba was added to the English-language vocabulary.
Yet, it is the truth that it has survived from Yoruba. This is an exaltation for Yoruba.
Recently, several English languages as used in Nigeria were added to the Oxford English translation.
The meaning of the Yoruba language will be enhanced if the translation team contributes to its development; its use in the media is essential in line with today's rapidly changing world.
In the end, this will enhance the Niger-Congo field.
Lost in the translator: Why Twitter translator fails — in translating Yoruba — and other languages
Most translators were meaningless.
user of the Wikipedia Group of Nigeria, October 2018 from Wikimedia Commons CC. BY.2.0.
English has dominated digital communication as the "language of the world" for online conversations.
In February 2020, as Web Tech3 revealed, half of the world’s online community was written in English.
But as many people speak different languages of the world come up on the internet, it is a challenge for one’s own language — an opportunity to translate into different languages that will occur in the first place.
Many digital companies have achieved significant achievements in the online recording of non-language words, which serve as digital guides. Google, Yoruba Names, Masakh MTane and ALC are examples of companies and small corporations that have recently collaborated with non-language languages.
Prior to February 2020, Google announced that it will include five new languages, including Kinyarwanda, Uighur, Tatar, Turkmen, and Odia, after the last four years of dedication.
A man feels stressed as he reads sentences online. Photo by Oladimemi Agebedee, recycling command from Pexels.
But have you carefully chosen a translation that notices that it’s the best?
Also, it’s too bad, too bad?
There are many forms of controversy and problems that arise when it comes to a similar translation and access to it.
Twitter translates the Yoruba-language into English using an Open-language translator as he has permitted them to do so and the results are somewhat limited — and each of the words is consistent.
The reason for these attacks is that technology is used to compile their language to interpret phrases online.
These collections of sentences may work for some languages, but in Nigeria, there are two languages, such as Yoruba and Ogos, where this challenge is faced, due to the lack of accurate sentences and flawed sentences that indicate the sound of the voices.
In response to the common reason why it took four years to add to five new languages, the company’s spokesman revealed:
Translation is a global translation tool, but if there are no so many sentences on the Internet, it is difficult for our computer to support any of those languages.
However, thanks to the advancement of technology, as well as the well-known translation teams, ecent advances in our machine have provided support for these languages.
Also, many people don’t know how to pen — or call — in these languages.
Therefore, a qualified translator is not a summary because these errors cannot be identified.
Most translators don't have any meaning, especially the sentences that cling to a culture that includes more than one translation.
For example, the Yoruba sentence as queen and queen has a different meaning.
Many technology translate the two terms "queen".
However, from a traditional point of view, it is important to say that the queen and the queen have different meanings: queen means "queen" in English, whereas queen is "wife of the king".
Despite these limitations, technology has contributed to the development of African languages in online fields, which have created newspapers.
African language has grown up due to the use of new technology, such as mobile phones and mobile phones, and it generates new phrases that call new technology.
This requires the use of these languages.
As a result of the latest technology, many African languages have increased.
For example, Yoruba has phrases related to technology such as air conditioner, telephone, and grinder.
Meanwhile, the Igbo language also has a word like the "Westphone" and the "vehicle".
These names were created according to the work they are performing.
In the Yoruba-language field of communication and advertising, learners have learned that TV is a popular telephone.
The creation of this term raises several questions and thoughts — some learners argued that the filmmaker could be called a telephone because of the work they are doing.
These natural challenges of technology are the ones that will contribute to the development of the language — it generates controversy for improving the language and technology.
In 2019, according to CNN reports, Twitter opened its first Ai research site in Accra, Ghana, aimed at making "The Google translator accumulate African-language languages more efficiently".
Investigative analyst Moustapha Cisse, head of Facebook Ai in Africa, believes it is worth "a landscape that has more than 2,000 branches to be employed" — CNN reports.
Mozilla and BMZ announced their partnership as sponsorers of a special African-language vocabulary project, with such independent projects, the future of African-language research is bright.
Religious denominations in Greece and North Macedonia have not changed their religious values to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The Lord’s Evening Meal Commission", photo even posted in 1442 by Fra Angelico. No photo from Wikipedia.
As the number of cases of COVID-19 outbreak increases in Balkans, some religious buildings have not changed religious values that could cause the Coronavirus disease to spread in this field.
The religious principle known as the jerseys and the use of the blood of the Lord or the Last Meal in which Christendom’s followers, who followed traditional religious principles, would also share the sanctified wine with the same birthdiversion, the Romanian congregations used cakes to be coveted in the mouth of the priest.
The World Health Organization (WHO) advises us to stay clear of public witnessing and to coordinate our bodies so as to reduce the risk of bleeding infections that can be infected by the heart, the injury of the fallen water, and the respiratory system.
In a September issue, the Ancient Greek Church stated that it would not change the system of religion to ensure security.
He also stated that "the coronavirus disease cannot be transmitted from the blood vessels of the Lord, and that the sons of God should pray fervently for the killer's disease".
The Bishop of GOC Klimis, of Central Peristeri, in the vicinity of Athens, stated that it is an opposition to the Lord if anyone claims that religious values can cause infections:
Eating and drinking blood are life.
It was a miracle.
It is contrary to the Lord’s belief that a person can be infected with the physical abuse of the blood of the Lord.
COVID-19 has been hit by 89 people in Greece, but no one else has been killed.
Greek authorities, who have closed schools and banned conventions on the road and prevented flooding, appealed to the Council for reform.
However, government officials themselves violated the prevention Act. On a religious holiday day last week, the president and government officials visited a religious group.
In nearby Greece, North Macedonia, the Old Church of Macedonia – Ohrid Archbishopric seems to follow the same pattern.
Although the Church has yet to announce the disaster, it also supplies food and blood to members of the congregation as often as it does.
Media outlet at the Prespa-Petegonia Diocese camp, published the Russian newspaper (the meaning of "Eternal Faith" which says "believers cannot be infected with the congregation's religious convictions".
The article was signed by Russian cleric Sergey Adonin, who claimed to have an awareness of the inescapable nature of life in the hospital.
He further stated in the article that the same mismanagement as was done in the seventh century of Bizantium is not harmful, for "belief in God is safeguarding the clergy and the laity".
In North Macedonia, those who adhere to the religious values say that there is nothing wrong with the values of the church.
For example, the videoconferencer who is a steadfast social media activist — a former activist who has campaigned against corruption — said on Twitter that he has played a role in harmful religious values:
Tweet: I drank the blood of the Lord on Sunday last day at the Holy Annunciation Worship ceremony in the Skopje Hospital, and I would do it again!
What’s the problem?
The headlines: With all the plea from the Ministry of Health: Believers are conscious of the blood of the Lord in fear of coronavirus.
Sladjana Velkov, a renowned opponent of insecurity working in Serbia and North Macedonia, said this was no "thinkable" and "thinkable, unlike the previously known insecurities that afflict elderly or infirm people".
In Italy, where 631 people were killed and 10,000 were infected, one tweet:
On average, there have been approximately 7 cases of COVID-19 in North Macedonia; 25 in Slovenia; 13 in Croatia; 6 in Albania; 5 in Serbia; 5 in Bosnia; Red in Montenegro.
There are about 28 in Romania, 6 in Bulgaria.
A Believer everywhere
The world has seen how the first coronavirus such can be effective at a religious gathering.
Last month, an estimated 7,400 people in South Korea werely affected by COVID-19 deadly disease — a country that seems to have been infected with the disease — found the disease in Jesus Christendom.
The group was charged with a criminal offense — often called a detention officer — the eight-year-old head of the group came outside to apologize.
Meanwhile, the Ancient Korean Religious Council announced the changes in her religion in line with the establishment of the Ministry of Health:
1. All believers will be demolished during religious times.
2. Before entering the Court of Worship, they will buy their hands with insects at the entrance to the Court of Worship.
3. No one will be confiscated.
4. The clergy will not be harassed.
5. They will not kiss Idols, but they will submit to them.
6. Prayer books will not be used during religious periods.
7. They will not receive the bread from the clergy, but they themselves if they are leaving the church.
8. Colloquial Meals will not be shared on Sunday.
9. Christian meetings for fellow worshippers and religious teachers will not be held.
Some of the churches in Britain have been changing their religious values, such as the Italian Catholic Church.
The Croatian religious organization has also issued legislation on the disease, and in France a holy tourist facility in Lourdes has been closed.
The Romanian Ancient Religious Council issued a rule "in measures to follow in the face of devastation":
Believers who are afraid of the deadly pandemic have unitedly affected the restraint of religious buildings.
However, they could declare to the clergy that their use is in accordance with the blood of the Lord.
After Italy ordered the massacre of all four major cities, residents, such as the Czech Republic, also hosted events on March 10, when educators were closed.
The North Macedonia government declared the state unstable and closed colonies, schools, and university schools for two weeks.
Check Appreciates Global Voices projects on the role of COVID-19 in the world.
Nigeria makes travel restrictions under the supervision of COVID 19 infected people
The trafficking of 13 countries with more than 1,000 people carrying COVID-19
Photo by Pete Linforth in Pixanay. Photo used with permission of Pixanay, for general use.
Consider Global Voices’ special account of the role of COVID-19 in the world.
According to the Nigeria pandemic, five more people have been confirmed to have been affected by the COVID-19, and the total number affected in Nigeria is eight.
The number of patients infected with the virus increased to eight days after Dr. E. Osagie Ehanire confirmed on March 16, that they had found the third person infected with the COVID-19 (COVID-19), a "extreme Nigerian who had recently arrived from the United Kingdom on March 13,".
The patient was separated for 14 days in Lagos, during which time he began to suffer from dengue fever and tuberculosis.
The patient is in an infection hospital in Yaba, Lagos State.
She is recovering and responding positively to treatment.
As the number of people infected with COVID-19 increased, the federal government had heard the public report on March 18, by banning travelers from 13 countries such as China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, France, Germany, Norway, United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Switzerland that have infected more than 1000 people with the virus.
Former Nigerians from these countries must remain independent for 14 days.
On February 27, an Italian who traveled to Nigeria was confirmed to be the first to have COVID-19 infection.
Read: An Italian traveler to Nigeria was first infected with COVID-19
The second person confirmed to have the virus, according to N CDC, was the first person to have contact with the disease and is now healed after two tests indicate that he is no longer being diagnosed.
The other person is no longer infected and has been hospitalized on March 13, 2020, according to the N CDC.
The COVID-19 pandemic is not satisfying for many on the Internet, and it calls for powerful measures to prevent the spread of the disease in Nigeria.
The online citizen Ayobami announced that N CDC’s action was delayed and advised "to stop online showing and get started!"
“We should be afraid,” Gideon says that the COVID-19 pandemic is approaching in Nigeria.
"Base travelers from other countries" especially those from the affected countries, journalist Bayo Olupohunda stressed:
Dr. Whitewalker also insisted that there is nothing wrong with banning travelers during the time they worked to curb the spread of disease in an attempt to prevent infections during a similar time.
Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, head of N CDC, pleaded that they are "inciting Gidi to do everything they can":
On March 17, the Senate had previously requested that aircraft be banned from the affected countries, such as the United Kingdom and China, before approval on the next day.
Cable Nigeria reports that all immigrants from affected countries will be displaced under surveillance for 14 days.
The Federal Government also banned the giving of people in all Nigeria.
The ban began on March 21, 2020, and will last for four weeks after the conference.
Read: COVID-19 in Africa: ‘We have never seen anything like this’ as the nations are preparing for the spread of disease
Many African countries are taking measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
These measures include restrictions on travel from countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Inadequate management
There are reports about the unprecedented impact on COVID-19 patients in Nigeria on health officials.
A 70-year-old woman who has been in the United Kingdom for five months returned to Nigeria on March 11.
Shortly after his arrival, he contracted the COVID-19 pandemic on March 13, and he was quickly transferred to the Teaching Hospital of Enugu (ESUTH) Colliery Parklane, in southeastern Nigeria.
He was separated from ESUTH Colliery Parklane and sentenced to the N CDC on March 14, for inspection.
On March 15, the woman died after the N CDCly did not have COVID-19.
Meanwhile, in a letter to the Governor of Enugu State, the woman’s son accused the hospital staff of "insulting" her mother, placing her in a grassroots "insult" home.
A case involving a COVID-19 infected person who was not properly monitored was made in the state of Lagos, Nigeria's capital city.
On March 17, David Hundeyin, a journalist with News Wire, on the overwhelming monitoring of the cases of COVID-19 in Dangote’s company, Ibeju-Lekki, in Lagos State, which has been causing terror among the staff.
On March 12, an Indian water recycler from Mumbai, who was temporarily staying in Cairo, Egypt, arrived in Nigeria from Mumbai.
Hudeyin’s study revealed that the man who cleaned the water staff began to regain his body's "headaches, headaches, headaches and disabilities", the next day he arrived from India.
However, "there is no indication that someone in Dangote’s company has attempted to contact" the affected health officials.
Hudeyin said the company is taking advantage of the "financing environment" in Nigeria "to increase its profits", threatening the lives of its employees and society.
According to this report, the company concluded that the patient had been transferred to an infected hospital in Yaba, Lagos.
How has COVID-19 affected China’s political system and future in the world?
Screenshot of the Chinese border image on the four-language-language edition of the reader —It means "Wuhan lungs" (which is still used in Chinese), as the pandemic was originally known, before changing the name COVID-19.
Used with permission.
What started in the river market, according to traditional health problems, has become a concern for China.
After the outbreak of the insecticide torture in Wuhan in December 2019, a series of events followed by the outbreak of the Chinese community and the challenge to Beijing's steadfastness.
The decline of newspaper administration has affected governments, communities, and communities in the central and central parts of the country, causing suspended media outlets to benefit citizens for weeks to come.
When they were awakened to announce ways to stop the spread of the pandemic, it was removed, due to the celebration of the Chinese annual generation.
And doctors and experts are investigating and analyzing the possible source of the disease known at the time as the Wuhan insecticide, which is back in the form of COVID-19, the insecticide that causes respiratory disorders and liver infections.
Suggestions on the possible cause of the pandemic indicate that the insecticide is due to the food shortages of serpents or livestock that Chinese people eat, sold at the Hyaw wet market in Wuhan, where many say it is the source of the insecticide.
The only question that needs an answer is that of the pandemic: whether it can spread from one person to the other, and how much life is at risk of the pandemic.
Evidence from accurate medical technology has revealed a virus from person to person, so that the virus is temporary in the body before the infected person sees the symptoms of the disease, and this does not make it easier to recognize the infected person.
As for the spread of the pandemic, which are known as the "permanent number of growth", it is considered to be between 2 and 3 by the end of May, who said it would spread from two to three persons, but consultations and research continued, if there is an adequate supply of life.
As the number of infected people increases every day, Central China, Hubei and its capital city, Wuhan, have experienced major health problems, and the total population is 60 times the number of people living in this area.
As the number of cases of infection increases across China, health officials have increased to the point of becoming more active in caring for hundreds of elderly people in the country.
But the insecticide pandemic Wuhan is not just a threat to health care, it is a time of political neutrality.
The confidence in the government that it told citizens that it was safe in the past and that it was not only in the Hubei region but also in the state that it was safe in the first place, until the persecution was no more, and the public’s confidence in their governments was no more.
The Beijing government was criticized for taking the SARS spread from 2002 to 2003, as it hides accurate information from the International Institute of Envy (WHO).
Chinese leader Xi Jinping remained silent about the pandemic until on June 20, he announced to the public after a month of the pandemic that the situation was beyond measure.
Power over the stabilization of the media in China, and the ongoing business clashes with the United States, as well as economic decline, as the Wuhan virus is resolved in 2020.
telephone companies in Mozambique and Cape Verde set up an altar on mobile phones to ensure that citizens stay at home
Santa Maria Road, Cape Verde. Photo by Miccaela, Wikimedia Commons. CC- BY 3.0
Recall the special work of Global Voices on the impact of the COVID-19 insecurity virus in the world
As residential restrictions continue to rise in Africa as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, state communications agencies in Mozambique and Cape Verde are disqualifying citizens on internet.
To date, Mozambique has recorded 10 people infected with COVID-19, but no one has survived, but it was infected with 6 people in Cape Verde and someone was killed.
Last week, the two countries have issued an urgent one-month Emergency Act due to the pandemic, which is more likely to be implemented.
According to a Portuguese news agency in Lusa:
Translation Original Quote
Today, the Cape Verde telephone company, CV Movel and Unitel T +, launched a special campaign to raise 2,000 MBs to encourage citizens to stay home from the COVID-19 pandemic in the community.
The campaign, entitled “Fica em Casa” (a gift of staying at home) in the Yoruba language, was broadcast on videoconferencing that they are now determined to create a “work of collaboration” that will help Cape Verde people “ sit at home”.
This special gift is available to the client of both companies, and in addition to the thousand MBs they will receive, there will be a 15-minute free call for calling any of the country's telephone stalls and must be used before 30 April.
COVID-19: Campaign of thousands of MB relief aid 2 to ensure that Cape Verde residents sit down in order to ensure that landslides be implemented.
Several Cape Verde residents have criticized this campaign, since the videoconferencing is very active:
It’s a joke!!!
How many Cape Verde people have access to mobile phones?
In Cape Verde, an island of 560 people with 57 swords using the Internet, according to a study by the World Bank in 2017.
During that year, over 50 percent of the world’s population use the Internet.
In Mozambique, where Internet access is limited – the same World Bank also revealed in an estimated 10 percent of the population has access to internet – the indigenous telephone company, TmCel, launched the same "collage" campaign.
The campaign was filled with various free gifts from GB 1 to GB 5, which cost 25 to 100 meticals (0.37 to 1.50 US).
avail yourself of the #StayAtHome prize for 25 meticals in a month.
Pick *219 # to select a free gift and stay at home with TmCel. For details contact:
While the opportunity to give a gift is a popular one, some of the Twitter users raised questions:
It was a positive step.
Is it also genuine?
This stay at home does not bother motorists and survivors living in Mozambique and Cape Verde. Fascist activist Tomás Queface tweeted:
The #coronavirus disease has revealed the inequality of our society.
For some, the #StayAtHome Constitution is a freedom for the #Stay, which makes disadvantaged people more susceptible to the urge to stay at home without food, work, or improving the health of the citizens.
COVID-19 tells of a tragic history of drug test in Africa
African land is not an inspection room'
Chief of Army. 1st class Marites Cabreza, caregiver of children working with 354th Civil Affairs Brigade, Special Functioning Team, Combined Joint Task Force-Olu Africa, is caring for the patient on March 29, 2008 during the special community’s medical work inQubetto, Djibouti.
Image from the US Aircraft Heritage Department, Jeremy T. Lock. Public Application.
Obey a special ‘World Cup message’ on the impact of COVID-19 in the world.
The ongoing emergency among scientists and researchers is due to measures to assess treatments that may seem to cure COVID-19 in humanity.
On April 1, two French researchers, Dr Jean-Paul Mira, and Camille Locht, proposed a telephone program that should be used in Africa to test anesthesiology, according to Al-Jazeera’s report.
Dr. Mira, the head of the Cochin Hospital in Paris, compared the situation to “a study of AIDS, which was initially tested by some of the high-quarantine manufacturers, we tried a few things because we know that they are not protecting themselves and that it is easily transmitted to themselves.”
Both researchers commented on an interview on the BCG in Europe and Australia to determine if it would be effective to treat the first infected virus.
In Australia, thousands of health workers are being investigated.
The behavior of these researchers is a long history related to the test and scrutiny of African offspring, in which African leaders have collaborated with anesthesiologists — in Europe or the United States — to test the disadvantaged.
Immediately, the interviews of these researchers led to the criticism and resentment of the people, bringing the motto, "The African is not equal".
Ivory Coast star Didier Drogba tweeted:
On March 3, Dr. Mira had apologized for his statements, but it was only after the SOS Racisme group rejected. Dr. Locht, who also dismissed Twitter protesters as "bloding stories", because the statements were not as accurate as they were.
Meanwhile, Democratic Republic of Congo Dr Jean-Jacque Muyembe, a leader of the Ebola pandemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, said the DR Congo "will to participate in anesthesiologist-anticipating anesthesiologists in the future", reports News 24.
Muyembe, the chairman of the panel on the pandemic and the National Health Agency, stated at a news conference:
We have been selected to conduct these tests...
The vaccine will be produced in the United States or Canada or China.
Here we are the objectors of the inspection.
Once again, these words have caused suffering among Congo people and online children across the globe that, as a result of a nearby medical examination in DR Congo, a world where COVID-19 is a minor victim.
In a few hours, the doctor of Muyembe scribbled his speech in a photo and text, confirming that it will be used in DR Congo only after the first time the herbicide is examined in the US and China:
Devastating history of drug tests in Africa
The drug test in Africa — which often takes place under the deceit of "common love" which is necessary to cure and cure deadly diseases such as HIV / AIDS — has swept away the alarm of decency for a few years — especially on the basis of permission of the people before testing and monitoring the treatment system.
The funds are donated by organizations that are prominent in the world’s health sectors, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Health Organization (WHO), and the Federal Health Organization.
In Zimbabwe, over the past two thousand years, more than 17,000 women infected with anesthesiology have been tested without permission from test providers to be used for AZT screening on CDC, WHO and NIH.
Additionally, at the outbreak of the pandemic in Kano State, Nigeria, anesthesiologist phenomena trovan was tested at about 200 youths.
Several families had appealed to Pfizer before using their children for tests.
Herb tests are not only focused on the history of racism and rape — they are also causing distrust among health officials and citizens.
Patrick Malloy wrote in a professional article entitled "The ingredient for Investigation and Communication: The psychological examination of the Political Economy which is associated with modern medicine in the rape world in Tanzania" that "From rape and modern medicine, one continues to collaborate, and the other continues to make mutual progress."
From the world of the illnesses to the "power pandemic", representatives of the kidnapping government often use African children as a means of test without permission, Malloy said "the African blood is the best thing to do with the study of anesthesiology of the democracy".
He continued in his speech:
In Tanganyika and elsewhere in Africa, this means that extremists can always call on those who are being dominated by them to embrace their genitals as medical representatives who will be tested.
These developments are quite different from what is commonly said in Eastern Africa about "a group" that works for Westerners who have little choice but to kidnapp African people to receive blood that they need to be used as a blood myrrh called myrrh.
In Swahili the parable of the medicine is defined as “suggestions” or “suggestions to healing” — now “suggestions to healing”.
This tragic history has produced the effects of uncertainty in anesthesiologists, diagnosis and drug abuse in Africa, and is perceived in the work of health representatives working with governments and drug companies around the world.
Antiretroviral tests in Kano, Nigeria, have increased levels of insecurity that undermine the spread of drug tests.
rumors about anesthesiology spread to the streets. The rumors spread as a guiding message for the regional government’s prohibition on the use of anesthesiology in Nigeria in 2009.
Healing after ‘blowing up’ of rape
In view of the foregoing, what will all of this cause for the COVID-19 drug test in Africa?
People on the Internet and social media have massively claimed that "The African children are not Westerners".
The Chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has described the treatment of both doctors as "a cleaning" on the basis of the “inciting sense of rape,” and said:
It cannot be Africa and it is not Africa that will be the test site for any kind of medicine.
However, fear and lack of trust in the drug test has made it difficult for health officials to identify people who have been infected with the virus in society and examine them.
In Côte d'Ivoire on June 6, protesters broke into a COVID-19 examination site because the facility was located in an isolated area where the facility was not properly conducted.
The BBC reports that "the attacks caused people to remember the reaction of the Ebola pandemic in the Western and Central Africa where health officials were subjected to raids, along with the allegation that they were transmitting the disease to their neighborhood, advising them to receive appropriate treatment".
Moreover, in the 2018 Ebola pandemic in DR Congo, critical assessments were part of the Ebola pandemic "a pattern of values" — under the leadership of Dr Muyembe and DR Congo government — that ultimately saved lives.
By November 2019, when more than 1,000 Congonians had been tested, a vaccine was sealed.
WHO should declare that the Ebola pandemic is no longer existing in DR Congo on April 12, but 50 days later, the 26th year old son contracted the Ebola pandemic and was released on April 10.
In addition to the Ebola and the ongoing human rights controversy, DR Congo has to overturn the proliferation of the pandemic.
The 62 measures planned to find COVID-19 vaccines are now underway. An examination and test of anesthesiology that will work to the best of standards is often taking time.
Will major drug organizations clarify high standards of values in Africa as they test in Western lands?
In Burundi, four journalists detained are awaiting appeals
The reporters were accused of disregarding public security
The journalist’s office in Bujumbura, where radio stations were removed from line. On May 19, 2010.
Four journalists — Agnès Ndirubusa, Christine Kamukwuzi, Terenceukwuzenzi, and Egide Harerimana — were convicted of measures to undermine public security and sentenced to prison in May 2020.
The four members working with the Iwacu newspaper denounced them as illegal.
They are awaiting the appeals verdict in their pretrial detention, after the fifth trial of June 6.
Antoine Kaburahe, founder of the newspaper which lives in the West, wrote:
In trial: The trial ends in Bubanza. Iwacu succeeds.
The accusations against the journalists are not theirs.
The journalist’s job: censorship.
But the judge hasn't ruled, so a month later.
Stand firm!
Detention to Recognition
On October 22, Burundian security officers were tied in with a group of opposition activists — red-Tabara, who took the Democratic Republic of Congo as home — in the Kibira forest gate.
Criminal gangs have used the area.
In the battle, 14 Watchmen were killed and 10 security officers were killed.
On that same day, four Iwacu journalists and their driver, Adolphe Masabaakiza, were placed in pretrial detention at the Musigati, Bubanza, where they attempted to find people who had fled the streets when the quarrel broke out.
At first, they were placed in pretrial detention without accusation, and Christine Kamuje was beaten when they were arrested.
The police seized their telephone and electronic devices that terrorists demanded to check up on their devices to check them thoroughly.
The reporters were transferred to another facility.
On June 26, in Bubanza, they were accused of "insulting public security".
On October 31, the prosecutor gave evidence of this and accused them of involvement with the attack on the insurgents.
Branch organizations have been called for their release, including Human Rights Watch, International Federation of Journalists, Olucome, African Journalists’ Federation and the Burundaise des radiodiffuseurs.
However, the Federal radio station says it is still unable to address the situation.
Iwacu criticized the agency’s claim that no charges were filed during their arrest and that it has the responsibility to defend the journalists.
Many said it was supported by journalists and handcuffed online charges. The media seemed to be a threat to freedom of the press, and Iwacu continued to address the issue.
journalist Esdras Ndikumana tweeted:
Burundi: four Iwacu journalists (and their drivers) were accused of "insulting public security" for carrying reports of the attack on the earth and becoming Bubanza prison (Image by Yaga)
Having been challenged by the conviction he sentenced to the detention camp, their hearing was scheduled to 18 months, and they were surprised when they were transferred to court on 11, November and they came to hear the sentence before the judge — without the prosecution.
They refused to respond because there were no prosecutors and were sentenced back to pretrial detention until the 18th day of the trial.
On November 20, the decision came that four reporters would return to pretrial detention, but the driver was released.
They were sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.
President Pierre Nkurunziza stated at a journalist assembly on December 26 that circumstances cannot be overemphasised but could be overemphasised only if there is a stumbling block, even though it could be denied by the authorities under his control.
On June 30, in Bubanza, the four reporters were sentenced to two and a half years in prison with a fine of $521 in the Constitution of the Criminal Act, and the driver took his home free of charge.
The judgment did not specifically indicate that the journalists were aware of the incident, so the accusation turned back to "inspective measures of civic security", that is — they intend to promote civic security, but it is difficult to.
Iwacu explained that the reporters attended the event after the authorities released them, and that there was no provision to reach the area.
The only evidence that the reporters were intimidated was a WhatsApp message sent by one of the reporters to a friend who said they wanted to go "to the hands of the government rebels".
But it is only love — the government has often gathered opponents, politicians, and protesters together to take such a step.
Reporters Without borders ( RSF) stated that the journalists had the right to share information that concerned the public without fear of retaliation, especially at the Burundian elections on May 20 in particular.
They wrote a complaint calling for their release, which was approximately 7,000 people signed early in May.
The representatives of the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the UN for human rights are among those who have been called for their release.
On February 20, the journalists denied the conviction, accused them of being inactive, and caused urgent changes in the accusation.
On June 6, the reporters appealed to an appeal court after being sentenced to six months in prison.
In response to the complaint based on WhatsApp, one journalist noted that the rebels were looking for "power of peace".
RFI reiterated the case of their lawyer Clément Retirakiza, saying that the accusations against the journalists are uncertain and they simply want to dismiss the worker.
Iwacu has been quarreled for so long as a public voice against political violence — the latest news agency after the 2015 terrorist attacks.
History of journalist Suffering
Following the crisis-bound election of After 2015 — which restored Nkurunziza for the third time that he was described as a lawmaker — kidnapping has failed.
Hundreds of radio stations — favored by the mass media in Burundi — were destroyed. Hundreds of journalists worshipped rabbits, and others, such as Esdras Ndikumana, were tortured.
Hundreds of journalists have been victims of police cases, especially when they are collecting “necessary” reports.
At the end of 2015, filmmaker Christophe Nkezabahizi and three of his family were killed by police during a protest.
On June 7, 2016, Jean Bigirimana was displaced, possibly accused of being carried out by the SNR, without permitting the police to investigate the timetable.
This year, on June 16, journalist Blaise- Pascal Kararumiye and Radio Isanganiro (Seeting Point Radio) were arrested after a local government funding report. On June 28, a police beat Jackson Bahati’s journalist at a news site.
The international media outleted BBC and Buhari’s work in 2019. RSF ranked Burundi 160th in 180 countries for freedom of the press — 15 since 2015.
Women in Nigeria face online criticism
#BringBackOurGirls and #ArewaMeToo reforms political criticism in Nigeria
Members of the Mother's Savings Club, Nigeria. Image by Karen Kasmauski / USAID in Africa on the United States government work, public domain.
In Nigeria, the political arena is a torture stake.
advocates and politicians are often involved in religious and ethnic issues.
Prominent advocates on social media — especially on Twitter — have to be able to seize a lot of gbas gbos (the country of Nigeria's only "considered" online.
feminine advocates — in addition to printing harmful identities — are also coping with racial attacks of racial hatred.
How have women’s advocates in Nigeria coped with the bitterness of online speech, hate speech, and manipulation?
How have they progressed in their career or profession?
Two Nigerian social media activists highlighted the experiences of prejudice and hate of women: #BringBackOurGirls, led by Dr. Oby Ezekwesili; and #ArewaMyToo, promoted by Fakhriyyah hashim, all of whom have experienced the hatred of women in the political party which is causing their progress.
#BringBackOurGirls ( #BBOG)
Six years ago, on April 15, 2014, 200 girls under the age of 15 and 18, from the National Women’s High School in Chibok, Maidiguri, in northeastern Nigeria, was detained by the Boko Haram Muslim activist group.
The kidnapping of Chibok’s girls contributed to international attention across the globe.
BBC News that in April 2014, #BringBackOurGirls also became popular on Twitter with about 3,3 people who also tweeted, 27 percent of them came from Nigeria, 26 percent from the United States and 11 percent from Britain.
Dr. Oby Ezekwesili is answering questions at the UN Women’s Forum with the coordinators of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign.
Photo by UN Women/Ryan Brown, October 14, 2014. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Dr Obiageli (Oby) Ezekwesili, former Deputy President of the Bank and former Minister of Education in Nigeria, began tweeting about Chibok girls on the very day they were kidnapped.
The campaign was exposed to an incident involving kidnapping of boys at the Buni Yadi Federal College in the state of Yobe, northeast Nigeria, on February 25, 2014.
A total of 59 boys were killed by guns and knips, while others were killed by fire.
Nevertheless, only on April 23, when UNESCO hosted him in Port Harcourt, a petroleum site in the Niger Delta region, he had appealed to the release of girls, which became a global drinking agent:
On May 7, 2014, the wife of the president of the United States, Michelle Obama, published a photo featuring the sign “Love back our daughters” #BringBackOurGirls.
He also posted a photo from the White House — which made the kidnapping a global issue.
It took two years Nigerian army to rescue a daughter, in June 2016.
As of October 2016, 21 daughters joined their family. In May 2017, the Boko Haram team released 82 daughters from worship.
Nevertheless, an estimated 112 girls were killed and 13 were killed, according to a 2018 survey.
Ezekwesili and human relations led to the fight for the rights of #BBOG girls who have gathered people around the world for the liberation of Chibok girls.
In time, the move was transformed into a tree that no one could open because of the harsh history of the Nigerian political square.
However, the success of the effort was due to Ezekwesili’s budget.
Shortly before the 2015 presidential elections, the kidnapping of Chibok’s daughters caused some to view Ezekwesili’s criticism online from a political party.
As he faced injustice, all his garments were torn apart.
Others say that all the weaknesses of #BBOG’s efforts are merely political disturbance.
Reno Omokri, former presidential assistant, accused Ezekwesili of being used by the APC party to destroy the government at the assembly and from the "thinking" of Jonathan’s regime, thus setting a pattern for APC to "power".
In 2014 the supporters of former President Jonathan and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) made "two falsehoods" on the Internet in an attempt to oppose Ezekwesili, who said in a Twitter photo published on April 14, the six-year anniversary when the girls were displaced: “there should not be deceived or criticized.
False commentators claimed that Ezekwesili’s continued support for kidnapped children was motivated by uncertainty in Jonathan’s government.
According to him, those who defiled him on social media reasoned "thinking that he was not missing in the case of Chibok girls in order to be deceived as a minister".
How would it be after I refused to serve as a minister three years before Chibok’s daughters were baptized?
Ezekwesili said in the Twitter photo.
He became one of the 2018 presidential candidates but later gave up.
On Twitter, Ezekwesili brings his sadness to mind: "I am saddened that children who have been sent to school have been killed as animals and told them that their parents could not recognise their children".
However, the party’s criticism of the #BBOG campaign has swallowed his anger with resentment.
#Arewa MeToo and NorthNormal
On February 3, 2019, a young woman named Khadijah Adamua courageously tweeted about her former boyfriend’s drug abuse.
Adamua, who lives in the state of Kano in northeast Nigeria, has previously scribbled about his horrific experience.
Good Nigerian Fakhriyyah hashim tweeted support for Adamua using the #ArewaMeToo:
#Arewa MeToo became the copy of the action of I International #MeToo in northern Nigeria.
However, Relief Web reports that between November 2014 and January 2015, northeast Nigeria, in particular the state of Borno, had a high record of rape against women.
In the most Muslim region in the north, it is difficult to talk about these restrictions, which will even impact those who are suffering injustice.
#Arewa MeToo's anger on the internet led to the NorthNormal public exhibition in Bauchi, Kano, and Niger.
The March of the 15th day of NorthNormal came to earth in November of the last year in eight states of Ayya and Abuja.
They saw a positive effect in the demonstration of the lawmakers "willing to listen to indigenous youth" because they are “powered in the fight for the VAPP,” hashim explains.
hashim continued, yet, in Sokoto State, the government is gathering NorthNormal activists.
One of the indigenous leaders who organized the protest was intimidated by the police.
Later, Sokoto, the leader of the Islamic nation of Nigeria, announced a resurrection.
According to hashim, NorthNormal is part of the #Arewa MeToo sign, which has two sides: an excuse for "the use of the Violence Against People (VAPP)", and the foremost in speaking "the various forms of violence against women and rape practices across the northern Nigeria".
The 2015 Constitution of Violence Against People (Banc) was passed on May 23, 2015.
Under VAPP Act — an advancement of the Federal Constitution of Crimes — the idea of rape against women is a legal offense.
These include rape, rape of wives, rape of wives, rape of women or economic hardship, violent widowhood, harsh culture, pardoning or idolatry of women, and/or abuse of children.
In Nigeria, rape is a life sentence. A child can be sentenced to 14 years in prison.
When it comes to rape, criminals will be sentenced to 20 years in prison without compensation.
However, Article 47 of VAPP Constitution says that the Constitution has been extended only in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. NorthNormal and other organizations are advocating that all of the 36 state legislatures will make the constitution a law.
Opposition from advocates
A year after #Arewa MeToo took the streets, hashim told Global Voices that their admonition, which released “a corruption of society,” has its own side.
hashim had an online experience when his group dealt with "the only one who will continue to deal with children in the streets" of the one who works in the financial sector as their online advocates.
He told Global Voices:
We launched a campaign against him [discovering a child] if he received an application from the minister; some objected because of this they took the initiative to turn #Arewa MeToo into illegal.
According to hashim, the protesters planned to make FIFA MeToo a stranger to the law in association with LGBT Q [Female, male, female and female converts, female and female converts and strange people] and their objective of working as online disturbances continue to rise.
In Nigeria, male and female marriages are similarly illegal under the Serbian Constitution and the law on sexual abuse, perceived sex and sexual relations between women and women in certain states.
Through the reconciliation of hashim campaigns to the rights of LGBTQ, people on the Internet went to their campaigns and called #ArewaToo and NorthNormal wrong.
Nevertheless, the Global Voices has found no place in tweeting the action of hashim campaign against the rights of LGBTQ.
Yet, hashim posted messages of hope on Twitter:
Fakhriyyah hashim, one of the founders of #ArewaToo and NorthNormal (written with permission to use his image.
He said that all of this experience helped him to “bear much endurance:
My experience of political upbringing on Twitter for a good government has taught me to endure, but it didn’t make me overwhelmed by the various forms of opposition that we witnessed as a result of the campaigns-MoToo and NorthNormal.
Thankfully, I accused myself of killing myself and not being sidetracked, and I began to focus on the Northern government and the abuse of rape...
After each attack, we have the strength and strength to make progress because opposition makes us see how deep the habit of silencing is in society and that if we allow space to be confiscated, we are relying on the field of destruction.
Unfortunately, hashim and Ezekwesili are still struggling with the punishment of “the lack of pity for the neighbor” to address the cases of violence against women online and in the face of the real world.
As for hashim, "thinking actions to give a voice to those suffering injury" were difficult to hold.
This commentary is one of the special projects, "The source of identity: online law as a social media activist in Africa's speech development".
This publication raises questions about the significance of the identity of hate speech or distinction that permeates the language or region of the world, the insecurity and disturbance (in particular the disturbance of human rights activists and journalists) on the internet as a common social network in seven African countries: Algeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Uganda.
Africa Digital Rights Fund of Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) donated funds for the project.
In the Assad-based cities of Syria, authorities say that ‘ there is no pandemic’
After nine years of severe civil war, healthcare conditions in Syria have diminished.
In the cities under the leadership of President Bashar al- Assad, their authorities have criticized the COVID-19.
According to Vfit John Hopkins, the country has managed to recover a total of 74 cases with a total of 21 deaths until the 15th of May.
But current reports have highlighted the landslides and confirmed the existence of COVID-19 pandemic.
The 23-year-old Walid Abdullah made this known to the point of reducing the lives of patients who claimed to be COVID-19.
Global Voices uses names to protect people.
Speaking with Global Voices on ago, Abdullah explained that on the 13th day of his birth, the Federal Health Care Centre of Dulaw in Southern Syria was informed of a genocide.
According to Abdullah, when he demanded appropriate action, the government official who answered the call said "Shoot him, we are not healed"
He immediately terminated the call.
Surely, there is nothing in shooting someone suspected of having a COVID-19.
Abdullah told Global Voices "covering through COVID-19 is better than rushing to a state hospital"
The testimony of this disappointment is also supported by other sources.
A March 10 issue of The Voice of the Capital, a free newspaper in Syria made known that health officials from the Syrian Ministry of Health stated that "extremist work is taking place at the Al-Mujtahid hospital in the capital city, Damascus, for those who believe that the disease is a reality, by providing them with a combination of contraceptives"
This also shows itself on social media:
Another member of the Mouwasat hospital in Damascus was also confiscated in the same publication which states:
"Discriminatory works are underway and are being carried out by doctors who have worked to curb the disease".
The Assad administration’s step to curb the COVID-19 pandemic is unbearable, comparable to the aim of the Assad Civil War, which killed over a million people, destroyed a hundred thousand thousand in detention, and increased to five million around the world.
Pestilence and Progressiveness in Government
This period of Assad has plagued many of the cities that surrounded it, including Iran, despite many of the cities surrounding it being occupied by Syria.
In February, Iran became one of the most affected countries in Covid-19, where the pandemic is more likely to spread through Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria, where tragedies were by the military.
In addition, tourists and tourists from Iran continue to visit the shrines in Damascus until the first half of the month, according to writers of the March Study of London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Zaki Mechy.
However, Assad Government continues to spread propaganda and lies as well as to limit the number of people who have already had COVID-19.
In an interview with the Syrians’ news Department on March 13, Minister of Health, Nizar Al-Yaziji, stated:
"We are grateful to God that the Armed Forces have cleansed Syrians from disease":
The Minister of Health in Syria has not even announced the first COVID-19 pandemic in the country until March 22, causing enmity and uncertainty among Syrians who have observed Assad’s untruth and opposition to the righteous news.
In an article featuring a newspaper in the country, one member of the community responded to Yaziri’s comments, saying “You did not say in your previous words that all sicknesses have been cleansed.”
However, the government has begun to limit the number of cases affected by the disease in their publications.
In a statement issued on the first day of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Syrians and the Opposition Groups urged the nations to revoke the pandemic, issuing genuine numbers of people affected by COVID-19.
He expressed his opinion on how much it should be true, and the agency wrote:
Current medical conditions
The assertion that the pandemic is real threatens Assad’s administration because it will help their owners to recognize that they do not have a health department.
According to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the total number of COVID-19 infected people in the land is 6500 per cent of the approximately 17 million residents.
He said that if the number of presidents has increased, the country is destroyed and the water supply has dropped.
During the time of the civil war, soldiers have made powerful attacks on the health sector.
Sections from the WHO and the Syrian Ministry of Health indicate that there are only 58 government hospitals in the country.
The report also indicates that an estimated 70 percent of the total number of health workers in the country have been evacuated and 20 percent have been transferred to other lands.
COVID-19 is one of the most destructive disasters in human history
The Syrians may be especially concerned about the impact of these natural disasters; war, pandemic, and dementia.
On Okud’s 26th day, the United Nations (UN) warned that Syria is suffering from hunger and urgent measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
According to the World Food Federation (WHO), there was an estimated 11 percent increase in food shortages in May and April, with an increase of 113 percent in 2019.
Ali al- Ahmed (named also, as this man demanded the protection of his name) from Dulaw told Global Voices in ago "Nothing is so bad, there is nothing you can do, even if they pay 10,000 Syrians ($1 to five) for a person, it’s not too expensive".
Ahmed noted that a lot of goods have been shut down as a result of heavy loads.
While their health standards have diminished as a result of the threat of hostilities and economic collapse has made many Syrians vulnerable, the pandemic has also threatened the country with insecurity and corruption.
YKS’s tests continue with two and a half million learners out of all warnings: Extreme discrimination has been eliminated.
New YKS Anti-Taste: goodness
COVID-19 was not the only lawyer surrounding YKS test in 2020.
Several terms have been fought since the beginning of the seventh month involving an exams in Turkish.
One of her subjective questions cited “Fyrt's idols, (I am in the storm), the lyrics of Mabel Matiz, a member of the LGBTQ group.
A question about the translation of the expression “Gözsüm” and bir değil” (which may be translated from my eyes is what my wife knows) is perplexing social networks because Mabel is a well-known young person (the majority of his peoples have about 50 million investors) and his actions on male and female subjects.
According to Twitter chancellor, Halis Aygün President of the Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), the Administrative Department of the Examination, said in an interview with news official, New Akit, said that the case would be investigated and all who participate in the examination would be discharged.
The 2020 YKS test successfully completed an average of 180 test stations three times, with an estimated 2.5 million participants.
The tests are the ones that have been tested by experts across the country’s Vaccines.
The attention of high-quality and social values to our high-quality schools is noteworthy.
They have launched an investigation into the list of questions related to the Turkish-language examination of the 2020 YKS examination [round one of the YKS examinations].
Workers who are thus exposed will be discharged from the test.
For some Twitter users, this ruling is not enough:
[Oper] President ÖSYM spoke for the first time after the test!
Investigation has been underway to assess the origin of the problem.
Those who participate in it will be discarded from the test.”
[Lower] It is not enough [to be excused] but the unregulated President must also be evacuated from all trusts in order to keep his eyes calm.
On the other hand, supportive supporters in the community filed decisions and arranged questions like these:
In the YKS 2020 test that took place today, no one else was able to describe these children except the gay man Mabel Matiz.
(The man who picked up the ladder to declare “We are gay” What are you trying to do?
The views of Twitter users are different from how others point to Mabel Matiz's successes and popularity:
I want you to look at Mabel Matiz. Because we don’t have any other player who used our culture so much in the past few decades. That’s why mabelmatiz is our treasure.
The netizens observed that violent speech would be ignored by politicians:
No one screamed on the rapists, but the investigation was based on Mabel Matiz.
You say it's “protected by our actions” but Mabel Matiz is the one who made the most of our culture.
We owe it to investigate those who criticized Mabel Matiz and killed him.
Mabel Matiz’s response to the disobedience.
On the third day of July, as the magnitude worsened, Matiz resumed his voice:
Thank you: I am very happy that my song was used for such a special test.
Now, I am surprised how my life has become a subject of this test.
Look at what I was put to the test..when we took a lady in group with my name.
It’s not wrong, the world’s test is not ending: It’s just again.
I read a lot of distressing publications.
What I want to say in the song is mine, and I know that you understand it, and I am even more positive.
I will continue to sing more music, tell history, and be a citizen of this country.
Let’s meet again in another test...
And Matiz made the list: one day after Aygun gave a statement.
He won two awards in one competition through too many votes.
He won two titles.
“The music that played the most” and “The music that played the most” at the 56th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
This indicates that many are behind it in opposition to the government's demarcation of sex speeches and the government's speeches.
On July 5, Mabel Matix tweeted:
I won the titles “the most efficient melodies of his mouse” and “the most efficient melodies of his mouse” in the 46th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
I would like to thank you all my listeners, Erhan Arik and DOP Meryem Yavuz, who were formerly guided by “I Have a Red in My Wipe”.
In Turkey, two thousand and a half thousand students were tested at the university
This year’s test took place in disobedience—and not due to flooding
Translation Published 15 August 2020 8:7 GMT
YouTube image of a song by Mabel Matiz featuring the lyrics in the middle of the disobedience resulting from the High School entry test (YKS):
"G "G's syllah" (I don't understand what I see in my eyes")
In Turkey, a country of over 83 million people, people have to perish in the Turkish-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-language-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang-lang
Despite the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the test was conducted by 2,500,000 people.
On 26 February 3, the country’s high school board announced the YKS exam date from 25 to 26 May.
On April 4, Turkey's President Recep Erdogan changed the date from 27 to 28 May.
These changes and the uncertainty of these tests have bothered Turkish people, both in the streets and on social media:
How did this day affect the thinking of students who were preparing for tests in recent years?
How will the boundaries and obstacles of the COVID-19 pandemic be followed by (The social distancing, movements / cooler, the use of rubble) if we collect about two and a half million people together.
In 2019, there were 74 percent of the test’s qualifications, while 39 percent qualified for the second stage.
Turkey recorded their first COVID-19 episode on March 11, when by July 15, 5,000 people were killed and over 200 were infected.
On January 1, the government issued a series of relief measures:
Storms such as food shortages, internet shops, showcases, marriage venues closed for almost three months have been reopened, but with a self-sacrificing program in the community.
Visitors are now required to keep their nose covered and their temperatures checked.
Although the students called out for the progress of YKS’ exams, the government did not approve of the prohibition:
At the end of the seventh month, two and a half million were in charge of the test.
As shown in this tweet, it involves overindulgence in the emphasis on social distancing:
YKS’s tests continue with two and a half million learners out of all warnings: Extreme discrimination has been eliminated.
New YKS Anti-Taste: goodness
COVID-19 was not the only lawyer surrounding YKS test in 2020.
Several terms have been fought since the beginning of the seventh month involving an exams in Turkish.
One of the surgical questions refers to “Fyrt, I am in the storm), the LGBTQ lyrics Mabel Matiz's lyrics “Fyrt'day” ("I am in the storm"):
The question about the translation of the expression “Gözsüm” and bir's” (which may be translated into my eyes is what my wife does not see) is perplexing social networks because Mabel is a well-known young person (which many of her pictures say she has about 50 million investments) and her actions in things that are valuable.
According to Twitter chancellor, Halis Aygün President Center for Measurement, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM), the government department that conducted the test, spoke in an interview with news official, New Akit.
There he said the case would be investigated, and all those who participated in the test would be expelled from work:
The 2020 YKS test successfully completed an average of 180 test stations three times, with an estimated 2.5 million participants.
The tests are the ones that have been tested by experts across the country’s Vaccines.
The attention of high-quality and social values to our high-quality schools is noteworthy.
Workers who are thus exposed will be discharged from the test.
For some Twitter users, this ruling is not enough:
[Oper] President ÖSYM spoke for the first time after the test!
"The investigation has been underway to assess the origin of the problem. Those involved in it will be discontinued from the test."
[Lower] It is not enough [to be excused] but the unregulated President must also be evacuated from all trusts in order to keep his eyes calm.
On the other hand, supportive supporters in the community filed decisions and arranged questions like these:
In today's #YKS 2020 test, no one else could describe these children except Mabel Matiz?
(The man who picked up the ladder to declare "We are sexists"
What are you trying to do?
The views of Twitter users are different from how others point to Mabel Matiz's successes and popularity:
I want you to look at the stories of Mabel Matiz.
Because we have no other players who have used our culture so much years ago.
That’s why mabelmatiz is our treasure.
People on the Internet have noticed that watching a sex-speaking songwriter, politicians will shut down key words:
No one screamed on the rapists, but the investigation was based on Mabel Matiz.
The following are all of this:
You say "protecting our actions" but Mabel Matiz is the one who made the most of our culture.
We owe it to investigate those who criticized Mabel Matiz and killed him. #Mabel Matizisnotalone [Operation]
Mabel Matiz’s response to the disobedience
On July 3, with the height of the magnitude, Matiz resumed his voice:
Thank you: I am very happy that my song was used for such a special test.
Now, I am surprised how my life has become a subject of this test.
Look at what I was put to the test..when we took a lady in group with my name.
It’s not wrong, there’s no end to the test.)
Sooner or later, it has been repeated.
I read a lot of distressing publications.
What I want to say in the song is mine, and I know that you understand it, and I am even more positive.
I will continue to sing more music, tell history, and be a citizen of this country.
Let’s meet again in another test...
And Matiz promised: one day after Aygun spoke out, he won two titles in one title competition through too many votes.
He won two titles, “The most productive song” and “The most productive song” at the 56th Pantene Golden Butterfly.
This indicates that many are behind it in opposition to the government's demarcation of sex speeches and the government's speeches.
On July 5, Mabel Matix tweeted:
I won the titles "the most productive image and song" and "the most productive man" in the 56th Pantene Golden Butterfly. I am so happy!
Thank you to all of my listeners.
I would like to thank Erhan Arik and DOP Meryem Yavuz, who directed my photo and message.
"I Have a Red in My Wipe" clips
--- Employment Day: The Chairman of the House of Representatives appealed to workers to be productive
The Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, has congratulated Nigerians on celebrating the International Week.
Mr. Gbajabiamila noted that although this ceremony took place without noise around the world due to the collapse of the COVID-19 genocide, much we can remember about the sacrifices of Nigerian workers.
In a publication marking workers’ days, his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Launre Lassis, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr
However, he urged Nigerian officials to continue producing good results now and at all times, as past achievements call for continued efforts to make the country more successful.
‘I want Nigerian workers to give their best.
Of course, Nigeria and Nigerians take pride in you.
I appeal to Nigerian officials to strengthen them during this time of national development.
They must continue to do their best to benefit the nation’s welfare.”
--- Workers Day: Senate President congratulates Nigerian workers
President of the Senate of Nigeria, Mr. Ahmad Lawan, congratulated Nigerian officials on their collaboration with international colleagues to celebrate employment Day.
Senator Lawan also commended workers for their efforts to rid the country of poverty and poverty, as well as to cope with the formidable challenges of various fields of employment.
She appreciates the role of workers as a public speaker, stressing that this must be seen at all times.
He continued that "there is the best way to appreciate the value of the staff’s contribution to the welfare of their life.
Lawan stated, "As a Senate, we are ready to collaborate with a member of the staff group to adopt a law against employee abuse on the job".
The President of the Senate stated that, as part of the efforts of the ninth Senate to strengthen the economy and improve people’s lives, he has contributed to the efficiency of the budget by signing the 2020 budget.
In the case of Lawan’s Senate, the Senate has adjusted each of the laws to ensure that the budget is used properly.
He said the Senate would continue to implement this policy despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The President of the Senate noted that this year’s workers’ day was celebrated during a time when all nations are facing the sudden COVID-19 pandemic.
He said "the powerful and immortal soul of the Nigerian people will help the government to overcome the pandemic"
The Senate President urged Nigerian workers to celebrate their day as they celebrate their day, to live in accordance with the principles of healthcare, self-determination, wearable veins, use pesticide purification, and stay home and protecting one another.
--- COVID-19: Another 24 people in Nigeria
Another 24 people have been affected by Corona (COVID 19) in Nigeria, causing the number of Corona cases to 192, when about 39 people have been cured and 58 are called to be God.
--- COVID-19: We have received a little report on the incident in Cano-Doctor Osagie
Nigeria’s Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire has that he has received brief reports of various events in the state of Canoa.
The Minister stated this during a daily interview by the Federal COVID-19 Anti-Fight Committee with journalists in Abuja.
He added that all the reports on the sudden death in the state of Kano would be expected to help organize the relief efforts, educators, and educational efforts to prevent COVID-19.
Dr. Ehanire urged health officials to implement principles to protect themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic.
--- Nigeria discoveres 34 COVID-19 patients
Nigeria has a total of 144 people with the COVID – 19, a total of 192 cases.
A total of 319 were healed and 58 were killed.
The Nigerian National Armed Forces (N CDC) made this known on @NC CDCgov;
84 COVID-19 patients have been exposed;
Sixty-five Kano, sixty-five Lagos, sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-sixty-
--- COVID-19: Kano Minister's staff broadcast news
The Minister’s staff at the Ministry of Investigation and Investigation in Kano has issued a special report to the Federal Ministry of Health, on the reasons, the physical and physical limitations of Kano State.
The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, stated this during a joint press conference held by the COVID-19 Federal Government Council of Abuja.
He said that while the federal government is looking forward to the full report, this report will serve as a guideline in helping the Covid-19 of Kano to spread information, training, and mobilization.
“The relief efforts include transportation and sending experts from FMOH and anesthesiologists from the Irukwu Specialist Hospital to join the Lagos State Medical Association, which works in Kano State for the Governor of Kano state.”
As an answer, he said that experienced professionals would rise up to the goalkeeping goalkeeping goalkeeping in Kano State.
“The FMOH Emergency Physician Group has departed from Abuja with an infection network, and five have been approved by the Federal Road Guard (F RSC) to go to Kano State for Emergency Answers in accordance with local permission.
Dr. Ehanire also explains that health officials should always follow self-censorship procedures and risk their lives.
“We cannot relent in the loss of important workers at this time; everyone must face COVID-19 with great suspicion but they must face all the people without partiality in order that others and patients neither suffer nor be cared for.”
He said, “It is unfortunate to evacuate people without medical advice or to deprive someone of urgent medical care.”
--- Scribbling on school displays is not yet a minister
The State Minister of Education, Emeka Nwajiuba, said that he could not speak or when school would be reopened.
The Minister said the opening of schools would be more progressive as President Muhammadu Buhari continues to undermine the authority to control the disease.
Nwajiuba, who stated in a statement on Monday that the government is not prepared to endanger a person’s life, warned that no schools should commence their school curriculum until the day the government announces that schools should enter.
“None of the schools are hardworking on the back of the walls.
The Minister also stated that all extensive tests will be implemented if the government makes sure that all educational programmes are understood by the students.
The Minister explained that the tests of the IFEC and the IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC-based IFEC.
He highlights the challenges of newly introduced online education and the implementation of the public education programmes in the state.
According to him, “We know that some people don’t have the opportunity and they don’t have this because of limited access to technology, some are able to progress in their radio, some on TV, and some are using videoconference, so we are doing this with the state's collaboration, which means that all the boundaries involved in the education of children across the country, we need to receive a copy of the information.
"For now, there are 31 educational measures in 26 states, meaning that from radio or TV, education and study, this is a good study program for each state but the federal government is guided online.”
Nwajiuba stated that “by using the SUBEB, what methods have been used to distribute and distribute on the internet, and the federal government said that the radio stations of the state could be used for the better.”
The Minister added that the COVID-19 pandemic has helped all businessmen to recover, and it has helped individuals to go to work.
Commenting on the development of online education, the Minister said the government would continue to use digital educators to develop the program so as to make it more useful after the global genocide crisis.
Additionally, the Football Federation in the FCTA, issued a warning message to independent schools that are scheduling their third-time entry for 2019/2020 on the internet for parents and learners.
The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Umaru Marafa, stated in a convention edition that there must be no formal construction of each school until the school’s license is issued.
Marafa said, “This means that when schools are reopened, there will be a clear announcement on the unfinished second class, along with the roads and the third class as well as possible.
They urged the management of private schools to cooperate and keep the schools under control, not to give up in any way, until the government announces something else.
Those who reject this decree will face the verdict;
Marafa also stated that the Federal Ministry of Education, the Federal Ministry of Education, has made every effort to create education programmes on the radio or TV so that students can work in homes where they live.
--- No private school to open – FCT Minister
The Nigerian capital Minister, Alhaji Muhammad Musá Bello, has commended all the private school directors in Abuja who have been warning all the parents and learners that they will soon embark on work for the third term for 2019/2020 so as to continue to undermine the constitution of the parliament.
The Secretary-General of Education in Abuja, Umarumarfa, stated in a statement released on Tuesday that the schooling program will not be opened in any school in Abuja until the day the secretary-General of Education approves.
"We are urging all the directors of the independent school to keep the school closed, they should not try to open the school unless there is any tradition or policy from the FCTA."
All those who violate this law are subject to the constitution of parliament.
Six added that the FCTA, which is coordinating the education program, has planned to start online education and use TV to teach students during homework.
1. Nigerian
2.I’m going to start with commending you for your courtesy and integrity that this demonstrates in your struggle against the serious health challenges that we face in our generation.
3.Formerly, on April 26, 2020, the world discovered three million Covid-19 infections and 300,000 people were cured. Unfortunately, 200,000 people were infected with the pandemic.
4.Many countries are struggling with the effects of the pandemic.
Today, I will share the facts and explain our plans for the coming months, knowing that certain aspects of the coming week can change.
6.Over the past two weeks, 343 greens have been discovered in 20 locations and the capital.
This morning, Nigeria has 73 cases of disease in 32 states and capital cities, sadly, it has 40 cases.
8.I am using this opportunity to sympathize with Nigerian relatives who lost their lovers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is our loss, and we share your sadness.
9.Operation is that Nigeria will have a deadly pandemic in the first month of the first pandemic.
10.This means that despite the number of patients who have been diagnosed with pathogens in the past two weeks, the developments have produced positive results unprecedented.
11.A higher risk of coronary disease in the sea has dropped 19 percent of the new infectious diseases, thus demonstrating good results.A recurring number of Nigerian droplets will be achieved. We will continue to implement the preventive measure to combat the disease.
Today, the National Institute of Pestilence in Nigeria has approved a total of 15 visiting centers that can test an estimated 17 people per day across the country.
In response to your comments, the government of Lagos State and Abuja, along with the support of the Armed Forces of Pestilence, has established a variety of search centers. They have also reviewed the purpose of an examination of the probation rooms in order to aggravate self-sacrificing and self-sacrificing probation.
14.Many of the newly constructed buildings and isolated centers have been operated across the country, resulting in approximately 15 cases of injustice.
15.I commend the state Governor of the state for the emergency settlement, the establishment of new settlement centers and the purpose of speaking out seriously about the dangers of displacing people.
16.Tens of thousands of health officials have been trained. For safety, additional measures have been put in place in the state sector.
17.When we have experienced some challenges, we are determined to create a good provision for this week’s players to run without any dangers with prolonged coordination.
18.In fulfilling our government’s promise to improve the lives of our health workers, we have signed clandestine agreements to provide risks and other funds to the primary health professionals.
19.A provision has been made for the approximately 5,000 health officials who are taking the lead. I have to have the support of surveillance officials to do this within a limited period of time.
20.Nigeria continues to support the efforts of international organizations, private parties, and individuals. This support has enabled Nigerians to avail themselves of expensive tools and gadgets in the world to coordinate the efforts of organizations in the government.
21. The distribution and expansion of housing and refreshment, described in the opening announcement, is continuing with uncertainty. I know the injustice of the nation’s peoples who are awaiting it. I wish all of you who are part of it to be patient as we look for a better way to divide the governments of the state.
Although we are deeply saddened by the safety of the isolation camp, I want to emphasize to Nigerians that your safety and security are the first thing to be done, especially during this difficult time of ignorance.
23. As we manage to protect our lives and properties, we will continue to protect our rights from security officials. The few reports of events we have heard are kind and I want to assure you that the criminals will be arrested to face legal crimes.
24. I urge Nigerians to continue cooperation and discernment at the meetings and security agencies. In addition, for their safety, I have ordered that these security officials be provided tools to protect themselves from this pandemic.
25. As we continue to discontinue our response at the Lagos-Badagry camp, the recent incident in Cano has been especially stressful. We are determined to increase the number of federal officials, tools, and relief efforts to support the efforts of the state, as soon as possible.
26Nigeria, along with the other state registrar, the initial assessment said the results of the test have been linked to state tourism and the spread of disease in one city.
27 Thus far, I urge all Nigerians to continue following the advice of the presidential staff and the contracted workers
28.This is a routine of washing, isolating yourself, using public embroidery, avoiding outdoors and traveling and avoiding large-scale conventions.
29 Nigerians, for the past four weeks in our country, under the Federal Constitutional and Federal Constitutional orders, these measures, as previously mentioned, are important and have played a role in reducing the spread of Korea.
30 percent of our citizens have lost food shortages, jobs have been shut down, and no country can recover the damage to the home when it comes to optimism on vaccines.
31 In my last words, I said the federal government would set up a purpose and legislation to protect lives.
Over the past two weeks, the federal government and the state have worked diligently together to measure the cost of protecting health and caring for life, compared to how they have commemorated our diversity in the world.
33.We have seen how our companies, markets, businessmen and drivers are able to make progress in the workforce as well as implementing the National Institute of Pediatrics on cleanliness and self-determination.
34.We reviewed the progress of our online study without affecting our health.
We searched a way our farmers could plant and harvest in the rainy season to keep food supplies safe. Additionally, we discussed the safety of rural food supplies available to the farmers and the competition camp.
It is our aim to find a way to improve our economy as we look for an adequate solution to the strain outbreak of the virus. This is a difficult decision that is faced by world leaders.
In this regard, along with the counsel of the presidential team on COVID-19, the various National Assemblies that have assessed the budget and the Nigerian Governorship Committee, I have approved the prohibition on housing in Abuja, Lagos, and Ogos to slow down and start on March 4, 2020.
Nevertheless, it will be accelerated by investigation and discovery of the pathogens and will improve the quality of the transgender economy in one location.
39 Moreover, the following are new legislations implemented throughout the country;
a.Voices vary from 8am to 6am. This means that travel would be banned during this time except for special workers.
b. it will not allow space to be used for unnecessary tourism from state to state unknown.
c. Carrying the overseer’s belongings within the state will temporarily allow them to be transported.
d.We will make sure that we are obligated to wear out the veil as we keep free and clean. We are urged by state governments, employers, and humanitarian agents to assist in providing shelter to citizens of all countries.
40 Due to uncertainty, the Constitution of Housing and Housing in Abuja, Lagos, and Ogun will be extended until other laws are introduced on May 4, 2020.
41 The president’s team will provide information to prepare the government, investors, and companies.
In harmony with the above principles, the state government can choose to rely on a variety of controversial issues as long as they are in accordance with these principles.
43 In order to assist the investors and suppliers, the money management will coordinate the provision needed to improve the quality and stability of the provision.
44. These principles will not apply to Kano State.
45 Nigeria, Kano State, I have ordered complete housing for two hours. The federal government will relocate people, materials and equipment needed to help the state control and overcome the pandemic, preventing it from moving to neighboring states.
And once again, I want the international staff, who are taking the risk every day of this fight, to overcome this struggle. To those affected by disease on their jobs, I hope that the government will do everything possible to assist you and your family during this difficult time. I also want to use this opportunity to assure you that this government is the primary concern for your safety and welfare.
47 I’m also grateful for the support that we have received from our Kings, Christendom’s organizations in Nigeria, Islam and religious organizations along with local leaders. Your cooperation and support have contributed to the success we have.
48 I will urge all of you to continue speaking about Koronavirus among your fellow worshippers and communities about observing all the counsel and cleanliness in society.
49. I am very grateful to the Senate of Governors, the COVID-19 National Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of the Federal Council of State
I would like to thank you, therefore, to the international community, to the international community, to the white man, to the country’s friends, to the journalists and to our dear helper for their support.
I would like to thank all Nigerians once again for their patience and cooperation during this challenging time. I assure you that the government will do everything possible to protect the spirit of this nation’s hosts.
52 Thank you for listening to me, God blesses Nigeria.
--- Nigerian security is my priority – President Buhari
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has described Nigeria’s national security as his priority "in particular instance during this time of crisis and uncertainty".
The president made this known on television while speaking with Nigerians on March 27th of April, 2020.
President Buhari said he hasined the security of lives and personal belongings, and his government will not tolerate human rights violations from law enforcement agencies.
"The news that I heard was disappointing, and I assure Nigerians that criminals will not be punished under law."
The President urged Nigerians to cooperate with security agencies during their meetings.
--- COVID-19: President Buhari inaugurates reconstruction Program in Kano
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has embarked on resilience in the province of Kano, Northwestern Nigeria as a result of the emergence of residents.
President Buhari reiterated on videoconferencing that the kidnapping program would last for two weeks in the state of Cano.
The president said "the federal government would send tools and workers to the state of Kano to help the state recover from the Koronian pandemic and not spread to other neighboring states."
The president said the pandemic was due to the spread of the disease in the state of Canoa due to travelers from state to state.
--- NIS defeats 13 Nigerians from Togo
The Nigerian traveling agency (NIS) reports that 13 Nigerians have been recovered from the countries of Lagos, Togo, and Seme-Itake.
The spokesman for the NIS, Sunday James, stated this in a publication on Sunday morning in Abuja when he returned home as an attendant at a local parliament in Togo.
According to Mr. James, the 13 people have been handed over to the Lagos healthcare agency for an examination of Corona.
He said, "We also told them to stay alive as the N CDC set for new arrivals in the country to curb Corona's disease."
James stated that the gate of Seme-Krake is a road that enters or leaves Nigeria and also borders Benin.
According to the NIS, the number of nets taking through the border gate of Seme-Krake has increased.
The NIS general manager, Mr. Muhammad Babandedee has appealed to travelers who are returning to Nigeria to be cautious about taking refugees, as a result of criminals and civilians who are vulnerable in the conflict.
--- President Buhari to speak to citizens at eight o’clock
President Muhammadu Buhari will speak to Nigerians today, April 27, at 8 p.m.
Television stations, radio stations, and other videoconferencing devices have been proposed to collaborate with the first TV player in Nigeria (NTA) and the federal social media (FRCN) for the campaign.
Nigeria will also be on the phone.
download on VON Social Media handles:
--- President Buhari to speak with Nigeria today: Will the President put an end to the prohibition, or will he add a day to the prohibition
President Muhammadu Buhari will speak with Nigeria today, Monday, April 27, 2020 at 8pm.
Nigerians are eager to hear what President Buhari has to say about kidnapping.
This was announced by the president’s helper on media and publicity.
--- The House of Representatives to speak again on April 28
The Nigerian House of Representatives will return on Tuesday after a weekly vacation due to the Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
On the 24th day, the House of Representatives opened their first two weeks of rest so as to ensure that the House of Representatives provide adequate measures to protect the House from the spread of COIVD-19 but a week after the national vacations began, the federal government advised the reconstruction of housing to be implemented in Lagos, Lagos, and Lagos.
In a statement written by the House of Representatives, Mr. Patrick Gibeah stated that he advised the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Patrick Gibeah, to follow the implementation of the Agreement’s Agreement Programme on Fascism in Nigeria to ensure that the House of Representatives, Mr. Patrick Gibeah, will be appointed as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The publication explains that the Deputy Assistant of the Senate was standing at home to care for the needs of the members of the House and that "the members of the House will be called if they are in need of practical assistance."
The House of Representatives will also discuss the fight against Coronavirus and the economy of the country.
--- Federal Government investigates the virus in the state of Cano- Minister
Nigeria’s Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, said the National Congress and Governorship of the state of Canoe is already investigating the event in Kano, saying the company will send the director of the investigation.
Ehanire said the investigation team would hold meetings with Governor-Kano to announce the incident, adding that it is uncertain.
Ehanire said the team would continue to investigate, isolate, stop the patient’s body, to take measures to ensure the development of the policies and the assessment rooms in the state.
"Former COVID-19 pandemic is inexperienced, and we are surprised to have the COVID-19 pandemic spread."
It is designed to curb the disease by using powerful tools and human resources.
The Minister said Lagos, who seems to be the state of Canoa, has a high standard of transportation and that Lagos State was quick to face Corona due to their experience of the 2014 Ebola pandemic.
The Minister continued that, despite efforts, the state of Lagos cannot be compared to the state of Kano, because the state of Lagos is not the state of concentration staff.
Ehanire said that 40 health officials in Nigeria have been infected with coronavirus but have not been transported in schools.