from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image import io from navsim.common.dataclasses import Scene from navsim.visualization.config import BEV_PLOT_CONFIG, TRAJECTORY_CONFIG, CAMERAS_PLOT_CONFIG from navsim.agents.abstract_agent import AbstractAgent from navsim.visualization.bev import add_configured_bev_on_ax, add_trajectory_to_bev_ax from import ( add_annotations_to_camera_ax, add_lidar_to_camera_ax, add_camera_ax, ) def configure_bev_ax(ax: plt.Axes) -> plt.Axes: """ Configure the plt ax object for birds-eye-view plots :param ax: matplotlib ax object :return: configured ax object """ margin_x, margin_y = BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_margin"] ax.set_aspect("equal") # NOTE: x forward, y sideways ax.set_xlim(-margin_y / 2, margin_y / 2) ax.set_ylim(-margin_x / 2, margin_x / 2) # NOTE: left is y positive, right is y negative ax.invert_xaxis() return ax def configure_ax(ax: plt.Axes) -> plt.Axes: """ Configure the ax object for general plotting :param ax: matplotlib ax object :return: ax object without a,y ticks """ ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return ax def configure_all_ax(ax: List[List[plt.Axes]]) -> List[List[plt.Axes]]: """ Iterates through 2D ax list/array to apply configurations :param ax: 2D list/array of matplotlib ax object :return: configure axes """ for i in range(len(ax)): for j in range(len(ax[i])): configure_ax(ax[i][j]) return ax def plot_bev_frame(scene: Scene, frame_idx: int) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """ General plot for birds-eye-view visualization :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_idx: index of selected frame :return: figure and ax object of matplotlib """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_size"]) add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax, scene.map_api, scene.frames[frame_idx]) configure_bev_ax(ax) configure_ax(ax) return fig, ax def plot_bev_with_agent(scene: Scene, agent: AbstractAgent) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """ Plots agent and human trajectory in birds-eye-view visualization :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param agent: navsim agent :return: figure and ax object of matplotlib """ human_trajectory = scene.get_future_trajectory() agent_trajectory = agent.compute_trajectory(scene.get_agent_input()) frame_idx = scene.scene_metadata.num_history_frames - 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_size"]) add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax, scene.map_api, scene.frames[frame_idx]) add_trajectory_to_bev_ax(ax, human_trajectory, TRAJECTORY_CONFIG["human"]) add_trajectory_to_bev_ax(ax, agent_trajectory, TRAJECTORY_CONFIG["agent"]) configure_bev_ax(ax) configure_ax(ax) return fig, ax def plot_cameras_frame(scene: Scene, frame_idx: int) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]: """ Plots 8x cameras and birds-eye-view visualization in 3x3 grid :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_idx: index of selected frame :return: figure and ax object of matplotlib """ frame = scene.frames[frame_idx] fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=CAMERAS_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_size"]) add_camera_ax(ax[0, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l0) add_camera_ax(ax[0, 1], frame.cameras.cam_f0) add_camera_ax(ax[0, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r0) add_camera_ax(ax[1, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l1) add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax[1, 1], scene.map_api, frame) add_camera_ax(ax[1, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r1) add_camera_ax(ax[2, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l2) add_camera_ax(ax[2, 1], frame.cameras.cam_b0) add_camera_ax(ax[2, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r2) configure_all_ax(ax) configure_bev_ax(ax[1, 1]) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01, left=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.01) return fig, ax def plot_cameras_frame_with_lidar(scene: Scene, frame_idx: int) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]: """ Plots 8x cameras (including the lidar pc) and birds-eye-view visualization in 3x3 grid :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_idx: index of selected frame :return: figure and ax object of matplotlib """ frame = scene.frames[frame_idx] fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=CAMERAS_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_size"]) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l0, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 1], frame.cameras.cam_f0, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r0, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[1, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l1, frame.lidar) add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax[1, 1], scene.map_api, frame) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[1, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r1, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l2, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 1], frame.cameras.cam_b0, frame.lidar) add_lidar_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r2, frame.lidar) configure_all_ax(ax) configure_bev_ax(ax[1, 1]) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01, left=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.01) return fig, ax def plot_cameras_frame_with_annotations(scene: Scene, frame_idx: int) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]: """ Plots 8x cameras (including the bounding boxes) and birds-eye-view visualization in 3x3 grid :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_idx: index of selected frame :return: figure and ax object of matplotlib """ frame = scene.frames[frame_idx] fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=CAMERAS_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_size"]) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l0, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 1], frame.cameras.cam_f0, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[0, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r0, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[1, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l1, frame.annotations) add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax[1, 1], scene.map_api, frame) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[1, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r1, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 0], frame.cameras.cam_l2, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 1], frame.cameras.cam_b0, frame.annotations) add_annotations_to_camera_ax(ax[2, 2], frame.cameras.cam_r2, frame.annotations) configure_all_ax(ax) configure_bev_ax(ax[1, 1]) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.01, left=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.01) return fig, ax def frame_plot_to_pil( callable_frame_plot: Callable[[Scene, int], Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]], scene: Scene, frame_indices: List[int], ) -> List[Image.Image]: """ Plots a frame according to plotting function and return a list of PIL images :param callable_frame_plot: callable to plot a single frame :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_indices: list of indices to save :return: list of PIL images """ images: List[Image.Image] = [] for frame_idx in tqdm(frame_indices, desc="Rendering frames"): fig, ax = callable_frame_plot(scene, frame_idx) # Creating PIL image from fig buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf, format="png") images.append( # close buffer and figure buf.close() plt.close(fig) return images def frame_plot_to_gif( file_name: str, callable_frame_plot: Callable[[Scene, int], Tuple[plt.Figure, Any]], scene: Scene, frame_indices: List[int], duration: float = 500, ) -> None: """ Saves a frame-wise plotting function as GIF (hard G) :param callable_frame_plot: callable to plot a single frame :param scene: navsim scene dataclass :param frame_indices: list of indices :param file_name: file path for saving to save :param duration: frame interval in ms, defaults to 500 """ images = frame_plot_to_pil(callable_frame_plot, scene, frame_indices) images[0].save(file_name, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], duration=duration, loop=0)