from typing import Any, Dict, List import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from shapely import affinity from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString from nuplan.common.maps.abstract_map import AbstractMap, SemanticMapLayer from nuplan.common.maps.abstract_map import SemanticMapLayer from nuplan.common.actor_state.state_representation import StateSE2 from nuplan.common.actor_state.oriented_box import OrientedBox from nuplan.common.actor_state.vehicle_parameters import get_pacifica_parameters from nuplan.common.actor_state.car_footprint import CarFootprint from nuplan.common.actor_state.tracked_objects_types import TrackedObjectType from nuplan.common.geometry.transform import translate_longitudinally from navsim.common.dataclasses import Frame, Annotations, Trajectory, Lidar from navsim.common.enums import BoundingBoxIndex, LidarIndex from navsim.planning.scenario_builder.navsim_scenario_utils import tracked_object_types from navsim.visualization.lidar import filter_lidar_pc, get_lidar_pc_color from navsim.visualization.config import ( BEV_PLOT_CONFIG, MAP_LAYER_CONFIG, AGENT_CONFIG, LIDAR_CONFIG, ) def add_configured_bev_on_ax(ax: plt.Axes, map_api: AbstractMap, frame: Frame) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds birds-eye-view visualization optionally with map, annotations, or lidar :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param map_api: nuPlans map interface :param frame: navsim frame dataclass :return: ax with plot """ if "map" in BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["layers"]: add_map_to_bev_ax(ax, map_api, StateSE2(*frame.ego_status.ego_pose)) if "annotations" in BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["layers"]: add_annotations_to_bev_ax(ax, frame.annotations) if "lidar" in BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["layers"]: add_lidar_to_bev_ax(ax, frame.lidar) return ax def add_annotations_to_bev_ax( ax: plt.Axes, annotations: Annotations, add_ego: bool = True ) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds birds-eye-view visualization of annotations (ie. bounding boxes) :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param annotations: navsim annotations dataclass :param add_ego: boolean weather to add ego bounding box, defaults to True :return: ax with plot """ for name_value, box_value in zip(annotations.names, annotations.boxes): agent_type = tracked_object_types[name_value] x, y, heading = ( box_value[BoundingBoxIndex.X], box_value[BoundingBoxIndex.Y], box_value[BoundingBoxIndex.HEADING], ) box_length, box_width, box_height = box_value[3], box_value[4], box_value[5] agent_box = OrientedBox(StateSE2(x, y, heading), box_length, box_width, box_height) add_oriented_box_to_bev_ax(ax, agent_box, AGENT_CONFIG[agent_type]) if add_ego: car_footprint = CarFootprint.build_from_rear_axle( rear_axle_pose=StateSE2(0, 0, 0), vehicle_parameters=get_pacifica_parameters(), ) add_oriented_box_to_bev_ax( ax, car_footprint.oriented_box, AGENT_CONFIG[TrackedObjectType.EGO], add_heading=False ) return ax def add_map_to_bev_ax(ax: plt.Axes, map_api: AbstractMap, origin: StateSE2) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds birds-eye-view visualization of map (ie. polygons / lines) TODO: add more layers for visualizations (or flags in config) :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param map_api: nuPlans map interface :param origin: (x,y,θ) dataclass of global ego frame :return: ax with plot """ # layers for plotting complete layers polygon_layers: List[SemanticMapLayer] = [ SemanticMapLayer.LANE, SemanticMapLayer.WALKWAYS, SemanticMapLayer.CARPARK_AREA, SemanticMapLayer.INTERSECTION, SemanticMapLayer.STOP_LINE, SemanticMapLayer.CROSSWALK, ] # layers for plotting complete layers polyline_layers: List[SemanticMapLayer] = [ SemanticMapLayer.LANE, SemanticMapLayer.LANE_CONNECTOR, ] # query map api with interesting layers map_object_dict = map_api.get_proximal_map_objects( point=origin.point, radius=max(BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["figure_margin"]), layers=list(set(polygon_layers + polyline_layers)), ) # tmp = map_api.get_raster_map(polygon_layers) def _geometry_local_coords(geometry: Any, origin: StateSE2) -> Any: """ Helper for transforming shapely geometry in coord-frame """ a = np.cos(origin.heading) b = np.sin(origin.heading) d = -np.sin(origin.heading) e = np.cos(origin.heading) xoff = -origin.x yoff = -origin.y translated_geometry = affinity.affine_transform(geometry, [1, 0, 0, 1, xoff, yoff]) rotated_geometry = affinity.affine_transform(translated_geometry, [a, b, d, e, 0, 0]) return rotated_geometry for polygon_layer in polygon_layers: for map_object in map_object_dict[polygon_layer]: polygon: Polygon = _geometry_local_coords(map_object.polygon, origin) add_polygon_to_bev_ax(ax, polygon, MAP_LAYER_CONFIG[polygon_layer]) for polyline_layer in polyline_layers: for map_object in map_object_dict[polyline_layer]: linestring: LineString = _geometry_local_coords( map_object.baseline_path.linestring, origin ) add_linestring_to_bev_ax( ax, linestring, MAP_LAYER_CONFIG[SemanticMapLayer.BASELINE_PATHS] ) return ax def add_lidar_to_bev_ax(ax: plt.Axes, lidar: Lidar) -> plt.Axes: """ Add lidar point cloud in birds-eye-view :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param lidar: navsim lidar dataclass :return: ax with plot """ lidar_pc = filter_lidar_pc(lidar.lidar_pc) lidar_pc_colors = get_lidar_pc_color(lidar_pc, as_hex=True) ax.scatter( lidar_pc[LidarIndex.Y], lidar_pc[LidarIndex.X], c=lidar_pc_colors, alpha=LIDAR_CONFIG["alpha"], s=LIDAR_CONFIG["size"], zorder=LIDAR_CONFIG["zorder"], ) return ax def add_trajectory_to_bev_ax( ax: plt.Axes, trajectory: Trajectory, config: Dict[str, Any] ) -> plt.Axes: """ Add trajectory poses as lint to plot :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param trajectory: navsim trajectory dataclass :param config: dictionary with plot parameters :return: ax with plot """ poses = np.concatenate([np.array([[0, 0]]), trajectory.poses[:, :2]]) ax.plot( poses[:, 1], poses[:, 0], color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], marker=config["marker"], markersize=config["marker_size"], markeredgecolor=config["marker_edge_color"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) return ax def add_oriented_box_to_bev_ax( ax: plt.Axes, box: OrientedBox, config: Dict[str, Any], add_heading: bool = True ) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds birds-eye-view visualization of surrounding bounding boxes :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param box: nuPlan dataclass for 2D bounding boxes :param config: dictionary with plot parameters :param add_heading: whether to add a heading line, defaults to True :return: ax with plot """ box_corners = box.all_corners() corners = [[corner.x, corner.y] for corner in box_corners] corners = np.asarray(corners + [corners[0]]) ax.fill( corners[:, 1], corners[:, 0], color=config["fill_color"], alpha=config["fill_color_alpha"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) ax.plot( corners[:, 1], corners[:, 0], color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) if add_heading: future = translate_longitudinally(, distance=box.length / 2 + 1) line = np.array([[,], [future.x, future.y]]) ax.plot( line[:, 1], line[:, 0], color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) return ax def add_polygon_to_bev_ax(ax: plt.Axes, polygon: Polygon, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds shapely polygon to birds-eye-view visualization :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param polygon: shapely Polygon :param config: dictionary containing plot parameters :return: ax with plot """ def _add_element_helper(element: Polygon): """ Helper to add single polygon to ax """ exterior_x, exterior_y = element.exterior.xy ax.fill( exterior_y, exterior_x, color=config["fill_color"], alpha=config["fill_color_alpha"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) ax.plot( exterior_y, exterior_x, color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) for interior in element.interiors: x_interior, y_interior = interior.xy ax.fill( y_interior, x_interior, color=BEV_PLOT_CONFIG["background_color"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) ax.plot( y_interior, x_interior, color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) if isinstance(polygon, Polygon): _add_element_helper(polygon) else: # NOTE: in rare cases, a map polygon has several sub-polygons. for element in polygon: _add_element_helper(element) return ax def add_linestring_to_bev_ax( ax: plt.Axes, linestring: LineString, config: Dict[str, Any] ) -> plt.Axes: """ Adds shapely linestring (polyline) to birds-eye-view visualization :param ax: matplotlib ax object :param linestring: shapely LineString :param config: dictionary containing plot parameters :return: ax with plot """ x, y = linestring.xy ax.plot( y, x, color=config["line_color"], alpha=config["line_color_alpha"], linewidth=config["line_width"], linestyle=config["line_style"], zorder=config["zorder"], ) return ax