prototypical-network /
lif31up's picture
add: FewShotEpisoder and get_prototypes
import random
import typing
import torch
from import Dataset
import torch.nn.functional as F
class FewShotDataset(Dataset):
""" A custom Dataset class for Few-Shot Learning tasks.
This dataset can operate in two modes: "support" (for prototype calculation) and "query" (for evaluation). """
def __init__(self, dataset, indices: list, classes: list, transform:typing.Callable, mode="support"):
""" Args:
dataset (list): List of (feature, label) pairs.
indices (list): List of indices to be used for the dataset.
transform (callable): Transform to be applied to the features.
mode (str): Mode of operation, either "support" or "query". Default is "support". """
assert mode in ["support", "query"], "Invalid mode. Must be either 'support' or 'query'." # check if mode is valid
assert dataset and indices and classes is not None, "Dataset or indices cannot be None." # check if dataset is not None
self.dataset, self.indices, self.classes = dataset, indices, classes
self.mode, self.transform = mode, transform
# __init__():
def __getitem__(self, index: int):
""" Returns a sample from the dataset at the given index.
Args: index of the sample to be retrieved.
Returns: tuple of the transformed feature and the label. """
if index >= len(self.indices):
raise IndexError("Index out of bounds") # check if index is out of bounds
feature, label = self.dataset[self.indices[index]]
# apply transformation
feature = self.transform(feature)
if self.mode == "query": # if mode is query, convert label to one-hot vector
label = F.one_hot(torch.tensor(self.classes.index(label)), num_classes=len(self.classes)).float()
return feature, label
# __getitem__():
def __len__(self): return len(self.indices)
# FSLDataset()
class FewShotEpisoder:
""" A class to generate episodes for Few-Shot Learning.
Each episode consists of a support set and a query set. """
def __init__(self, dataset, classes: list, k_shot: int, n_query: int, transform: typing.Callable):
""" Args:
dataset (Dataset): The base dataset to generate episodes from.
k_shot (int): Number of support samples per class.
n_query (int): Number of query samples per class.
transform (callable): Transform to be applied to the features. """
assert k_shot > 0 and n_query > 0, "k_shot and n_query must be greater than 0." # check if k_shot and n_query are valid
self.k_shot, self.n_query, self.classes = k_shot, n_query, classes
self.dataset, self.transform = dataset, transform
self.indices_c = self.get_class_indices()
# __init__()
def get_class_indices(self) -> dict:
""" Initialize the class indices for the dataset.
Returns: tuple of Number of classes and a list of indices grouped by class. """
indices_c = {label: [] for label in range(self.classes.__len__())}
for index, (_, label) in enumerate(self.dataset):
if label in self.classes: indices_c[self.classes.index(label)].append(index)
for label, _indices_c in indices_c.items():
indices_c[label] = random.sample(_indices_c, self.k_shot + self.n_query)
return indices_c
# get_indices():
def get_episode(self) -> tuple: # select classes using list of chosen indexes
""" Generate an episode consisting of a support set and a query set.
Returns: tuple of A FewShotDataset for the support set and a FewShotDataset for the query set. """
# get support and query examples
support_examples, query_examples = [], []
for class_label in range(self.classes.__len__()):
if len(self.indices_c[class_label]) < self.k_shot + self.n_query: continue # skip class if it doesn't have enough samples
selected_indices = random.sample(self.indices_c[class_label], self.k_shot + self.n_query)
# init support and query datasets
support_set = FewShotDataset(self.dataset, support_examples, self.classes, self.transform, "support")
query_set = FewShotDataset(self.dataset, query_examples, self.classes, self.transform, "query")
return support_set, query_set
# get_episode()
# Episoder()