nuplan-devkit @ git+ scikit-learn==1.2.2 positional-encodings==6.0.1 # nuplan requirements aioboto3 aiofiles bokeh==2.4.3 # Used in the nuBoard dashboard casadi # Used for optimization solving control==0.9.1 # Used for LQR controller synthesis Fiona # Used in geopandas>=0.12.1 # Used to read maps guppy3==3.1.2 hydra-core==1.1.0rc1 # Used for configs joblib matplotlib # Used for rendering nest_asyncio # Used to nest event loops when running nuBoard/jupyter numpy==1.23.4 opencv-python== # Used widely pandas # Used widely Pillow # Used widely to render images psutil # Used widely to get the number of CPUs pyarrow # For parquet pyinstrument # Used widely as profiler pyogrio # A performant backend for geopandas pyquaternion>=0.9.5 # Used widely, avoid known bug with quaternion slerp pytest # Used widely rasterio # Used in ray # Used widely retry rtree # Used in occupancy maps scipy # Used widely selenium # Used in bokeh export png setuptools==65.5.1 # Used in, pinned to not break pytorch Shapely>=2.0.0 # Used widely SQLAlchemy==1.4.27 # older versions don't work with some table definitions sympy # Use for symbolic algebra tornado # Used in tqdm # Used widely ujson # Used in xformers pytorch-lightning==2.2.1 tensorboard==2.16.2 protobuf==3.20.* notebook timm einops