from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Iterable, Dict import collections import string import os import json import logging from .WordTokenizer import WordTokenizer, ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS import nltk logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PhraseTokenizer(WordTokenizer): """Tokenizes the text with respect to existent phrases in the vocab. This tokenizers respects phrases that are in the vocab. Phrases are separated with 'ngram_separator', for example, in Google News word2vec file, ngrams are separated with a _ like New_York. These phrases are detected in text and merged as one special token. (New York is the ... => [New_York, is, the]) """ def __init__(self, vocab: Iterable[str] = [], stop_words: Iterable[str] = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS, do_lower_case: bool = False, ngram_separator: str = "_", max_ngram_length: int = 5): self.stop_words = set(stop_words) self.do_lower_case = do_lower_case self.ngram_separator = ngram_separator self.max_ngram_length = max_ngram_length self.set_vocab(vocab) def get_vocab(self): return self.vocab def set_vocab(self, vocab: Iterable[str]): self.vocab = vocab self.word2idx = collections.OrderedDict([(word, idx) for idx, word in enumerate(vocab)]) # Check for ngram in vocab self.ngram_lookup = set() self.ngram_lengths = set() for word in vocab: if self.ngram_separator is not None and self.ngram_separator in word: # Sum words might me malformed in e.g. google news word2vec, containing two or more _ after each other ngram_count = word.count(self.ngram_separator) + 1 if self.ngram_separator + self.ngram_separator not in word and ngram_count <= self.max_ngram_length: self.ngram_lookup.add(word) self.ngram_lengths.add(ngram_count) if len(vocab) > 0:"PhraseTokenizer - Phrase ngram lengths: {}".format(self.ngram_lengths))"PhraseTokenizer - Num phrases: {}".format(len(self.ngram_lookup))) def tokenize(self, text: str) -> List[int]: tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text, preserve_line=True) #phrase detection for ngram_len in sorted(self.ngram_lengths, reverse=True): idx = 0 while idx <= len(tokens) - ngram_len: ngram = self.ngram_separator.join(tokens[idx:idx + ngram_len]) if ngram in self.ngram_lookup: tokens[idx:idx + ngram_len] = [ngram] elif ngram.lower() in self.ngram_lookup: tokens[idx:idx + ngram_len] = [ngram.lower()] idx += 1 #Map tokens to idx, filter stop words tokens_filtered = [] for token in tokens: if token in self.stop_words: continue elif token in self.word2idx: tokens_filtered.append(self.word2idx[token]) continue token = token.lower() if token in self.stop_words: continue elif token in self.word2idx: tokens_filtered.append(self.word2idx[token]) continue token = token.strip(string.punctuation) if token in self.stop_words: continue elif len(token) > 0 and token in self.word2idx: tokens_filtered.append(self.word2idx[token]) continue return tokens_filtered def save(self, output_path: str): with open(os.path.join(output_path, 'phrasetokenizer_config.json'), 'w') as fOut: json.dump({'vocab': list(self.word2idx.keys()), 'stop_words': list(self.stop_words), 'do_lower_case': self.do_lower_case, 'ngram_separator': self.ngram_separator, 'max_ngram_length': self.max_ngram_length}, fOut) @staticmethod def load(input_path: str): with open(os.path.join(input_path, 'phrasetokenizer_config.json'), 'r') as fIn: config = json.load(fIn) return PhraseTokenizer(**config)